Project Arrhythmia Guide

Tutorial for Project Arrhythmia



Here is a Quick and simple Tutorial for Newbies in the game!!!

Controls and Basic Advices

To begin, lets start with the in-game controls here they are:

W,A,S,D or Arrow Keys To Move

Spacebar To Dash

Here are some Stuff you need to know:

Avoid The Obstacles (The Colored Stuff)

If you see a Transparent object Move out the way because an obstacle will take place there

If you dash You can go through obstacles

Get some Levels!!!

Now lets get some levels!!!

First Go to the steam Workshop

Obviously, you need to make an account first

Now Select a level and click “subscribe”

Now you got a level!

Next go to the game and go to settings.

Then Select “Reload Arcade”

Wait a moment…

Now go to arcade

And there you go! you got a level!!!

Recognizing Dificulties

Now you got some levels but have you seen that they got some colored stripe on therir roght side??? this is the dificulty here is a quick guide of the dificulties

Easy (Blue)

These are levels specially for begineers, at the start you can get a F or B but if you practice a bit more you can guarantee yourself that you can get an SS. So if you are a begineer this dificulty is just for you!!! An example is:

Medium (Green)

These levels are a bit more challenging for begineers, even a begineer can believe it is a expert level! These levels you need to be more cautious and more agile! An example of these is: Spectra

Hard (Orange)

These levels really give a challenge! These levels dont have all objects warned but are not THAT HARD Instead, they give a bit more crazy challenge! An example is: Siley I the origin

Expert (Red)

These levels are NOT RECOMENDED FOR BEGINEERS since these levels have a lot of objects, Like over 120 i think, These levels have the majority of objects non-warned. An example is: 3 madmen

Expert + (Black)

These levels are NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE!!! the have almost every object non-warned and have a lot of obstacles!!! I DEFINETLY DO NOT RECOMENT THESE LEVELS TO BEGINEERS! An example is: Deadlocked

Common Obstacles

These are the main perils you will encounter in levels:


Beams (Also known as Lasers) and similar-acting Walls are two types of common hazards in Just Shapes & Beats. They cover an entire line across the screen, with walls being frequently thicker. Though they are functionally identical, the differences between the two are as follows

-Just shapes and beats wiki

same goes to Project Arrythmia.
Walls in this case are the big lasers

The most common element in levels, they are stripes that can deal damage to the player.
They come in many ways

. Normal lasers: Just like you hear it, normal lasers

This is a laser taken from the cousin of this game: Just shapes and beats (jsab for short) (i couldnt fin other gif 🙁

. Big lasers: This lasers are bigger than the other ones they cover a lot of the screen

. Rotating Laser: This lasers, instead of just standing still, they rotate!!! the best way to dodge tem is to dash (spacebar)

Rotating lasers spin around an axis point.

-JSAB wiki

(rotating lasers seen in JUST SHAPES AND BEATS: Close To Me. Boss

Bombs (a.k.a spike bombs)

This are also very common obstacles found in Project arrythmia levels!!!

Exploding Spikes (Also known as Pulse Bombs) are spiked balls that are thrown in from the edges of the screen. When they explode, they fragment into particles that fly in all directions. Although they do not directly damage nearby players (aside from the particles) when they explode, it’s best to keep distance away from them.

-Just Shapes And Beats Wiki

Here are some different variants in Just Shapes And Beats that can also be seen in Project Arrythmia:

(all of the following is taken from the Just shapes and beats wiki: Click here to go there[] )

Hyper Bomb
A hyper bomb is a exploding spike that continues to inflate for a while before finally unleashing a huge flurry of projectiles. One such bomb is in Chronos.

Rod Bomb
A rod bomb is a exploding spike that detonates into rods that extend and then retract at the site of the “detonation”. No other particles are unleashed. This bomb appears in Hype.

Pulse Square
Pulse squares are squares that act similar to pulse bombs. Unlike pulse bombs, they can appear anywhere on the screen, detonate without destroying themselves, and release larger squares. They only appear in Core.

Mini Pulse Square
Mini pulse squares are (needless to say) smaller, destroy themselves, and release squares that are the same size of their circular brethren’s particles.

Double Pulse Square
Double pulse squares are similar to normal pulse squares, but when they vanish, they send out a second wave of squares.

Invisible Pulse Bombs
Invisible pulse bombs explode without appearing; they are just the particle ring. They do not damage players before detonation, and other hazards often guide players away from where they will detonate. For example, Termination Shock’s initial black holes have two locations for repeating particle rings in their centers (one each), and erupt with common blind spots (i.e. their combined eruption areas don’t cover the whole screen, even the overflows) to keep players at a safe distance from the rings once they detonate.

Pulse Plants
Pulse plants are functionally identical to normal pulse bombs, but are much larger, rise out of water, look like Plant/Cacti heads, and only appear in Lycanthropy.

Shovel Bombs
Shovel bombs are squares that get hit by a nearby shovel, then detonate into a ring of large square projectiles.


Appearing shapes

are hazards that appears transparent first, then becomes harmful. They then stay for a while, then disappear. These hazards are stationary, and come in various shapes and sizes.


Rare Obstacles

Here you will find some obstacles that are not in all levels.

Irises appear in Crystal Tokyo. They are functionally the opposite of black holes; they fill the whole screen except for the circle. A similar-functioning gun barrel view appears in Try This.

– JSAB Wiki

“Try This On For Size Mister.”

-Try this letter vocals

Black Holes

A common black hole attack from Logic Gatekeeper

Black Holes are common hazards in Just Shapes & Beats. They are large circles and are always forewarned by dotted rings indicating their initial radius. However, they can “overflow” this warning and expand beyond the warning. In some levels, the same black hole can be used several times. Such “recycled” black holes function as moving searchlights in Try This. Despite their name, they do not have any pulling force.

– Same goes to Project Arrythmia