Unique and exclusive items [01.01.21] for BRAIN / OUT

Unique and exclusive items [01.01.21]


We will find all the unique items and see who has them


Who is interested in the technical implementation of this guide – welcome to the github[]

Russian version of the guide:


The graphs show the number of players with a specific medal

Click on image for larger version

Unique medals

Players with the rarest unique medals:

Content Creator Medals

Players with the rarest artists Medals:

Wiki Editors Medals

Players with the rarest Wiki editors medals:

Templar and tournament medals

Players with the rarest templar and tournament medals:

Medals that have the degree ( Wiki Editor , Content Creator ) have the property to hide previous ranks when new ones are received.

For example, for this reason EvilMuffin [] has 3, 4 and 5 levels Content Creator , which affects the total number of players earning a medal in the graph.


HK G3 “Eva”

This skin is the most unique item in the game.

Only one player has itH3H3L[]

AH-94 “Male”

This skin was awarded for outstanding service to the Brain/Out project

Owned by 25 players:
JackPigeon [], [emg]Jeb [], [VGS]ArsenyZvonar [], H3H3L [], Hey_Crespo [], [FS] Georg_II (HEKPOC) [], Mannerheim [], Iron Maiden [], [VGS] Nik Neuroy [], Pythonskey [], Prooty [], bababooj [], Curtis [], shb [], zRainbowCat [], [EMG]Кот_бы_говорил [], 😉 ☾☚☣☛☽ [], Rebel [], АЛЛО МЭН [], dudaev [], LAZA [], 303 [], [VGS]Shpinat-3BANAT [], [EMG]Celestia [], Delectros []

L85A2 “Hell”

This skin is awarded for the 3rd degree of the content creator medal

Owned by 26 players:
vodka [], flastcrown net [], Rezanter [], Jingetsu [], rokviil [], Hatsue? [], BalleT [], IJackal [], MALOI [], [FTS]DENISKOSMONAFT [], Jatimatik [], EvilMuffin [], preacher [], Паштет [], Dimon [], Vodka [], [AUT] levinol [], [FS] Uryufu [], rodsquare [], boris [], додик дураков [], The mechanist [], Fate Squadron [], Guillermo A.K.A Giye [], ☁️ mevun ☁ [], Quackie []

AS-Val “Valentine”

Could be obtained in the 2018 Valentine’s Day Daily Quest

Owned by 427 players

M4A1 Desert “Gum”

Could be obtained in the 2019 and 2020 Valentine’s Day Daily Quest

Owned by 481 players

Halloween guitar

Can be obtained from a Halloween container[]

Owned by 1039 players

Profile covers


Issued to the winner in the guessing competition in the VK group

Owned by 4 players:
Jabensky [], KAPS [], [AUT] levinol[], NyaNyako []


Issued for the medal “Content Creator” 2 degree

Owned by 18 players:
Jabensky [], vodka [], ЧЛЕНОДЕВКА [], Coca-cola [], F.Lowrew [], Qril [], A1my [], Jingetsu [], rokviil [], BalleT [], Two-Faced [], EvilMuffin [], Vodka [], [FS] Uryufu [], Casper_Hekmatyar [], Kubik Rubik [], The mechanist [], Guillermo A.K.A Giye [],


Given out to the Winners of a Decoding Competition

Owned by 18 players:
[emg]Jeb [], Iron Maiden [], [AUT] БОШ [], Qril [], miha [], KAPS [], Two-Faced [], Jim_ [], SiMoN [], [VGS] Tarbeev [], Cray Nison ♡ [], Levine [], schabaganov [], ❤Vanilla.S❤ [], игрок [], Twisted [], -1 [], Ghost_On []


Issued in a Stream of one of the Developers[]

Owned by 44 players

Brain/Out profile cover

The background could be obtained by activating the promo code for the 2019-2020 new year[]

Owned by 4692 players


Issued for shooting 100 pumpkins during the Halloween event

Owned by 8425 players


Issued for shooting 500 pumpkins during the Halloween event

Owned by 3144 players


How to obtain
Blade of Woe
Unique item
Flick knife
Unique item
Hardened Knife
1st place in the daily challenge “Hardened steel”
Hook Knife
This knife could be obtained when the update v1.4 was released. Resistance Set[]
Toy Hammer
April Fools’ container[]
Award Knife
Anniversary container[]

The following players have a blade of woe:
JackPigeon [], [emg]Jeb [], [FS] Georg_II (HEKPOC) [], Iron Maiden [], Vodka [], zRainbowCat [], levinol []

Clan uniforms


Fun Style clan uniform (clan ID – 3)

Owned by 16 players:
[FS] Georg_II (HEKPOC) [], Lazy Capybara [], Prospero [], Coca-cola [], F.Lowrew [], Qril [], A1my [], Jingetsu [], rokviil [], BalleT [], Two-Faced [], JISSES [], [FS] Proclus [], EvilMuffin [], [FS] Uryufu [], Casper_Hekmatyar []


EMG clan uniform (clan ID – 5)

Owned by 20 players:
[emg]Jeb [], H3H3L [], Hey_Crespo [], Mannerheim [], Iron Maiden [], Pythonskey [], Prooty [], bababooj [], PanBulba [], Curtis [], shb [], zRainbowCat [], [EMG]Кот_бы_говорил [], [EMG]kobrya [], Rebel [], АЛЛО МЭН [], Serb [], dudaev [], LAZA [], [EMG]Celestia []


AUT clan uniform (clan ID – 10)

Owned by 11 players:
[AUT] Б0Ш [], [AUT] Sir Killalot [], дениска2009 [], [AUT] Romanniel [], EvilMuffin [], [AUT] levinol [], [AUT] roker [], [AUT] Чебурек [], [AUT] Fridays [], BOBRIC [], [AUT] sadik []


VGS clan uniform(clan ID – 1828)

Owned by 28 players:
JackPigeon [], [VGS]ArsenyZvonar [], [VGS] Nik Neuroy [], Твой зайчик :з [], PavlikNarkom [], lifelover [], Kabachok [], [VGS]LEXX [], [VGS]TESTO [], 😉 ☾☚☣☛☽ [], intr0rus [], quarasique ❤ [], Братан [], lokan141 [], [VGS]Хохол [], Konev [], IJackal [], ∆✟Dizzy✟∆ [], Psycho(Bandit) [], [VGS] Tarbeev [], GOTCHA [], ВОВАН ТОКСИН [], Boevoj_Deljfin [], Kotoffsky [], GepardT™ <3 osu! [], Kirigiri [], Птичька [], chudishe []

Special uniforms


Second rarest uniform after FS

Owned by 19 players:
JackPigeon [], [emg]Jeb [], Hey_Crespo [], [FS] Georg_II (HEKPOC) [], Pythonskey [], Protodax [], Talavok [], Anashan [], Abstract Existent [], Hatsunov [], Lighttony [], Josh [], 『Deniswer』 [], Cartman236 [], Hikita Ahys [], Space Oats [], _szymoon_ [], рачя клешня 01 [], Familex []


Unique uniform that can be obtained from ?????[]

Owned by 145 players


This form was issued to beta testers of the game

Owned by 140 players


This form was issued to beta testers of the game

Also, it could be obtained by taking prizes in the daily task 24.02.2019 []

Owned by 564 players

Unique uniforms

Father Frost                                             Gentleman

Reward for 1 place in a special task,                         Reward for 1-5 place in a special task,
held for the New Year                                                held on the birthday of BRAIN/OUT

Owned by 123 players                                                Owned by 368 players

Huntsmen Corps                                      Clown

Promocode in Кейсожор []                                Reward for 1 place in a special task,
                                                                                    held on April 1

Owned by 492 players                                                Owned by 528 players

Red Army                                                 Wehrmacht

Red container#2[]                              Red container #2[]    

Owned by 592 players                                                Owned by 593 players

Mariachi                                                   Shames

Reward for 1-5 place in a special task,                      Reward for 1-5 place in a special task
held on Halloween

Owned by 1526 players                                              Owned by ??? players

Pumpkin                                                   Newborn

Reward for 1-5 place in a special task,                      “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” freeplay quest
held on Halloween

Owned by 2266 players                                              Owned by 3368 players

FSG                                                          Spectator

Anniversary container[]                    Issued to players honoring
                                                                                    the memory of the game[]

Owned by 7044 players                                              Owned by 7216 players


M1891 Sawn-off

Issued to the winner in the guessing competition in the VK group

Owned by 9 players


Can be obtained from ?????[]

Owned by 145 players

Jericho 941

Can be obtained from ?????[]

Owned by 145 players


Issued to beta testers of the game

Owned by 286 players


Reward for 1-10 places in a special mission on the day of the update

Owned by 356 players


Issued to beta testers of the game

Also, it is a reward for first places in special daily tasks

Owned by 1013 players


Promocode[] for 1 April 2019

Owned by 4606 players

Snow thrower

Drops from New Year’s container

Owned by 6359 players

Paintball marker

Drops from Anniversary container[]

Owned by 7044 players

Water Gun

Promocode[] for April 1, 2017 and Promocode[] for April 1, 2020 (Sorry, I couldn’t find any links to posts on Facebook)

Owned by 7390 players

Šcorpion vz. 61

Drops from Anniversary container[]

Owned by 11105 players

Truly unique items

This section contains special items that are in the game files and have not yet received a way to obtain.

Profile cover “Anarchy”

Owned by 1 player:
Jabensky []

Profile cover “Radiation”

Owned by 1 player:
Jabensky []

Uniform “Unknown”

Owned by 1 player:
Jabensky []

Trench knife

Owned by 1 player:
Jabensky []

It turns out that these items have a way to get it, we just haven’t learned it yet. :^)


Created histograms, wrote a guide
and tired with the code:


Graphomania, graphic design
and minor editing:


Consultation and excavation
ancient manuscripts:


Also, I’d like to thank Qril, for the idea for the guide
And BRAIN/OUT Wiki Fandom[]
for its existence