Ultimate guide to Watch_dogs 2. [Guide is in Alpha]This guide is a collection point for alot of information about Watch_Dogs 2
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Welcome to Watch_Dogs 2
For Marcus Holloway, the San Francisco Bay Area is his playground. From Marin to Oakland to Silicon Valley to the City, the neighborhoods and people are as diverse as the activities dotted everywhere in the Bay Area. Take in all of the sights, sounds and action that the world of Watch Dogs 2 has to offer.
Following the events of Chicago, San Francisco becomes the next city to install the ctOS (central Operating System), which connects everyone with everything. Marcus Holloway (Ruffin Prentiss), an intelligent twenty-four year old hacker from Oakland, California, is punished for a crime he did not commit by the upgraded ctOS – ctOS 2.0 – which categorizes him as the suspect. Realizing the system covertly brings harm to the innocent citizens of San Francisco, he decides to work with the hacking group DedSec to take down the city’s ctOS 2.0, and Blume, the company behind it.
Marcus joins DedSec and works with fellow hackers Sitara, Wrench, Horatio and Josh, and they begin using their skills to expose corrupt organizations and corporations that are secretly using stolen personal ctOS data for their own ends. The game begins with Marcus – known also as Retr0 – having an initiation test: deleting his own ctOS profile. Accepted into DedSec, he is alerted to a Church called New Dawn that serves as a criminal organization. Eventually, they stumble upon the existence of a subliminal message and Bellwether, a data manipulation program being fed ctOS data by Dusan (Christopher Jacot), Blume’s CTO, to manipulate world finance and politics. DedSec later manages to recruit the assistance of Raymond “T-Bone” Kenney, who is determined to battle Blume. With his assistance, Marcus and DedSec manage to expose the corruption of the FBI and numerous Silicon Valley corporations, and take down the ringleaders of the Tezcas, one of the local gangs after they kidnap Horatio and kill him after he refuses to cooperate with them. Once learning that Blume is planning to install a satellite network designed to bypass undersea data cables, which would effectively give Blume a monopoly on the entire world’s electronic data and stock exchanges, they infitrate the launch area of one of the satellites to install a backdoor for them. In order to bring down Blume and Dusan for good, Marcus breaks into Blume’s San Francisco headquarters and hacks their servers, exposing the existence of Bellwether and Dusan’s corruption. In the aftermath, Dusan is arrested for fraud and Blume is put under investigation, though Marcus and DedSec resolve to continue the fight against Blume.
Watch Dogs 2 ditches the po-faced protagonist and serious tone of the original for a more light-hearted world in the new setting of San Francisco – the perfect destination for a hacking-centric caper.The missions of Watch Dogs 2 are broken down into two core types – Main Operations (the main story) and Side Operations (side missions). Both are technically optional; you have to complete the opening ‘Wipe Your Profile’ mission to get out into the open world, but from there, you can ignore everything and do as you please. If you want to delve into any story stuff, then the DedSec app is your best bet, while the Nudle map will also point the starting locations of quests you’ve unlocked. There’s also Cooperative Operations that show up in the app – more on online activities later on – but since these are randomly generated, we don’t have specific guides available to help.
1. Wipe Your Profile
Simply follow the on-screen prompts and waypoints until you make it inside the building.
Once inside make your way up the steps around the central column of servers until you reach the waypoint; there are few guards and plenty of cover to hide behind on your way. Hack the server and then stay out of sight nearby until shutdown is complete.
Carry on up another couple of floors, climb the ladder into the server tower, and open the hatch. After the cutscene head down one floor and open the door ahead. Keep out of sight of the guard on the upper level of this room and head for the far end, climb onto the ledge, and down the steps into the main control room.
Hack the panel on the left of the curved panel to encounter your first puzzle;
Follow the cable to the first elbow switch and turn it to connect the two wires;
Follow the cable to the second switch and do likewise;
Return to the panel and unlock the switch.
Retrace your steps and keep heading down until you reach the lowest floor. Follow the waypoints to the boiler room to end the introductory mission.
2. CyberDriver
Head into HQ and watch the movie trailer, then go outside and get in the yellow car parked across the street. Follow the route to the studio, hack the gate, and drive through.
Approach the target area and hack the gate to enter the restricted zone. Use the cover of the van and the bush to head for the small door to the left of the truck, hack the garage door to open it for later, and then head through the normal door and take cover near the far doorway. Use the cameras dotted around the area to tag the guards so you can keep track of them then head for the stairs to the left just below one of the objectives.
On the walkway above deal with the guard on patrol outside the office and head for the far end. The guard inside will open the door and head towards you so knock him out before moving inside and downloading the emails.
Hack the door control in the office then head through the newly opened door to your left and use the walkway to sneak round to the far side and return to ground floor to deal with the guard standing outside the locked room. You can either find a guard with the keycode to get inside, but if you wait then a guard will helpfully open the door for you from inside – knock him out as soon as he unlocks it, grab the script, and make your escape via the garage door.
Travel to the next marker, head behind the building, and use the crates and other stacked items to reach the roof. Meet with your contact to get the intel you need then cross the road to find the car. There are a lot of guards here, but there’s little point worrying about alerting them because as soon as you get in the car any hope of stealth is lost, so just run for the truck, open the door, and get ready for chaos.
Escaping police pursuit involves a fair amount of luck, but the best bet seems to be to head to the north-east end of South Park and make a few passes along the tunnel to escape the chopper, and then deal with the ground pursuit. Hacking traffic lights and other environmental items should be enough to slow down anyone on your tail, so it’s mostly a case of keeping your eye on the minimap and avoiding getting too close to patrol cars searching for you ahead. Once you’ve shaken the pursuit head for the garage.
3. False Profits
Head to HQ, talk to Sitara, then follow the objective marker to start the mission.
There are two ways into the building – you can either enter through the rear door, or head to the right side of the building and send the Jumper through the vent to get the keycode for the front door.
Each route has its advantages – the rear entrance provides more cover, but the front entrance has a shorter distance to cross – but whichever way you go the target device is upstairs directly above the front door. You can take the stealthy option and use cover to slowly make your way up and around, hack the various devices around the building to create distractions and traps, or simply fight your way up, but bear in mind that once you access the device you’ll have to stay near it while the data is transferred so if you choose the combat route be prepared for a lengthy stand-off.
Head for the next marker, talk to your contact, watch the cutscene, head for the next marker, and talk to Miranda.
As you approach the New Dawn re-education centre make use of the cameras around the compound to tag the guards and set a few traps or distractions. The easiest way to get in is to head to the left side of the fenced area and climb the rocks at the rear, and from there you can drop inside and be relatively close to your first objective.
Head inside the shack to collect the list, and then head for the second marker – using the rocks again makes for a quick and safe route. Once on the balcony outside the next objective, hack the laptop to get the keycode, release the prisoner, and once again use the rocks to make your escape.
Head to the temple and through the main gate. Before you can get in you’ll need to grab the keycode from the guard’s hut that sits above the garage doors, but the area is heavily patrolled so make sure to tag the guards with the cameras before you make your move.
Once you’ve got the key you can unlock the doors to the temple at the front or back – the front is a much shorter trip, but the back doors leave you less exposed. There’s quite a lengthy puzzle segment involved in here so it’s much safer to try and avoid detection by taking cover behind the pews as you head up to the balcony – the puzzle is much easier to do without constant interruptions from hostiles!
These two columns are labelled as looking at them from the balcony:
Rotate the T piece closest to you so the short end points away.
Rotate the other T piece so the short end points up.
Unlock the switch.
Rotate the T piece furthest away so the short end points down.
Unlock the switch.
Rotate the top T piece so the short end points up.
Rotate the elbow so it sends power up.
Unlock the switch and rotate it so it sends power to the right.
Rotate the other elbow to send power down.
Unlock the switch.
These two are labelled as looking at them from behind the altar.
Rotate the bottom T piece so the short end points up.
Rotate the elbow so it sends power upwards.
Unlock the switch.
Rotate the elbow so it sends power to the left.
Unlock the switch.
Rotate the T so the short end points left.
Unlock the switch and rotate it to send power to the right.
Rotate the T so that the short piece points right.
Unlock the switch.
4. Haum Sweet Haum
Head to the garage and talk to Wrench then make your way to the objective marker. Enter the building through the door around the back, head up the stairs, and use the Jumper to unlock the door via the air vent. Interact with the computer to start the mission.
Stealing the van can be accomplished through stealth, but as with Cyberdriver there will come a point where stealth is no longer an option so the quickest way to achieve your goal is to swim across to the dock opposite the office, climb onto the adjacent building, alert the guard on the roof, and then drop down to the area with the van.
The guards will summon reinforcements who will helpfully open the gates for you while you climb aboard, and in the ensuing confusion you should be able to escape pursuit with no difficulty. Take the van back to the garage and talk to Wrench again.
Go back to HQ, get your caffeine on, head to the next marker, and cut the power.
If you’ve researched the upgrades for disabling security systems this next part is a lot more straightforward as you can worry less about tripping something, but if not then you’ll need to be extra cautious.
Find somewhere safe to hide outside the perimeter then deploy the Jumper and head to the driveway. Wait for one of the patrolling robots to temporarily drop the sensors and head through (watch you don’t get caught up on the little step), open one of the air vents on the ground floor and attach the bug to the router then head outside and jump your way up the steps.
Open the next air vent and go inside, download the data from the panel hidden behind the closet, and beat a retreat.
When you reach the next marker, tap into the network and head to the restricted area. You need to get inside the server room on the upper floor first, either by stealth or brute force, and activate the central console.
There are a few civilians and robots in the courtyard, and more civilians and a handful of guards inside to deal with or avoid, but once the console is activated you can leave the restricted area for a bit of a respite so a quick in, quick out approach is favourable.
Once the console is activated and you’re safely hidden, hack the cameras in the courtyard and use them to flip the switches that are placed around the outside of the tower.
Once the final switch has been triggered you’ll be given a camera’s-eye view of the secure server from where you can trigger the download of the data. Once it’s started transmitting you’ll be given a small zone on the minimap that you need to stay within whilst the transfer takes place which will require remaining in the courtyard for a while, so at this point the ability to disable robots comes in very handy.
If you can’t switch them off you’ll need to keep circling round the flowerbeds remaining hidden instead, but thankfully they stick to a slow and predictable pattern.
5. Looking Glass
Trouble at Home
Speak to the crew at HQ then make your way to the !NViTE offices.
!Nvite to Mayhem
Head to the central courtyard, open the air vent on the wall opposite the objective marker, and send the Jumper through and up the stairs. Once it’s in the main building send it back downstairs into the central lobby and grab the keycode from the laptop.
Recall the Jumper, head inside, and switch to NetHack to follow the cable from the lift call button to the security panel on the upper floor. Unlock it to activate the elevator, and ride it up to the office.
After the cutscene you need to evade the police; quickly run out through the main doors and try and find shelter under something – ground pursuit takes a while to start so if you can conceal yourself from the chopper quickly enough you can end the chase before it really begins.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
R and R
Return to HQ for a quick bit of story, and you’ll find yourself at the Swelter Skelter festival. Talk to the rest of the crew and then head for the large sculpture, activate the drone, and start the hacking challenge.
All the directions are given from the point of view of facing of the statue, and note that the two elbow pieces closest to the statue can’t be left powered for long or they will reset the whole puzzle.
Rotate the rear central power piece to activate it.
Rotate the elbow piece connected from the power source on the left to send power towards the statue.
Rotate the elbow piece on the left side near the central power source to send power toward the camera.
Unlock the switch and rotate the timed elbow to deactivate it.
Rotate the right timed elbow to send power towards the camera.
Unlock the switch and disable the timed elbow.
Rotate the elbow piece connected from the power source on the left to send power away from the statue.
Rotate the bottom central elbow to connect the middle and left cables.
Rotate the straight piece to the left of the statues mouth to point down.
Rotate the left timed elbow to send power towards the camera.
Unlock the switch below the statue’s mouth and then disable the timed switch.
Rotate the left elbow to send power towards the camera.
Rotate the straight piece so it’s vertical.
Rotate the elbow piece to the right of the statue’s mouth to direct power away from the camera.
Rotate the timed elbows to send power to the switch behind the statue.
Unlock the switch!
Finish the puzzle and these sets of missions are done. Next up is Limp Nudle, whenever you’re ready.
6. Limp Nudle
Second Wind
Once you’re on the bus follow the GPS, and you’ll make a couple of stops to pick up more passengers until you eventually reach Nudle HQ.
Alphabet Soup
Head into the room next to the restricted area in the main lobby and send the Jumper through the vent into the next room and use it to hack the panel – keeping it out of view of the guards requires some patience, but don’t forget to distract them with their phones to give you a few seconds peace.
Once the locks have been bypassed head upstairs and sneak into the upper secured area. Hack the laptop on the desk to get the credentials you need and then exit the building, cross to the Nudle Maps building, enter the lobby and go through the door to the left into the main room.
Either sneak or send the Jumper into the raised restricted area in the corner to find another panel. Hack it to unlock the doors in the other corner, head into the newly opened area, and climb the ladder inside.
When you reach the landing send the Jumper through the vent, cross the corridor, and send it into the restricted area to find another panel in the far right that unlocks the elevator access room. Enter the lift shaft and hack the elevator, climb on top of it when it stops, send it down to the bottom, and make your way down to the floor of the maintenance room to trigger an interactive cutscene.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
As the dialogue plays out, switch from camera to camera to hack the phone on the desk, the Nudle toy by the door, and the speakers next to the TV. When Horatio is on his own switch to the camera in the corner of the room. When he asks which floor you’re on interact with the light switch, and then watch the rest of the cutscene.
Open the door and enter the server room. Hack the nearest camera, switch to NetHack, and hack the active server. Keep switching between cameras and hacking until you find your target (it may be random, but for us it was in unit 6). Activate the panel on column 1 nearest the door you entered through to trigger a switch puzzle:
Rotate the straight piece nearest to door 6, the elbow piece it’s directly connected to, and the elbow between the two.
Rotate the elbow piece in front of door 4.
Unlock the floor switch in front of door 5.
Unlock the wall switch for door 6.
Open the door and plant the backdoor on the server, then watch another cutscene.
Make your way into the cooling room in the other corner at the end of the room you entered, and follow the waypoints through the drainage system – don’t worry about the “losing bypass signal” alert that pops up – and reunite with Horatio outside. With these missions done, move onto Hacker War whenever you’re ready.
7. Hacker War
Nine Lives/Lenni’s Demands
Speak to Lenni in the club and then head for Rhonda’s Restaurant.
Speak to your contact and then head round to the left of the compound and climb up onto the roof. Use the cameras to tag the enemies dotted around, and either sneak or brute force your way to each of the three waypoints. Sneaking will be much easier if you have the security system bypass unlocked as it will give you easy passage through some otherwise unguarded doors, and without it the situation may escalate. Once the ATMs are out of commission leave the area to trigger the next phase.
Bunker Bust
Head back and talk to Lenni again then follow the waypoint to her base. It’s not too heavily patrolled so a head-on assault is a viable option, or you can set a few traps and let the enemies take themselves out if you’re not in a hurry. Open the vent and drop inside, hack the router, and then prepare for a battle against the clock with perhaps the most taxing puzzle in the game.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
We’ve split the solution in to four parts – if you’re standing facing the bank of monitors part 1 is ahead to the right, part 2 is ahead to the left, part 3 is behind to the right, and part four is behind to the left. The important thing here is to work methodically, and above all don’t panic: the time limit seems short, but in reality you should have plenty of time to spare.
Part 1:
Rotate the T piece next to the power source to connect all three wires.
Follow the cable down and right and rotate the elbow to send power to the upper cable.
Turn right and unlock the switch, then rotate it to send power downwards.
Turn left and rotate the elbow piece to send power to the lower cable.
Follow the cable to the locked switch floor and rotate the nearby T piece to send power across to it.
Unlocking the switch will cause some to reset, so return to the power source and rotate the T to the correct position, and make sure both T pieces on the floor are connected at all three ends.
Unlock the next switch and rotate it to power the section of cable that heads over the barrels.
Part 2:
Rotate the T piece closest to Part 1 to connect to all three cables.
Rotate the straight piece on the ducting above the monitors.
Rotate the T piece on the ducting to connect the three cables.
Rotate the straight piece on the wall to point downwards.
Unlock the switch in the corner which will cause chaos again.
Make sure the switch you just unlocked is pointing down, and rotate the T piece on the wall to send power across.
Part 3:
Rotate the elbow in the corner to join the two wires.
Rotate the elbow on the floor nearest the locked switch to send power upwards.
Rotate the elbow on the wall to send power to the right.
Rotate the T piece on the ceiling in the corner to connect to all three wires.
Unlock the switch on the wall, and they’ll all shuffle around again.
Rotate the elbow on the floor next to the locked switch to connect it to the cable heading away from the wall.
Rotate the elbow on the wall to connect the upper cable to the right hand one.
Rotate the T piece on the ceiling to connect all three cables.
Rotate the elbow in the corner to reconnect the wires.
Unlock the switch on the floor and rotate it to connect to the cable running towards the middle of the room.
Part 4:
Rotate the T on the ceiling to connect all three wires.
Follow the cable straight from the power source, through the T, and rotate the elbow to connect the next wire.
Rotate the next elbow to send power to the right.
Unlock the locked switch on the wall. No prizes for guessing what happens next.
Make sure the switch you just unlocked is connected to all three wires and that the T on the ceiling is sending power to it.
Rotate the elbow on the wall to direct power down.
Head down the steps and unlock the floor switch.
Rotate it to direct power towards the centre of the room.
Once all four parts are complete, unlock the switch in front of the bank of monitors to defuse the bomb, then go and have a lie down. Phew! Take a break, explore the open world, and whenever you’re ready to return to the story, W4tched awaits.
Peeping Toms/Café Culture
Once the first part of the mission is under way head to the marked area and activate NetHack to locate the surveillance van. Make your way around to the far side of the danger zone and climb onto the roof of the low building, hack into the truck, and then take shelter in the small alcove on the roof to wait out the timer – with any luck none of the enemies will find you, but if they do make it to the roof they can be taken out using the electrical panel on the floor. Once the download is complete drop down to the beach below and make your escape.
Cabbie for Hire
Pick up Miranda and drive her to her destination and then head for the FBI building.
Dellums Towers
Answer the ringing phone and use the recording to bypass the door lock and enter the foyer.
Ride the elevator up and exit through the left side up the upper lobby into the service stairwell in the far corner, climb the stairs, and clamber onto the platform in the middle of the room to activate the panel on the antenna mast and trigger the switch puzzle – you may need to use the camera on the wall to reach some of the switches, and be aware that the elbow on the antenna can only be connected for a short period of time – if it’s left powered for too long the entire puzzle will reset.
All positions are given from a position directly below the timed elbow piece.
Rotate the T pieces in the far and rear left to connect the three wires.
Rotate the T in the rear right to point upwards.
Activate the timed elbow, unlock the switch in the far right, then deactivate the elbow.
Rotate the newly unlocked elbow so it connects the left and lower cables.
Rotate the T piece in the rear right so that the short piece is pointing away from the newly unlocked switch.
Activate the timed elbow and unlock the switch inside the base of the antenna.
Tap into the transmission then head back down the maintenance stairs to the office level, take shelter in the elevator and deploy the Jumper. Send it through the doors to the left or right – you’re aiming for a storage closet in the far right of the next area so the right hand door is a shorter distance but has an inconveniently placed guard, whereas the left hand route is longer but you can avoid attracting attention by passing through the conference room area in the middle. (Alternatively you can go to the closet yourself if you would prefer.)
Once the Jumper is in the storage closet send it to the back and jump onto the boxes piled up to reach an air vent. Send it up the slope to emerge into the space above the suspended ceiling, turn right, and follow the space ahead and round a corner to find another tunnel.
At the other end of the tunnel the access hatch you need is off to the right, but locked, so instead of heading for it drop down the opening in the ceiling and bypass the security panel below. If you have the Jumper upgrade you can now simply leap back into the ceiling and open the grating, but if not you’ll have to recall it and make the run again, but either way drop down into the server room, hack the server, and wait for the data transfer to finish. The FBI will now be on the hunt for you, so quickly make your escape before you’re spotted.
The next marker reveals another switch puzzle:
Rotate the elbows on the floor to send power to the cables that lead up the poles to the ceiling.
Unlock the switch on the ceiling and rotate it so it’s pointing away from the power source.
Rotate the elbows on the floor to route power towards the hole in the ground, and then unlock the switch in there.
Rotate the elbow in the hole to send power along the buried cable, and then climb the ladder.
Rotate the T piece to connect all three wires.
From the point of view of standing at the T and looking at the tower, rotate the left elbow to send power up the tower.
Unlock the switch at the top.
Rotate the elbows to direct power the other way and unlock the final switch.
Place the transceiver and then head for 16th Street Station.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
Wrench in the Works
This next section can be accomplished several ways but due to the fact that some guard placement is random we found this to be the most reliable even if it isn’t particularly elegant!
Open the main gate, bear right past the green shipping container, and take cover behind the concrete block just to its right. Deploy the Jumper and send it under the security fence towards the open door on the right – there’s a guard in here who may either stand still or go for a wander outside so you’ll need to distract him, and if you have the Security System shutdown upgrade then make use of it to avoid having to time your entry.
Once inside head for the doorway on the far left, take a right as soon as you pass through it, then turn left inside the empty room. Head through the small gap in the far corner, then carry on past the objective marker and through the small opening opposite. The guard patrolling the desk area may need distracting if she happens to be looking in your direction, or you can wait it out under cover.
Once you’re through the second opening turn left – on the far wall of the main lobby is the panel you need to hack, so head for it but be mindful of the guard patrolling near the desk are, one standing guard through a doorway the right, and one that makes a circular patrol between those two guards.
Using a combination of good timing, distraction, and a little bit of good fortune head over and hack the panel, and while you’re concealed take the opportunity to hack the guard patrolling this room to give you access to the main door control. Send the Jumper back the way you came until you reach the server, hack it, recall it, and wait for the transmission to finish and for the guards to lower their alert.
If you can disable the security system then shut off the fence in front of you and climb over the metal barriers to the right of the door. If you can’t disable it then head to your right towards the small raised area, climb onto the planks of wood, and drop off the edge to mae it inside the perimeter.
The next part is all down to timing. The guard in the lobby will now be taking a slightly wider patrol route and the first guard you slipped past will now be making regular passes, you still have the other roaming guard to consider, and if you can’t disable the security sensor in front of the door you also have to deal with that.
Wait until the two roaming guards are heading out of the lobby, disable the sensor if you can, open the door, and head inside. Immediately distract the remaining guard, climb over the desk, and grab the mask.
Note that the mission objective won’t update immediately, but as soon as you’ve seen Marcus pick it up turn tail and leave. If the security system is off then you should be able to make a pretty clean getaway, but if it’s on just run like crazy and ignore the siren – by the time the guards have reacted and moved to the breach you should have enough of a head start.
Alternatively you can leave through the back door in the far end of the empty room to the right of the server – it runs a risk of encountering a random guard and you’ll still need to cross a security fence, but there’s more clutter to cover your tracks while you escape.
Now you’re done here, Eye for an Eye is next up.
9. Eye for an Eye
Lost Call
Grab Horatio’s phone and watch the cutscene, head to the next marker and watch another, then head to the gang hideout.
A Brutal Discovery
Stealth is tricky here as there are a number of dogs patrolling the area that can’t be distracted through any hacking shenanigans. Climb in through the large window as you approach, make your way to the upper level as quietly as you can, head to the server area, and take out the enemy guarding it. Download the data and head for the second objective, hack the sprinkler controls, and make a run for it.
Head for the docks and speak to your contact on top of the containers, then make your way to the edge of the dock near ship. If you have the Quadcopter then deploy it towards the far right corner and use it to hack the enemy and obtain the keycode which will allow you to enter the ship in relative safety.
There aren’t many opportunities to set environmental traps and due to the layout it’s another area where combat is likely to be unavoidable, but there’s a lot of cover available, and one advantage of attracting enemy attention is that their grenades may inadvertently do your job for you. As soon as the last objective is destroyed jump overboard and swim to safety – if you have the ability to put out an APB then doing so just before you leave will cause the enemies and the police to get into a shooting match to cover your escape.
Root Canal
Speak to your next contact on the roof, and take out the marked enemies – a non-lethal knockout is enough, so laying traps and staying out of sight should do the trick. If you’ve got the quadcopter this becomes trivial as you can just hover out of sight and track your targets, wait for them to pass a hackable object, and take them out while you remain safely on the roof.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
A Real Dog Fight
Speak to your last contact and then head for the hideout opposite. Don’t worry about attracting attention too much on your approach as once you’re through the door it locks behind you, keeping out any pursuers. Head down the lift, hack the door of the dog cage to release the hound, and then either lure it back to its cage with the Jumper before entering, or run in and knock it out.
Note at this point, there is a trick to get easy cash by hacking Pablo over and over, allowing you to get $18,000 every 40 seconds. It’s a great way to get cash fast, and the technique is fully explained in our how to make money in Watch Dogs 2 page.
Switch to NetHack and activate the camera to locate the guard with the keycode, then unlock the door – depending on how quickly you deal with the dog you may need to wait a while for Pablo’s speech to finish so that the guard moves into place.
Once inside the main area either head straight down the slope or take the stairs down to the right and deal with Pablo – a head-on assault is by far the quickest option, particularly as the enemies will start fighting with a rival gang and be a little preoccupied.
Once Pablo is down retrace your steps to the elevator and leave the building – there’ll be a guard outside the door as you leave, so deal with him quickly and run down the alley to the right to avoid further conflict.
10. Hack Teh World
Get Cray with Ray, Hangar On
This mission requires the Quadcopter, so if you’ve not made one yet go and do so, and then head for the beach.
After the cutscene drive to the HQ and then head for the Galilei hangar, locate the panel to the left of the entrance, and hack it to trigger a switch puzzle. Deploy the Quadcopter and fly to the roof:
Rotate the T piece so that the short side is pointing towards the building.
Unlock the locked switch and rotate it to send power to the next locked switch.
Rotate the T so the short end points towards the power source.
Unlock the next locked switch and rotate it to send power down the cable furthes from the building.
Unlock the next locked switch on the wall, then rotate it so the the short end is pointing towards the building.
Unlock the next switch and rotate it so the short end is pointing away from the building.
Rotate the T piece furthest from the building so the short end is pointing down.
Rotate the elbow on the roof nearest the edge to direct power down the wall.
Unlock the last switch and turn it to direct power downwards, then hit the final lock.
This next section needs a very stealthy approach, and while it doesn’t require the ability to disrupt security systems, not being able to do so will mean that at some point triggering an alarm is unavoidable which then makes the rest of the mission more difficult than it needs to be.
Head into the main building and towards the security gate. Depending on the skills available to you there are a few ways to get in, but the safest is to put out an APB on the guard, wait for the police to drag him away, and then shut down the gates to walk in unhindered. If those options aren’t available you can simply distract him and then climb over, but getting rid of him altogether makes the next bit less prone to interruption.
Once past the guard, take cover behind a flowerpot and deploy the Jumper. Send it out through the doors and head off to the right, and hug the wall around until you find a vent.
There’s a robot and a guard in the area, so either keep out of sight or hack them to give yourself a clear run and open the vent in the corner to the right of the doors ahead. Move the Jumper to the far right and you should get line of sight between the servers and the wall to grab the keycode before recalling the Jumper.
Your goal now is the stairs below and just past the objective marker. Keeping out of sight is crucial, so hack and stealth your way across the room and into the stairwell, duck over to the left, and deactivate the security sensor if you can (use the Quadcopter to get a better angle if you need), head upstairs, and again disable the security sensor if possible.
Move past the locked door and take cover, deploy the Jumper, and send it through the vent to hack the panel on the wall to unlock the doors before heading inside to the objective.
Once the cutscene is over, leave via the other door, disable the security sensor, and make your way down the stairs ahead. There’s another sensor at the bottom to deal with as you make your way back into the main room, and then it’s a case of staying in cover as you head for the gantry at the far end.
Use the crates in the corner to reach the walkway above, then climb the stairs on the other side until you reach the top. Tamper with the rocket, and then cross to the opposite side. Use the stairs in the corner to move down a level, clamber over the railing, and then drop down to the floor below. Open the door, head down the stairs, and nonchalantly make your way out of the area.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
The Waiting Game, All-Seeing Eye
Watch the rocket launch back at HQ, after which you’ll get a satellite’s eye view of the globe from where you can wreak some havoc. The order you do these next three bits in isn’t important:
Dublin Blume Office
Work your way round the cameras until you can set the alarm off, then head back to the middle camera and hack the woman’s phone to get the keycode. Now hack the PC on the desk.
Dubai Server Farm
Switch to NetHack and hack the server to your left, then switch to the camera ahead and hack the remaining servers.
Seoul Power Plant
Switch to one of the rear cameras, and then hack the PCs to set all the nodes on the screen to red. We couldn’t actually work out what the interaction between PCs and the effects on the screen are, but with a little trial and error the lights will eventually go out.
You should now have access to the Delaware Data Center. Once you’re connected, activate the handy Quadcopter and fly towards the objective. Switch to the camera in the office and activate the panel, then return to the Quadcopter for a switch puzzle.
Most of the are red herrings with a load of locked switches that can just be opened in order with no actual puzzling involved, but one or two are a bit more fiddly. From the camera view:
Far right:
Rotate the top T piece so the short end is pointing right.
Unlock the switch below it and move it so it’s horizontal.
Rotate the top T so the short end is pointing up.
Unlock the next switch and rotate it horizontally.
Unlock the switch below, then the one to the right, and then the one below that.
Rotate the elbow to power the switch below and unlock it.
Rotate all four straight switches so they’re vertical, rotate the top T so the short end points up, and rotate the elbow below the right-most straight switches to send power to the left.
Unlock the switch and make sure the short end is pointing up.
Rotate the elbow to its right to direct power downwards.
Unlock the switch, make sure it’s vertical, and then rotate the T above it so that the long part is vertical.
Unlock the bottom switch.
Far left:
Rotate the lower right elbow to send power to the left.
Unlock the switch, and then unlock the one at the top left that’s now powered.
Rotate it to send power to its left.
Rotate the lowest elbow to send power to the left.
Unlock the switch and rotate it vertically.
Rotate the lowest elbow to point down and to the right, and the lower right elbow to point left and down.
Rotate the top left elbow to point down and left.
Rotate the top elbow to send power to the left.
Rotate the bottom left straight switch to point horizontally.
Unlock the bottom left switch.
Once all the towers on the sides are lit unlock the switches on the floor working from back to front – no need to turn them at all – and then return to the camera view to unlock the final switch.
Once you have completed this mission, three will then unlock – Power to the Sheeple, Robot Wars and Shanghaied – which you can tackle in any order you choose. Once you’ve done all three, the game’s final mission, Motherload, will unlock.
11. Power to the Sheeple
Social Media and the Congressman, Mark Up
Talk to Sitara in HQ, then head for the marker. On the building next to the billboard is a large tower crane. Hack it and bring the platform down to ground level, climb aboard, and then use it to lift yourself up to below the billboard. Send the Jumper through the gap in the fence to unlock the gate, climb up, and do your worst.
A Tempting !Nvitation
Meet Sitara outside !NviTE, then send the Jumper in through the same vent. When you reach the top of the stairs use the cameras to locate the laptop containing the keycode and hack it to gain access to the main building. Recall the Jumper, enter the main building, and head right to locate a panel that needs hacking. Once it’s unlocked follow the cable to the now accessible door and head down the stairs, enter the server room, and trigger the panel to start a switch puzzle:
Head towards the door and rotate the elbow to connect the two cables.
Follow the cable round to the left and rotate the next elbow.
Follow the cable again and rotate the first T so that the short end is facing the door.
Rotate the neighbouring T so that the short end is facing the first.
Follow again and rotate the straight switch to vertical, then do the same for the one opposite.
Turn 180 degrees and rotate the straight switches either side.
Unlock the switch on the ceiling above you, then rotate it so it connects all three cables.
Rotate the T that was facing the door so it’s now facing away.
Unlock the switch on the ceiling.
Facing away from the door, rotate the T on the ceiling so the short end is facing right.
Head round the corner and rotate the elbow to connect the two wires.
Unlock the switch on the end wall.
Rotate the T on the ceiling so the short end is now facing left.
Head to the room on the other side of the corridor and unlock the switch at the end.
Rotate the T on the floor so the short end is pointing left.
Move round to the left and rotate the T that’s currently pointing to the back of the room so that it now points down.
Unlock the switch on the other side of the server.
Rotate the T and elbow on the floor so they’re facing the other way then head behind the server on the right and rotate the T to connect all three wires.
Head round and unlock the switch.
Rotate the elbow below the last locked switch to send power up to it.
Facing the door, rotate the T on the right hand side so that the short end is facing away from you, then turn round and unlock the switch.
Head back to the other server room and hit the last panel.
Install the backdoor and retrace your steps. At the top of the stairs turn right, head to the wall opposite, and then follow it to the right to a set of double doors.
Open the doors and disable the security system if you can, then head up the steps. When you reach the top turn left and follow the balcony around to the office, hack the terminal in there, and use the camera view to tap the phone on the left end of the desk. Head out of the other door and you’ll see an exit sign which will take you to the flight of stairs that you Jumped up earlier, and eventually to freedom.
Compromised Candidate
Meet up with Sitara and the gang again, then drive to Truss’ penthouse. Use the ladder above the dumpster to start your ascent, and keep climbing until you reach the crane. Hack the box on the wall and watch the cutscene, then use the crane to hoist yourself over to Wrench. After the conversation get back in the crane and move towards the next objective, yet another crane. Hack it to gain access and then haul yourself to the top floor.
Head to the lower building and make your way downstairs, avoiding or confronting the hostiles as required – once you’ve hacked into the system you’ll need to stay in range for a while meaning you’ll either have to stay hidden or fight off reinforcements depending on your choice of approach.
When the download is complete head for the waypoint – if you’re being pursued at this point (which is inevitable) ironically the quickest way to lose the pursuit is to run for the police station in front of you, head round to the right and up the steps, then drop down into the garage entrance below to wait for the heat to die down.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
Voting Machinations
When you reach the fort head for the far side. Until you’ve been spotted there will be no guards patrolling outside the building so you’re safe to take a look around.
The voting machines in the garage downstairs can be destroyed using the scissor lift if you can control it remotely, but as the music suggests this mission is most likely going to turn into a frenzied game of cat and mouse once you’ve breached the perimeter.
Two of the sets of machines can be destroyed by blowing the electrical panels on the floor, but the other two sets will require either a shock pulse, vehicular assistance, or a handy grenade thrown by the enemy. Once the booths are down head for the coast, keeping the sea to your right as you flee.
12. Robot Wars
Drop the Baby, Like Minds
When you arrive at the facility head towards the water, dive in, and swim across to the dock. Take out the solitary guard and then tuck yourself out of sight somewhere near the main building.
Deploy the Jumper, open the gates, and move up the ramp to the left, disabling the patrolling robot if you can. Head through the vent and climb the stairs off to the left, follow the walkway around, and jump across the platforms towards the security gate ahead. Open the door on the left and use the Jumper to unlock the doors, then recall it.
Follow the same route on foot and collect the EMP part from the office then leave through the other door. Descend the ladder and grab the EMP part from this room, either timing it to avoid the robots or disabling them if you can. Head back up the ladder and exit the building through an upper door towards the last marker.
Avoid the patrolling guards and robots as you collect the last piece, and then enter the office to unlock the doors for Wrench, then when the robot is in place enter the storage warehouse and plant the bomb on him.
When you have control of Jr, open the warehouse door and onto the stationary conveyor belt. Keep going until you reach an impasse then hack the camera above and to the left of you to find a switch.
Open the shutter and return to Jr, continue along the conveyor until you reach another dead end, then use the nearby switch to rotate the platform. The next obstacle is a lift followed by another rotating platform and a shutter, both of which are operated by the same switch. Finally hoist yourself up on the lift, drop off the end, and fulfil your destiny in the server room.
Man vs. Machine
Enter the Tidis building and head for the marker – there are a few robots and guards here but avoiding them isn’t too taxing, but being able to shut off security gates will be a major help. Once you reached the locked door use NetHack to locate the panel, disable it, and rejoin the trail.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX and Driver SF. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen and $911 as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
Hack the server then head up to the fifth floor and hitch a ride in the elevator. Once in the vault hack the panel on the right to trigger a switch puzzle:
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
Activate the super awesome robot spider and use it to shoot out the fire suppression points on the walls and ceiling – the ones above will require you to climb up the wall to get an angle on them – as well as laying waste to the guards.
When the doors open head through each one in turn and destroy the prototypes within then head for the lift shaft. Climb up the walls to reach the power room and shoot out all the equipment inside to shut down the system.
13. Shanghaied
Spinal Tap/Down by the Docks
Talk to Ray and then head for the container docks. Hack the cargo crane to move the container that’s blocking the way. After the cutscene talk to Sitara’s contact, then head north towards the nearby marker.
Chinatown Shuffle
When you reach a set of steps marked with red paving slabs and “SHU BOYS DON’T F*CK AROUND” graffitied on the wall, deploy the Jumper, send it up the steps, jump onto the crates at the top, off to the right, and open the vent.
Head into the garage, turn left and open the door in the corner, make your way carefully upstairs, distract the guards, and head for the panel on the wall. Hack it to unlock the back door, recall the Jumper, and then make your way to the corner of the street, turn left, and head up the hill until you come to a fenced off area with a door inside.
There are a lot of guards milling about in here so timing is crucial. Wait for your moment then move inside the office and take cover behind the desk, but don’t open the safe yet – it takes a few seconds to open and download the data, so keep out of sight until the guards have made another pass before grabbing the data.
Once you’ve got what you came for, leave the area – a mass phone distraction makes a great cover here.
Nice View
Head for the lighthouse to make your satellite connection. Hop to adjacent satellites until you locate the ship, then connect to it. Hop from camera to camera to find the crew member with the access key, hack him to obtain it, and then return to the bridge and hack the yellow panel to get the password.
Take control of the remote controlled car, jump onto the boxes stacked up against the wall and drive up the ramp. Follow the air vent, open the door, and hack the terminal in the office to get the username, and then negotiate via the cameras to return to where you started and hack the main terminal.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
They’re on a Boat!
Collect your speedboat from the pier and head out to the barge. Swim across to it and climb aboard and work your way up – there isn’t really anything clever you can do here to make it easier, but there aren’t many crewmen out and about so avoiding them isn’t too difficult.
Transfer the data then head back down to the main deck before making your way into the bowels of the ship. Take control of the forklift that’s holding the server, move it round to the lift, get on, and activate the lift – once it reaches the top you just need to stay hidden (or at the very least alive) until rescue shows up.
Extra note – you can actually send the server up on its own and stay out of trouble downstairs until the timer runs out and then just run to the marker, but based on the dialogue this probably isn’t intended to work!
14. Motherload
Blow It Wide Open
The opening of the mission has you play as other characters:
Sitara: Head across the rooftop to the objective marker to find a switch puzzle. As soon as you unlock the first switch a countdown will start, but apart from the time limit the puzzle is simple – unlock each switch in turn, rotate them so they connect to all the wires, and move on to the next one.
Wrench: Wrench is armed with a grenade launcher – it’s not very accurate, but it does a lot of splash damage to compensate as long as you’re careful not to hit anything too close to you. From the starting point head down the slope to the left, open the gate, and head past the steps ahead and open the door but don’t go through it yet.
Turn around and sneak up the steps until you have a clear view of the top and throw a blast detonator against the wall. Use it to attract the attention of the nearby guard and then set it off to clear him out and get rid of a couple of explosive hazards. Move to the top of the steps and fire off a volley of grenades to clear out the guards then access the panel at the marker before heading back down the steps and through the door you opened earlier.
Close it behind you and take cover while the download finishes, and then head for the next marker. Once the dynamite is placed back off before it explodes, head through the hole to the server room, and fire a grenade at each of the computers.
Marcus: For most of this mission stealth is essential, and if the guards become alerted to your presence you may as well let yourself get mown down as there’s very little chance of getting any further.
Once inside the lobby head down the steps to the right and take cover at the bottom. Send the quadcopter out, switch to NetHack, and locate the guard with the keycode to unlock the doors, and then head for the marker to the left. There are guards patrolling either side of the room you need, but if you distract the nearest one as they’re moving away from the room, head inside, and then distract the other it will buy you enough time to hack the router.
Retreat back to the bottom of the stairs and move to the other end of the balcony. There’s only one guard between you and the door ahead, so distract him and make a dash, and immediately take cover behind the boxes to the right and wait for the guard patrolling past the windows to get out of sight before you hack the second router.
Exit the room and take cover while you keep an eye on the guard by the window and one to the left that makes a circular patrol. When they’re both a fair distance away either distract them individually or use a mass distraction, jump over the barrier, and run straight across to the water feature. Drop down the stairwell. Head down, and take cover round the corner.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
Deploy the Jumper, switch to NetHack, and follow the red cable towards a vent near the floor – there’s a single guard on patrol here that will need distracting on the final stretch. Head to the far end of the vent, distract the guard loitering nearby, and then head out and to the right to find a flight of stairs. Jump up them and follow the room round to the leftt then hack the panel to unlock the elevator.
Switch back to Marcus and head down the elevator. You’re safe down here for now, so when you reach the locked door send the Jumper over to the other side of the room and up the steps to locate the panel to unlock them. Head through, climb the stairs at the end, and interact with the panel to start transmitting the data.
This will alert some guards who will come running in your direction, so make your way to the turn half way down the stairs, throw a couple of explosive charges into the room, and wait for the guards to come storming in before setting them off. Use a mass distraction to disable any survivors, push your way through, and sprint back to the elevator.
Back at the top don’t hang around, and just sprint towards the exit – the mass distraction should have recharged by now so use it to cover your escape if you need, and once you open the lobby door you can sit back and watch the end unfold…
Side Operations
How to unlock: Scan the informant near Stanford, outside liquor store opposite Torque Rat Bike Shop.
Hack the guy outside the liquor store to eavesdrop on his conversation then head for the parking lot behind Ubisoft’s offices.
Climb up the crates in the back corner and make your way up to the roof, hack the panel, and use the cameras in the office to hack the two PCs – one is in the main office, and one is in a small room to the far right of the first camera.
How to unlock: Scan the informant in the Tenderloin, inside the restaurant.
Steps to complete: Our tip is to get the Quadcopter before you do the following steps.
Bad Intentions:
Talk to the contact and then head for the marker to hack the phone. It’s in a restricted area, so using the quadcopter makes life a lot simpler.
Swap Meet:
Send the jumper under the truck and jump inside the far end and hack the phone inside.
Enter the underground structure and make your way downstairs – there are a couple of guards upstairs, and a couple downstairs – and then hack the panel in the small store room.
Distract the guard via the camera, and then make your escape – the doors will be out of action for a minute or so while the power is out so you may have to wait around before you can actually get out.
How to unlock: Unlocked over the course of the main story missions.
Steps to complete: We’d recommend unlocking the Machine Control, Explosive Detonator research nodes, as well as purchasing the Quadcopter, before tackling these steps.
Hubs and Authorities:
Chat to the crew to start the mission.
M$ Dollar Block:
When you reach the marker turn on NetHack and examine the “clues” in the area, and then set the area up to make your life easier. Move the forklift out of the way if you can, set a few traps, and then hide out of sight before setting events in motion.
This is why you want a clean getaway.
Once everyone’s arrived it’s vital you get out of there without being followed, so ideally you want to take out all the enemies and destroy their car before you leave.
Odd PCA:
Talk to Miranda.
Talking Smack:
Another setup scenario. Your goal here is to destroy three vans when they arrive, so if you can manoeuvre a few explosive barrels to the gate where they enter it’s a fairly simple job.
Once they in place use the crane in the other corner of the area to give yourself a safe vantage point over the entrance, set events in motion, and trigger the explosion to get rid of the vans. You can then use the crane to drop you off safely near the coast and swim out of the area without being spotted.
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Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
The final setup scenario. There’s less scope to be clever here – you can take out a few of the enemies by laying traps for them, but you’ll still be left with a few to deal with manually. Clear them out, hop in the ambulance, and abandon it at the marker.
Jailbird Blues:
Head up through the main Alcatraz prison building and hack the panel. Once the enemies arrive take cover at the end of one of the rows of solar panels and deploy the quadcopter. Switch to NetHack and locate one of the hackable guards, grab the keycode to unlock the prison cell, and recall the drone.
Climb down the ladder nearest the prisoner and go down the nearby stairs. Distract or disable any guards patrolling nearby, open the cell door, and release the hostage – he makes his own way out so as soon as he’s heading off go back up to the roof and run for the window cleaning platform at the end. Lower yourself down and make a run for the edge of the island – there are lots of boats moored around the place to use as a getaway vehicle.
(Note that we encountered a bug that caused the “Escape the island” objective area not to spawn – it seems to be caused by leaving the island too quickly, so don’t get on a boat and leave until the area is marked otherwise you’ll be left in limbo and have to restart.)
Haum Intruder
How to unlock: Through the course of playing main story missions.
Steps to complete:
Climb on to the roof, hack the system, and then use the various camera views to annoy the guy inside.
How to unlock: Unlocked by completing Haum Intruder side-mission.
Steps to complete:
Hack the panel then keep increasing the speed on the treadmill until hilarity ensues.
Paint Job
How to unlock: Through the course of playing main story missions.
Steps to complete:
Head to the marked locations and add your mark; each one has a handy scissor lift, crane, or climbing route to reach it.
Rodentia Academy
How to unlock: Unlocked during the main story.
Steps to complete: We’d recommend unlocking the Quadcopter and Machine Control Research nodes for this mission, which has a handful of steps.
Locate the three targets and hack them to get the information you need. One of them is on a roof in a restricted area so using the Quadcopter simplifies matters.
Rat Trap:
Hack the panel to get access to the camera, and use it to infect the servers.
Pest Control:
Using the Quadcopter, fly over the area and open the garage door. Take control of the forklift, pick up the explosive crate and drive it into the garage and detonate it.
Bottom Dollar
How to unlock: Scan the informant in Palo Alto, between Axle Boardshop and Auto Elite.
Steps to complete:
Customer Service:
Head to the marked ATM locations, hack them, and then use the keypads to either give or take money when a customer uses it. There are seven in total.
Infected Bytes
How to unlock: Scan the informant outside the gas station under the highway overpass, due west of South Park.
Steps to complete: We’d recommend unlocking the Quadcopter before these two sub-missions.
Phone Tag:
Hack the guy standing on the corner and then head for each of the three markers and hack the phones – this is a little quicker with the Quadcopter, but can be done on foot.
Device Zero:
Head for the marker and hack the phone – again this is much easier with the Quadcopter.
How to unlock: Scan the informant in North Beach, outside restaurant.
Steps to complete: We’d recommend the Vehicle Control Research node before you embark on the following sub-missions.
Word Up:
Hack the marked employees to get the password.
Risk Clause:
Distract the guard by the gate, go through and climb the ladder to the right, clamber onto the next level, and make your way to the panel in the corner.
When you reach the marker send the Jumper over the fence and into the room to unlock the door, then move inside and grab the route details. (Use one of the vehicles in the parking lot to help jump the fence if you need it.)
Grab yourself a car and head for one of the moving markers. The route is helpfully marked on the map so it’s easy enough to head them off somewhere, and once you get close enough stay in range while the data downloads – if you have vehicle hacking then you can simply run them off the road to stop them escaping.
Ghost Signals
How to unlock: Scan the informant near the coast due north of the Palace of Fine Arts.
Steps to complete: As always, having the Quadcopter here will help a big deal.
Data Chase:
Head into the fort and hack the server then follow the transmitters (the quadcopter can save some time getting to the higher ones).
Hack the panel and use the camera to erase the server.
Pink Slips
How to unlock: Scan the informant in North Beach, east of the bar.
Steps to complete:
Black Sheep:
Hack the phone and head for the marker. The panel is protected by a switch puzzle that you’ll need the quadcopter for:
Rotate each switch in turn to connect all its cables until you reach a locked one – they go down the side of the building.
Unlock it, and rotate it to point upwards.
Unlock the final panel.
Head back and hack the access panel, then hack the laptop via the camera.
Pro Bono:
Head for the head office parking lot. There are two ways in, one through a gate, and one that’s open, so head for the open one. Stay outside the restricted area and send the Jumper round to the back of the hut next to the entrance, open the vent, and hack the panel to unlock the garage doors. Recall the Jumper, sneak your way into the garage, and hack the panel inside to complete the mission.
A High Price To Pay
How to unlock: Scan in Mission Dolores Park in San Francisco.
Steps to complete:
Sneak Peek
Head for the first waypoint and make your way to the side of the building farthest from the partygoers. Climb over the wall and sneak your way round to the DJ booth, and when you’re in range hack the smartphone to download the track.
Chump Change
Now head for the next marker and hack the junction box on the wall. Use the camera to hack the PC and laptop in the far corners of the room then make the phone call to complete the mission.
The Name Game
How to unlock: Location: Scan near the gas station south of the Palace of Fine Arts.
Steps to complete: Note you’ll need the Quadcopter in order to finish this mission.
Wrong Answer
Answer the ringing payphone and then head to the three map markers. When you reach each area use NetHack to locate the device and hack it – two are close to the markers, but the one by Civic Center isn’t immediately visible so head towards the north end of the Capitol Building.
On the Line
Use the quadcopter to reach the roof and hack the device.
Operator Speaking
Head to the marker and make your way to the rear of the house. Activate the panel hidden in the hedge and send the quadcopter round to the front for a switch puzzle:
Rotate the top left corner to connect the two wires.
Move the T piece middle left to connect all three wires.
Rotate the elbow piece in the top middle to send power downwards.
Rotate the elbow piece at the bottom middle to connect the two wires.
Unlock the switch in the middle.
Unlock the switch in the bottom right and rotate it to join the two wires.
Rotate the timed switch so the short end is pointing left.
Unlock the middle right switch.
Rotate the timed switch so the short piece is pointing up.
Hit the final panel.
Climb up onto the roof and access the panel, switch cameras, and hack the server.
Rogue Radio
Head to the marker and enter the restricted area. There are only three guards in here – one patrolling near the gate, and two with their backs to your objective – so getting in undetected shouldn’t be tricky. Hack the panel and then use the quadcopter to hack the device on top of the antenna.
How to unlock: Scan near the canal on the west edge of Woodland, opposite Blume Arena.
Steps to complete:
Under the ‘Hood
Hack the device on the edge of the bridge.
Boxing Day
Head for each of the four locations and hack the device you find. One is out in the open and ready to go, one is locked by a panel guarded by a few gang members, and two are protected by switch puzzles.
They’re both of the “unlock each switch in turn and rotate it to connect to all the wires” variety, but one has a timed switch so remember to deactivate it occasionally before the timer runs out.
Always On
How to unlock: Scan in the middle of Crestmont Forest, near the large building directly south of Painted Ladies.
Steps to complete:
Privacy 101
Hack the panel, and watch the show. Once the phone is in view keep hacking it until the mission finishes.
Bad Publicity
How to unlock: Scan outside Pier 39 restaurant.
Steps to complete:
Head to the marker and move to the north east corner of the building to find a route to climb to the roof. Hack the panel, use the phone at the back of the room to call 911, and then tinker with the other devices in the room until the police arrive.
Stolen Signals
How to unlock: In the group of houses on the western side of the bottom edge of the park around Coit Tower. Use the Quadcopter to hack the device on top of the roof.
Steps to complete:
Use the quadcopter to hack the devices at the next two waypoints.
Peak Data
Head to Coit Tower and use the crates and scaffolding to climb onto the base to get a few feet extra height, then send the quadcopter up.
Permission Denied
Head for the restricted area, but skirt just round the edge close to the water and take cover behind the van. Send the Jumper out and under the stairs to unlock the panel, then send it up and into the room on the roof to complete the mission.
How to unlock: Unlocked by completing Stolen Signals (see above).
Steps to complete:
Wait a couple of minutes after finishing Stolen Signals for the objective markers to appear.
For the northernmost marker, head to the north west corner of the block and use the scaffolding to gain access to the panel on the roof, then use the cameras to move round to get a clear view of the PC so you can hack it.
For the southernmost marker, climb on the scissor lift parked opposite, use it to get on top of the glass awning, and then bring the window cleaning platform down to get access to the roof. Hack the panel and use the camera to hack the laptop inside the room.
Hack the panel on the wall, then when prompted hack his phone. When the conversation ends hack his laptop, then his phone again. Wait for the call to finish and hack the phone once more.
Kickin It Old School
How to unlock: Unlocked by completing Whistleblower (see above).
Steps to complete:
Hack the jammer to disable it, then hack the panel at the next marker. Switch cameras, wait for the dialogue to end, then hack the answering machine.
Hack the two marked people – the one in the restricted area can be easily done with the quadcopter, and the second is just standing in the open. This will reveal the location of a third, also out in the open.
Stay out of the restricted area and use the quadcopter to hack the target.
Primary Target
How to unlock: Complete Kickin It Old School
Steps to complete: You need to have the Environmental RC research node locked, and we’d recommend the Robot Hacking one too.
Fly on the Wall
The first target can be hacked either by climbing to the rooftop garden or, more simply, by sending up the quadcopter. When the second target is revealed make your way there, and again either hack him in person or use the quadcopter.
Head for the next marker and move towards the eastern side of the restricted area. Take control of the scissor lift in there, open the gate, and drive it round to the west side of the area directly below the marker. Use it to get to the roof and hit the panel to trigger another switch puzzle – it can be done on foot, but the quadcopter saves a lot of walking. (All orientations given from the point of view of looking at the power source.)
Rotate the T connected to the power source so that the short piece points left.
Follow the cable left and unlock the switch on the wall, and rotate it to connect all three cables.
Rotate the first T piece so that the short piece is pointing towards the power source.
Follow the cable right and unlock the switch, then rotate it to send power to the left.
Unlock the switch and turn it horizontally.
Turn the timed switch, unlock the next one, and then turn the timed switch off again.
Rotate the newly unlocked switch to join the lower and right cables.
Rotate the elbow on the floor to connect the lower and right cables.
Head back towards the power source and unlock the switch, then rotate it to connect the cable to the right with the cable pointing away from the camera.
Rotate the T piece so the short end points left.
Hit the final panel.
Access the unlocked panel, switch between cameras to get a view of the PC to hack it.
Focal Point
Head towards the restricted area and take cover near the front wall. Send the Jumper inside and either avoid or disable the two robots patrolling the area to get access to the panel. Hack it, then from the camera view hack the tablet on the right, the server on the left, and finally the PC in the middle.
The Zodiac Killer
Unlock: If Season Pass is owned or, Pre-order of game.
Find the bodies, take selfies with each slwoly make your way to the zodiac killer…this misison is a fun one, and you should find out for yourself what you should do.
In Watch_Dogs 2, we’ve introduced a new Leaderboards system which is accessible through your in-game smartphone after completing the objective in the “Walk In the Park” mission. The Leaderboards App will appear on the second page of the smartphone.
Each Leaderboard Season lasts three (3) weeks, or 21 days. At the start of each new Season, the scores are wiped and every player begins at the Recruit rank again.
Season 1 Dates
Season 1 Rewards
Season 2 Dates
Season 2 Rewards
SEASON 3 dates
SEASON 4 dates
SEASON 5 dates
In the Leaderboards App, you will see that there are three (3) types of leaderboards:
Co-op missions
Hacking Invasions
Bounty Hunter missions
You earn points toward the Leaderboards by completing these online activities. Even if you lose a match, you will still earn points. Playing any of these three activities will generate a score for their respective leaderboards.
If you quit or disconnect before the end of the match, you will receive zero points, but the player who remains in the match will still receive points – so always finish out your match!
There are six (6) divisions for each online activity’s Leaderboards. From highest to lowest, they are;
Each of these divisions (except for Recruit and Master) is then split into five (5) additional divisions, with 5 being the highest rank and 1 being the lowest (Bronze 1 < Bronze 2 < Bronze 3 < Bronze 4 < Bronze 5; Gold 1 < Gold 2 … < Gold 5, etc.
You cannot lose a rank in a division on the Leaderboards. Once you have earned a rank, you will always be that rank until the Season ends.
Rewards earned from your division in the Leaderboard will automatically be added to your in-game wardrobe at the end of a Season.
Disclaimer:There is currently a bug in the Leaderboards where the rewards of Season 1 will not be given to players at the end of the season, as designed. This is a bug that we will be fixing in the upcoming Patch 1.07. Players of Season 1 will be receiving their rewards on the date of this patch, which is aimed to release in mid-December. So instead of players of Season 1 getting their rewards at the end of Season 1 (Dec .5th), they will be getting their rewards in mid-December when the patch is out. So Season 1 players, do not fret! As you will get your rewards, just a little later than usual due to this bug.
There are two (2) rewards to earn each Season. The first is essentially a participation reward – play a few multiplayer matches and you’re bound to reach Silver rank to unlock it. The next reward is the second piece of the set – you want to attain Gold rank or higher to earn this item. These are exclusive items that can only be earned by playing multiplayer online activities. These items are themed sets alternating between hacking culture and real-life events.
You can compare your division to your friends and challenge them to online activities directly from the Leaderboards app in-game. The rewards are uniquely-themed by Seasons. So once you get that Season’s reward, you won’t be able to get it again in another Season.
Open the Leaderboards app on the second page in your in-game smartphone to check out the rankings of you and your friends for each online activity.
Online Operations
Team up with other hackers to play Co-op and explore the world together.
Co-op missions are marked purple and have the logo shown abouve. Online operations can be played endlessly.
– Tag team every situation and really take advantage of having a buddy to help you out, for example, if your objective is to steal something you can grab it as your friend distracts everyone.
Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter pits the target of the police against multiple hunter players that try to neutralize the target. Play as either the target of a high-profile police chase, or join in the pursuit of a wanted fugitive.
– Find a closed space with one entrace and hide behind a barrier or a wall. If a Hunter tries to eneter you wil get the atvantage and rack up those hunter heads.
– If you are in a car and have no where to go, or are trying to end the bounty take out the helicopter and bolt. You can escape if no one cans ee you so use your hacking skills and get out and get those points.
– Remember your gadgets! You can throw explosive devices or if you have the research points, buy the part to your RC Jumper/Quadcopter you can drop object to would/stun your opponet and go in for the kill.
– Your melee can cancel out what someone is doing, launch you forwards, and make you amune if you can nail the timing.
Hack Invasion
Hack into an opposing hacker world to downlaod their data while remaining udetected.
– Once you reach 170m you appear on the radar of the opposing hacker, you can barley start the hack from that range so it will give you enough time to find a spot a prepare.
– Keep your vision assist on so you can pick out the hacker from the crowd and watch and to make sure to evade if the hacker gets too close.
– Most people activate their quadcopter to find the invader, if this happens make sure to go to cover and try to find something to hide under, or by using your vision assist evade by using a building or a tree.
Hacking Invasions
We made so many tweaks to Hacking Invasions we gave the mode its own section here. We tried some new things with this game mode and there’s been a lot of discussion since players started playing online. After reviewing the data and feedback, we’ve concluded that there are too many opportunities for the target to accidentally discover the hacker. This takes away from rewarding the skill of both the hacker and target; therefore, updates to Hacking Invasions are primarily focused on preventing the occurrence of accidental discoveries.
• Before the download is started:
o The target can no longer automatically profile the hacker or their RC.
o For the target player, in NetHack, the hacker’s RC is displayed as a neutral-colored object (instead of red).
o If the target does an action that reveals the presence of a hacker in their game the search zone is now 3 times bigger.
o To help the hacker to initiate the download while the target is moving in a vehicle, the hacker can now hold the hack button on the target for a distance up to 120m.
Watch dogs 2 has a wide range of things to customize to make a style that fits you.
Character Customization
There are many ways to design your charachter to your own liking in Watch dogs 2. Sometimes you might not have the right clothes and want to expand your wardrobe, here are the shops in watch dogs 2 excluding kiosks.
Once you buy, find, earn clothes you can always go back to HQ to equip and swap your items around.
Weapon Customization
There are over a dozen different weapons in Watch dogs 2 and you can customize how each and every one looks to your taste. You can find all of these in any hackerspace at the 3D Printer.
Vehicle Customization
Just like weapons you can add paint jobs to your car, but you cant actually have a custom car. Though Marcus cannot customize vehicles, other factions in the game can. The Police, of course, have customized vehicles with sirens, lights on top, and “Police” painted on the sides, Prime_Eight Enemy hacking group paint their vans purple with a logo on the side, Then theres the Seceret Seven, which is seven cars that are all in different catageories, all have unique paintjobs and can only be found. Also WKZ-TV customizes their vans too.
Car Dealers
Total Motors
The best auto dealership for over 20 years!
Auto Elite
Auto Elite car dealerships offer the finest high-end automobiles to premium customers.
Watch dogs 2 has a wide range of unique vehicles all offering different strengths that have theyre own strength in types of situations.
List of vehicles in Watch_dogs 2;
Standard Vehicle;
Bogen Bus
Crosscountry Series
Nudle Car
Valiance CE
Landrock Van 1500
Asteria Prime
Sumitzu Auto 1.6
Landrock Van 2500
Kigan AWD
200 EV
Flip Wagon
Performance Cars;
Armargosa Turbo
Boxberg R1
Scafati GT
The Dangerzone
Heavy Vehicle;
Danger Mobile
Muscle Cars;
Hailkal R
Adamant S-Series
El Cadejo
Vespid HMI
Sonarus LX
Vespid 5.2
Vespid Lowrider
Sport Cars;
Sculptor 2.5R
Ice Cube
Tributary 1500
Tributary 3500
Mountain King
Chopper Cruiser
Molto Bene
Kuruhawa 450
Rainbow Missle
Ocean Breezway
Surface Darter
Coastal Marlin L2
The Doghouse
Hi-tech Pirate
Paint Jobs
There are several weapon skins that can be found around the bay area.
This skin can be found by rolling your RC Jumper into the open vent next to the wardrobe lockers in the main Dedsec hackerspace near Dolores Park.
A block south of the WKZ Station is a large red-and-white apartment building. Climb onto one of the terraces via the long planter on the north wall.
Climb up to the roof via the large planters on each balcony, then collect the Paint Job from the walkway next to the door.
Along the West side of the map, there is an area called Ocean Beach. Drive along there until you find some drainage pipes.
When you arrive, you’ll see the paint job behind one of the grates. To reach it, you must use the Jumper to leap over the water and through the opening in the grate. You must have the speed boost and jump upgrade in order to obtain this. It’s not an easy jump, so expect to try several times before you make it.
In the North-West part of San Francisco, there is a location called the Palace of Fine Arts. Just west of it is a huge weaving section of roadway, where several highways criss-cross.
Among the construction in this area you’ll find the paint job. Use the Jumper to climb on top of the portable building, then drive through the cement pipe and jump to the shipping container. You’ll need the speed boost and jump upgrades to reach it.
In the bottom-left corner of the map, by the lake, is a small dinner called Rhonda’s Restaurant.
Head there, and just outside you’ll spot the paint job. It will require some shooting, as people guard the shed that it’s in. Take care of the enemies, then break into the building to get the paint job.
At the Port of Oakland, you’ll see two huge shipping boats currently docked.
Approached the South boat, and you’ll see the paint job easily with your hacker vision. Climb onto the boat, deal with the few enemies and grab the paint job.
QuadCopter Paint Jobs
Many reskins for your QuadCopter Drone can be found around the Bay.
After collecting the weapon skin from the vent next to the wardrobe lockers, back out and equip your QuadCopter (leaving your Jumper in the floor vent).
On the opposite side of the room, next to the neon “Happy New Fear” sign, is another vent near the ceiling. Fly the QuadCopter into it and collect the Access Key.
Swap back to the RC Jumper and unlock the grate in the vent, then collect the paint job from further inside.
North of South Park, beneath the highway across the bay, is a ramp leading up to a warehouse yard. Take out the security team (or sneak past them), then collect the paint job sitting against the south wall.
South of the highway leading to Oakland, between the South Park area and the Embarcadero is a small cluster of apartment buildings. In their center is a courtyard patrolled by security officers.
Eliminate the security team and pick up the Paint job from the table under the canopy.
The large brown/orange house in the center of San Mateo’s suburbs hold another paint job. Climb up the scaffolding on the side of the house, then up to the roof via the other construction materials.
Equip the Jumper and use the board as a ramp to reach the paint job on top of the canopy.
Head to the Tidis building, which can be found just south of San Francisco.
You’ll find the paint job sitting above a garage entrance. Simply climb on the boxes to the side, turn to the ledge and keep hitting the jump button until Marcus grabs the ledge and pulls himself up.
In the bottom-left area of the map, there is a small section called the Storm Drain.
There are several houses here, and in the backyard of one you’ll find this paint job. It’s guarded by some dogs, but take them out and it’ll be a simple pick up.
RC Jumper Paint Jobs
There are several extra skins to collect for the RC Jumper.
This paint job can be found on top of the container sitting beneath the converyor dump in the scrap yard of the Bayview Rise Tidis factory.
This area is visited during the main mission Robot Wars.
A block to the south-east of the Palo Alto welcome sign is a back-alley taqueria and pizza shop. Next to the pizza shot, a parked car is blocking a new paint job. Use the Engine Override hack to move the car and collect the skin.
In the middle of San Francisco, there is a location called China Town.
Head there, and you’ll quickly spot a paint job that’s easy to access, but guarded. Quickly run along the bridge, taking out the guards before they call in help, then grab the paint job and make a hasty exit.
At the top part of the map in the Marin area. Head to the Sausalito location, and you’ll see this sitting on a balcony.
To reach it, head to the front of the building and climb up to the roof by having Marcus grab ledges and pull himself up. Once on the roof, walk to the back of the building and jump down to the balcony.
Vehicle Paint Jobs
Updated skins for your Car on Demand vehicles can be found in the following locations:
Use the scissor lift across from the south wall of the station to reach the WKZ roof, then collect the paint from the access door walkway.
North of the Tardis complex in Bayview, you’ll find a small alleyway occupied by 508 gang members. Take them out and grab the paint job from next to the construction materials on the north side of the alley.
In the north-east section of Bayview Rise, directly across from Nudle Park, enter the trainyard where the tracks come to an end.
Cimb up the ladder on the left side of the courtyard and follow the rooftop west to find the paint job.
You can find the Nudle Maps vehicle paint job on the balcony of the northern building in the center of the Nudle campus.
Collect the construction lift near the south-west building and pilot it to the balcony and use the lift to reach the paint job.
In the middle of San Francisco, there’s an area called the Transbay Center. Near it, you’ll find a paint job.
To reach it, look up and you’ll see a window cleaner lift. Lower it as far as you can. It will stop before hitting the ground. Now look around to the other side of the building and you’ll find a scissor lift. Drive it down the stairs, then lift yourself up onto the platform, then climb into the window washer lift. Ride up to the roof to find the paint job.
One of the easiest paint jobs to find. Simply go to the New Dawn Temple in the bottom-left corner of the map. You can find the paint job on the west side of the temple, sitting on the ground.
In South Oakland, in a spot called Woodland, you’ll find an alley with some gangmembers in it.
Clear out the gang members and you’ll be able to easily walk in and pick up the vehicle paint job that’s sitting here.
Weapons & Gadgets
During your quest to freedom you may come across a few tough aponetns. Thats why its great to have something up your sleeve. In watch dogs 2 they went a little bit overboard in customizing the right loadout for you so head on down to you HQ and go to the 3d printer and take a look. From Grenade launchers to Drones, you can create your own personalized armada.
3D Printer
The 3D Printer in the HackerSpace HQ can spit out a variety of weapons and gadgets, but the most sought after is the Quadcopter, a flying drone that lets you access far-away items. Though you get the ground-based Jumper as part of the introductory story missions, the Quadcopter is only found by saving up a decent amount of money – $67,500 to be exact.
Not only is it fun to play with, but it’s essential if you want to find every Key Data and for completing some of the later story missions. As such, it pays to know how to save up money effectively. Stealing from bank accounts, collecting Money Bags or completing side-quests are your primary ways, and we break down these and more in our how to make money in Watch Dogs 2 page. Ultimately, the sooner you buy a Quadcopter, the more you can spend on fashionable hoodies.
Watch dogs as a brand is known for hacking but unlike the first this game has thought outisde the box and came up with some ways to do missions and get your self out of sticky situations.
RC Jumper
The RC Jumper is free from the 3D Printer, it’s incredibly useful, and it can be upgraded for even more flexibility during infiltrations. To use it, simply press B, once you’re in a safe hiding place, the RC Jumper becomes controllable. this can help you in many different situation escpessially in places where you cant go physically or without being undetected.
The quadcopter is a 3D printed drone owned by Marcus Holloway, after 3D-printing it for $67,500. It is small enough for Marcus to hold and carry around with him. He can deploy it at any time to scope out the area and get a higher view. If the drone gets too far away from Marcus, it will warn the player, and if the player flies it too far away, the connection will be cut off and the player will have to move closer to the Drone to reconnect it. The drone is capable of hacking things within view. To use it, simply press H.
Pistol designed by The Wrench for DedSec members, packing a heavy punched designed to obliterate most targets at short range.
Medium Damage, Stability & Reload. Low Rate of Fire.
8 Bullets per Magazine.
Costs – Free
A vicious suppressed pistol inspired by a similar gun which tore through Chicago’s criminal underworld circa 2014.
Low Damage, Fire Rate & Range. High Stability. Medium Reload Speed.
8 bullets per Magazine.
Costs – $40,500.
A pistol fitted with a fully automatic receiver and an extended clip, for all your mindless shredding needs.
Low Damage, Range & Stability. Max Fire Rate. Medium Reload Speed.
30 bullets per Magazine.
Costs – $45,900.
With added scope and semi-auto trigger, this Assault Rifle is meant for long range surgical wetwork.
Medium Damage, Stability & Reload Speed. Low Fire Rate. High Range.
30 bullets per Magazine.
Costs – $86,400
Suppressed assault rifle with custom scope which greatly enhances target acquisition.
All Stats Near Medium.
20 bullets per Magazine.
Costs – $99,900
Assault rifle with a custom stock, set to fire quick 3-shot bursts. Equipped with smart bullets, allowing an auto hack after target is killed.
High Damage. Medium Fire Rate, Range, Reload Speed. Low Stability.
30 bullets per Magazine.
Costs – $43,200.
Assault rifle designed by The Wrench for DedSec members. What it lacks in precision, it makes up for in range.
Medium Damage, Fire Rate & Reload Speed. Low Range & Stability.
30 bullets per Magazine.
Costs – $18,900.
Grenade launcher fitted with Stun Gun electrodes, enabling the user to quickly stun a group of enemies without killing them.
Max Damage, Medium Range but Low Rate of Fire, Stability & Reload.
1 bullet per Magazine.
Costs – $118,800
Grenade launcher designed by The Wrench for DedSec members. For situations when nothing short of total destruction is going to do it.
Max Damage but Low Rate of Fire, Stability, Reload Speed & Range.
1 bullet per Magazine.
Costs – $105,300
A shotgun fitted with material-penetrating slug ammo and a large clip. Equipped with smart bullets, allowing an auto hack after a kill.
High Damage. Medium Fire Rate, Stability & Reload Speed. Low Range.
30 bullets per Magazine.
Costs – $40,500.
A shotgun designed to annihilate everything in its way with custom buckshot ammo and full-auto firing mode.
Near Max Damage. Medium Fire Rate & Reload Speed. Low Stability & Range.
12 bullets per Magazine.
Costs – $43,200.
Designed by The Wrench for DedSec members, this shotgun has a smaller pellet spread and a bigger punch than its corporate-built equivalent.
Near Max Damage. Low Stability, Reload Speed, Fire Rate & Range.
10 bullets per Magazine.
Costs – $13,500.
./Research and Data Keys
Watch Dogs 2’s research tree and its seven areas – Vehicle Hacking, Social Engineering, City Disruption, Tinkering, Botnets, Marksmanship, Remote CTRL – is gradually unlocked as you see fit by spending the Research Points you accumulate. You get these primarily through gathering Followers (our page on how to get more Followers explains the ways to get more) and also by finding them hackable, collectible nodes out in the world.
However, simply collecting points won’t allow you to unlock and purchase each branch. Most branches are gated by finding ‘Key Data’ out in the world. In short, most areas have an enemy stronghold with a piece of Key Data – which you can either walk up to and hack, or simply collect – guarded by patrolling enemies or a puzzle.
So if you want to gain access to all the abilities Marcus has to offer – which we’d recommend, as even if you want to go down the game’s suggested Aggressor, Ghost or Trickster ‘roles’, they all come in handy in different situations – it pays to explore and tick these off.
These Key Data locations have you enter restricted zones across the map to retrieve Key Data in specific ways, some by hacking – either in person or drone – or simply collecting them, once you have evaded or neutralised armed resistance along the way.
We recommend the same routine on each one; locating their position (which we list below) and using NetHack to add them to your map and heads-up display. Then as you would with any other restricted area, use Cameras or a drone to scout enemy locations. As well as upgrading some of your research to make taking on foes easier, the following are required if you want to obtain them all:
Quadcopter (learn how to get money fast in Watch Dogs 2 to make this easier)
Vehicle Direction Hack
Environmental RC
Optional – Enhanced Spring, other Jumper upgrades
./Research [Continued]
Key Data locations in Alcatraz and Yerba Beuna Island
Alcatraz Key Data
Research unlocked: Speed Boost (Remote CTRL)
Requirements: None
Location: Inside the roof of the Prison.
Solution: Go into the prison – there’s a set of double doors you can just push through from the front – and head to the cells. Go to the top floor, and in the central row of cells, in the middle there is a vent the Jumper can go through. Jump up the ledge, but don’t go any further – if you look to the side, you’ll see the Key Data through the grate, which you can hack.
When you leap up the vent inside the cell, the Key Data is to the side. Easy to miss!
Yerba Buena Island Key Data
Research unlocked: Botnet Savings: Vehicle Hacks (Vehicle Hacking)
Requirements: None
Location: This is located smack bang in the middle of the south part of the island, in a complex that’s above the main freeway tunnel.
Solution: It’s guarded but out in the open for the taking, and the easiest way to do this is by the northish unguarded entrance, where the dog pen is, then turning right and right again by the crates.
Key Data locations in Marin
Kirby Cove Key Data
Research unlocked: Steady Hands (Marksmanship)
Requirements: Jumper
Location: Located south west of the Kirby Cove text on the map, not far from the coast. While seemingly safe outside, there are enemies inside a small room.
Solution: Approach from the west-most point and use your Jumper to go through the space, then under the car. From there, you can shoot out and grab it from the left wall before anyone sees.
Vista Point Key Data / Horseshoe Bay Key Data
Research unlocked: Expert Tinkering (Tinkering)
Requirements: None
Location: The game labels this as one in Horseshoe Bay, but it’ll unlock the one in Vista Point. Found underneath the Golden Gate Bridge, practically west from the ‘Horseshoe Bay’ text on the map.
Solution: To get this one, you have to use a motorbike from the east, using the dirt skip as a ramp onto the central platform, then onto the scaffolding at the end, before dropping down the alcove on the right where the Key Data is. Whether to clear the base first is up to you, but you can choose to ignore everyone. You can find a motorbike parked along the south fence, and you don’t need much of a run up, as you need to land on the central platform to make use of that ramp to the end. This one feels similar to something you’d do in the Trials series, wouldn’t you say?
If you view the area from this angle, it’s a series of ramps. Take them all the way up to get the Key Data.
The Gates Houseboats Key Data
Research unlocked: Massive System Crash (City Disruption)
Requirements: Vehicle Direction Hack
Location: In the roof of the building next door to the Torque Rate Bike Shop, in the east of Marin.
Solution: To climb onto the roof, you must hack the forklift round the side of the building, grab one of the crates, lift it up and mark it round the back in the corner, so that Marcus can climb the forklift, then the elevated crate, and onto the roof. From there, go into the door, use the Jumper to go through the whole and access the terminal, allowing you to open the vent to get the Key Data.
Climb up a forklift like so to reach the roof.
Key Data locations in Oakland
Prescott Key Data
Research unlocked: Fast Trigger Finger (Marksmanship)
Requirements: None
Location: Located in the block below the ‘Prescott’ text on the map.
Solution: This one is really easy – it’s a tiny area with just a couple of people, so you may as well sprint in, collect it, then out again.
Jack London Square Key Data
Research unlocked: System Crash Upgrade: Blackout (City Disruption)
Requirements: None
Location: Found on the rooftop of a building in the middle of the district.
Solution: Use the stairs on the north side to get to the top, then find your way into the outbuilding in the centre, where the Key Data is there for the taking.
Elmhurst Key Data
Research unlocked: Gang War (Social Engineering)
Requirements: None
Location: This is in a gang stronghold just north west to the ‘Prescott’ text on the map.
Solution: This one is really easy – it’s a tiny area with just a couple of people, so you may as well sprint in, collect it, then out again.
Key Data locations in San Francisco
Cliff House Key Data
Research unlocked: Target Weakness (Marksmanship)
Requirements: None
Location: West San Francisco, on the coast.
Solution: The Key Data is available to collect on a balcony round the back, behind a lot of heavily armoured guards. Either take them out by brute force to clear the way, or jump onto the forklift round the south side, ride it round the corner and elevate to the balcony level, then hop over the railing and straight to the Key Data. We died from gunfire shortly after, but you get keep the data.
Coit Tower Key Data
Research unlocked: Strong Grip (Marksmanship)
Requirements: None
Location: This is south of the park, in an enclosed alley.
Solution: You can approach this from the street or from the rooftops if you come from the park and climb over some rocks. The later gives you a better vantage point, but in theory you could just run in and simply pick it up, since it’s out in the open.
Either take out the guards from afar, or simply run in and flee. Your choice!
Chinatown Key Data
Research unlocked: Massive Vehicle Hack (Vehicle Hacking)
Requirements: Quadcopter
Location: Located on a rooftop in a block in the middle of where the ‘Chinatown’ and ‘Lombard Street’ districts are.
Solution: Go down the alley, climb the ladder and unlock the terminal to activate the link to the vent above. Pilot the Quadcopter through it and then hack the Key Data.
Embarcadero Center Key Data
Research unlocked: Engine Overdrive (Vehicle Hacking)
Requirements: None
Location: North West San Francisco – go underneath the Center from the east and into the car park, where the room is off to the side.
Solution: It’s a tiny room with three guards, but their close proximity means you can quickly overpower them with brute force. Or, simply stroll in and take the Key Data out in the open. Note you have to do this as pa
./Research [Continued]
Note you have to do this as part of the CyberDriver mission.
Ferry Building Key Data
The Last of Us Remastered patch 1.08 for PS4 Pro analysed
Research unlocked: Remote Gadgets (Marksmanship)
Requirements: Quadcopter
Location: East coast of San Francisco.
Solution: Simply pilot the copter to the roof of the main terminal and hack the Key Data.
Fort Point Key Data
Research unlocked: Botnet Savings (City Distruption)
Requirements: Quadcopter
Location: Head to the large building at the tip of Fort Point – it’s under the Golden Gate Bridge and hard to miss.
Solution: Head all the way round to the West side to find a door that is hiding the Key Data behind. Hack the box to start the Network Bypass puzzle.
In short, you need to trace the blue path going left as it winds through the underside of the Golden Gate Bridge; the path will split into two several times, and you have to follow each linear strand, fix the nodes on the way until they join again, and continue.
Use the Quadcopter to fix all the nodes under the Golden Gate Bridge.
If you’re stuck, here’s the specific positions of each node in order:
On the building-facing edge, rotate T-junction to create two new paths
Follow path going up to the sea-facing edge, rotate to continue linear path
Return, follow path going down to the upward facing girder in the centre further down
Both paths lead to a node further down the sea-facing edge to create new path
Next node is underneath the bridge facing the ground, spin to create two new paths
Follow path seaward to near the ground, rotate to continue
Return, follow building-ward path to the middle of the girders
Both paths lead to node in far wall, creating a new path
Follow path to the very top of the girders, facing up
Unlock final node next to the locked door
Lombard Street Key Data
Research unlocked: Tweaked Blast (Tinkering)
Requirements: Quadcopter
Location: North part of San Francisco. This is not on the street itself – instead, go to the road on the south, and the Key Data will be on the roof on the south west corner.
Solution: Fly the Quadcopter up and squeeze underneath the decking to get it.
Go south of Lombard Street proper and use a Quadcopter to get its Key Data.
New Dawn Facility Key Data
Research unlocked: Security System Shutdown (Social Engineering)
Requirements: None
Location: Inside the main complex, in the south west corner.
Solution: To get the Key Data safely, go right round the outside fence when you come up to the entrance to an opening. You can go from cover to cover along the right side to the gazebo area, where the Key Data is for the taking. There’s also a $4000 or so money bag off on the bench just beyond that that’s also worth grabbing. If you don’t want to take on the guards, you could grab and sprint onto the beach, and run until you lose them.
Nudle Park Key Data
Research unlocked: Keen Eye (Marksmanship)
Requirements: Environmental RC
Location: South East San Francisco. Go right round the corner from the entrance to the stadium to discover a gated and guarded lot round the side.
Solution: Remote control the forklift outside the bountries to the corner, and move the crates blocking the entrance to the red container, allowing you to get the Key Data inside. Either go in yourself, or pilot the Jumper to get it for you so you don’t have to step foot inside the protected area at all.
Command the forklift just outside and take it to the container in the corner.
Research unlocked: Chopper Retreat Exploit (Vehicle Hacking)
Requirements: Vehicle Direction Hack.
Location: Round the back of the museum, in the alleyway.
Solution: Approach from the south east side, take down the guard, and the containers directly ahead contain a car. Reverse it backward, then leap up and grab the Key Data inside.
Sutro Tower Key Data
Research unlocked: Export RC Engineering (Remote CTRL)
Requirements: Jumper
Location: At the base of the Sutro Tower, between San Francisco and Silicon Valley
Solution: Approach from the north road, but don’t personally go into the restricted zone. Call the remote controlled Jumper, and go left outside of the fence to find a gap that will get you past the guards watching over the entrance. Go straight ahead to the corner outbuilding. On the short side of the outbuilding is a little gap the car can squeeze through, with the Key Data ready to collect inside.
To easily avoid all the guards, take the Jumper round the outside fence and through the hole.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
A guide to the many activities in the open-world sequel.
Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide
Want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from all finding all Key Data locations, unique vehicles and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfit, through to tips on races, ScoutX, Driver SF and multiplayer. We also have walkthroughs on Trophy and Achievement specific side-quests Ubistolen, $911 and Shadows as well as how to get more Followers and how to make money.
Key Data locations in Silicon Valley
Crystal Spring Dam Key Data
Research unlocked: Electro Shock Optimization (Tinkering)
Requirements: Environmental RC
Location: Directly above the ‘Crystal Springs Dam’ text on the map is a large complex. Take the roads from the north, or possibly even highway to here, then leaping over the edge onto the scaffolding above.
Solution: Hack the crane and move its explosive payload to the nearest building, and detonate it over the boards. Drop the crane to ground level, get onto it, and now drop yourself in through the hole where the boards were.
Drop the explosive payload and remote detonate with a hack to clear the boards.
Galilei Key Data
Research unlocked: Explosive Optimization (Tinkering)
Requirements: None
Location: South of the campus, on the corner in a heavily-fortifed area.
Solution: To gain access, approach from the nearby road entrance and leap onto the building and container, then onto the perimeter wall to bypass the locked gate. You then want to go round the front of the corner building – by sneaking or force – up the ladder and hack the terminal, allowing you to then hack the comms tower above for the Key Data.
Palo Alto Key Data
Research unlocked: Enhanced Spring (Remote CTRL)
Requirements: Quadcopter, Jumper
Location: This is located at the top of the building just above where the ‘Palo Alto’ text is on the map.
Solution: On the east corner is a terminal you need to hack, trapped behind two crates. Using a Jumper, leap over the crates and access; you can either do this by getting the jump upgrade, or what we did was park a car in front of it, and using it as a leg up. Once the terminal is active, swap to a Quadcopter and fly to the roof, then hack the Key Data.
Stanford University
Research unlocked: Stun Amp Up (Marksmanship)
Requirements: Quadcopter, Jumper
Location: Standford Tower – head to the campus and you can’t miss it.
Solution: The node is located underneath the Stanford Tower. Go to the North East corner to find some ledges you can climb up, then run to the south for some air conditioning you can climb. You have to open the door on the north side to enter, but requires a Network Breach first.
You’ll want to climb up these ledges to get higher up the tower.
On the south side is a air duct the Jumper or the Quadcopter can go through. In the ducts inside, go left, right then right again to find the first node. Follow the activated route back outside, where it’ll split into two, ground round the North and South sides of the tower.
North side:
Drop down to street level, reverse the van to expose the node, and spin the node once.
Follow the newly activated path round to the north side. Spin the single line node below the junction to unlock the node above. Unlock it.
The newly activated path now goes one level up the Tower – you should be able to scan it from the ground. Unloc
Unlock All Secret Achievements/Trophies
Bad Boys;
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to Hijack a boat.
Something To Ride;
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to Hijack a bus.
Reward: 30G
How to unlock: You need to get all the hidden Key Data.
Smooth Felon;
Reward: 15G
How to unlock: You need to escape the Level 5 felony.
Who Am I
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to erase the past identity in the Blume servers.
Put Your Damn Pants On
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: After the party you need to buy some pants.
Reward: 15G
How to unlock: At 3D printer you need to buy two handed weapon.
In Style
Reward: 20G
How to unlock: You need to buy the Gatorfeet Whine Country footwear.
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to ride a cable car.
Only God Can Judge Me
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: At Nudle vending machine you need to buy a shirt.
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to drive 4 km while driving the Merengue from Elek Motors in the world.
Knock You Out
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to takedown 30 enemies with stealth.
Jump Around
Reward: 15G
How to unlock: You need to perform 140 meters long jump while driving vehicle.
Earn your Sea Legs
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to perform sailboat race.
Reward: 5G
How to unlock: You need to hack a robot.
Third Time’s the Charm
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to make 3 jumps in a row abroad the vehicle.
Hold My Hair
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to a vomiting picture of anyone.
Let Me Ride
Reward: 20G
How to unlock: You need to hack a car to travel 200 meters on top of a car.
One of the Gang
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to complete 5 DedSec Events.
Natural Born Killer
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to neutralize any one Hunter in Bounty Hunter mode.
Please Marcus, Don’t Hurt Them
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to neutralize 5 fugitives in Bounty Hunter.
Hold My Hand
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to complete an online Co-op Operation.
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to invade any another hacker.
Feeding Frenzy
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to use the “Call the cops” hack on the donut-disguised man in Haight-Ashbury.
Got The Shutterbug
Reward: 15G
How to unlock: You need to take 25 ScoutX location pictures
One-Man Garage
Reward: 20G
How to unlock: You need to purchase 25 cars in car dealerships.
Pimp My eKart
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to collect all the eKart upgrades.
App’ing Around
Reward: 5G
How to unlock: You need to buy all the apps in the App Shop.
I Get Around
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to participate a drone race.
Ain’t No Stopping
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to participate in a bike race.
Old School Justice
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Eye for An Eye”
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Hacker War”
Make Every Voice Count
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Power to the Sheeple”
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Robot Wars”
You’re On A Boat!
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Shanghaied”
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to pet 10 dogs.
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to take photobombed in a selfie.
A Ride to Remember
Reward: 10G
How to unlock: You need to drive any Unique Vehicle.
Joined the Mile High Club
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Hack the World”.
Baby, I Got Your Money
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “False Profits”
Knight Ridden
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Cyber Driver”.
No Place Like Haum
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Haum Sweet Haum”
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Limp Nudle”
100% Legit
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “$911”
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “W4tched”
The Fox
Reward: 20G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Shadow”.
Leaks and Leaks
Reward: 20G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Ubistolen”
Hack the World
Reward: 50
How to unlock: You need to trigger the hack of the century
Picking Up the Pieces
Reward: 40G
How to unlock: You need to complete operation “Looking Glass”.
Easter Eggs
Watch Dogs 2 certainly isn’t shy when it comes to Easter eggs. You can spot them in its mission titles, in the character dialogue and even squirreled away in the background scenery. The sheer quantity of references in this game is truly impressive so, here they are so far.
Gnomes, Gnomes, Gnomes,
You may have stumbled across a few of these shrubbery demons but paid no attention for you were busy hacking, but if you slow down and pay attention you may understand why they are there, and if your lucky enough become one. The gnomes are scattered around the map in various places shown here. They are a bit hard to find so take your time and think like a gnome.
WARNING: Once you have collected all the gnomes there is one more spot to go to receive the outfit, once at the location, grab the outfit FIRST and, although tempting, the cash SECOND. There is a glitch where if you grab the bag of cash first you may not be able to recieve the outfit.
Secret Seven Cars
With no real backstory but all really fun and different. These are the seven rare cars you can find in Watch_dogs 2.
Aiden Pierce
Aiden Pearce makes an appearance in Watch Dogs 2. If you’re not familiar with the name, he was the protagonist of the previous game. You can find him during one of the side missions. You won’t meet face to face, and he’ll get just a bit of screen time, but if you were a fan of the first game, you’re probably going to be happy with it. When you’ve helped him, you’ll unlock The Fox achievement. In this guide, we’re going to show you the Aiden Pearce easter egg in Watch Dogs 2, where to find it.
In order to meet the famed Fox, who single-handedly took down ctOS in Chicago, tore through the mob’s ranks and more, you’ll have to engage in the Shadows side operation. After a couple of steps of regular mission stuff, you’ll get the task to help Pearce out.
You’ll find him trapped in a Bratva bunker. There will be several guards in the area, but you can take them out pretty easily. You’ll end up at a control panel, which will let you tap into the cam in his cell. After you distract the guard patrolling the prison (while watching through the cam), Pearce will take the cue and knock him out. He’ll give you a knowing nod and get on with his escape.
So, you won’t be really meeting him, but you will help the legend live on by facilitating his escape and enabling him to keep doing what he does best. If you’re wondering why he wasn’t chosen as the protagonist this time around, the developers have said that they needed someone younger, more positive and without a dark past. Aiden didn’t fit the theme, or the place. Hacktivism in the San Francisco Bay Area needed a brighter character.
Blood Dragon
In the HQ you can see a few arcade games strewn about the place and a few of them with a logo of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. This is also in Watch dogs 1 where during the mission Grandmas Bulldog you can see gangmembers having a fight on the praised arcade games.
On the Haum Sweet Haum mission there is a house and inside you will find four robots guarding the area, if you take a moment to scan them you will notice that they have the names of the ghost’ from Pacman.
– T-Bone Content Bundle (DLC 1): Players will get the style and the swagger of legendary hacker Raymond “T-Bone” Kenney with his truck and outfit and discover Mayhem, a new co-op difficulty level that will pit players against a new enemy archetype armed with advanced weaponry. (Available December 13, 2016 for PlayStation 4)
– Human Conditions (DLC 2): Through several hours of additional mission content in three new world stories, players will uncover San Francisco’s biggest scandals on the cutting edge of science, medicine and misuse. In Human Conditions, players will also experience new elite co-op missions and face a new enemy type: Jammer, with the technology to hunt players down. (Available Spring 2017)
– No Compromise (DLC 3): Players will experience an all-new world story which mixes Marcus up in the seedy underbelly of San Francisco and puts him in the crosshairs of the Russian mafia. Also includes a new co-op mode: Showdown, where only the best players will get to survive. (Available Spring 2017)
– Psychedelic Pack: Customize Marcus’s outfit, weapon, drone and car in the grooviest style. (Available on Day One)
– Root Access Bundle: Includes full sets of outfits, new cars, a drone skin, and a new weapon, as well as the Zodiac Killer mission. (Available winter, 2016)
Q: How do I earn money fast?
A: Play through the story, and you will find alot of cash. If you are done with the story always check out the DriverSF app, you can get close to 100k with each job.
Q: Is the multiplayer good?
A: Yes, very. The multyplayer is extremeley well done offering a range of things to do with a friend, and they are always adding and updating to make the expierience even better.
Tips And Tricks
How to Earn Money
everytime you use the DriverSF app and get a 5 star, you are getting around 100k every time. Other ways are finishing story by the time you are down you will have around 600k. If you do play races you will on get 15k for winning gold so its kinda a waste of time.
Watch_Dogs 2 Specs
The system requirements for Watch_Dogs 2 are:
System Requirements:
64-bit operating system required
Supported OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit version only)
Minimum Specs:
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400S @ 2.5 GHz / AMD FX 6120 @ 3.5 GHz
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 (2GB) / AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB) or better
Recommended Specs:
Processor: Intel Core i5-3470 @ 3.2 GHz / AMD FX 8120 @ 3.9 GHz
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (3GB) | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4GB) | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (3GB) or better | AMD Radeon R9 290 (4GB) or better
Hard Drive: 50GB available storage
Peripherals: Windows compatible keyboard and mouse / Microsoft Xbox One Controller /
DualShock 4 Controller
Multiplayer: 256 kbps or faster broadband connection