Total War: WARHAMMER Guide

Total War: Warhammer - Victory, Chapter, Bonus Objectives of The Dwarfs for Total War: WARHAMMER

Total War: Warhammer – Victory, Chapter, Bonus Objectives of The Dwarfs


Here’s how to complete the victory, chapter and bonus objectives that appear during the main campaign.


During the main campaign of “Total War: Warhammer,” you will be issued two different objectives: Victory conditions and chapter objectives. The former deals with the requirements needed to win the game. The latter are short-term objectives that should help you achieve the victory conditions. You can always check the status of these goals in the Objectives Panel on the campaign user interface.

Short Campaign Victory

* Ensure that the total severity of grudges in the Great Book of Grudges is no greater than 9. * Unite the following Dwarfholds either by direct ownership or through vassals and military allies:

Karaz-A-Karak, Barak Varr, Varenka Hills, Dringorackaz, Kradtommen, Misty Mountain, Karak Azul, Spitepeak, Karak Hirn, Mighdal Vongalbarak, Karak Izor, Karak Kadrin, Karak Norn, Grimhold, Karak Ziflin, Blackstone Post, Karag Dromar, Oakenhammer, Zhufbar

* Destroy the following faction(s):


* Ensure that any military presence belonging to the following factions exists only in the Chaos Wastes region:

Warriors of Chaos, Warherd of Chaos

* Ensure that Archaon the Everchosen is in a wounded state.

Archaon the Everchosen

Long Campaign Victory

* Ensure that there are no active grudges remaining in the Great Book of Grudges. * Unite the following Dwarfholds either by direct ownership or through vassals and military allies:

Karaz-A-Karak, Barak Varr, Varenka Hills, Dringorackaz, Kradtommen, Misty Mountain, Karak Azul, Spitepeak, Karak Hirn, Mighdal Vongalbarak, Karak Izor, Karak Kadrin, Karak Norn, Grimhold, Karak Ziflin, Blackstone Post, Kraka Drak, Khazid Bordkarag, Sjoktraken, Karag Dromar, Oakenhammer, Zhufbar

* Reclaim the following fallen Dwarfholds either by direct ownership or through vassals and military allies:

Karak Ungor, Mount Gunbad, Black Crag, Ekrund, Karak Eight Peaks, Karak Azgal, Galbaraz

* Destroy the following faction(s):


* Ensure that any military presence belonging to the following factions exists only in the Chaos Wastes region:

Warriors of Chaos, Warherd of Chaos

* Ensure that Archaon the Everchosen is in a wounded state.

Archaon the Everchosen

Chapter I: The Reckoning Begins

The Reckoning Begins

* Occupy, loot, raze or sack 3 different settlements. The Karaz Ankor has fallen into decline, assaulted by fell enemies above and below the ground… but no more! Everpeak has stirred, the High King demands that the Dwarf realm be brought back to its former glory. Let the task begin in earnest!

Reward: 2000 gold

Balance the Books

* At the end of your turn, have an income of at least 2,500 gold. Any Dwarfhold worth its foundations must be able to fill its vaults with gold. Debt is for the beardless!

Reward: 1000 gold

A Grim Sort

* Recruit the following Hero: Thane. The throngs need leading – go forth into the deeps and find a Thane of Royal blood. Find a grim sort to lead the Clansdwarfs to war!

Reward: 1000 gold

The Restoration

* Ensure that the following building has been constructed:

Mustering Hall

During the Golden Age, many wonders of the Old World were Dwarf-built and hidden under the mountains. Let the Dwarfs bring about such an age again.

Reward: 1000 gold

The Ledger is Full

* Complete 3 of the following:


The Dwarfs do not forgive or forget very easily, but it is time to strike some grudges from the Dammaz Kron, if only to make room for more.

Reward: 1000 gold

Grumbling in the Engineers’ Guild

* Research 4 technologies. Some of the younger generation of Dwarf Engineers are beginning to research and ‘innovate’. This doesn’t sit well with the traditionalists in the Engineers’ Guild, but the High King needs such inquisitive minds in the wars ahead.

Reward: 1000 gold

Chapter II: For the Ancestors

For the Ancestors

* Occupy, loot, raze or sack 5 different settlements. With the Time of Woes a distant memory, the Dwarfs should look to the future and the restoration of the Karaz Ankor. The more territory around and even beyond their traditional mountain homes the Dwarfs can claim, the more the Ancestors will be pleased.

Reward: 4000 gold

Uproar in the Engineers’ Guild

* Research 6 technologies With the High King’s tacit permission, the innovators faction within the Engineers’ Guild are starting to actually invent things! The traditionalists are in uproar, but the Age of Reckoning will be won in part with new methods, not stagnation!

Reward: 1000 gold

Light the Sacred Forges

* Recruit the following Hero: Runesmith. A sad indictment of the Karaz Ankor is that many a Dwarfhold’s Sacred Forge remains unlit, the holy fires burning low or extinguished altogether. It is time they grew bright once more, with a Runesmith hammering at the hearth.

Reward: 1000 gold

Dwarfhold to Greathold

* Ensure that the following buildings has been constructed:

Foundry, Hangar

There is no definitive rule that marks out the Greatholds from the Dwarfholds. It could be argued that it’s the Clansfolk that inhabit the Holds, or the great monuments and halls. Whatever the definition, more Greatholds can only make the Karaz Ankor grow in power.

Reward: 1000 gold


* Complete 8 of the following:


Each grudge against the Dwarfs is a link in a chain that weighs all of Dwarfkind down. Belegar and his kin must break those chains, and set Dwarfen-folk free!

Reward: 1000 gold

Storied Warrior

* Complete 1 quest chain(s). Dwarfs put great stock in the telling of tales, be they sung or recounted in verse. Our Lords need to become like warriors of myth by forging their own legends. For in doing so the Dwarf folk will follow them into the End Times and beyond!

Reward: 1000 gold

Chapter III: One Dwarfhold at a Time

One Dwarfhold At a Time

* Occupy, loot, raze or sack 10 different settlements. There must be more Dwarf expeditions deployed – let them take the regions in the High King’s name, and wipe out many grudges regarding those who stand against the Dwarf race. In this way the Karaz Ankor will be returned to its rightful glory!

Reward: 6000 gold

Out with Tradition

* Research 10 technologies Even the traditionalists of the Engineers’ Guild have been won over by this new outlook of improving and iterating on the concepts of the older generations. Continue the engineering renaissance!

Reward: 1000 gold

A Mighty Throng

* Maintain 45 units in total. Nothing fills Dwarfish hearts than seeing brave, bearded warriors with axes in hand, march out to war. A mighty throng is an army than any foe will dread to face!

Reward: 1000 gold

For Everpeak

* Ensure that the following buildings has been constructed:

Engineers’ Guild Hall

Karaz-a-Karak is the greatest Hold and capital of the Karaz Ankor and seat of the High King since the time before time. Could another Dwarfhold one day rival Everpeak itself? Doubtful.

Reward: 1000 gold


* Complete 15 of the following:


As long as the Dammaz Kron is filled with the wrongs done to them, the Dwarfs can never put down their axes. The High King cannot rest as long as there are grudges outstanding.

Reward: 1000 gold

Every Dwarf Matters

* Defeat 3 armies or garrisons, achieving a Heroic Victory(s). To Valaya’s sorrow, the Dwarf race is one in decline, the older folk outnumber the younger beardlings by some margin. So each Dwarf death is a blow to the High King. He must win his batles but do so convincingly, by slaying the foe and keeping his kin alive!

Reward: 1000 gold

Chapter IV: Grudgebearer’s Oath

Grudgebearer’s Oath

* Occupy, loot, raze or sack 14 different settlements. The Karaz Ankor will be great again, for Thorgrim has sworn it and the High King never reneges on an oath. Every Dwarf worth his beard bears the same bond. There are still regions outside of Dwarfen control, they must be broguht under Karaz-a-Karak’s dominion as soon as possible.

Reward: 8000 gold

The Throngs of Old

* Maintain 60 units in total. In the Golden Age, Dwarf throngs comprising thousands of beards would regularly march between Holds, scattering Beastmen and Greenskins alike. While such a sight is much rarer these days, it is surely one to make even the most obstinate Rik proud.

Reward: 1000 gold

The High King’s Assets

* Ensure that the following building has been constructed:

Karaz-a-Karak (Great Hold)

The Dwarfholds are all independent kingdoms that pay tribute to the High King, even if they do not always directly obey. Should our Lord directly influence a great or unique institution then his reign will be all the more effective.

Reward: 1000 gold

A House of Clan Lords

* Reach rank 20 with 1 Lord character(s). The Royal Dwarf Clans are full of gifted Thanes and Riks, ready to take control of the High King’s throngs. Such Lords must be empowered so they are ready to loead, even as the urks approach their doors.

Reward: 1000 gold

Forge of Heroes

* Reach rank 20 with 1 Hero(es). The Age of Reckoning is upong the Dwarfs, and many heroes will be forged, their sagas to be sung in drinking halls for the rest of time. Such heroes should be found and raised to greatness, for they can only aid the cause.

Reward: 1000 gold


* Research 50 technologies. Despite claims from the Empire and the stubborness of the traditionalists, Dwarfs are the most technically-able race. A High King who does not furnish its greatest minds and inventors to leverage such gifts is as ignoratn as nobles from other races.

Reward: 1000 gold

Chapter V: A Second Golden Age

A Second Golden Age

* Occupy, loot, raze or sack 18 different settlements. Not since Valaya and Grungni strode the mountains have the Dawi been in such a position. A few more realms taken will see the Karaz Ankor as its rightful stature – an empire ruled from Everpeak by a High King whose reign is as enduring as the mountains themselves. One last push, brave Dawi, one final push …

Reward: 10000 gold

A Throng of Legend

* Maintain 100 units in total. Not since the War of the Beard… since when the Ancestor Gods walked among the mountain folk… has an army as grand marched forth. The Age of Reckoning is now, the Dammaz Kron wiped clean!

Reward: 1000 gold

Highest King

* Ensure that the following building has been constructed:

Brightstone Mine, Throne Hall of the High King, Great Slayer of Karak Kadrin

As victory for good or not draws close, the High King’s influence should be as unyielding as Dwarfen steel. Owning powerful institutions and Guilds, instead of the Clans, gives Thorgrim an edge that will keep all grumblers in line.

Reward: 1000 gold

The War of Vengeance

* Reach rank 20 with 3 Lord character(s). The final battle is upon the Dwarfs – the great war of vengeance that will see all other races bow before their might. But the High King cannot do this alone, he must ensure his closes allies are at their most powerful.

Reward: 1000 gold

Time of Heroes

* Reach rank 20 with 3 Hero(es). It is a time of heroes, an age not seen since Grimnir led great warriors in battle. Grudgebearer must bring about such an era, or make his kin believe it is so. The High King should empower such heroes – raise them to greatness!

Reward: 1000 gold

An Age of Invention

* Research 70 technologies. The Age of Reckoning is now. The High King needs every tool to bring the Karaz Ankor to beyond its former glory. This includes technologies ancient and new; sweep the traditions of stagnation away, bring innovation to its zenith!

Reward: 1000 gold

Notes and Observations

The Dwarfs are slow and so are their victory conditions and chapter objectives. It doesn’t help that many of the provinces have cities and towns spread far distances across often inhospitable terrain. You’ll also have to engage in a bit of diplomacy to reach isolated kingdoms without fear of trespassing penalties as trade is an important part of the economy.

Technology is a bit of a sludge too. Multiple chapters feature bonus objectives that have Dwarf lords plod through an obnoxiously huge tech tree. Role-playing the “stunties” requires a lot of patience.

A good thing about the Dwarfs is that you can influence the creation of grudges. During my playthrough, grudges are oft created by rebel Greenskins and raiding Chaos hordes. You can rely on these to quickly accrue and scratch off any grudges for the book.

Heroes leave a bit to be desired as well. Unlike the Empire, Thanes, Runelords and Master Engineers seem better suited to frontline combat rather than broad campaign strategy. Leveling them up to achieve some of the late-game bonus objectives may require even more patience and hand-holding.