Freedom Planet Guide

Ultimate Guide of Freedom Planet! for Freedom Planet

Ultimate Guide of Freedom Planet!


Welcome!History of Freedom PlanetMonday, 21st June, 2014: Version 1.15 of Freedom Planet is released on Windows and Steam to be playable to the general public for the retail price of $14.99 for the game and $4.99 for the OST.3rd August, 2014: Version 1.15.3 is released8th February, 2015: Version 1.20.2 is releasedDecember 25th 2015 Version 1.21.1 Beta rolled out releasing Milla’s Adventure Mode and Torque as a playable character for a few stages in Time Trials. Torque will NOT receive updates in the future (as of now) Currently the DLC (for Torque and Spade) is postponed indefinately in favor to make standalone games for Torque and Spade.

“Lilac the Switch Skipper” Achievement

Lilac the Switch Skipper

Skip the switch door in Dragon Valley as Lilac

Alright for the first one you have to play as Lilac and go to the area in Dragon Valley that has the door where you usually push the block onto the switch to open it. Now instead of doing the usual tactic step onto the switch and quickly enable your boost to the LEFT so that you’ll reflect off the ground ledge that is to the left of you and you will nearly make the gap! If you try boosting to the right you will go the opposite direction. Complete the stage and you should be set! Very useful for those who want to Speed Run DV in less then 5 Min!

“Rolling Stones” Achievement

Rolling Stones

Get a boulder to wrap around the screen

Achievement for the Rolling Stones is simple. Very easy to do infact who ever has this game and playing it as Lilac can simply Dragon boost over the rock chasing at you at the last part before the boss in Dragon Valley.

Carol can be done too. Just don’t jump quickly over the jump pads and let the rock pass underneath you.

The Achievement should pop after beating the stage or Quiting and going into Achievement after doing so.

“Claw Bypass” Achievement

Claw Bypass

Skip the Claw boss in Relic Maze

Instead of riding onto the transit as Lilac, run on the ground instead beside the tires and use your dragon boost to run towards the front of the truck. Skipping the boss, and letting you push the crystal onto the engine (or just attack the Engine) causing it to explode! You’ll receive the Achievement after completing the Stage.

“Disco Fever” Achievement

Disco Fever

Bust some dance moves in Fortune Night

“Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!”~Christopher Walken as Dickinson in a SNL skit.

Do you think you can dance? Well you can in this marvelous stage of Freedom Planet which is in Fortune Night Act 2! This mall is filled with so many beautiful things. Really, Blue gems fill the sky when you fly off that spinning handle, Disco Balls make everything nice and atmospheric with sparkles in the darken areas of Fortune Night act 2, and those Ferris Wheels are always a hoot to look at and dance on!

Now how do I dance you wonder? Well it is simple. Go in front of a disco ball or whatever area that is darken by the nearest Disco ball and stand still for quite a bit. Once your character begins to dance for about 24 seconds this trophy will pop after completing the stage or quitting and going into the Gallery.

Thats about it. Now go out there and watch your favorite character dance! (Personally my favorite is Milla dancing @.@)

“Secret Melody” Achievement

Secret Melody

Play the Secret Melody on a piano

Take a melody ~
Simple as can be~
Give it some words and
Sweet Harmony~
Raise your voices
All day long now love grows strong now
Sing a melody of
Love, oh love.~

Anyhow this one might be buggy since some of the Piano/Keyboard keys are sometimes stuck (either thats a bug or not I do not know.) But I do know is that there are 3 where you can play the secret melody.

There are 8 keys. Going from 1 to 8 left to right.

So you’ll press: 1,3,4,5,3,1,8

In doing so you can hear some cheering and in place of landing on top of the 7th note. People cheering will sound, 1up will spawn and about 6 or 5 Petals will land.

There are couple of spots where the Melody is placed on walls so if you want to see them again you can wander to the place.

If the keys are stuck I am afraid its due to a bug or a hidden mechanic you must do.
I should know. I tried that melody twice in one go and I managed to get 2 Ones up from the total. 3rd one was stuck….

Maybe it has to do with the restrooms????

Clearing the stage will pop up this trophy. Either that or quiting and going into Achievements will make it pop as well.

“Freefaller” Achievement


Clear Sky Battalion without using Torque’s plane

Don’t let the image fool you. I didn’t use the plane this time around! Anyway in order to do this you must destroy both cannons then QUICKLY unleash Lilac’s Dragon Boost on the place where the top cannon was. Do so correctly and you will fly off towards the right side of the screen with no plane at all.

Conquer Dail and his mighty Peacock and this trophey will pop as long as you do this with all Three Ships. The Achievement will be invalid IF you hit Torques plane. So best of luck!

“Ledge Taunt” Achievement

Ledge Taunt

Rest on the ledge during Lilac’s fight with Spade

Spade: “Come on!”
Lilac: “Hit me if you can!~”

This is only unlocked if you stood exactly onto this edge towards the left and have them speak. Once doing so the achievement should pop after completing the stage.

Quite simple really.

“SpeedRunner Clear” Achievement Tips

Speedrunner Clear

Clear the game in less than 90 minutes

Well here is a tricky one. Along with 10 with each of a par time you have to beat in fastest time you have also got to complete the main story line within 1 Hour and a half! But how are you going to manage that?

Well listen up! I am going to give you a couple of pointers!

Try it on Casual if you want it hassle free, Normal if you want it to be somewhat of a challenge, Hard…..Good luck with that buddy. Even on Casual mode I managed to complete the campaign in 3 hours with Lilac (Because due to the fact I was looking for cards along the way). Speaking of which Lilac is that fastest fleetfooted runner in this game at the moment so pick her for all the speed runs. (Well except for Aqua Tunnel and Trap Hideout for Milla and Carol.)

Memorize the stage and the bosses patterns and act accordingly with flawless execution. Meaning you gotta think fast. The clock is ever so ticking and even if you think your at 7 minutes thats 7 minutes too long if its not Battle Glacier. Manage to BLAZE through the Final Dreadnaught Stages.

Don’t Think Don’t Blink just go go go gogogogogogo! Time isn’t on your side and it will be a pain in the arse if you are playing on hard mode to make this achievement pop.

Went over the time limit? Try the stages one by one and conqour them before trying the entire playthrough for the game. Practice makes perfection…Well for Speedrunners…Knowing the tricks of every stage, enemy placement, traps, and what have yas.

Lives are useless. If you are playing on Casual. Don’t bother with going out of the main path to victory to pick up the lives. If you die one too many times (as of this version’s patch.) You can kiss that time goodbye as the timer doesn’t reset on Restart.

If can’t make the speedrun why not go for the other trophy for that specific stage/character? Who knows maybe one’s folly could be one’s maker to success?

It is mandatory to learn the bosses patterns. Learn em and learn them well. Doing so you can fight against the enemy with no problems. Goal to fight the bosses is at least within 2 minutes. Too much and you went overboard. (Of course Final Dreadnaught round 4 is out of the question there’s like 3 bosses to fight one after another….)

Map your path through the stage and better yet record your timing with one of previous. Try changing up of where your running at, Jumping too and boosting wherever.

If you want to check with your overall time you can always quit and go back to the load screen where it will show you your overall stat for that gameplay file. Gauge your skill and try and try again if you don’t succeed the first time or the time after that or the time after that.

Lilac is the best choice to do it to it. While Carol and Milla has abilities that can make them go over obstacles they cannot blaze through enemies like Lilac can. Trust me. She makes all the difference.

Thats it for now. Best of luck to your abilities when put under the test of time!

“Boost Perfectionist” Achievement

Boost Perfectionist

Destroy a Chopper with a single Dragon Boost as Lilac

At first I had troubles of doing this in one go. Really I had to do it 5 times before I had to get it to pop up.

Pretty much what you need to do is load up Battle Glacier as Lilac and go to the Quarter-part of the first Area (Which is after all the Drill Birds and Drill Worm Robots and platforms).

From there, a Copter will zoom past you in the background. I would suggest to go to high ground with no other enemies because you need to be focused on him. If he starts lobbing 3 missiles at you use your jump instead of Dragon Boost as the missiles will fly underneath you.

Now the thing is, he has a pattern.

Which goes like this:
3 Lobbing Missiles – Shoots about 3 Missiles that all go in one direction the Helicopter is facing
Dives – Flies forwards while dumping 5 Bombs across.

(After the Chopper dives, the first step is repeated)

I would suggest to play on either Normal, Easy, or Casual.

How it’s done:
Thing is you have to have the Copter *LEAD* you into it. Making you drill into the vehicle while it is flying ahead of you. If you did it correct Lilac will yell out. “OH MY GOSH DID YOU SEE THAT!? THAT WAS AMAZING!~” Or something along those lines. Beat the stage or quit and go to Gallery to make the Achievement pop up.

Best of luck. I know I had troubles with it. Maybe you can get it in a couple goes?

“Preemptives Strikes” 1 & 2 Achievements

Alright so I had a bit of trouble on the Mantalith more then I had with Dail but here is how to do it to it.

Preemptive Strike I

Destroy both of the Mantalith’s arms before the Fight begins.

For the Mantalith when it is jumping down to greet you for the first time before the battle begins you must use either Lilac’s Dragon boost by positioning yourself to the left of the area. Then *AIM* your boost into both claws just nearly before the music begins.

You can do it with Milla too! Just be sure to have a block ready and unleash your Super Shield Block Blast (don’t throw your block! BLAST IT!) You must be in close proximity on either side of the claws to work. Left side for the left side. Right side for the right. Do it correctly and you should be able to clear em off before he begins to slash you.

If you didn’t make it you can always restart at the last checkpoint before him and try again and again before you do it right. Just be sure to have enough lives.

Note you MUST do this before the music begins and he ends his roar. Conqouring this beast would grant you this achievement.

Preemptive Strike II

Destroy Prince Dail’s shield before he finishes his monologue

Same with the first….Unless you have Carol’s bike it is nigh impossible to do it with her. So you gotta pick Milla or Lilac.

When you first see him the screen will go up to him and he will begin to speak. For you to get this you must either Aim your dragon boost Diangonal up into him and Hair whip at the shield while falling down or Use Milla’s Super Shield Block Blast or Throw Blocks at him. When his shield is gone and the screen goes down starting the battle. The achievement SHOULD pop after you defeat this guy.

Best of LUCK!

“Gem Hoarder” Achievement (Glitched!)

Gem Hoarder

Collect 7,000 Gems in 1 Playthrough

Alright so the description tells you how to get this unlocked right? But then you completed the storyline with over 7000+ Gems already. You should have got it right? Well no. Its not poppin’ up. Heres the gist of your problems that you have to consider…..

  • Details below!

    You HAVE to be on Normal or higher difficulty and play on Adventure Mode. (Suck it up buttercup those cutscenes arn’t bad.)

    You have to replay & COMPLETE the last stage to make the game CONFIRM it.

    Your Gem count should still be over 7000+ If not retry the earlier stages. (I would suggest to try it from the beginning to make sure you get it over 7000+ if your not sure you made it to 3000.)

    Did I mention that the difficulty HAS to be on Normal or Hard for your first & second playthrough of the game? Changing it to easy seems to void it from unlocking.

    Apparently it is possible to get the Achievement in Classic Mode – Penguinator. *CONFIRMED*

Took me a couple of tries but thanks to the community for the information I was able to make it pop on my 4th time. (With variables such as Difficulty and what not.)

If I CAN get it. SO CAN YOU!

“Treasure Hunter” Achievement

Treasure Hunter

Dig into a treasure spot as Milla

For this one you have to play as Milla and dig into an area that has one of those Element Chests, Shield, Heart Petal, and Blue Gems. Once you managed to find all the treasures in the ground from repeated digging then the achievement will pop up after completion of stage or Exit and go into gallery. Also it is worth mentioning that you must check your Health display bar. It will change when you are above something.

Oh did I mention that you gotta hear almost responce from Milla from her digging?

*Hound whine* Nothing here or can’t dig here……
“Ooh~” Spawns Blue Gems

*Not included in game”
Her growling at an enemy while digging

Card Finder Achievement – Dragon Valley

Video by: Why Not?

After crossing the first side ramp near the beginning, jump over to the platform that has a spring on it and it will take you to the first card.

Underneath that first side ramp, head left and drop down a hole. There it is!

Once you hit the spring that takes you up to hanging bars on the ceiling, make your way up some ladders to the top-most platform and you will find this one.

After crossing a bunch of platforms you will find a ladder leading up to a chest and the next card.

Up by the push block in Part 1’s second area.

Once you ride down the wall to the water at the beginning, head left and break through the rock wall above.

At the area with the bridges, push the log away from the hole and jump down. Head left and you will find the next card underwater.

The 10th card is in the underwater pathway to the left of the waterfalls and to the right of the 7th card. (the Tao Token is also right around here, by the way)

Close to the top between two waterfalls, just before the snake boss starts shooting at you.

Right after the waterfall area you will find this card against the far wall to the right

Card Finder Achievement – Aqua Tunnel

Video by: Why Not?

Before dropping into the water jet at the beginning of the level, go up first!

Underwater, just to the left of the first set of platforms that spin downwards.

Upon reaching the door in the ground that opens with the button next to it, try jumping into the wall to the right first and you will end up here.

Way below Card 24 in the long underwater tunnel.

The easiest way to find this card, is to continue swimming in the water and making your way up to the grassy place. Once you’re up there, go left until it drops off & just fly for a bit.

At the beginning of Part 2 of the stage you can see this one under a green pipe. Just keep going forward a bit so you can get underwater, then you can swim back to it!

In the vertical section of Part 2 you can reach this card by flying through the ceiling. Fly, doggie, FLY!!!

Once you reach Part 2’s third area, immediately go down into the water and you’ll find a winding passage leading to the 8th card.

When you find two lakes of green slime; cross the bottom first so you can spring up to this card.

This one’s pretty easy to find just before the boss!

Card Finder Achievement – Relic Maze

Video by: Why Not?

Ride the bar at the beginning of the stage and this card will be at the top.

Not too far from the first card, ride the large platform that swoops down and you can see this one!

Once you see the spikeball and fireball traps head straight upwards. This card will be at the very top of the structure.

At the end by the button that destroys the yellow barrier.

On top of the first loop-de-loop!

Look up after you get past the last set of rotating barriers and this one will be tucked away in the corner.

(after the Claw Boss)

When you head down the Lift, head left and Dragon Boost up the hole. However, you can get this card easier with Milla because you end up going a different Route.

In the area with the giant falling drills, keep towards the top and this one will be just after you pass them all.

Once the giant spike ball breaks out of the wall beneath you, go into hole it came from and you’ll find this card.

(Mantalith Boss Area). FIGHT! And pick up the card in the corner.

Card Finder Achievement – Fortune Night

Towards the top at the beginning; cross the curling bridge (when it’s straight) and loop around the red and green ramp to find the first card.

On a balcony just before you reach the yellow shield-car. This card is quite a ways ahead of the first one. It is after you pass Serpentine’s spaceship for the first time and make sure you stay on the bottom level.

At the beginning of Part 1’s second area where you start seeing trains, take the Spring and head up the top of the red roof.

Begin at the end of the bunch of Yellow Springs on each side. Keep walking to the right until you see a ladder, drop down there and go left past the moving blocks. Continue down the next ladder and hop on the train to find this card!

Before continuing to the next area, hop on the first red roof when you see the Zao floaty things (xD).

#. A little walk after your next encounter with Serpentine’s spaceship, head up the road thing. Once you’re up, head through the middle section and proceed down the red/green snake. Continue until you see a Zao Statue. Jump on the ferris whell to find this card.

(After confronting Serpentine)

Head up the escalators until you see some spikes and a swing but don’t take it. Keep moving right and jump onto the middle grassy platform and continue over the springs. Then, jump again onto the next middle platform. The card is just a few steps away.

Keep to the bottom and this card will be underneath an escalator in a crazy tube.

In Act 2’s second area, head to the bottom and go underneath a long rising platform (rises when you step on it). This card will be in the pathway below. Continue on the bottom to find the next card.

When you reach the evelator, drop all the way down to the bottom of the stage and the card should be on your left.

Card Finder Achievement – Sky Battalion











Card Finder Achievement – Jade Creek

Stay up the top of the Level.

Drop down in the water after the first card.

Make your way back up again after the second card xD

Drop down into the water asap.

Take the spring in the water to give you the momentum to reach this card. It will be on your left.

Ride the clovers or whatever they are at the beginning, and the clover on the left right next to the wall should take you to this card.

(the next area after Neera)

Ontop of one of the towers.

Card Finder Achievement – Trap Hideout

Trap Hideout

Video by (with permission): Brionac777

Card Finder Achievement – Thermal Base

(after confronting Syntax)



Its on one of one of the conveyour belts with Blue gems surrounding it towards the ceiling of the stage. Easy to find with Milla.



# Before grabbing the second Lever switch to fill the place up with Water, go down into the drainage and pass a couple of spikes to get the Key Card! IF YOU DON’T, YOU WILL BE SWEPT BY THE CURRENT!

Card Finder Achievement – Pangu Lagoon

Act #[/b]

First Area



Area #




Area # (No cards)
Area # (Inside)



Area #

This is the first card in the area.

This is the second card in the area. Keep going right, and find your way to the top to find Card #8 before going to the next area.

This is the last card in the area.

Card Finder Achievement – Battle Glacier

When you reach the first lot of Rocket drills, make your way up to the top at the destroyable wall. The card will be on your left behind a destroyable wall.

After Brevon’s Ship (first encounter)

Tao Token Locations

You should be able to go/walk through the wall on the left when dropping down.

In “Act 1”, it’s at the second bubble section, really close to the top of the map. Climb on top of the platform with the upside-down jump pad a little to the left of the four thin floating platforms (Carol will need to use the bubbles). From there, catch a bubble and use it to make a long, high jump to the right. Pop the bubble with B and use whatever vertical mobility move you have to get over the wall there. Carol will have to pop her bubble later if she doesn’t have a bike if she wants to make it to the wall. The Tao Token is just a little further to the right.

Trap Hideout.

Its impossible to miss this. On your path towards the boss of the Level it is above the Brown patch of Soil. Easy peasy.

It is also fairly impossible to miss this token as well. Just after defeating the mechanical thing which moves up and down a pole shooting you (xD), head down and it’s to your left.

Easy to miss this one as you may be “speeding past” from the Springs etc & then you drop down the hole by mistake 🙁

You can find this one while going up the 2nd Lift with buttons on it. Walk off to the left when you see the first opening.

How to: Unlock “Mahjong” & “Target Master” Achievements

Ahhhh Mahjong. That wonderful game of tiles with various designs stacked on top of each other in a nice table. Would you like to play that? Well you can! You just have to complete all stages of Shang Mu Academy with one of the characters. While you are at it you can complete all Stages with the other two characters to get the Target Master Achievement! MahJong will also be selectable in Time Attack Stage selection.

In order to unlock “Shang Mu Academy”, you must make it to Sky Battalion in Adventure or Classic Mode.

Shang Mu Academy will be in Time Attack.

Secret Bloopers in Cutscenes!

Well don’t everyone love to have a nice laugh!? Anyhow this game isn’t perfect when their voice actors mess up their lines and all that funny jazz.

This only works in Adventure mode cuz of cutscenes.

I will tell you about a few Cutscenes that would be enabled by pressing C+Down (thats the special attack button which unleashes the Cyclone, Shield Burst or Wild Kicks). Continue pressing the C button while holding down on the Joystick or Dpad while the cutscenes are proceeding.

  • Details below!

    Beginning Cutscene BEFORE you choose your character.

    After saving Torque, (Dawn messes up her lines about being fast and Lilac runs off.)

    Back at Lilacs Treehouse after waking up to go see Gong (Dawn/Lilac laughs about the Big Call)

    Meeting Spade at Fortune Night (Spade contemplates about being suave and cool yet being informative is hard.)

    Playing Carol’s story before Zao arrives after defeating Serpentine Robo Panther. (Lilac Runs off messing a line about Zao.)

    The Magister 2nd Meeting with Lilac about releasing Torque. (Lilac messes up a line, Magister talks about something about Timtam currency exchange or somethin….Also Lilac says the same exact line she told to Milla about being surprised.)

    Well Playing as Torque *for now in Time Trials but as well as Adventure mode in a future update* When playing as Torque you can activate a spoof before you start the stage with him. Hold UP and Press START on GO! to make him go. “HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!~

Extras: Steam Cards

Images if you have the Steam Cards for your viewing pleasures.

Sash Lilac

Carol Tea

Milla Basset

Mayor Zao of Shang Mu

Torque the Chaser Commander

Spade of Red Scarves



Lord Brevon

I TILTED the game. My bad girls.

When selecting a character try rapidly alternating presses of Up and Down arrows on the Keyboard to make the screen shake *tilting effect in pinbal games or rumble whichever you call it.* The girls faces will be as such.

Youtube Vids this Guide was featured in and extras by friends!

Special thanks to all the FP LP’s and players out there who frequent used this guide. It warms my heart knowing that this information helped many people get the most out of their gaming sessions of Freedom Planet! Below are videos where you can see the Guide being used for example.
(Note:StormXtreme is a Nickname of my User. I frequent Steam by Zylphe now.)

If your video featured this guide in your play sessions of Freedom Planet comment below in the comments and I will add it. If you like to add something specific like say Enemy Gallery Like Mega Blue’s vid be sure to contact me and I will put it on here


Thank you so much for using this guide. While it may NOT have every detail of the game, fellow players of this game helped along to clerify data to it and there is some other guides around the net and on Steam.

BUT if you are interested in putting a piece in it of your previous works (such as a direct link or copy into the guide) there is some aspects we can use to fill out this Guide with. You WILL be credited in the guide for your information.

(Full Maps of stages that features the number and placement of gems in stages, number of 1Ups and placement of them in stages, enemy locations and routes Speedrunners take for each character.)

(Data Archives of versions updates and changes between each and every version that was previously released. May feature glitches too if people are into that sort of thing.)

(Database containing hitpoints for every enemy in game depending on which ability character used against it. May be another guide containing such things.)

(Galaxy Trail’s Playthrus, Words from the Voice Actors and Directors and extras from Galaxy Trail.)

(Jukebox: Containing every single soundbite and music from the game (may feature cuts that didn’t make it into the final game!)

(Hidden secrets that may be yet to be found, but I figure players around the world have completed this game inside and out numerous times. Still doesn’t hurt to try and find some more.)