Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Guide

Ultimate T.A.B.S Guide for Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Ultimate T.A.B.S Guide


Everything Ranging from TABS Tips and Tricks to Unlocking the Sercet Units!This Will Be Regularly updated at least weekly MONTHLYThis guide is a work in progress.


Welcome to to Ultimate TABS Guide! Warning, EXTREMELY W.I.P


Sorry for not updating a lot, I plan to finish this by the end of summer or less, if possible.
Please add me if you want to help, but after this guide is finished and You/I don’t want to be steam friends anymore then I will remove you from my friends list.

Campaign Tips and Tricks

Remember To spend all your money!
“Waste not, Want not”

Spending lots of money can lead to battles like this!

Don’t be afraid to lose a couple of times,
The best way to beat a level is through trial and error, look at all the angles and different ways to approach the level. Observe how the enemy units are placed, and remember, trial and error is a good way to find how to beat the level.

Tribal Faction

The Stoner Age

Grug hit with Club!
Pros: Very brutish, cheap,
is strong caveman boi.

Cons: Low Health.

Can Take One Arrow before dying

Pros for clubber: Cheap, slight stagger ability, surprisingly good at catching up to Zoners (Units that keep a certain distance by knowing the art of walking backwards like Sarissa).

Basically a stone age shield guy
Pros: Has a Shield, looks cool, protects friendly units if used effectively
Cons: cannot fight for itself really, it’s a support based unit
Advanced Protector pros: Can block ranged projectiles,
can weaken melee attacks (Both only apply if the hit is on the shield), and cheap.

Spear Thrower

Pros: Ranged attacks, ability to attack from long distances.
CONS:weak nerd and slow, both at movement and reloading.

Bone Mage
The bone mage uses magic to shove big bone(r) spikes up peoples asses, can kill a large amount of weak units at once. It costs 300 coin. Its health is 10.


Creator’s Note: Stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ steam made making this unit in the new page so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard that I want to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ slash my throat.
So not only did I lose a lot of information, I had to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ make a new section for this ♥♥♥♥.
What the ♥♥♥♥.

Stoner pros: Extreme power (No joke, this guy is OP), ignores shield, long range.
Stoner cons: Fragile, dumb, unreliable


The Chief is a high hp, high damage character. Although rather pricey, the chief can and will destroy on any weak unit (Clubbers, squires, etc.) . Chief pros: Resilient (High hp), powerful, fast attack speed. Chief cons: Can get easily destroyed by a group of ranged units, especially the fast shooting units or siege weapons
Info provided by Ericfiredragon


The mammoth is a very expensive, powerful unit, also the boss of the tribal ages. the mammoth deals an AoE damage attack with every step, and has a powerful ram attack. This also USED to be able to take on every single boss (Other than tribal) And win.Mammoth pros: Resilient, huge, high damage.
Mammoth cons: Expensive, unreliable.

Info provided by Ericfiredragon

Raptors [Sercet Unit]

Creator’s Note: My favorite unit in this game so far!
-Is the fastest unit in the game

– has one of the most sustainable dps in the game
(yes you do have ballista and hwatcha but those are in bursts)

-low cost

Cons: – low health

-very light

-Aoe damage is almost a hard counter

-can run off small maps if close to the edge
Awful against catapaults and overwhelmed by large numbers of normal ranged infantry.

Screenshots: (Most info is from: How to use raptors
By ravenaussie
Secret unit location:
Tribal 2, at the altar on BLUE side.

Raptor Riders (W.I.P) [Sercet Unit]

Pros: -same as normal raptor, but here is some additional pros, if the raptor dies, but the rider doesn’t, then he can get off and fight. Also the raptor has a buddy to protect him from on top of him.

Cons: -same as normal raptor, but the raptor rider doesn’t know teamwork as well as most raptors, atleast it seems so. (teamwork as in not rushing through friendly units all the time. Raptors do do this, but not as much as the raptor rider.


Cheerleaders (W.I.P) [Sercet Unit]

Pros: -Boosts the attack speed and other stats of the friendly units it cheers

Cons: – cannot defend itself.


Farming Faction

Bloody Plebeians!

Potionseller: A ranged unit that throws potions at opponents. This gives a special effect that has them poisoned, making them walk the wrong way, fall over, and often miss.
Damage: High
Speed: Low
Nimbleness: Medium
Health: Low

Fun Fact: It is a reference to this video:

Halfling: A small unit that jumps and grabs on other units to distract them.
Speed: High
Nimbleness: High
Damage: Low
Health: Low

Farmer: A unit that uses its rake to jab and slap opponents.
Health: Low
Speed: Medium
Nimbleness: None
Damage: Low
Honest pay for honest work.

Haybaler: A unit that has immunity to projectiles. Does not apply to the head or feet. Still takes knockback of the projectile and fall damage. Does not apply to AoE.
Damage: Low
Health: Low
Nimbleness: None
Speed: Low
Weak to fire. Use Dragons or any other unit that uses fire. Learned this of course, from Oney Plays.

Harvester: A Unit that uses a store-bought scythe.
Damage: High
Speed: Medium
Nimbleness: None
Health: Medium

Wheelbarrow: A three part unit on a mounted wheelbarrow. One is the carrier, one is the ranged, and one is the melee.
Health: Medium, low, low.
Damage: Medium, low low
Nimbleness: None, low, none
Speed: High, high, high (Applies if carrier is alive), Medium, medium, medium (Applies if wheelbarrow is destroyed or carrier is dead)

Scarecrow: A two part unit. One is the scarecrow, and the other is the scared crow (Ha…).
Damage: None, High
Health: Low, low
Nimbleness: None, High
Speed: Low, high


The dark ages, a period without videogames… I shiver at the thought.

Catapult: BOMBS AWA- wait, these are rocks. (EDITED)
Damage: high-massive (direct hit) medium-high (Aoe) Low-medium (Bounce)
Hp: low
speed: Medium-high
Nimbleness- Minus medium

The King: Wait where’s his kingdom
Damage: High
Hp: High
Speed: Medium
Nimbleness: Minus high

Catapult: BOMBS AWA- wait, these are rocks.
Damage: high-massive (direct hit) medium-high (Aoe) Low-medium (Bounce)

Knight: Stronk
Damage: Medium (sword) low (shield)
Speed: medium
Health: Medium-high
Nimbleness: Minus medium?

Healer: Originally named priest, but nobody had an idea of what it did so they renamed it
Damage: Irrelevant
Speed: low
Nimbleness: none
health: low
Ability: instead of attacking, the priest will target allies and heal them.

Archer: Faster and more reliable than a spear thrower, but also rather weaker…
Speed: low
nimbleness: none
damage: medium-high
health: low

Squire: It’s more expensive, but better than wasting your money on a stick.
Damage: Low-medium
Health: Low-medium
Nimbleness: none
speed: low

Info provided by Ericfiredragon