Fallout: New Vegas Guide

Tüm silahlar rehberi #1 for Fallout: New Vegas

Tüm silahlar rehberi #1


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Atış başına hasar – Hasar: Bu bilgi doğrudan G.E.C.K. ve tek bir fare / tetik tıklamasının neden olduğu hasarı gösterir. Çoğu küçük silah için bu tek bir mermidir, ancak av tüfeği için tek bir mermidir (birkaç küçük topak içerir) ve Gatling lazeri için tek bir ışındır. Bu istatistik, en çok tüfek gibi yarı otomatik silahları karşılaştırmak için kullanışlıdır; burada, bir sonraki atış ne kadar sürerse sürsün, tek bir atıştan kaynaklanan tam hasarı görebilir.

Saniyede hasar: Bir saniyede verilen maksimum döngüsel hasar, ateş hızı çarpı hasar olarak ifade edilir. Her atışta yeniden yükleme gerektiren silahlar, yeniden yükleme süreleri dahil olmak üzere gösterilen saniyede hasara sahiptir, diğer tüm silahlar, yeniden yükleme olmadan sürekli hızlar gösterir.
Ateş Hızı – Ateş Hızı: Yeniden yüklemeyi dikkate almadan saniyede maksimum döngüsel atış / saldırı sayısı.

Silah Yayılımı – Yayılma: Bu, G.E.C.K.’den Min Yayılma istatistiğidir. (Yayılma istatistiği kullanılmaz). Menzilli bir silahın doğruluğunu ifade eder. 0, duruş, silah becerisi ve silah durumu optimalse, silahın potansiyel olarak mükemmel bir şekilde ateş edebileceği anlamına gelir. 0’ın üzerinde herhangi bir şey, duruş, beceri veya duruma bakılmaksızın atışların merkezden bu derece sapma gösterebileceği anlamına gelir.

Kritik şans çarpanı: Karakterinizin kritik vuruş şansına uygulanan çarpan. Bu değiştirici, yaptığınız her saldırı için geçerlidir (örneğin, minigununuzdan atılan her 5 mm’lik yuvarlak mermi). Örneğin, karakterinizin kritik vuruş şansı% 5 ise ve kullandığınız silahın% CRIT MULT (x2) varsa, her atışta% 5 x 2 =% 10 kritik vuruş şansı vardır. Otomatik silahlar için (saldırı tüfeği, hafif makineli tüfek, mini silah, vb.) G.E.C.K.’daki Crit% Mult istatistiği. G.E.C.K.’nin Ateş Hızı istatistiğine bölünür, dolayısıyla otomatik silahlar için çok küçük bir çarpan vardır. Bu, ateşlenen çok sayıdaki mermiyi telafi etmek için yapılır. Tek V.A.T.S. otomatik silahlarla saldırı, kritik vuruş için yalnızca bir kez kontrol eder ve kritik vuruş yapılırsa bu tür bir saldırıda tüm mermilere hasar bonusu uygular.

Kritik Vuruş Hasarı: Kritik vuruş yaptığınızda eklenen hasar miktarı. Daha özelleşmiş Sneak Attack Critical, genel bir kritik vuruşun iki katı hasar verir.

Eylem Puanı maliyeti: V.A.T.S.’de atış başına kullanılan Eylem Puanı sayısı.

Etki alanı: G.E.C.K.’da görüntülenen ölçü birimleri cinsinden patlamanın patlama yarıçapı.

Kırılana kadar atışlarda silah dayanıklılığı – Dayanıklılık: Bu, bir silahın tamamen kırılmadan önce tam sağlıktan saldırı / ateş etme sayısıdır.

Kullanılan mühimmat: Silahın kullandığı mühimmat türü.

Şarjör kapasitesi: Silahın maksimum mühimmat kapasitesi.

Yeniden doldurma başına atış: Dolu bir şarjörden alınabilecek maksimum atış sayısı.

Silah ağırlığı: Silahın ipotek için geçerli ağırlık değeri.

Kapaklardaki silah değeri: Silahın kapaklardaki temel değeri. Yeniden satış değeri Takas becerisinden etkilenir.

Değer / ağırlık oranı: Caps cinsinden temel silah değerinin silah ağırlığına oranı.

Gereken beceri: Silahı ceza almadan kullanmak için gereken silah beceri ve beceri seviyesi.

Gereken Güç: Silahı ceza almadan kullanmak için gereken Güç.

Pistols #1

.357 Magnum revolver<
Damage per shot: 26
Damage per second: 45.5
Rate of fire: 1.75
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 26
Action point cost: 26
Damage per action point: 1.0
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: .357 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 6
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 110
Value to weight ratio: 55
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 0008F216

Damage per shot: 30
Damage per second: 82.5
Rate of fire: 2.75
Critical change multiplier: x2.5
Critical hit damage: 30
Action point cost: 17
Damage per action point: 1.76
Weapon Spread: 0.3
Ammunation used: .357 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 6
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1120
Weapon weight: 2.5
Weapon value in caps: 1500
Value to weight ratio: 600
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 000E2C86

.44 Magnum revolver<
Damage per shot: 36
Damage per second: 67.5
Rate of fire: 1.875
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 36
Action point cost: 25
Damage per action point: 1.44
Weapon Spread: 0.7
Ammunation used: .44 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 6
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1245
Weapon weight: 3.5
Weapon value in caps: 2500
Value to weight ratio: 714.3
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 0008F215

Mysterious Magnum<
Damage per shot: 42
Damage per second: 102.4
Rate of fire: 2.44
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 42
Action point cost: 22
Damage per action point: 1.91
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: .44 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 6
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 745
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 3200
Value to weight ratio: 800
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 00127C6C

.45 Auto pistol (Honest Hearts DLC)<
Damage per shot: 29
Damage per second: 79.8
Rate of fire: 2.75
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 29
Action point cost: 17
Damage per action point: 1.7
Weapon Spread: 0.8
Ammunation used: .45 Auto
Magazine capacity: 7
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 745
Weapon weight: 1.5
Weapon value in caps: 1750
Value to weight ratio: 1166.7
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: xx008e1a

A Light Shining in Darkness (Honest Hearts DLC)<
Damage per shot: 33
Damage per second: 144.4
Rate of fire: 4.38
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 33
Action point cost: 15
Damage per action point: 2.2
Weapon Spread: 0.55
Ammunation used: .45 Auto
Magazine capacity: 6
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1245
Weapon weight: 1.2
Weapon value in caps: 4500
Value to weight ratio: 3750
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: xx009dbe

5.56mm pistol (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 28
Damage per second: 77
Rate of fire: 2.75
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 28
Action point cost: 21
Damage per action point: 1.33
Weapon Spread: 0.6
Ammunation used: 5.56mm round
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 870
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 1200
Value to weight ratio: 240
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: xx000813

That Gun<
Damage per shot: 30
Damage per second: 90
Rate of fire: 3.0
Critical change multiplier: x2.5
Critical hit damage: 30
Action point cost: 19
Damage per action point: 1.58
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: 5.56mm round
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1120
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 1750
Value to weight ratio: 350
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 00133058

9mm pistol<
Damage per shot: 16
Damage per second: 50
Rate of fire: 3.13
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 16
Action point cost: 17
Damage per action point: 0.94
Weapon Spread: 0.7
Ammunation used: 9mm round
Magazine capacity: 13
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 745
Weapon weight: 1.5
Weapon value in caps: 100
Value to weight ratio: 66.7
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: 000E3778

Damage per shot: 20
Damage per second: 75
Rate of fire: 3.75
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 20
Action point cost: 15
Damage per action point: 1.3
Weapon Spread: 0.2
Ammunation used: 9mm round
Magazine capacity: 13
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 1.5
Weapon value in caps: 1000
Value to weight ratio: 666.7
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: 000E7655

10mm pistol<
Damage per shot: 22
Damage per second: 60.5
Rate of fire: 2.75
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 22
Action point cost: 17
Damage per action point: 1.29
Weapon Spread: 0.8
Ammunation used: 10mm round
Magazine capacity: 12
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 395
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 750
Value to weight ratio: 250
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 0000434F

Weathered 10mm pistol (Courier’s Stash DLC)<
Damage per shot: 24
Damage per second: 66
Rate of fire: 2.75
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 24
Action point cost: 17
Damage per action point: 1.41
Weapon Spread: 0.8
Ammunation used: 10mm round
Magazine capacity: 12
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 545
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 1200
Value to weight ratio: 400
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 001735D4

Pistols #2

12.7mm pistol<
Damage per shot: 40
Damage per second: 110
Rate of fire: 2.75
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 40
Action point cost: 17
Damage per action point: 2.35
Weapon Spread: 1.1
Ammunation used: 12.7mm round
Magazine capacity: 7
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 395
Weapon weight: 3.5
Weapon value in caps: 4000
Value to weight ratio: 1142.9
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 7
Base ID: 0008F213

Li’l Devil (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 45
Damage per second: 146.3
Rate of fire: 3.25
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 45
Action point cost: 15
Damage per action point: 3.0
Weapon Spread: 0.9
Ammunation used: 12.7mm round
Magazine capacity: 7
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 595
Weapon weight: 3.2
Weapon value in caps: 16000
Value to weight ratio: 5000
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: xx000805

Hunting revolver/(GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC or Normal Game)<
Damage per shot: 58
Damage per second: 87
Rate of fire: 1.5
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 58
Action point cost: 31
Damage per action point: 1.87
Weapon Spread: 0.35
Ammunation used: .45-70 Gov’t
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 545
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 3500
Value to weight ratio: 875
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: without DLC 0008F214 / with DLC xx000852

Ranger Sequoia<
Damage per shot: 62
Damage per second: 104.6
Rate of fire: 1.69
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 62
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 2.07
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: .45-70 Gov’t
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 745
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 1200
Value to weight ratio: 300
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 00129A44

Police pistol (Dead Money DLC)<
Damage per shot: 30
Damage per second: 60
Rate of fire: 2.0
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 45
Action point cost: 19
Damage per action point: 1.58
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: .357 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 6
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1120
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 1000
Value to weight ratio: 333.3
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: xx00bbc2

Silenced .22 pistol<
Damage per shot: 9
Damage per second: 31.5
Rate of fire: 3.5
Critical change multiplier: x3
Critical hit damage: 18
Action point cost: 17
Damage per action point: 0.53
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: .22LR round
Magazine capacity: 16
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 80
Value to weight ratio: 26.6
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 1
Base ID: 000E377A

Rifles #1

Anti-materiel rifle/(GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal or Normal Game)<
Damage per shot: 110
Damage per second: 49.3
Rate of fire: .45
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 110
Action point cost: 55/65
Damage per action point: 2/1.69
Weapon Spread: .015
Ammunation used: .50 MG
Magazine capacity: 8
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 470
Weapon weight: 20
Weapon value in caps: 5600
Value to weight ratio: 280
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: without DLC 0008F21C / with DLC xx00084f

Assault carbine/(GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal or Normal Game)<
Damage per shot: 13
Damage per second: 156
Rate of fire: 12
Critical change multiplier: x0.06
Critical hit damage: 13
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 3.25
Weapon Spread: 1.2
Ammunation used: 5mm round
Magazine capacity: 24
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 3745
Weapon weight: 6
Weapon value in caps: 3950
Value to weight ratio: 658
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: without DLC 0008F21E / with DLC xx000850

Automatic rifle (Dead Money DLC)<
Damage per shot: 40
Damage per second: 240
Rate of fire: 6
Critical change multiplier: x0.18
Critical hit damage: 40
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: 2.28
Weapon Spread: 2.5
Ammunation used: .308 round
Magazine capacity: 20
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 16
Weapon value in caps: 4500
Value to weight ratio: 281
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: xx00a7a9

Battle rifle(GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 48
Damage per second: 92.6
Rate of fire: 1.93
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 48
Action point cost: 25
Damage per action point: 1.92
Weapon Spread: .55
Ammunation used: .308 round
Magazine capacity: 8
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1495
Weapon weight: 9.5
Weapon value in caps: 1500
Value to weight ratio: 158
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: xx000812

This Machine<
Damage per shot: 55
Damage per second: 117.9
Rate of fire: 2.14
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 55
Action point cost: 22
Damage per action point: 2.5
Weapon Spread: .5
Ammunation used: .308 round
Magazine capacity: 8
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2995
Weapon weight: 9.5
Weapon value in caps: 2800
Value to weight ratio: 295
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 000F062B

BB gun<
Damage per shot: 4
Damage per second: 6.2
Rate of fire: 1.54
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 4
Action point cost: 28
Damage per action point: .14
Weapon Spread: .5
Ammunation used: BB
Magazine capacity: 100
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 245
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 36
Value to weight ratio: 18
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 1
Base ID: 00004323

Abilene Kid LE BB gun<
Damage per shot: 4
Damage per second: 6.2
Rate of fire: 1.54
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 70
Action point cost: 28
Damage per action point: .14
Weapon Spread: .5
Ammunation used: BB
Magazine capacity: 100
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 500
Value to weight ratio: 250
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 1
Base ID: 0015FF5D

Brush gun<
Damage per shot: 75
Damage per second: 92.3
Rate of fire: 1.23
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 75
Action point cost: 33
Damage per action point: 2.27
Weapon Spread: .06
Ammunation used: .45-70 Gov’t
Magazine capacity: 6
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 745
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 4900
Value to weight ratio: 980
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 00121148

Medicine Stick (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 78
Damage per second: 108
Rate of fire: 1.38
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 78
Action point cost: 31
Damage per action point: 2.52
Weapon Spread: .06
Ammunation used: .45-70 Gov’t
Magazine capacity: 8
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 5.5
Weapon value in caps: 20000
Value to weight ratio: 3636
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: xx00080e

Cowboy repeater<
Damage per shot: 32
Damage per second: 54.2
Rate of fire: 1.69
Critical change multiplier: x1.25
Critical hit damage: 32
Action point cost: 27
Damage per action point: 1.19
Weapon Spread: .06
Ammunation used: .357 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 7
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 595
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 800
Value to weight ratio: 160
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 0008F21A

La Longue Carabine<
Damage per shot: 35
Damage per second: 75.4
Rate of fire: 2.15
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 35
Action point cost: 24
Damage per action point: 1.46
Weapon Spread: .05
Ammunation used: .357 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 11
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 745
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 1500
Value to weight ratio: 300
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 000F56F5

Hunting rifle<
Damage per shot: 52
Damage per second: 49.3
Rate of fire: .95
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 52
Action point cost: 40
Damage per action point: 1.3
Weapon Spread: .01
Ammunation used: .308 round
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1495
Weapon weight: 6
Weapon value in caps: 2200
Value to weight ratio: 366
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 00004333

Paciencia (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 55
Damage per second: 65.1
Rate of fire: 1.18
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 110
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: 1.57
Weapon Spread: .01
Ammunation used: .308 round
Magazine capacity: 3
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1745
Weapon weight: 6.2
Weapon value in caps: 12000
Value to weight ratio: 1936
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: xx00080c

Light machine gun<
Damage per shot: 21
Damage per second: 252
Rate of fire: 12
Critical change multiplier: x0.06
Critical hit damage: 21
Action point cost: 18
Damage per action point: 5.83
Weapon Spread: 1.5
Ammunation used: 5.56mm round
Magazine capacity: 90
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 3995
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 5200
Value to weight ratio: 347
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: 000906DF

Bozar (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 19
Damage per second: 285
Rate of fire: 15.01
Critical change multiplier: x0.05
Critical hit damage: 19
Action point cost: 18
Damage per action point: 4.22
Weapon Spread: .75
Ammunation used: 5.56mm round
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 3995
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 20000
Value to weight ratio: 1333
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: xx000806

Rifles #2

Marksman carbine<
Damage per shot: 24
Damage per second: 136.8
Rate of fire: 5.7
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 24
Action point cost: 14
Damage per action point: 1.71
Weapon Spread: .04
Ammunation used: 5.56mm round
Magazine capacity: 20
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1995
Weapon weight: 6
Weapon value in caps: 5200
Value to weight ratio: 867
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 00106FEA

Damage per shot: 26
Damage per second: 156
Rate of fire: 6
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 26
Action point cost: 13
Damage per action point: 2.0
Weapon Spread: .035
Ammunation used: 5.56mm round
Magazine capacity: 24
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1995
Weapon weight: 6
Weapon value in caps: 5900
Value to weight ratio: 983
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 00106FEB

Service rifle<
Damage per shot: 18
Damage per second: 75.6
Rate of fire: 4.2
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 18
Action point cost: 15
Damage per action point: 1.2
Weapon Spread: .55
Ammunation used: 5.56mm round
Magazine capacity: 20
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1995
Weapon weight: 8.5
Weapon value in caps: 540
Value to weight ratio: 64
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: 000E9C3B

Survivalist’s rifle (Honest Hearts DLC)<
Damage per shot: 48
Damage per second: 187.2
Rate of fire: 3.9
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 48
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 2.4
Weapon Spread: .08
Ammunation used: 12.7mm round
Magazine capacity: 10
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2495
Weapon weight: 8.5
Weapon value in caps: 5400
Value to weight ratio: 635
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: xx00dd79

Sniper rifle<
Damage per shot: 45
Damage per second: 86.8
Rate of fire: 1.93
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 45
Action point cost: 27
Damage per action point: 1.66
Weapon Spread: .02
Ammunation used: .308 round
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 395
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 4100
Value to weight ratio: 513
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 00004353

Christine’s CoS silencer rifle (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 62
Damage per second: 99.6
Rate of fire: 1.61
Critical change multiplier: x2.5
Critical hit damage: 62
Action point cost: 38
Damage per action point: 1.63
Weapon Spread: .02
Ammunation used: .308 round
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 420
Weapon weight: 5.5
Weapon value in caps: 6100
Value to weight ratio: 1109
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: xx0112ba

Gobi Campaign scout rifle<
Damage per shot: 48
Damage per second: 102.9
Rate of fire: 2.14
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 80
Action point cost: 24
Damage per action point: 2.0
Weapon Spread: .018
Ammunation used: .308 round
Magazine capacity: 6
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 795
Weapon weight: 4.5
Weapon value in caps: 6200
Value to weight ratio: 1378
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 001429E1

Trail carbine<
Damage per shot: 48
Damage per second: 73.8
Rate of fire: 1.5
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 48
Action point cost: 29
Damage per action point: 1.65
Weapon Spread: .06
Ammunation used: .44 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 8
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2495
Weapon weight: 5.5
Weapon value in caps: 3900
Value to weight ratio: 709
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 000CD539

Varmint rifle<
Damage per shot: 18
Damage per second: 21.9
Rate of fire: 1.22
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 18
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: .51
Weapon Spread: .024
Ammunation used: 5.56mm round
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 595
Weapon weight: 5.5
Weapon value in caps: 75
Value to weight ratio: 14
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 0007EA24

Damage per shot: 23
Damage per second: 30
Rate of fire: 1.3
Critical change multiplier: x5
Critical hit damage: 23
Action point cost: 33
Damage per action point: .7
Weapon Spread: .0225
Ammunation used: 5.56mm round
Magazine capacity: 8
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 4.5
Weapon value in caps: 2000
Value to weight ratio: 444
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 000E5B17


.45 Auto SMG (Honest Hearts DLC)<
Damage per shot: 26
Damage per second: 286
Rate of fire: 11
Critical change multiplier: x0.06
Critical hit damage: 26
Action point cost: 19
Damage per action point: 5.47
Weapon Spread: 2.3
Ammunation used: .45 Auto
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2995
Weapon weight: 11
Weapon value in caps: 3750
Value to weight ratio: 341
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: xx00996c

9mm SMG<
Damage per shot: 14
Damage per second: 154
Rate of fire: 11
Critical change multiplier: x0.06
Critical hit damage: 14
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 2.8
Weapon Spread: 1.5
Ammunation used: 9mm round
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2745
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 850
Value to weight ratio: 213
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 0008F217

Vance’s 9mm SMG<
Damage per shot: 17
Damage per second: 221
Rate of fire: 13
Critical change multiplier: x0.05
Critical hit damage: 17
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 4.25
Weapon Spread: 1.5
Ammunation used: 9mm round
Magazine capacity: 60
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 3745
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 1500
Value to weight ratio: 375
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 000E32F4

10mm SMG<
Damage per shot: 19
Damage per second: 171
Rate of fire: 9
Critical change multiplier: x0.08
Critical hit damage: 19
Action point cost: 22
Damage per action point: 2.59
Weapon Spread: 2.2
Ammunation used: 10mm round
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2495
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 2370
Value to weight ratio: 474
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 00004321

Sleepytyme (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 22
Damage per second: 220
Rate of fire: 10
Critical change multiplier: x0.1
Critical hit damage: 22
Action point cost: 22
Damage per action point: 4.0
Weapon Spread: 1.7
Ammunation used: 10mm round
Magazine capacity: 40
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2495
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 8250
Value to weight ratio: 1650
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: xx00080d

12.7mm SMG / (GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal or Normal Game)<
Damage per shot: 36
Damage per second: 324
Rate of fire: 9
Critical change multiplier: x0.08
Critical hit damage: 36
Action point cost: 24
Damage per action point: 4.5
Weapon Spread: 2.0
Ammunation used: 12.7mm round
Magazine capacity: 21
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2495
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 5100
Value to weight ratio: 1020
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: without DLC 001429D1 / with DLC xx00084e

H&H Tools nail gun (Lonesome Road DLC)<
Damage per shot: 9
Damage per second: 126
Rate of fire: 14
Critical change multiplier: x0.12
Critical hit damage: 9
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 2.7
Weapon Spread: 1.4
Ammunation used: Nails
Magazine capacity: 90
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2745
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 5000
Value to weight ratio: 1250
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: xx00925e

Silenced .22 SMG<
Damage per shot: 10
Damage per second: 110
Rate of fire: 11
Critical change multiplier: x0.23
Critical hit damage: 20
Action point cost: 19
Damage per action point: 2.1
Weapon Spread: 2.0
Ammunation used: .22LR round
Magazine capacity: 180
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 4995
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 1850
Value to weight ratio: 231
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: 0008F218


Caravan shotgun<
Damage per shot: 45 (6.4×7)
Damage per second: 144.6
Rate of fire: 3.21
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 6
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 2.25
Weapon Spread: 2.2
Ammunation used: 20 gauge shotgun shell
Magazine capacity: 2
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 695
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 675
Value to weight ratio: 225
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 000CD53A

Sturdy caravan shotgun (Courier’s Stash)<
Damage per shot: 50 (7.1×7)
Damage per second: 160.7
Rate of fire: 3.21
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 7
Action point cost: 27
Damage per action point: 1.85
Weapon Spread: 4
Ammunation used: 20 gauge shotgun shell
Magazine capacity: 2
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1495
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 875
Value to weight ratio: 292
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 001735E3

Hunting shotgun<
Damage per shot: 70 (10×7)
Damage per second: 116.7
Rate of fire: 1.67
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 10
Action point cost: 28
Damage per action point: 2.5
Weapon Spread: 1.5
Ammunation used: 12 gauge
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 7.5
Weapon value in caps: 3800
Value to weight ratio: 507
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 0008ED0B

Dinner Bell<
Damage per shot: 75 (10.7×7)
Damage per second: 125
Rate of fire: 1.67
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 11
Action point cost: 28
Damage per action point: 2.67
Weapon Spread: 1.2
Ammunation used: 12 gauge
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 745
Weapon weight: 7.5
Weapon value in caps: 4800
Value to weight ratio: 640
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 000F0B12

Lever-action shotgun<
Damage per shot: 48 (6.9×7)
Damage per second: 84.9
Rate of fire: 1.8
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 7
Action point cost: 25
Damage per action point: 1.92
Weapon Spread: 1.9
Ammunation used: 20 gauge shotgun shell
Magazine capacity: 5
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 2000
Value to weight ratio: 667
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 0008ED0C

Riot shotgun<
Damage per shot: 67 (9.5×7)
Damage per second: 268
Rate of fire: 4.0
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 10
Action point cost: 17
Damage per action point: 3.94
Weapon Spread: 2.5
Ammunation used: 12 gauge
Magazine capacity: 12
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 870
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 5500
Value to weight ratio: 1100
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 7
Base ID: 0008ED0A

Sawed-off shotgun<
Damage per shot: 100 (7.1×14)
Damage per second: 28.2
Rate of fire: 2.34
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 7
Action point cost: 37
Damage per action point: 2.7
Weapon Spread: 4.0
Ammunation used: 12 gauge
Magazine capacity: 2(1)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 395
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 1950
Value to weight ratio: 488
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 0000434C

Big Boomer
Damage per shot: 120 (8.6×14)
Damage per second: 34.2
Rate of fire: 2.58
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 9
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: 3.43
Weapon Spread: 3.5
Ammunation used: 12 gauge
Magazine capacity: 2(1)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 395
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 2500
Value to weight ratio: 625
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 001673CD

Single shotgun<
Damage per shot: 50 (7.1×7)
Damage per second: 20.9
Rate of fire: 2.6
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 7
Action point cost: 50
Damage per action point: 1.0
Weapon Spread: 1.4
Ammunation used: 20 gauge shotgun shell
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 7
Weapon value in caps: 175
Value to weight ratio: 25
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 000E393B

Heavy weapons

K9000 cyberdog gun (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 26
Damage per second: 182
Rate of fire: 7
Critical change multiplier: x0.5
Critical hit damage: 13
Action point cost: 27
Damage per action point: 2.9
Weapon Spread: 1.35
Ammunation used: .357 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 50
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2495
Weapon weight: 27
Weapon value in caps: 7500
Value to weight ratio: 278
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: xx00e39e

FIDO (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 36
Damage per second: 252
Rate of fire: 7
Critical change multiplier: x0.5
Critical hit damage: 18
Action point cost: 28
Damage per action point: 3.9
Weapon Spread: 1.5
Ammunation used: .44 Magnum round
Magazine capacity: 50
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2495
Weapon weight: 27
Weapon value in caps: 9500
Value to weight ratio: 352
Skill required: 85
Strenght required: 9
Base ID: xx00fd3c

Damage per shot: 12
Damage per second: 240
Rate of fire: 20
Critical change multiplier: x0.5
Critical hit damage: 12
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 3.2
Weapon Spread: 1.0
Ammunation used: 5mm round
Magazine capacity: 240
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 5995
Weapon weight: 25
Weapon value in caps: 5500
Value to weight ratio: 220
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 10
Base ID: 0000433F

CZ57 Avenger<
Damage per shot: 13
Damage per second: 390
Rate of fire: 30
Critical change multiplier: x0.5
Critical hit damage: 13
Action point cost: 25
Damage per action point: 6.24
Weapon Spread: 0.55
Ammunation used: 5mm round
Magazine capacity: 120
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 7995
Weapon weight: 18
Weapon value in caps: 8500
Value to weight ratio: 340
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 10
Base ID: 001629B6

Shoulder mounted machine gun (Lonesome Road DLC)<
Damage per shot: 30
Damage per second: 210
Rate of fire: 7
Critical change multiplier: x0
Critical hit damage: 20
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 3.0
Weapon Spread: 0.9
Ammunation used: 10mm round
Magazine capacity: 60
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 3995
Weapon weight: 17
Weapon value in caps: 7500
Value to weight ratio: 442
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 7
Base ID: xx008858

Energy Pistols #1

Alien blaster(Wild Wasteland Perk)<
Damage per shot: 75
Damage per second: 131.3
Rate of fire: 1.8
Critical change multiplier: x100
Critical hit damage: 50
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 3.75
Weapon Spread: 0
Ammunation used: Alien power cell
Magazine capacity: 10
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2495
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 4000
Value to weight ratio: 2000
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 75
Base ID: 00004322

Euclid’s C-Finder<
Damage per shot: 0 +150 Explosion Dam.
Damage per second: 20.6
Rate of fire: 0.2
Critical change multiplier: x50
Critical hit damage: 0
Action point cost: 50
Damage per action point: 3
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: Archimedes II charge
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 3995
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 1
Value to weight ratio: 0.07
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 1
Base ID: 0014EB3C

Flare gun (Lonesome Road DLC)<
Damage per shot: 10 +1 Fire Dam./10s
Damage per second: 3.4
Rate of fire: 1.8
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 10
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 0.67
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: Flamer fuel
Magazine capacity: 10
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 245
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 500
Value to weight ratio: 250
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: xx004c4e

Laser pistol/(GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal or Normal Game)<
Damage per shot: 12
Damage per second: 45
Rate of fire: 3.75
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 12
Action point cost: 15
Damage per action point: 0.8
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 175
Value to weight ratio: 58.3
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 1
Base ID: without DLC 00004335 / with DLC xx00084d

Compliance Regulator (Lonesome Road DLC)<
Damage per shot: 8
Damage per second: 30
Rate of fire: 3.75
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 12
Action point cost: 15
Damage per action point: 0.53
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 175
Value to weight ratio: 58.3
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 1
Base ID: xx00c626

Missing laser pistol<
Damage per shot: 11
Damage per second: 41.3
Rate of fire: 3.8
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 11
Action point cost: 15
Damage per action point: 0.73
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 175
Value to weight ratio: 58.3
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 1
Base ID: 0010A6FC

Pew Pew<
Damage per shot: 75
Damage per second: 150
Rate of fire: 2.0
Critical change multiplier: x2.5
Critical hit damage: 50
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: 2.14
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 10(2)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 395
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 2498
Value to weight ratio: 832.6
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 1
Base ID: 00103B1D

Plasma Defender/(GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal or Normal Game)<
Damage per shot: 38
Damage per second: 95
Rate of fire: 2.5
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 38
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 1.9
Weapon Spread: 0.3
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 32(16)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 3000
Value to weight ratio: 1500
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: without DLC 00090727 / with DLC xx000853

Plasma pistol/(GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal or Normal Game)<
Damage per shot: 33
Damage per second: 57.8
Rate of fire: 1.75
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 33
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 1.1
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 32(16)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 745
Weapon weight: 3
Weapon value in caps: 200
Value to weight ratio: 66.6
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: without DLC 00004343 / with DLC xx000855

Pulse gun<
Damage per shot: 5 +250 EMP Dam+ / +110 Dam.
Damage per second: 5.17
Rate of fire: 1
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 5
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 0.25
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 25(5)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 1800
Value to weight ratio: 900
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: 00090A6B

Recharger pistol<
Damage per shot: 18
Damage per second: 90
Rate of fire: 5
Critical change multiplier: x1.2
Critical hit damage: 18
Action point cost: 13
Damage per action point: 1.38
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: Microfusion breeder
Magazine capacity: 20
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1495
Weapon weight: 7
Weapon value in caps: 2700
Value to weight ratio: 385.7
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: 0009071F

MF Hyperbreeder Alpha (Gun Runner’s Arsenal)<
Damage per shot: 25
Damage per second: 175
Rate of fire: 7
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 25
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 1.25
Weapon Spread: 1.0
Ammunation used: Microfusion breeder
Magazine capacity: 10
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 3995
Weapon weight: 7
Weapon value in caps: 8900
Value to weight ratio: 1271.4
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: xx000802

Sonic emitter – Gabriel’s bark (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 55 +20 EMP Dam+
Damage per second: 56.9
Rate of fire: 1.03
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 25
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 1.83
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 24(12)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 3500
Value to weight ratio: 1750
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: xx00e37e

Sonic emitter – Opera singer (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 55 +20 EMP Dam+
Damage per second: 56.9
Rate of fire: 1.03
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 25
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 1.83
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 24
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 3500
Value to weight ratio: 1750
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: xx00e1b8

Energy Pistols #2

Sonic emitter – revelation (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 31 +20 EMP Dam+
Damage per second: 32.1
Rate of fire: 1.03
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 18
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 1.03
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 24
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 3500
Value to weight ratio: 1750
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: xx00e381

Sonic emitter – robo-scorpion (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 65 +20 EMP Dam+
Damage per second: 67.2
Rate of fire: 1.03
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 30
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 2.16
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 24(8)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 3500
Value to weight ratio: 1750
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: xx00e386

Sonic emitter – tarantula (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 60 +20 EMP Dam+
Damage per second: 62.1
Rate of fire: 1.03
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 30
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 2.0
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: SEC
Magazine capacity: 24(8)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 2
Weapon value in caps: 3500
Value to weight ratio: 1750
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: xx00e389

Energy Rifles

Gauss rifle<
Damage per shot: 120
Damage per second: 45
Rate of fire: 3
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 60
Action point cost: 40
Damage per action point: 3
Weapon Spread: 0.03
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 5 (1)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 395
Weapon weight: 7
Weapon value in caps: 3000
Value to weight ratio: 429
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 0015837B

Damage per shot: 140
Damage per second: 52.5
Rate of fire: 3
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 70
Action point cost: 40
Damage per action point: 3.5
Weapon Spread: 0.0275
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 4 (1)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 3000
Value to weight ratio: 375
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 0015B38D

Holorifle (Dead Money DLC)<
Damage per shot: 80
Damage per second: 88.9
Rate of fire: 1.11
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 80
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 2.67
Weapon Spread: 0.4
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 4
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 3000
Value to weight ratio: 375
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: xx0092ef

LAER (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 65
Damage per second: 162.5
Rate of fire: 2.5
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 15
Action point cost: 32
Damage per action point: 2
Weapon Spread: 0.08
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 20
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 370
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 8000
Value to weight ratio: 2000
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: xx00b9cf

Elijah’s advanced LAER (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 65
Damage per second: 178.8
Rate of fire: 2.75
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 15
Action point cost: 32
Damage per action point: 2
Weapon Spread: 0.08
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 15
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 245
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 8500
Value to weight ratio: 2125
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: xx015dd3

Laser RCW<
Damage per shot: 15
Damage per second: 135
Rate of fire: 9
Critical change multiplier: x0.05
Critical hit damage: 15
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 2.25
Weapon Spread: 0.08
Ammunation used: ECP
Magazine capacity: 60
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1995
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 2150
Value to weight ratio: 537
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 0009073B

Laser rifle<
Damage per shot: 22
Damage per second: 67.8
Rate of fire: 3.08
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 22
Action point cost: 18
Damage per action point: 1.22
Weapon Spread: 0.025
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 24
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 620
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 800
Value to weight ratio: 100
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 00004336

AER14 Prototype<
Damage per shot: 35
Damage per second: 105
Rate of fire: 3
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 35
Action point cost: 20
Damage per action point: 1.75
Weapon Spread: 0.0225
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 24 (12)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 8.5
Weapon value in caps: 2200
Value to weight ratio: 259
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 001479B3

Van Graff laser rifle<
Damage per shot: 15
Damage per second: 46.2
Rate of fire: 3.08
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 15
Action point cost: 18
Damage per action point: 0.83
Weapon Spread: 0.025
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 24
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 270
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 800
Value to weight ratio: 100
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 001251CD

Multiplas rifle<
Damage per shot: 105 (35×3)
Damage per second: 105
Rate of fire: 1
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 34
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: 3
Weapon Spread: 1.5
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 30 (10)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 245
Weapon weight: 7
Weapon value in caps: 2500
Value to weight ratio: 357
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: 00121168

Plasma rifle<
Damage per shot: 47
Damage per second: 65.8
Rate of fire: 1.4
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 47
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 1.57
Weapon Spread: 0.2
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 24 (12)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 370
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 1300
Value to weight ratio: 163
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 00004344

Van Graff plasma rifle<
Damage per shot: 32
Damage per second: 44.8
Rate of fire: 1.4
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 32
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 1.06
Weapon Spread: 0.2
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 24 (12)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 370
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 1300
Value to weight ratio: 163
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 001251CC

Q-35 matter modulator<
Damage per shot: 40
Damage per second: 96
Rate of fire: 2.4
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 62
Action point cost: 28
Damage per action point: 1.43
Weapon Spread: 0.2
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 12
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1245
Weapon weight: 7
Weapon value in caps: 3000
Value to weight ratio: 429
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 2
Base ID: 000E6064

Recharger rifle<
Damage per shot: 12
Damage per second: 51.1
Rate of fire: 4.3
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 12
Action point cost: 19
Damage per action point: 0.63
Weapon Spread: 0.02
Ammunation used: Microfusion breeder
Magazine capacity: 7
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 370
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 250
Value to weight ratio: 17
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 00121154

Tri-beam laser rifle/(GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal or Normal Mod)
Damage per shot: 66 (22×3)
Damage per second: 180
Rate of fire: 2.73
Critical change multiplier: x1.5
Critical hit damage: 22
Action point cost: 23
Damage per action point: 2.87
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 24 (8)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 245
Weapon weight: 9
Weapon value in caps: 4800
Value to weight ratio: 533
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 4
Base ID: without DLC 000E2BF4 / with DLC xx000854

Energy Heavy Weapons

Arc welder (Lonesome Road DLC)<
Damage per shot: 9 +8/+4 EMP Dam.
Damage per second: 72
Rate of fire: 8
Critical change multiplier: x0.36
Critical hit damage: 1
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 0.9
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: ECP
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1245
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 3700
Value to weight ratio: 247
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 7
Base ID: xx00766b

Damage per shot: 16 +2 Fire Dam. /5s
Damage per second: 130
Rate of fire: 8
Critical change multiplier: x0.42
Critical hit damage: 1
Action point cost: 50
Damage per action point: 1.6
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: Flamer fuel
Magazine capacity: 60
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 2350
Value to weight ratio: 157
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 7
Base ID: 0000432D

Cleansing Flame (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 15 +10 Fire Dam. /6s
Damage per second: 115
Rate of fire: 7
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 1
Action point cost: 55
Damage per action point: 4.1
Weapon Spread: 1.5
Ammunation used: Flamer fuel
Magazine capacity: 100
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1495
Weapon weight: 22
Weapon value in caps: 9500
Value to weight ratio: 432
Skill required: 50
Strenght required: 7
Base ID: xx00080b

Gatling laser<
Damage per shot: 10
Damage per second: 300
Rate of fire: 30
Critical change multiplier: x0.02
Critical hit damage: 10
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 4
Weapon Spread: 0.6
Ammunation used: ECP
Magazine capacity: 240
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 7495
Weapon weight: 18
Weapon value in caps: 6800
Value to weight ratio: 378
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: 0000432E

Sprtel-Wood 9700 (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 16
Damage per second: 320
Rate of fire: 20
Critical change multiplier: x0.04
Critical hit damage: 16
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 4.3
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: ECP
Magazine capacity: 90
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 4995
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 20000
Value to weight ratio: 1333
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: xx000803

Heavy incinerator<
Damage per shot: 15 +20 Explosion Dam. +8 Fire Dam./5s
Damage per second: 148
Rate of fire: 4
Critical change multiplier: x0.83
Critical hit damage: 5
Action point cost: 50
Damage per action point: 1.5
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: Flamer fuel
Magazine capacity: 24
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 7200
Value to weight ratio: 480
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: 000E2BFC

Damage per shot: 1 +20 Explosion Dam. +4 Fire Dam./8s
Damage per second: 46
Rate of fire: 2
Critical change multiplier: x1.67
Critical hit damage: 1
Action point cost: 50
Damage per action point: 1.1
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: Flamer fuel
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 12
Weapon value in caps: 1300
Value to weight ratio: 108
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 000906DA

Plasma caster<
Damage per shot: 65
Damage per second: 195
Rate of fire: 3
Critical change multiplier: x1
Critical hit damage: 65
Action point cost: 25
Damage per action point: 2.6
Weapon Spread: 0.7
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 10
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 395
Weapon weight: 20
Weapon value in caps: 7000
Value to weight ratio: 350
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: 000906CF

The Smitty Special (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 35
Damage per second: 245
Rate of fire: 7
Critical change multiplier: x0.1
Critical hit damage: 35
Action point cost: 30
Damage per action point: 3.5
Weapon Spread: 1.3
Ammunation used: MFC
Magazine capacity: 20
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1095
Weapon weight: 20
Weapon value in caps: 20000
Value to weight ratio: 1000
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: xx00080a

Tesla cannon<
Damage per shot: 80 +20 Electrical Dam./2s
Damage per second: 127.4
Rate of fire: 1.34
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 40
Action point cost: 37
Damage per action point: 3.2
Weapon Spread: 0.1
Ammunation used: ECP
Magazine capacity: 20 (4)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 395
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 8700
Value to weight ratio: 1088
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: 000E2BEC

Elijah’s jury-rigged Tesla cannon (Old World Blues DLC)<
Damage per shot: 85 +20 Electrical Dam./2s
Damage per second: 154.2
Rate of fire: 1.58
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 45
Action point cost: 37
Damage per action point: 3.4
Weapon Spread: 0
Ammunation used: ECP
Magazine capacity: 30 (6)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 245
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 13500
Value to weight ratio: 1688
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: xx01199e

Tesla-Beaton prototype<
Damage per shot: 90 +25 Electrical Dam./2s
Damage per second: 145.8
Rate of fire: 1.34
Critical change multiplier: x2
Critical hit damage: 45
Action point cost: 37
Damage per action point: 3.8
Weapon Spread: 0.08
Ammunation used: ECP
Magazine capacity: 24 (4)
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 195
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 12525
Value to weight ratio: 1566
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: 0015A47F


25mm grenade APW (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 2 +50 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 550
Damage per second: 130
Rate of fire: 2.5
Action point cost: 25
Damage per action point: 2.1
Weapon Spread: 0.7
Ammunation used: 25mm
Magazine capacity: 6
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 745
Weapon weight: 8
Weapon value in caps: 4200
Value to weight ratio: 525
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: xx00081b

Fat Man/(GRA) (Gun Runner’s Arsenal or Normal Game)<
Damage per shot: 400 +600 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 1700
Damage per second: 275.2
Rate of fire: 1.58
Action point cost: 65
Damage per action point: 15.4
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: Mini nuke
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 30
Weapon value in caps: 6000
Value to weight ratio: 200
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: without DLC 0000432C / with DLC xx000ac3

Esther (Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC)<
Damage per shot: 475 +600 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 1700
Damage per second: 304.7
Rate of fire: 1.89
Action point cost: 55
Damage per action point: 19.5
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: Mini nuke
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 620
Weapon weight: 40
Weapon value in caps: 18000
Value to weight ratio: 450
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: xx000804

Grenade machinegun<
Damage per shot: 0 +50 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 550
Damage per second: 150
Rate of fire: 3
Action point cost: 50
Damage per action point: 1.0
Weapon Spread: 1
Ammunation used: 25mm grenade
Magazine capacity: 30
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 995
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 5200
Value to weight ratio: 347
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: 00090A6A

Damage per shot: 5 +100 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 750
Damage per second: 325.5
Rate of fire: 3.1
Action point cost: 50
Damage per action point: 2.1
Weapon Spread: 1
Ammunation used: 40mm grenade
Magazine capacity: 18
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2495
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 5200
Value to weight ratio: 347
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 8
Base ID: 0015FFF4

Grenade launcher<
Damage per shot: 30 +100 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 750
Damage per second: 57.4
Rate of fire: 0.6
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: 3.71
Weapon Spread: 0.7
Ammunation used: 40mm grenade
Magazine capacity: 4
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 12
Weapon value in caps: 4200
Value to weight ratio: 350
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 0007EA25

Grenade rifle<
Damage per shot: 2 +100 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 750
Damage per second: 41.4
Rate of fire: 2.14
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: 2.9
Weapon Spread: 1
Ammunation used: 40mm grenade
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 6
Weapon value in caps: 300
Value to weight ratio: 50
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 000FF576

Great Bear grenade rifle (Lonesome Road DLC)<
Damage per shot: 15 +100 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 750
Damage per second: 46.6
Rate of fire: 2.14
Action point cost: 32
Damage per action point: 3.6
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: 40mm grenade
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 1245
Weapon weight: 5
Weapon value in caps: 950
Value to weight ratio: 190
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: xx0046c4

Mercenary’s grenade rifle (Courier’s Stash DLC)<
Damage per shot: 2 +100 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 750
Damage per second: 41.4
Rate of fire: 2.14
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: 2.9
Weapon Spread: 1
Ammunation used: 40mm grenade
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 5.5
Weapon value in caps: 300
Value to weight ratio: 55
Skill required: 0
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 001735E4

Red Victory grenade rifle (Lonesome Road DLC)<
Damage per shot: 2 +100 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 750
Damage per second: 44.1
Rate of fire: 3.21
Action point cost: 29
Damage per action point: 3.5
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: 40mm grenade
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 620
Weapon weight: 4
Weapon value in caps: 950
Value to weight ratio: 238
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: xx0046c3

Damage per shot: 2 +100 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 750
Damage per second: 43.2
Rate of fire: 2.79
Action point cost: 35
Damage per action point: 2.9
Weapon Spread: 0.8
Ammunation used: 40mm grenade
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 620
Weapon weight: 5.5
Weapon value in caps: 800
Value to weight ratio: 145
Skill required: 25
Strenght required: 3
Base ID: 001429E2

Missile launcher<
Damage per shot: 125 +200 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 1000
Damage per second: 70.1
Rate of fire: 1.58
Action point cost: 55
Damage per action point: 5.9
Weapon Spread: 0.3
Ammunation used: Missile
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 245
Weapon weight: 20
Weapon value in caps: 3900
Value to weight ratio: 195
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: 00004340

Damage per shot: 150 +200 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 1000
Damage per second: 77.3
Rate of fire: 1.89
Action point cost: 47
Damage per action point: 7.4
Weapon Spread: 0.02
Ammunation used: Missile
Magazine capacity: 1
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 495
Weapon weight: 15
Weapon value in caps: 5200
Value to weight ratio: 347
Skill required: 75
Strenght required: 5
Base ID: 00162019

Red Glare (Lonesome Road DLC)<
Damage per shot: 20 +40 Explosion Dam.
AOE: 500
Damage per second: 240
Rate of fire: 4
Action point cost: 25
Damage per action point: 2.4
Weapon Spread: 0.5
Ammunation used: Rocket
Magazine capacity: 13
Weapon durability in shot until broken: 2245
Weapon weight: 20
Weapon value in caps: 15000
Value to weight ratio: 750
Skill required: 100
Strenght required: 6
Base ID: xx004c3c


this guide is not yet complete. actually if I work for hours, I will complete it but 2 hours a day is enough 🙂 so I’ll post it for now and update it every day. Thank For Reading. I will also post some notes as I continue to write the guide

NOTE: Since the versions of the sonic emitter do not have a different look in the game, I put the same image on them. but completely different strengths in the game

NOTE:You can only get the Wild Wasteland perk at the beginning of the game, if you do not get it at the beginning of the game, you will be given a special gauss rifle(YCS/186).

NOTE:my English is like ♥♥♥♥ so if you notice I made a mistake in the article, please specify

NOTE: Some weapons have EMP (Electromagnetic pulse), this effect is an effect that gives extra damage to Robots, Power Armors and any electronic creature in the game, so I recommend not to attack a deathclaw with this weapon ;p .

NOTE: Gauss Rifles have a single shot magazine, but the magazine requires 5 shells.
In the YCS / 186 gun, there were 4 rounds in the magazine. This is one of the biggest features that separates 2 Gauss Rifles.

NOTE: Why do Form IDs from DLC packs start with “xx”?
here is the answer: [link]
