How to configure your controller without the dev console.
Hi guys, I saw some people with problems to configure their controllers (I had some of them myself) and that wasn’t able to configure using the guide Aldrikh made here. So I thought of creating a tutorial to help those who need to configure specifically their controllers without using the Towerfall dev console. Sometimes, two default controllers have different inputs (it happened to me once), so it’s best to create a configuration file of your own, until Matt is able to do inside the game itself 🙂
1 – What you’ll need
First, you have to know your controller ID. There are two ways I know of, you can type “input_log” on Towerfall developer console (you can enable it in the options, open it with the key bellow escape) or get it with the program x360ce.If anyone know another, post and I’ll update the topic. (you can find x360ce here[github.com], scroll down a bit)
2 – How to find your controller ID with x360ce
After you open x360ce with your controller plugged in, go to the last tab (generally it says “USB Joystick, but could be something else) Your controller ID will be what is written on the “PG” box, like this:
Now that you know your controller ID, we can actually start to configure it.
3 – How to configure your controller
To know which button of your gamepad is which, you can use the windows game controller settings. You can find it in control panel -> devices and printers -> click with right button on your game pad and go in game controller settings -> properties. It should look like this:
With that open, go to your Towerfall folder and enter in the “Gamepad_Config” folder. Open the “Default.xml” with notepad (can be any of the others, but this is most likely closer to your controller, so you have to configure less commands). It looks like this:
In the <id>default</id> you delete “default” and put the ID you got in x360ce. In the name you put the name you want. Then, it’s just put the buttons you want to the commands you want and it’s all set. For example, mine I’ll put this:
IMPORTANT, READ BEFORE YOU CONFIGURE: The windows game controller settings show one button above of what Towerfall recognizes. For example: “button 1” in windows settings will be “button 0” in Towerfall’; button 3 in windows, will be button 2 in Towerfall; and so on.
After you’ve done, just save as the file in the Gamepad_Config directory as .xml with the name you desire. In the end, it should look like this:
Hope I could help 🙂