Beasts of Bermuda Guide

Ultimate beginner guide: Gameplay basics for Beasts of Bermuda

Ultimate beginner guide: Gameplay basics


The first of my beginner guide series, basics of gamplay

Beasts of Bermuda

Beasts of Bermuda is a PVP/Survival dinosaur game in Early Access, this guide is being written on 12/14/2020 and many things will be changing. In this guide I will explain settings, controls, and some survival basics.

Basic Controls

I have noticed that the defaults are different for some people, so this may not be 100% accurate for everyone.

Movement keys: WASD to move, hold shift and one of these keys to sprint in that direction.
Crouch: Not all creatures have a crouch, crouch gives you a better turn radius and allows para to run uphill faster.
Lay down/sleep: press R to rest, and R again to sleep. Press any movement key to get up.
Scent: Hold Q to smell, this will help you find players, food and water. You can also tell what talent build someone is from this by their color.
Eat/drink: Hold E to eat and drink.
Talents: Press T to open your talent page
Menu: press esc to see the menu, there you can go to the menu, switch characters, find public groups, and more.
Character page: Press O to open your character page, on the right you can change your skin until you get to .7 growth.

Jump and press E to climb as velo

Press z to use your creature’s special ability (not all have one)

Press left click to attack, and right click for your secondary attack. Not all creatures have a secondary attack.


Bias is in indicator of how good your current diet is, having bias from 1-20 gives you a positive comfort boost, while having a bias of -1 to -100 will give you bad comfort. You can gain positive bias by eating the yellow flowers, blue crystals, and sponges. (edible by all creatures, carnivores and aquatics included) You can get negative bias by eating rotten meat, or a bad diet. For example, if an herbivore eats seaweed, they will get negative bias. To tell if meat is rotten, hold Q. If the scent cloud is orange or yellow the meat is rotten and should not be eaten. Fresh meat has a red scent.


There are many types of weather in BOB, such as Wind, rain, floods, storms and even tornadoes.

Being outside in storms and bad weather lowers your comfort significantly, this will cause you to lose health over time and eventually die. Get out of bad weather by finding shelter! you can find shelter in caves, under ledges, by cliffs, in trees (for velo only) or in burrows. (for ory only, though if the burrow is big enough anything can enter at the cost of claustrophobia, a burrow debuff taken by creatures other than ory)

When the weather gets windy, it will be difficult for ptera to fly, while tropeo can better put up with these conditions. It is best to stay near shelter as tornadoes can start in windy weather, and anyone not in 100% shelter will get torandoed(?) and you will die if you don’t fall into water.

In storms, if there is lightning players will get a growth buff and take less intimidation from other creatures. But be careful to watch the tide. Growth storms can easily cause extinction floods, where you will need to get to high ground or you will drown or be picked off by aquatic predators.


You can choose talents to make your creature better at some things, going in the speed build can make you faster, and you can select other speed related talents. You can go combat to do more damage and have combat related skills, or you can go survival to help you live longer without eating and drinking. This will change soon, as a survival and combat build update is being expected soon. I will likely make another guide purely to explain talents better.

Other tips

Go on servers for combat, such as Milkshake’s Cave Deathmatch to practice combat and abilities.
Most people are very willing to help and answer questions in game!
Try to always group up
You can join the discord server to ask questions, give feedback and ideas, chat, and see upcoming content! [link]

I had a ton of ideas for this guide but I have ideas then forget them and probably left out 90% of things so please comment on stuff I missed for the basics,,

I plan to make more guides going into detail of stuff like talents, flyers, basic combat and matchups, aquatics and all that.