Good who plays should know that the more people have a greater chance of having server items, however often the game programming in their mathematics offers an unfair part is here enters the afks.
How to Avoid then ?
In this game the AFK are those who enter a server to get items, knowing that they come into servers will have greater chance of having items.
take the items and leaves the server,
What is the real problem then ?
R: The afks can decrease the chances of you have your items Because they increase the chances of the server so that in entered by ultimate in accumulative issue, so if he already had a chance and entered the server the item will be for him,
How to Avoid: You just can not go at the level he wants, Kick it (not really recommended because you can be confused with the item, more is always good to check) or just leave the server as only invitation.
Sorry this is my first guide i hope you enjoy.
My English is not very good.