Hello everybody welcome back to another ultimate guide. Today we will be covering Five Nights At Freddy’s 3. This guide will include characters, secrets, walkthroughs and tips and tricks. Any questions let me know. Enjoy :)WARNING: this guide will include SPOILERS
Entrances and controls
In Five Nights At Freddy’s 3, there are again no doors (like in fnaf 2). Instead there is a long hallway parallel to you.
In the office there are 2 controls- the famous camera system and a new one, the maintenance panel
Audio devices= can place audio lures
Camera system= can see the cameras
Ventilation= Makes the character see better and keeps the office under control
Reboot all= this will reboot any of the systems if they go offline (mostly due to jumpscares/ natural coincidences). I would recommend only rebooting all when there is more than one issues. If you click on one of the systems it would reboot the one but will do it faster. To my knowledge, the audio needs rebooting after 4-5 uses.
Additionally, there are vents where Springtrap will enter. You can hear him clanging in the vents so go to the cams and see “map toggle” click on that to view the vents. Double click the cam symbol to seal it off.
In fnaf 3, there are overall 10 cams
The vents is where Springtrap crawls down to enter your office (you can hear clanking). There is a total of 5 vents.
Animatronic #1: Springtrap
Type: Withered
Games: fnaf 2 (william afton), Fnaf 3, fnaf 4 (William Afton/springbonnie), fnaf world, fnaf: sister location (cutscene), fnaf 6 (william afton), UCN, fnaf help wanted, fnaf special delivery
Gender: male
Springtrap is the main character of fnaf 3. He is William Afton in an eroded bunny suit but as a corpse. He has a dark green hue to his suit will lots of tears. A chunk of his suit is ripped, revealing human innards with 1 black button on his chest. His legs are torn, revealing human muscles and wires with human parts covering his metal feet. He starts on night 2, after the “tutorial night.” He will go to every camera in the game. To keep him from attacking you, set an audio cue in a camera far away from you (I would definately go for cams 7, 8, 9 and 10). The audio cue is BB laugh. Springtrap can enter a vent at 1am on night 2, other nights he will do it straight from 12am.
If Springy is in the hallway outside the office, go to the cams and set audio lure to cam 2. The same goes whenever he is in a camera close to your office- if on cam 4, audio click to cam 5 and ect.
If he is at the door to your left, go to the cams and set audio lure to cam 1. Just hope you are near 5am when this happens.
There is 2 ways for Springtrap to kill you:
(1): enters office- to prevent this, set audio lures for cams 7, 8, 9 and 10.
(2): through the vents- to prevent this, listen out for noises. If you do, double click on the cam springy is on to trap him in.
(3): Phantoms- the phantoms could reset the ventilation, which is like a call for Springtrap. Avoid most phantoms and reset ventilation as quickly as possible.
If Afton enters the office, he will jumpscare you and end your night.
TIP: DO NOT set an audio lure on the camera Springtrap is on- this will make him advance closer to you.
Animatronic #2: Phantom Freddy
Type: Phantom/hallucination
Games: fnaf 3, fnaf world, UCN, fnaf help wanted
Gender: male
Phantom Freddy is the burnt remake of Withered Freddy who cannot kill the player. He has white pupils and burnt skin. His left leg has been torn and has multiple holes in his body. He has a black hat on his burnt head and a microphone in his hand. Phantom Freddy starts on night 2 and has the easiest pattern. he will occasionally walk from right to left in the hall opposite of you. To avoid his jumpscare, simply go to the maintenance panel or the cameras. In this time he will just disappear through the wall. If you look at him for more than 7 seconds, he will duck underneath the window for about 3 seconds, then enter your office and jumpscare you, causing the ventilation to malfunction and call Springtrap over. Most people who have never played this before looks at P.Freddy because they are scared- this will make them lose the night if Springtrap comes.
Animatronic #3: Phantom Balloon Boy
Type: Phantom/hallucination
Games: fnaf 3, fnaf world, UCN, fnaf help wanted
Gender: male
Phantom BB is the hallucination of the original BB. He has white pupils with burns all around him. He no longer has his balloon or sign and the colours in his shirt are mostly faded. he starts on night 2 and can appear in any camera.
When he is on the camera, you have 1.5 seconds to move to a different camera/exit the cams/go to vents.
TIP: Hover your mouse near another camera/the vents just in case Phantom BB appears.
If he does appears he will forcefully pull down the monitor and jumpscare you, messing up the ventilation and making the office flash red, requiring a reboot.
Animatronic #4: Phantom Foxy
Type: Phantom/hallucination
Games: fnaf 3, fnaf world, fnaf help wanted
Gender: male
Phantom Foxy is the burn reminiscence of Withered Foxy who appears more broken than the original. He has burnt streaks all over him and his left arm completely gone. He has white pupils with his eyepatch over his left eye. He always seems to be leaning to the right. He starts on night 3 and he can appear randomly when you move to the left side of the office. In order to not get jumpscared by him, move slowly to the left in the office, if you see him, move to the right, put on the camera, and put it down. It will make him disappear.
TIP: always move slowly to the left, even if Phantom Foxy isn’t active- this will give a chance to get used to the movement.
If you get jumpscared by him (which is quite possible), he will glitch out the ventilation, making Springtrap come closer- reboot the ventilation by clicking on it.
Animatronic #5: Phantom Chica
Type: Phantom/Hallucination
Games: fnaf 3, fnaf world, fnaf help wanted
Gender: female
Phantom Chica is the burnt, damaged version of the original chica. She is missing her right hand and has burnt marks all over her body. Her mouth is always open and has white pupils. She starts on night 3 and If you see a white, smiling face on the Arcade on CAM 07, you have to switch the camera immediately (like Phantom BB). If you won’t, she will be activated, and will jumpscare you as soon as you move to the left side of your office, and disable the ventilation system, making Springy come to get you.
TIP: To avoid P.Chica, totally avoid cam 7 from night 3 onwards.
Animatronic #6: Phantom Mangle
Type: Phantom/Hallucination
Games: fnaf 3, fnaf 4, fnaf world, fnaf help wanted
Gender: Unknown (I believe she is female).
Phantom Mangle is the hallucination of the older one in fnaf 2. She is exactly the same apart from more wires, burnt hue and the white pupils. She starts on night 2 and has a similar behaviour to the one in Ultimate Custom Night. She will randomly replace Foxy on CAM 04, when you see her on the camera, she will play a loud, glitchy static.
When this happens, she will appear in your offices window and play the audio for 10 seconds- Springtrap will also be drawn to this noise and will proceed to kill you.
TIP: Avoid cam 4 if you can from night 2 onwards.
Animatronic #7: Phantom Puppet
Type: Phantom/hallucination
Games: fnaf 3, fnaf world, fnaf help wanted
Gender: Male animatronic, female soul
Phantom puppet is one of the worst phantoms in fnaf 3. She is a burnt marionette with white eyes. She starts on night 4 and appears on camera 8.
When this happens, IMMEDIATELY change cameras. This can be very hard because as soon as you click on cam 8 and P.Puppet is there, she will immediately drop into your office.
When she enters your office, she will block your view for 10 seconds, making the cameras and maintenance panel inaccessible. In this time, Springtrap will come in and jumpscare you if he is close to you.
TIP: From night 4 onwads, completely avoid cam 08 if possible- don’t try to set an audio lure on the cam.
Now that the animatronics are dealt with, let’s move on to the secrets.
Shadow Freddy appears from night 3 onwards. He causes no harm and appears in the left corner of your office.
When you open up a game, 3 poses of the corpse of purple guy will be seen trying to get out.
Appears at random.
Extremely rare. Can be accessed by changing cameras a lot.
Can be found on cam 4
Appears from any night.
To access this, you need to not complete any of the minigames.
Complete every mingame in the game (you can also see Springtrap in the image).
Minigame #1: BB’s air adventure
BB’s Air Adventure is not a Night-Specific minigame. The player can access the minigame on any night by going to Cam 08 and double-clicking on the character drawing of BB on the left wall.
First Exit/Ending. Here are the ways to achieve this minigame.
(1): In this minigame, the player takes control of BB to collect balloons. The balloon count at the top starts at 8, but in the first room, there are 7 balloons to collect. Once these 7 balloons have all been collected in this room, an exit will appear in the form of a door. Touching this door ends the minigame, though in doing so, the player will leave 1 balloon uncollected. There is no penalty for neglecting the last balloon, but the secret portions of the level are important for unlocking other minigame aspects later in the Nights.
Second Exit/Ending
(2): Another way that this minigame can end is if the player exits the starting room by jumping out of an invisible exit at the top left corner of the room. This exit option is unlocked once the player gets the 7 balloons in the first room. Once the player does this, they will fall to a black-and-white area, in which they can proceed to the left to enter another area. The next area contains three crying, silhouetted Balloon Boys near a large silhouetted structure. If the player proceeds left, they will encounter an exit in the form of a door. Touching said door ends the minigame.
Third Exit/Ending
(3): A third way that this minigame can end is if the player collects the 7 balloons in the first room, then exits the starting room by jumping out of the invisible exit at the top left corner of the room. If the player has already gone through the second Exit door, red balloons should appear as static platforms underneath where BB is falling, leading to a blue platform with a child that appears to be dead. If the player walks off the right edge of this platform, they will land on another “room” with a color-changing balloon. Important: Enter the room from the bottom-left corner, otherwise the player may get caught and need to restart (F2) the game. Collecting this balloon is necessary for full progression in this minigame.
(4): Once the player has visited the Mangle’s Quest minigame (Night 2), return to BB’s Air Adventure. Following the same path of the Third Ending to the platform with the child will lead to the player successfully completing the full minigame. A cake will appear once the child is approached, and the minigame will then end. The child then awakens, and one of the children in the Happiest Day minigame will be unlocked.
Minigame #2: Mangle’s quest
Mangle’s Quest can only be accessed on Night 2 by going to Cam 07 and clicking on the top-left, then bottom-left, then top-right, then bottom-right buttons on the left (P1) side of the arcade machine. There are 2 ways to fully complete this game:
(1): The player must use WASD controls to control Mangle, W being the Jump button. The player must move Mangle in a platform-style minigame to collect its 4 missing parts, each worth 100 points. A big kid runs around at the bottom of the screen from left-to-right on the second and third screens of the inner room. Landing on or simply touching the kid will dismantle Mangle and end the minigame. An exit will also appear on the last segment of the inner room, and touching the door will end the minigame.
(2): If the player has already advanced in BB’s Air Adventure (Third Ending), the player will be able to exit the inner room by jumping through an invisible exit in the top-right of the inner room. Mangle will then fall a considerable distance into a majority-red atmosphere. Falling all the way will show a very tall crying Puppet silhouette (or statue) collapsed down on its knees. Going left will show red balloon platforms. Follow these red balloons, and if BB’s Air Adventure has advanced to at least the Third Ending, Mangle will find a cake on the last red balloon. Touching this will end the minigame and unlock the Foxy/Mangle mask child in the Happiest Day minigame. Alternately, the player can use the Exit door on the far bottom-left of the minigame, but this will not unlock anything new in the Happiest Day minigame.
Minigame #3: Chica’s party
To trigger this minigame, the player must be on Night 3 and find the dark gray cupcakes with faces via the camera feeds. Clicking all of these will automatically start the minigame. The cupcakes will always appear in Cams Cam 02, Cam 03, Cam 04, and Cam 06. There are 2 ways to access this:
(1): In this minigame, the player takes control of Toy Chica to collect 4 different cupcakes and take them to 4 crying children wearing blue clothes. Each cupcake delivery results in a the respective child smiling and wearing a green jumpsuit. Once each child has been given a cupcake, an Exit door will appear on the lower level. Touching said door ends the minigame.
Cake Ending
(2): If all prior cake endings have been reached, there will be a secret way to reach another child. After giving cupcakes to all 4 children, the player can jump through an invisible hole in the wall on the top-left of the lower level (around the level transition from top-to-bottom levels). The player must land on a red balloon or will fall through to a crying cupcake and Exit door. If the player lands on the red balloon and platforms up to reach the child, and all previous minigames have resulted in their Cake Endings, Chica will provide a cake to the child, unlocking another child in the Happiest Day minigame.
Minigame #4: Stage01
To trigger this minigame, the player must be on Night 4. Nine wall tiles in The Office are clickable and are in a dialpad-type configuration, as on a phone. These tiles are located between the box of Animatronic masks and the trashcan. Pretending that this is a dialpad, type in 3, 9, 5, 2, 4, 8. For reference, treat 3 as ‘top-right’. Clicking the wall tiles in the right order will bring the player to the minigame.
(1): In this minigame, the player takes control of Golden Freddy in a highly odd-clipping platforming game. An Exit door is present in the top-right corner of this first room, which will end the minigame.
(2): There are actually nine rooms in this level. Golden Freddy can exit the first room by running left into the stage platform (to the left of the children). He will then “slide”/jerk through the left side of the room, then falling. The player can walk all the way to the bottom-right of the map and simply exit via an Exit door. Once in the bottom-right part of the level, follow these steps to reach the crying child:
1. Jump into the Left side of the bottom-right room. This will transport Golden Freddy up to the top of the outside of the bottom-right room.
2. Jump left into to the top-right corner of the Bottom-Center room. This will transport Golden Freddy to the top of the outside of the bottom-center room.
3. Jump up through the floor of the middle-center room (slightly to the left of Golden Bonnie). Golden Freddy will then be transported into the middle-center room. Jump into the right side of the inside of this room, and Golden Freddy will be transported to the top of the outside of the middle-center room.
4. Jump up through the floor of the top-center room (slightly to the left of Golden Bonnie). Golden Freddy will then be transported into the top-center room. Jump into the left side of the inside of this room, and Golden Freddy will be transported to the top of the outside of the top-center room.
5. Jump right into the left side of the top-right room. This will clip Golden Freddy through the wall to meet a crying child. If the player has reached all prior Cake Endings, Golden Freddy will then give the child cake, unlocking another kid in the Happiest Day minigame. If this criteria has not been met, Golden Freddy will be transported through the right of the child and through the right of the room, leaving only the Exit doors as escape options.
Minigame #5: Glitch
To trigger this minigame, the player must be on Night 5. There is a barely-visible figurine of RWQFSFASXC on the far right of The Office desk. If the player double-clicks on this figurine, the minigame will start.
(1): RWQFSFASXC can fly infinitely if the player uses W, and RWQFSFASXC phase-shifts or glitches through various minigame vignettes as well as a unique purple room that can be triggered by the S key. The player can exit by going through the Exit door on the STAGE01 room of this minigame.
(2):RWQFSFASXC can go to the BB’s Air Adventure section of this minigame and leave the room in the top-left. Phasing over to the purple room with the crying child while RWQFSFASXC is outside of the room allows RWQFSFASXC to contact the child. If the player has unlocked prior Cake Ending criteria, touching the crying child will make a cake appear, exiting the minigame and unlocking a child on the Happiest Day minigame.
Minigame #6: Happiest day
Happiest Day is not a Night-Specific minigame. The player can access the minigame on any night by going to CAM 3 and double-clicking on the character drawing of The Puppet on the right wall.
(1): The player controls The Puppet, who can only walk left or right. Walking past several kids wearing alligator and pig masks, the player can go to the far right of the level to find a crying child. To the left of the table, there will be as many children wearing gray masks as have been unlocked from the other minigames. Without all five minigames completed with Cake Endings, the player can only exit via the Exit door; no cake will appear on the table unless the player has all the Cake Endings complete and runs into the table.
(2): If the player has all five minigames beaten with their respective cake endings, there will be four children wearing Freddy, Chica, Foxy, and Bonnie masks to the left of the table. Running into the table will place a cake on the table. The crying child to the right of the table will now have a Golden Freddy mask on. All five children and the child that the player is controlling will then disappear, and their masks will fall to the ground. The six balloons will then fly upwards through the room barrier, mostly out of view. Finishing this ending will trigger a unique star to appear on the main menu, and this is saved to the game file as a unique variable signifying that the Good Ending has now been realized.
Stragety- night 1
This night is basically a tutorial night. You can explore the camera map, maintenance panel and possibly find minigames. You can also use this night to get used to switching cameras quickly and setting audios. To sum up in other words, do whatever you want. 🙂
stragety- night 2
Phantom Mangle
Phantom Balloon Boy
Ok, now there are 3 threats in night 2.
Springtrap isn’t the only threat, the phantoms can interrupt you and make the ventilation malfunction.
Set audio lures between cams 8, 9 and 10 to keep Afton at bay.
DO NOT set audios on the cam that Springtrap is on.
Always hover your mouse on either another camera or the camera button just in case Phantom BB comes.
As it is the 2nd night, only a few things will go offline, meaning you only have to click on one to reboot it.
Avoid cam 4 at the most, as P.Mangle appear there.
It’s only night 2, so it should be a bit easy. Don’t stress, and you’ll make it.
stragety- night 3
Phantom Mangle
Phantom Balloon Boy
Phantom Freddy
Phantom Foxy
Phantom Chica
Now Phantom Chica, Freddy and Foxy are active.
Avoid cam 7 if you can, as P.Chica appears there
If you see Phantom Freddy, just go to the cams or maintenance panel. He will not harm you if occupied.
If Foxy is there, don’t look directly at him. Instead, go to the cams and out. He will be gone by then.
Always hover your mouse over another cam- in case of BB.
Set audio lures on cams 8, 9 and 10 for Springy
Avoid cam 4 at the most.
It is possible for there to be 2 things on the maintenaice panel offline- use “reboot all” when this happens for quicker time.
It’s kinda hard to avoid Phantom Foxy, so try not to look at him fully.
stragety- night 4
Phantom Mangle
Phantom Foxy
Phantom Balloon Boy
Phantom Chica
Phantom Freddy
Phantom Puppet
This time, P.Puppet has been added to the mix
Avoid cam 8 if possible, as Phantom Puppet appears there
Springtrap is more violent- set audio lures in cams 8,9 and 10.
Try not to stay on a camera for too long- phantoms will start to appear there
Avoid cams 4 and 7 if possible- Phantom Chica and Phantom Mangle
If Foxy is there, look at him half way, then go to the cams and exit it again.
If Phantom Puppet appears in your office, she will block your vision for 10 seconds, making the ventilation glitch out, drawing Springtrap in.
stragety- night 5
Phantom Mangle
Phantom Foxy
Phantom Balloon Boy
Phantom Chica
Phantom Freddy
Phantom Puppet
Basically like night 4, but more aggressive.
Phantom Chica Mangle and Puppet can be very annoying in this night as they are way more active
Try to avoid CAM 07, CAM 04, and CAM 08.
Frequently reset audio. (even if it’s not disabled)
Set audio on cams 9,10 and 11
Change cameras frequently so you don’t draw unwanted attention.
It is the last night so it may take some time to achieve this.
Stay calm
stragety- night 6
Phantom Mangle
Phantom Foxy
Phantom Balloon Boy
Phantom Chica
Phantom Freddy
Phantom Puppet
This is the hardest possible night in the game.
Beating this night unlocks the extras menu.
Springtrap’s speed is increased.
The phantoms will appear in the camera and in the office way more often.
A route that helped me was:
make noise at CAM 10, lock CAM 14, reboot audio (and other necessary devices), repeat.
You have to act fast on this one, so don’t worry if you don’t get it first try.
That’s all from me. Any questions or anything I’ve missed out let me know. Have a good day 🙂