This guide will present you the purchasable outfits for Single Player Adventure and also a list of single player weapons and their mods and upgrades.There are 7 outfits available in Single Player for Lara.
Single Player Outfits
- Default Skin
_____________________________________________________________________________ - Mountaineer Skin
- Demolition Skin
- Sure-Shot Skin
- Aviatrix Skin
- Guerilla Skin
- Hunter Skin
*All outfits except the Default one are available in the Steam Store for 0.59€ each.
*The Outfits are available at any base camp at “Gear” Section(You need to have at least one bought outfit in order to have “Outfits” at base camp in Gear Section).
Weapons and Mods
- Bow
- Bow Upgrades
_____________________________________________________________________________ - Magnum Handgun
- Magnum Handgun Upgrades
- Rifle
- Rifle Upgrades
_____________________________________________________________________________ - Shotgun
- Shotgun upgrades
_____________________________________________________________________________ - Climbing Axe
- Climbing Axe Upgrades
Try to scavange everything you see(dead corpses,hunted animals,treasures etc) to gather more metal and do all upgrades for every weapon in order to unlock “The Professional” Achievement on Steam.