Blockland Guide

Tutorial for Blockland for Blockland

Tutorial for Blockland


Hello again. Today, I bring you new tutorial to another game. I hope you will like it!

Starting the game and configuration

Configuration settings

You are right now in game menu, what now? We should start with configuration in the settings. Change resolution, set keyboard binds, network site, audio and other.

NOTE: The game will ask you (right when you start the game) to choose network, I’m using dial-up but you don’t need do have it same just like me, you can select another network in settings. When you have chosen one of the networks, press OK, it will ask you next thing, and that’s some keybinds abbreviation’s, just let it default or change it whatever you wish to.

And that’s it, if you like your settings, just press apply and you got it.

Here’s the selection for setting.
Here’s the section of graphics

(NOTE: Option change GUI colors is not included in the game, this is a custom addon so please don’t tell me that there’s no way to choose color for the tGUI).

Here’s the audio settings.
Here’s the network settings.
Here’s the controls settings.
Here’s the advanced settings.

Creating avatar and profile nickname

What we should do right now? Yes, you’re right, create your own avatar and nickname.

If we have good settings, we should create our nickname and avatar so we can introduce ourselves to the community.

Avatar menu
This is how you look when you install or start Blockland for the first time.

This is my own skin (Example of custom skin)

When you are happy with your new avatar, press SetFavs to and choose from 1 to 9. Your skin will be saved at the number what you have chosen so you don’t need to be afraid of creating your avatar again and again.

There is last thing we forgot about, and that’s nickname.

Here’s panel where you can set your nickname.

NOTE: If you will want to set your nickname to ”Fred” it will say that the name is already taken, you must change to another one (or your real name, which I don’t really recommend). Remember to think logically about online games that give choice to change your nickname to whatever you like to, it is quite obvious that name like John or Adam will be already taken aswell.


We really should play tutorial first before joining, it will teach us basics and shows us whats the game about (kind of).

I think I really don’t need to explain further information, all what I can tell you is that you must choose Start Game and then find the gamemode, other things will make the computer.
Good Luck.

Meet the gamemodes

There are several gamemodes that we need to understand. Here they are.

Blockheads ruin XMAS

Gamemode was adden in v.21. The gamemode is about Players, 1 bot, and one big hole with lava in it in the middle of the map.

Player(s) have this objective: Throw as many gifts as possible into the big hole to win the game while bewaring Santa. Player who throws lot of gifts into the hole more than anybody else wins the game.

1 bot (Which is Santa) has this objective: Protect the gifts from the players.

Tips, Tricks and some things that you should know:
1. Santa will throw at you freezing snowballs which will freeze you and you will drop the gift.
2. Players will have some time to prepare before Santa spawns in.
3. You can make from snow a snowball, which you can throw at other players or Santa.


Same as Freebuild but with option to choose as many addons as you can. This is mostly used more than Freebuild.

Tips, Tricks and some things that you should know:
1. If you will join some server, you should be ready that you will need to wait some time since today servers, with gamemode Custom, have lot of addons. Its possible.
2. You can download your own addons at Blockland forum or at RTB (Which is long dead for quite some time)
3. You can load custom bricks or save some, whenever you are, but also note that custom addons you don’t have installed won’t be loaded, so be ready to see some empty places once you will load them in your own game.


This gamemode is the sandbox mode, you can build your own builds, do some fun or just see some players. This is not much used because it doesn’t allow you to choose addons, there will be only default sets of addons that are included in the game.

Tips, Tricks and some things that you should know:
1. If you want to play sandbox mode, choose next time Custom where you will be available to choose as many addons as possible.
2. You can test your skills at this gamemode. It can be eventing, building and etcetera and etcetera.
3. Same as custom, you can load custom bricks or save some.

MotE Mansion

In this gamemode, you will be spawned outside of the mansion and your objective will be simple: find all treasures and you are the winner. But it will be difficult since treasures are hiden at tricky places and mansion is pretty big. Good Luck in your hunting.

Tips, Tricks and some things that you should know:
1. You will also find some items that may help you in your hunting.
2. Always search rooms multiple times, I’m not some guy with OCD but you’re never sure if the treasure is in some room that you checked already, maybe yes, or maybe not.
3. If you are not alone and you find some friends to play with, or somebody joins your server, be sure that you look for treasures as fast as you can!


You probably played some race games, right? Race trough points and then head to the finish, isn’t it? Well, in this gamemode, there are no points that you need race trough at all, instead, you will just need to head into the finish, while bewaring tricks and traps, and be the first one that will head to the finish.

Tips, Tricks and some things that you should know:
1. Watch out for the water because when you loose your control over the car, its 95% sure that you will end up in water, meaning that you will die instantly.
2. If your car lands on roof, you will need to get out and push the car back on its wheels, while timer will apear that tells you to get in your car or you will die.
3. If you want to get fast, you can use shortcuts to get on 1. place but shortcuts are hard and I wouldn’t recommend it, but if you want to risk 1. place, go ahead.

Ninja glitch Challenge

You will need to use “ninja glitch parkour” to get on the top of the mountain to open up chest and you will eventually win, while bewaring traps and tricks.

I don’t know some tips and tricks, but I can tell you that you will need to perform some of the glitches to complete obstacles.

Pirate DM

Free for all, who is the best or the worst at fight? This gamemode will prove that you are good at close range, or at long range, or anything.

Tips, Tricks and some things that you should know:
1. Always try to outsmart your enemies, if it is stealth, or some cruel way to kill them? That’s
on you now.
2. There are few canons at the ships or one at the mountain on south.
3. Two ships in this map, one is blue, and one is red.
4. Several weapons should be found: Sword, Spear and Bow.


You have simple objective, destroy as many bricks as possible while you will become more bigger and bigger.

No tips are included or I just don’t know.

Two ships DM

Same as Pirate DM, but on 2 big ships surrounded by the ocean

No tips are included or I just don’t know.


This gamemode will learn you basics of the game. I think I don’t need to explain you much.

No tips are included.

How to fit in the community

When you join to some server, you see lot of players. Let’s just talk about how to be a normal…

1. Have some building experience.

2. Have a good grammar.

3. Behave normal.

4. Don’t talk too much much, only when somebody asks you, or during some event or drama.

If you’re the admin and some Blockheads joins, you should teach them and learn them some things, because you will make better community.


This tutorial was entirely made by me.

Also if you like, thank you.

If you don’t like, just leave.

– Fixed some grammar mistakes.
– Removed some lines that didn’t really made sense at all.