Kingsway Guide

Tips & Tricks For Kingsway for Kingsway

Tips & Tricks For Kingsway


A list of things I’ve found out myself or by others about maximizing your time in Kingsway.

Tips and Tricks

This is were all information will go, if you have anything I haven’t found myself and put here, feel free to put it in the comments. There will be few pictures (at this time, may add some in future), purely text but I will explain it well enough you should get the point.

1. Maximize your screen space, a good way of doing this is putting everything you need in easy to access incase of needing to click to fast (be it in battle or for the sake of speed). Here is a photo of my set up.

As you can see, I keep my overworld on left, my status on bottom right, a bag for potions next to it (for easy access) my main bag top right and if you pay attention you can see my char inv at the bottom of my map, not only to check my exp amount and my gold, but for easy clicking if I want to change loadouts on the fly. Everyone has their own style but finding your own is important.

2. While playing the game there is a lot to consider to help yourself, checking alot of new nodes (the yellow ?s on the map) to get random events which can help bolster your char (and also raise/lower your alignment).

3. Don’t waste money on Inns at forts and the such, it wastes the amount of time you have before the Darkness comes to you, only use if you really need it. Potions and spells are much more effective.

4. At monoliths you can do a number of things there to help yourself, you can offer any Yellow item for two stat points, 3 Yellow items and a normal item for 6 (or 8 I can’t remember) stat points, one of the blue stones and a cursed item to uncurse it, or just give it a normal blue item to give yourself a free skill point. (warning, once you give it the blue item for a skill point it will glow and lock you out of it, make sure to do the other things beforehand)

5. Houses you find on random nodes will always contain atlesat one monster, it will sometimes also have; a bed, bookcase, or chest.

6. Talking to bandits you run into will sometimes have them attempt to bribe you, if you accept you become more evil for some money.

7. Never put points into VIT for your char, it is a waste stat in all stages of the game.

8. AGI can only increase your attack speed to 110% compared to the enemy you are fighting, there is no reason to go higher unless an item requires it.

9. While your char screen is open on the bottom left is an arrow, you can click that to open it up more to see more stats for your char.

10. Make sure you spend your gems to unlock the shortcut keys and to buy Book of Skill (imo the best starting perk in game, maybe followed by Master Key). These will help you in game quite a lot.

11. Dungeons are some the of the best places to get exp/loot/stats, they are the dark green town looking nodes. Inside will always be four things you can get; a boss, a boss chest, blood alter, merchant demon. Blood alter allows you to take half of your current hp to give you one stat, you can do this (3-4) times, doing it a fifth time summons a blood skeleton that drops a few items (fight at your own risk, suggested to use a full heal potion right as he is summoned as you will most likely be at 1 or so hp). When meeting the Merchant demon do not attack him, if you do he won’t stick around for you in other dungeons, if you talk to him he will sell you mutiple items including runes.

12. Another thing you can do at monoliths is get all four different runes put em in and turn it into a Full Rune.

13. You can switch your abilities for combat from the skill menu, it’s up to you if you wish to take Attack, Block, Espace out for something else.

14. If your in a battle with mutiple enemies and you happen to lose one behind another screen, you can click their battle screen at the bottom to bring it to front again.

15. Check potion shops when you can, they sometimes sell Cresent Moon potions (+1 stat) or even Full potions.

16. To remove a curse you have to find a holy water that sometimes shows up in Dungeons.

17. Posion does not stack, it also doesn’t go away after battle, to clear it, you have to either use a Great Heal or drink an antidote.

18. Burn does not deal DoT (Damage over Time) instead it makes the affected weaker to all forms of damage.

19. Gold items sell for quite a bit of gold in shops incase you didn’t know.

20. Only put points into INT if you need to equip an item or your class needs mana often (aka Wizard).

21. STR is the go to stat, it allows for equipping stronger armor and weapons and overall higher damage.

22. Mana does not normally regen during battle, but health can if you have atleast 1 point in it.

23. Health will always regen while time is active assuming you have atleast one point in health regen. (noted by the play/stop button on the bottom right next to the time)

24. When Blocking an attack it reduces the damage of the attack via the amount of block protection you have (shown in your adv stats), aka having 67% and blocking reduces an attack by 67% rounded down.

25. You can right click in any bag (while not selecting an item) to sort the bag in different types. Helps when your bag is full of crap.

26. Right clicking on an item in a bag allows you to rename it, toss it (or more depending on your skills).

27. You can keep open a properties for a potion open and ready in the misdt of battle instead of having to find it in your bag and double clicking it.

28. When equipping an orb its damage bonus is counted towards both your min and max damage, aka a +8 damage orb gives 8-8 to your damage vaules.

29. You can escape minions a boss summons but not the boss itself. Aka when a High Cleric summons skeletons, you can run from them instead of fighting if your HP is low.

30. When using an invisable potion, you can still get into fights upon entering a node, just not while traveling from one node to another.

31. You can right click a town/fort and inspect it to see what services it will have (like a potion shop or guild).

32. When going for full evil, Demonblood class has the lowest starting Rep.

33. When going for full good, any class other then Demonblood and Beastkin as they take a hit on Rep.

34. Potion of Cure All is infact a Cure All of everything, including HP/MP. This is a good potion to keep in dire times as it clears all effects and restores HP/MP to max.

35. You have plenty of time to hit 80% of all nodes before the darkness takes over, so don’t worry if you gotta hit plenty of them for Rep or items.

36. Some enemies needed for the bestiary are only findable in certain areas, such as some bosses only findable as bosses on the minimap (gotten from travelers) or in obscure areas (like the lava lakes in hell).

37. Don’t overlook Derliect houses, if they contain bookcases they can contain spell books and pages!

38. Blocking certain attacks prevents things from happening, such as when attacked by a Revenant to prevent it from closing a screen, if you block the attack it wont happen.