This is an easy to understand 100% achievement guide with all necessary informations and explanations to all the single achievements of Titan Quest Anniversary Edition. Have fun!
Hello everybody. First of all sorry for any grammatical mistakes but english is not my native language. If you find any verbal mistakes just let me know it.
In this guide I have ordered the different achievements in different categories. To get 100% achievements the legit way in TQ:AE you need to be very patiently and invest hundreds of hours of playtime. Furthermore there are a couple of third party programs with whom you can change any of your characters stats (for example TQDefiler[tq.soulseekkor.com]). I personally refuse the use of such programs because its “cheating” in my opinion. But I would like to let you guys know of that for completeness sake.
Important update: You will have to buy all DLC’s to achieve 100% achievements. With releasing the DLC “Titan Quest: Ragnarök” the developers added 12 new DLC-related achievements and with the release of “Titan Quest: Atlantis” the developers added 8 new DLC-related achievements.
Story related Achievements
Finish the first main story quest “A troubled village” in Helos, Act 1.
Finish the second main story quest “Spartans at war” in Sparta, Act 1.
You can`t miss him. He can be found in the woods outside Megara, guarding his cave, which is under attack by some soldiers.
You can´t miss them. It is part of the main story quest “The source of the monsters” in the Pythian Caves, Act 1.
You can`t miss him. He appears right before the first Telkine. It is part of the main story quest “The Order of Prometheus” in Act 1.
It is part of the main story quest “The Blindness of the Gods” in Act 2. You have to defeat Scarabeus the Desert King who can be found in Rhakotis Library.
It is part of the main story quest “The Invocation” in Act 2. Just defeat the Pharaoh`s Honor Guard in the pyramid called The Great Sphinx.
It is part of the main story quest “The Invocation” in Act 2. Defeat Nehebkau the Scorpion King who can be found in the Temple of Atum near the Fayum Oasis.
It is part of the main story quest “A Telkine in Egypt” in Act 2. You can find him in the Tomb of Ramses.
It is part of the main story quest “The Sickle of Kronos” in Act 3. He can be found in the 4th and final level of the Temple of Marduk.
It is part of the main quest “Hunt for the Sickle” in Act 3. He is located in a cave after the Western Silk Road Portal.
You will get this achievement when you finish the (for the main quest) required side quest “Peng problems” in Act 3.
It is part of the main story quest “Journey to the Jade Palace” in Act 3.
It is part of the main story quest “Under Wusao Mountain” in Act 3. You just have to defeat Typhon on the top of the Mount Olympus.
It is part of the main story quest ” A mysterious message” in Act 4.
It is part of the main story quest “Medea`s Price” in Act 4. You have to defeat the three Grey Sisters in the temple ruins after Medea.
It is part of the main story quest “The Road to Hades” in Act 4.
It is part of the main story quest “The Battle for Elysium” in Act 4.
It is part of the main story quest “The Immortal Throne” in Act 4. You will get this achievement when you have defeated Hades – The Lord of the Dead at the end of Hades’ Underworld.
NOTE: Some players mentioned that this achievement wont pop up anymore by killing Hades since the released DLC. Maybe now you also need to finish Act 5 for this achievement which means that you have to own the DLC in order to get this achievement. Indeed I dont have any evidence on that.
Kill Achievements
Appears on Normal, Epic and Legendary. Sandqueen Masika is a big Hag and is located in the Sobek Plateu (Act 2). You can teleport to Memphis and walk through the upper right gate.
Appears ONLY on Epic and Legendary. The Boar Snatcher is a giant Spider who crawls out of a cave in the west underneath of the village Tegea (Act 1).
Appears ONLY on Epic and Legendary. Talos is a unique Automatoi Hero and is located at the entrance of the Minoan Labyrinth (Act 1). Teleport to Knossos and fight your way through to Knossos Palace.
Appears ONLY on Epic and Legendary. You encounter it in the very last room of Sandswept Cave on the east of the Fayum Desert (Act 2).
Appears ONLY on Epic and Legendary. He is encountered shortly after Chang’an, at the Shrine of Zhong Kui.
Appears ONLY on Legendary. You encounter it in the East of the Athens Marsh. You can teleport to Athen and run down to the South-West.
A usual playthrough (Act 1 – Act 4) will give you 10.000 – 15.000 kills. Just play the game with a single character 7-10 times from the very first start to the end. Another way is to use some game mods. For example XMAX. It will increase the whole numbers of monsters you will encounter (up to x9). But be carefully. If you kill your 100.000th monster with mods on, you won’t get the achievement. Using mods disabling achievements. Because of that use your mods until you reach nearly 100.000 kills (≤ 99.999), close game, restart game without mods and kill your last monsters to reach the 100.000 kills.
A usual playthrough (Act 1 – Act 4) will give you 10.000 – 15.000 kills. Using any mods will avoid the progress of your achievement. That means, that you have to kill it by regular kills/playtrough.
Abilities Achievements (Part 1)
It is not that hard. You can do this with several skills of different masteries. The most obvious one is as a hunter and his bow. You need at least 18 skill points (= Level 7 character). Put 16 skill points into the hunting masterie (the bar on the left side that scales from 0 to 32). Then put one point into the skill “Marksmanship” and at least one point into “Puncture Shot Arrows”. Then just spam your skills on large groups of enemies. Thats it.
I personally have done this achievement as a storm character. You then need only 12 skill points. Put 10 skill points into the bar on the left into the storm masterie, 1 point into the skill “Ice Shard” and 1 point into “Velocity”. Now spam your Ice Shards in enemy groups and wait until the achievement pops.
Mastery needed: Hunting
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 2 / 3 skill points
Method: Put at least one skill point into the hunting mastery (Skill bar on the left) and two skill points into “Ensnare”. Level 2 “Ensnare” ensnares an enemy for about 4 seconds. The cooldown of your skill is only 3 seconds. So just spam Ensnare on one enemy and keep your skill always on cooldown until the achievement is unlocked.
Mastery needed: Defense
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 12 / 33 skill points
Method: Invest 32 skill points into the defense mastery (left bar) and at least 1 skill point into the skill “Colossus Form”. Now go to Polyphemus, damage him so that he is low on hitpoints, activate “Colossus Form” and finish him. He can be found in the woods outside Megara, guarding his cave, which is under attack by some soldiers.
Mastery needed: Nature
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 12 / 33 skill points
Method: Invest at least 16 skill points into the nature mastery (left bar), 16 skill points into the skill “Call of the Wild” and 1 skill point into “Sylvan Nymph”. You will realize then that you can only summon two wolves and a nymph because your skill level of “Call of the Wild” has to be 18. There are now two ways. First way is to equip items which increases your skill levels. Second and much easier way is to find a mastery shrine. Mastery shrines increases your skill levels by +4. After you activate the shrine resummon your wolves and your nymph.
Mastery needed: Spirit
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 17 / 48 skill points
Method: Invest 32 skill points into the spirit mastery (left bar), 16 skill points into the skill “Summon Outsider”. Now find a mastery shrine and summon your level 20 Outsider. Otherwise equip items which gaining you +4 to all skills.
Mastery needed: Dream
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 7 / 18 skill points
Method: Invest at least 10 skill points into the dream mastery (left bar), 1 skill point into “Phantom Strike” and 7 skill points into “Dream Stealer”. Now find a group of at least six enemies and cast your skill.
Mastery needed: Dream
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 4 / 9 skill points
Method: Invest at least 1 skill point into the dream mastery (left bar) and 8 skill points into “Sands of Sleep”. Level 8 “Sands of Sleep” affecting up to 5 targets and let them sleep between 5.6 ~ 9.6 seconds. The cooldown of this skill is always 4 seconds. As you can see it is impossible to get 12 enemies sleeping simultaneously. You need items or a shrine of mastery which grants you +4 to all of your skills. A level 12 “Sands of Sleep” will affects up to 7 targets and let them sleep between 6.4 ~ 12.8 seconds. Just run in 12 or more enemies, let them chase you, activate a shrine of mastery, cast “Sands of Sleep” as often as possible until the achievement pops up.
Mastery needed: Spirit
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 11 / 28 skill points
Method: Invest at least 16 skill points into the spirit mastery (left bar) and 12 skill points into “Enslave Spirit”. Level 12 “Enslave Spirit” has a cooldown of 81 seconds and will mind control 1 enemy for about 69.0 ~ 92.0 seconds. Level 16 “Enslave Spirit” (+4 to skills is the cap) has a cooldown of 45 seconds and will mind control 1 enemy for about 81.0 ~ 108.0 seconds. So even with a level 16 “Enslave Spirit” skill you need items which grants you at least a -60% recharge time down.
A much more “easier” way is to farm or trade the legendary items “Aphrodite’s Favor” and “Orpheus’ Garland”. Equip them, run in big hordes of enemies, wait until the achievement pops.
Mastery needed: Nature, Defense
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 2 / 2 skill points
Method: Invest at least 1 skill point into nature mastery (left bar) and 1 skill point into the skill “Regrowth”. Join multiplayer games and cast it permanently on other players. NOTE: Like the achievement tells you to heal “players” it won’t count towards your achievement progress when you heal your’s or other players pets/traps.
The skill “Rally” from the defense mastery also works with this achievement.
Certainly auras which grants +x Life regeneration doesn’t count as healing (for example “Trance of Convalescence” of the dream mastery).
Mastery needed: Nature
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 5 / 12 skill points
Method: Invest at least 4 skill points into the nature mastery (left bar) and 8 skill points into the skill “Plague”. Find a large group of enemies (easier on multiplayer) and cast your skill “Plague” until your achievement pops up.
Abilities Achievements (Part 2)
Mastery needed: Rogue
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 5 / 12 skill points
Method: Invest at least 4 skill points into the rogue mastery (left bar) and 8 skill points into “Flash Powder”. At level 8 “Flash Powder” you have a chance of 65% to confuse enemies in a radius of 8 meters around you for about 3.0 ~ 8.0 seconds. Run in large groups of (melee attacking) enemies and cast your “Flash Powder”. Do this until you got the achievement.
Mastery needed: Earth
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 10 / 26 skill points
Method: Invest at least 24 skill points into the earth mastery (left bar), 1 skill point into “Stone Form” and 1 skill point into “Molten Rock”. Now seriously damage 10 enemies and let them chase you. Best way is to hit satyrs around Helos with any ranged weapon. Run and shoot, run and shoot and run and shoot until you have 10 enemies chasing you with very low health. Now cast your spell “Stone Form” watch them dying.
Mastery needed: Storm
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 5 / 10 skill points
Method: Invest at least 4 skill points into the storm mastery (left bar) and 6 skill points into “Spell Breaker”. For this achievement you also need some good damage items too. I have played as a Storm + Warfare character. You need a good equip to increase your damage and you need to encounter an enemy with high mana points (like the undead mages in act 2). Now cast “Spell Breaker” on the enemy and enjoy your next achievement.
Mastery needed: Warfare
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 8 / 20 skill points
Method: Invest at least 10 skill points into the warfare mastery (left bar) and 10 skill points into “Battle Standard”. A level 10 “Battle Standard” will last for 36 seconds. Your cooldown is always 60 seconds on that skill. So you just have to equip items which grant you around -50% recharge time.
Another way is to choose nature mastery as second mastery and bring the skill “Refresh” on at least level 6. Now cast “Battle Standard”, immediately cast “Refresh” and instantly cast “Battle Standard” again when the cooldown is gone. This way requires more skill points and a higher level than with the right equip.
Mastery needed: Defense
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 3 / 5 skill points
Method: Invest at least 4 skill points into the defense mastery (left bar) and 1 skill point into the skill “Rally”. “Rally” buffs you and everybody around you within 10 meters radius. Get three guys standing around you and cast “Rally”.
Mastery needed: Defense
Minimum Level/Skill points: Level 4 / 9 skill points
Method: Invest at least 1 skill point into the defense mastery (left bar) and 8 skill points into the skill “Concussive Blow”. At level 8 of “Concussive Blow” you have a 5% chance to stun an enemy for 4.5 seconds and your stun duration is increased by +73%. This means that you can stun an enemy for 7.785 seconds. Equip “+x to all skills” items or just find a shrine of mastery (+4 to all skills) and hit enemies while wielding a club type weapon. At level 12 “Concussive Blow” (cap) you have a 5% chance to stun an enemy for 6.5 seconds and your stun duration is increased by +130%. So you are able to stun enemies for about 14.95 seconds.
For this achievement you have to fully skill/equip everything with “+ x% physical damage” or “+ x damage”. Best mastery combo is rogue and warfare. Indispensable skills are “Lethal Strike”, “Calculated Strike”, “Lucky Hit”, “Disarm Traps”, “Weapon Training”, “Onslaught”, “Hew”, “Battle Rage” and “Battle Standard”. Now teleport to Knossos in Act 1 and fight your way through to Knossos Palace. Attack all the Automatois and hope for a nice critical hit. There you go.
Crafting Achievements
Relics are items that can enhance your equipment with additional effects. Matching pieces can be combined by right clicking, whether in inventory or already applied to a piece of equipment. Relics come in three pieces; each additional piece will enhance its effect. Upon completion, a random bonus will also be applied to the Relic in question.
NOTE: Epic (blue) and Legendary (purple) items cannot be enchanted.
For this achievement just apply a (full) relic to a piece of your equipment and talk to an enchanter. Enchanter are the NPC’s with the yellow thunderbolt over his head. You can find them in every bigger village/city. Give him your enchanted item and retrieve your relic from this item.
NOTE: Your item will get destroyed if you do this!
Just combine three matching relic pieces to a complete relic. Do this 50 times.
NOTE: When you play on a multiplayer server every assembled relic while you are playing on this server will count to your achievement even if an other player will assemble it (TQ Anniversary v1.31). Maybe this will get fixed in the future.
Charms are items that can enhance your equipment with additional effects. Matching pieces can be combined by right clicking, whether in inventory or already applied to a piece of equipment. Charms come in five pieces. Combine five matching pieces to a complete charm. Do this 50 times.
NOTE: When you play on a multiplayer server every completed charm while you are playing on this server will count to your achievement even if an other player will complete it (TQ Anniversary v1.31). Maybe this will get fixed in the future.
Artefacts are special items that are placed in a special new slot on your character. They grant special bonuses to your character on top of the ones already granted by your previous equipment. You can create one if you find an Enchanter you can ask him to make you one. You will need a recipe (Arcane Formula) though. With the Arcane Formula, the correct amount of money and the reagents, the Enchanter will create the Artifact for you. Arcane Formulas for lesser artefacts are dropping on Normal, Epic and Legendary.
For example:
You will need a recipe (Arcane Formula) though. With the Arcane Formula, the correct amount of money and the reagents, the Enchanter will create the Artifact for you. Arcane Formulas for greater artefacts are dropping on Normal, Epic and Legendary.
For example:
You will need a recipe (Arcane Formula) though. With the Arcane Formula, the correct amount of money and the reagents, the Enchanter will create the Artifact for you. Arcane Formulas for divine artefacts are dropping ONLY on Epic or Legendary.
For example:
Difficulty Achievements
When you finish Normal playthrough (by killing Hades) your Epic difficulty gets unlocked and if you finisch Epic mode Legendary difficulty gets unlocked. Thats the reason why all the “Beating Legendary difficulty as a X character” will take you a long time. Even if you are going for a speedrun you will need several hours to finish your playthrough. One good thing at least is that when you finish Legendary difficulty with your character who is using two masteries, you will get the achievement for both of your masteries.
You can also boost these achievements with a friend of yours if he has already finished Legendary and can put portals for you.
Play patiently and carefully and it shouldn’t be that hard.
NOTE: Joining a multiplayer server and killing Hades on this server will always unlock the achievement “Finish X difficulty with zero deaths” even if you died in this gamesession (TQ Anniversary v1.31). This will be probably fixed in the future. Doesn’t work if you are the host though.
Play patiently and carefully and it shouldn’t be that hard. Also read the note of the achievement “Hardcore Player”.
Play patiently and carefully and it shouldn’t be that hard. Also read the note of the achievement “Hardcore Player”.
After your character reached level 8 you can select a second mastery. For this achievement just ignore this. Don’t select any other mastery and finish Normal.
It is a little bit missleading. You have to read it like this: Finish Normal with less than 100 monsters killed by yourself with normal LeftMouseButton attacks or any skills. This means that you have to select masteries which let you summoning pets (Spirit, Earth, Nature etc.). Only the pets are allowed to kill enemies. Trap kills (like in Rogue) are also fine. Playing multiplayer making things much easier.
NOTE: Joining a multiplayer server and killing Hades on this server will always unlock this achievement even if you have killed more than 100 monsters in this gamesession or in total (TQ Anniversary v1.31). This will be probably fixed in the future. Doesn’t work if you are the host though.
For this achievement it is necessarily to put the game speed up to “Very Fast” (Options -> General -> Game Speed -> Very Fast). Now just always rush and do only the main quests. Dont do any sidequest and dont discover anything that you don’t have to. Even than it is very hard to achieve this in under 20 hours.
NOTE: Joining a multiplayer server on legendary difficulty and killing Hades on this server will unlock this achievement even if you have played more than 20 hours with this character (TQ Anniversary v1.31). This will be probably fixed in the future. Doesn’t work if you are the host though.
Remaining Achievements
Host a multiplayer game and check the button “Auto-Party” when you are selecting your server options. Otherwise press ingame “P” (default button), select a player and invite him to your party.
After you started with a new character run to Helos and buy a bow. Now only attack monsters carrying melee weapons. DON’T attack any raves, boars or satyrs with bows. Do this until you reached level 2.
You can also do this in multiplayer and always stand behind the other players and let them kill everything.
This is a side quest in Act 4. To finish this quest and getting the achievement you need to find four different stones which are dropping from different Boss monsters in Act 4.
1. Stone (Frost Stone):
The Frost Stone is dropped by “Thyia of the Stygian Frosts” in the Daemon Camp.
2. Stone (Venom Stone):
The Venom Stone is dropped by “Canace the Serpent Queen” in the Fourth Domain of Tower of Judgment.
3. Stone (Flame Stone):
The Flame Stone is dropped by “Metriche” in the Fields of the Diadochi on the Philos Plateau.
4. Stone (Soul Stone):
The Soul Stone is dropped by “The Night’s Mistress” in Polis Daemonai in front of the Royal Chambers.
Last Step:
Now enter Hades’ Treasury, talk with the NPC, put all the stones on the shrines and enjoy looting Hades’ Treasure.
Shadowmaw is an Elite-Boss NPC that can be found in the “Natural Cave”. Please note that Shadowmaws spawnrate isn’t 100%! The Natural Cave can be found right after entering “Phocian Swamps”. When you reach the swamps keep to the left side and find a trail going up a hill. There is the cave with a bunch of demons. Shadow Maw is in the last room. But be warned: He is very hard to kill! Especially when you realize that you have to kill him on Normal and before leaving Greece. Good luck everyone!
1. Phoniac Swamps
First of all reach the Phoniac Swamps right before the city Delphi.
2. Phoniac Swamps
Hold on to the left side and find a trail going up a hill, where you can find the entrance of the “Natural Cave”. In the last room of this cave you find “Shadow Maw”.
3. Shadow Maw
There you can see the Boss NPC while I fought him. 🙂
Trade or farm a set and equip this.
There is also a very easy way to get this. Your character has to be at least level 30 though. When you are ingame press “ESC” and click on “Unlock Content”. Now type in the code “274267” and press OK. Now there are dropping 5 items around your character. It is the Shinobi Shozoku set. The other three codes are “925678”, “437626”, “373624” (more codes doesn’t exist).
For Level 75 you need a total of 148.341.280 EXP! Playing on legendary difficulty you will earn much more experience from all the monsters + quests.
UPDATE: Since the 17th November 2017 (release date of the DLC Ragnarök) you will need to reach level 80 for this achievement even though the achievement description says level 75. Maybe they will fix the description in the future.
Secret Achievements
You have to open the sarcophaguses in Act 2 in different playthroughs with different characters. When you open them and the green poison cloud comes out stay in that cloud. So dont run away too fast. Stay there and take damage. Do this with different characters and different playthroughs (For me personally it popped up when I was in Act 2 with my third character and I have opened the first sarcophagus with this character).
In Act 4 you will find soul cages. They are appearing for the first time in the Stygian Marsh. Open them and free the shades inside them. Free 50 of them and you will get the achievement.
In Act 4 you will find soul cages. They are appearing for the first time in the Stygian Marsh. Open them and free the shades inside them. Free 500 of them and you will get the achievement.
The Secret Passage can be found in Act 4 right after the City of Rhodes at Coastal Asomata. To open the gate for entering the passage you need an item. The item is called “The Overlord”. Only Hades has a chance of dropping you this item. In 10 Hades runs I got it 2 times.
The item/weapon “Adamantine Sickle of Kronos” is dropped by the third Telkine in Act 3.
“Ragnarok” DLC Achievements (Part 1)
It is story related. When you reach the “Port of Kenchreai” you will find a NPC called “Dorieus ~ Trade Ship Captain”. He will ask you, if you want to travel to the North. Click “Yes” and the achievement will pop up right after arriving at the North.
It is story related. It is part of the main story quest “The Power of Nerthus”. You have to kill 4 NPCs to retrieve the quest item “Mistletoe of Nerthus”. As soon as you pick up the quest item the achievement will pop up. I will show you where you find them all.
- Enter the cave “Nerthus Sanctuary” at the end of Suebi Lakelands.
- Kill the “Ancient of the Sky” at the Altar of Nerthus.
- Kill the “Ancient of the Lake” at the Island of Nerthus.
- Kill the “Ancient of the Wild” at the Glade of Nerthus.
- Kill the “Ancient of the Soil” at the Inner Sanctum.
- Pick up the item “Mistletoe of Nerthus” from the Altar to Nerthus at the Inner Sanctum.
It is story related. When you arrive at “The Village of Kaupangr”, always move to the North through the Ancestral Lands until you reach the Southern Gate area. There you will find an Ancient Mechanism. Leftclick on it and it will spawn a group of emenies. After killing all the enemies the achievement will pop up and the ancient gate is open.
It is story related. Just before completing the main quest “The Rescue” you will have to fight three boss NPC’s. Wodan ~ Allfather of the Aesir, Freyja ~ Aesir Goddess and Baldr ~ God of Beauty. After defeating all three the achievement will pop up. You encounter them in Valhöll.
It is story related. At the end of Act 5 you will encounter “Surtr ~ Lord of Muspelheim”. After defeating him the achievement will pop up. You will find him at the very end of the Eldr Fields.
BUGGED ACHIEVEMENT (v. 1.48) Achievement got fixed with patch 1.54 from 8th February 2018. In order to get the possibilty to improve an epic or legendary weapon you have to complete a sidequest called “Legendary Craftsmanship”.
- “Durin ~ Dvergr Master Smith” will let you start the quest. He can be found in the Master Forge Chamber inside of the “Halls of the Dvergr”.
- First Durin wants you to bring him some “Mead of Valhöll”. “Heidrun ~ The Goat” will drop you the required item. Heidrun can be found in “Valhöll”.
- As a second Durin wants you to bring him some “Mead of Poetry”. A fountain located in “Hnitbjorg” will drop Mead of Poetry by leftclicking on it.
- Finally Durin wants you to bring him “Blacksteel Ingot”. It can be found inside a chest located in “Land’s End – Second Floor”.
- When you have all gathered and brought to Durin, you can talk again to him and he will improve any epic or legendary item you are giving him. But choose wise! Only one item per playthrough can be improved.
Important Note: You can only improve ONCE per playthrough.
Buying the new DLC will grant you the new and tenth character class “Runes”.
Having a character that is at least level 10 and has skilled a secondary mastery, both character classes will count towards the achievement. As a result, it is enough to have 5 characters on level 10 with two different character classes.
An easy way to get this achievement (even for brand new players) is done this way:
- Create a new character and put a tick in “Accomplished Hero”.
- Click OK.
- You will start now as a level 40 character in “Act 5 – The North” with 124 unused skill points and 84 available attribute points. Now select two different masteries.
- Repeat steps 1. – 3. nine more times and enjoy your achievement.
[Secret Achievement] Teleport to “Heuneburg” (second portal in Act V) and not far after Heuneburg at Swabian Jura you can find the entrance of the Salt Mines. At the end of the salt mines you will encounter the boss “Vengeful Ghost”. After you have killed him he will drop a quest item called “Ornate Seal Ring”. Bring this ring to “Elise ~ Wealthy Citizen” in Heuneburg.
“Ragnarok” DLC Achievements (Part 2)
BUGGED ACHIEVEMENT (patch 1.54) At the moment I and many other players have tried nearly everything to get this achievement but none got it.
One developer posted the following comment on the steam discussion forum:
Even by trying this method the achievement is still locked. Here is the proof:
I have also tried nearly everything but it won’t pop up. I’m 99% sure that this achievement is still bugged and we have to wait for a fix.
FIXED (patch 1.56)
@David: Works perfectly with Storm class and the skill Freezing Blast.
[Secret Achievement] It can be done in every difficulty. Don’t get confused because my scroll requires “Legendary Lupine Claws”.
- Talk with “Laidulf ~ Worker” outside of Scandia and recieve the quest called “Giesel”.
- Now go to “Kaupangr” and do not find Giesel the sheep! In Kaupangr talk with “Bjarni ~ Trapper” and finish the quest “The Craftsman’s Passion” to recieve a recipe called “Lupine Necklace Design”.
- After crafting the recipe and recieving the (quest-)item “Lupine Necklace” teleport back to Scandia and talk again with “Laidulf ~ Worker”. Voilà, achievement pops up.
RheingoldFind Andvari’s lost treasure
- Teleport to “Glauberg” and walk to the north until you reach the rebirth fountain in “Externsteine”.
- Enter “Fafnir’s Cave” and kill “Fafnir ~ Transformed Dvergr”. After you defeated him the achievement will pop up.
NOTE: Fafnir only appears on Legendary difficulty.
Wodan’s KnowledgeBeat Legendary difficulty as a Rune Mastery characterJust finish the game by killing “Surtr ~ Lord of Muspelheim” in Act 5 with a character that has selected Rune Mastery. It doesn’t matter if it is the primary or secondary Mastery.
- Teleport to “Glauberg” and walk to the north until you reach the rebirth fountain in “Externsteine”.
“Atlantis” DLC Achievements
Teleport to “Gadir” or travel with the boat from the beach outside Rhodes by talking with the NPC “Marinos ~ Intrepid Explorer”. Leave the City Gadir through the North Gate leading to the “Gadir Outskirts”. Now just follow the path until you will enter the area “Gadir Necropolis”. At the very end of this area you will find a tomb entrance. Inside this tomb is the sarcophagus of King Arganthonios. Clicking on the sarcophagus will spawn the NPC “King Arganthonios ~ Undead”. Defeat him and the achievement is yours.
Teleport to “Gaulos Portal”. Then follow the path into the North. At the end of the area “Coral Temples” you will find the entrance to the Catacombs. Inside the catacombs at the very end there is the NPC “The Ancient One ~ Insectoid”. Defeat him and the achievement is yours.
Teleport to “Atlas Mountains Portal”. Right above the portal in the north is a Cave Entrance. Inside it you will find a Mysterious Portal. Go through it and you will appear in the area “Garden of Hesperides”. At very end of this area in the North-East you will find the NPC “Ladon ~ Magical”. Defeat him and the achievement is yours.
Teleport to “Inner Atlantis Portal”. Move forward up the North until you reach the entrance to the “Temple of Poseidon”. Inside the Temple of Poseidon you will find the NPC “Tiamat ~ Deity”. Defeat him and the achievement is yours.
After defeating “Tiamat ~ Deity” move on and leave the Temple of Poseidon. After exiting the Temple of Poseidon you reach the area “Atlantis Ascent”. At very end of this area you will find the NPC “Lyktos ~ Telkine”. Defeat him and the achievement is yours.
Teleport to “Gadir” or travel with the boat from the beach outside Rhodes by talking with the NPC “Marinos ~ Intrepid Explorer”. Right next to the portal and ship you will find the “Tartarus Portal”. Its the new endgame dungeon with endless mode. After beating all waves including the boss NPC on Normal difficulty the achievement pops up.
Teleport to “Gadir” or travel with the boat from the beach outside Rhodes by talking with the NPC “Marinos ~ Intrepid Explorer”. Right next to the portal and ship you will find the “Tartarus Portal”. Its the new endgame dungeon with endless mode. After beating all waves including the boss NPC on Epic difficulty the achievement pops up.
Teleport to “Gadir” or travel with the boat from the beach outside Rhodes by talking with the NPC “Marinos ~ Intrepid Explorer”. Right next to the portal and ship you will find the “Tartarus Portal”. Its the new endgame dungeon with endless mode. After beating all waves including the boss NPC on Legendary difficulty the achievement pops up.
Closing Remarks
Hopefully I could have helped you all. If you find any mistakes just message me or write it in the comments. Any constructive criticism is desirable.
If you liked my (first) guide pls rate and favorite it.
Thank you!
Now have fun with this great game. Salvete!