This guide is intended to give a full list on Gallery Items in the game, that includes Events and Movies and possible method(s) to unlock them.
Syntax for events will be #??? , where ? is the entry number in the list.
Movies will be written as (??), where ? is the entry number in Movie Gallery list.
Quests will be written as “????”
Quest objectives will be written as ‘????’.
Events will be divided in several Categories , generally according to the Clan which the events related to.
Missable/hidden events will be listed like this.
Officer Names wil be listed in Japanese order , so instead of Shingen Takeda, it will be Takeda Shingen.
Version History :
Sept 26, 2015 : Guide started. Rename Events , World Events and Death Events section started.
Sept 27, 2015: Minor Clans Events completed. Uesugi & Mōri Clan Events completed.
Sept 28, 2015: Takeda, Hōjō & Tokugawa Clan Events Completed.
Sept 30, 2015 : Completed Oda & Toyotomi Clan Events.
General Strategies
Generally, no DLC scenarios is needed to unlock all the Events. However, using DLC scenarios may fasten unlocking some events.
Instead of using a single scenario to unlock all events for the respective clan, I may and will use several scenarios to unlock events even for a single clan.
I will refer scenarios as their starting year instead of their name. So instead of Start at “Birth of Nobunaga” , I will write Start at 1534.
For the game settings, I use my own custom setting which can be categorized as very easy. This setting will minimize all the AI Aggression, Level, Damage and everything else. Harder settings can be used but be careful because some scenarios may have requirements that can be ruined by the difficulty setting.
For the historical setting, make it as historical as possible. So set the Quests and Events on, Lifespan at Historical, No Battle Death and Fictional Maiden, and Maiden Officers activated.
Since most events are directly related to Clan Quests, finishing them successfully is usually a good way to unlock most events.
Oda Clan Events
- #001 – #005, #291 – #292, #294
Start at 1534 to unlock #001. “Working the Tsushima” will start.
Complete it to start “Into Mikawa”. #002 and #291 also unlocked at the start of this quest.
Do not complete the quest yet until #292 (Imagawa Clan’s succession disputes) occurs. Failure to do so will cause #003 and #004 not unlocked.
Complete “Into Mikawa” to unlock #003 – #004 & #292. “Into Mino” will start too. With this, #005 & #294 also unlocked. - #005 – #012, #300, (2)
Start at 1542 to unlock #005, “Into Mino” will start too. Complete it to unlock #006 & #007. “To The Next Generation” will then start along with #008 unlocked. Take your time to build Suemori Castle, use the deadline to build the castle for building trust with Saito Clan. After Suemori Castle is built, #009 & #300 also unlocked.
Completing this quest will unlock #010 & (02).Wait a month or two then #011 (Nobuhide’s death) should be unlocked. “Clan Unification” will then start along with #012 unlocked.
- #013 – #019, #215 – #216
Start at 1551 and unlock #013. “Clan Unification” will then start. Complete it to unlock #014 – #016.“The Battle of Okehazama” will then start, #019 will be unlocked too. You don’t need to finish this quest since it will be done in another scenario.
Wait 3 months or so (since the completion of “Clan Unification”) and #018 will be unlocked. Just wait until “Toshie’s Struggle” completed.
At Jan 1553, #017 (Hirate Masahide’s seppuku) will be unlocked.
At Jan 1558, #215 (Toshiie’s Marriage) will be unlocked.
At Jan 1559, #216 (Toshiie’s Exile) will be unlocked and side quest “Toshie’s Struggle” started. Complete it to unlock #217. - #019-#027, #218 – #225, #308, #310, (03)
Start at 1560, “The Battle of Okehazama” will then start, #019 will be unlocked too. Don’t complete it yet. Wait until Jul 1561, #218 (Hideyoshi and Nene’s marriage) will be unlocked.
Complete “The Battle of Okehazama” to unlock #020, #308 and (03).After Nobunaga returned to his base, #021 will be unlocked and “The Conquest of Mino” starts. Do not finish this quest until #221 unlocked (Hanbei’s capturing Inabayama then giving it back).
Complete this quest to unlock #022 – #024.About a month after “The Conquest of Mino” starts, side quest “One Night Fort at Sunomata” also starts. This will also unlock #219. Complete it to unlock #220.
Right after “The Conquest of Mino” completed, #310 (Shogun Ahikaga Yoshiteru’ Assassination) unlocked. Soon after, #025 will be unlocked (Ashikaga Yoshiaki asking Nobunaga’s help to retake Kannonji and Nijo Palace). With this, “To The Capital” also starts.
One month after “The Conquest of Mino” completed, #222 (Hanbei’s return to Mino) unlocked. This only occurs if you’ve done #221 before. Side quest “Thrice Met” will also start. Complete this to unlock #223 – #225.
Complete “To The Capital” to unlock #026 and “Anti-Nobunaga Coalition”. #027 also unlocked during the start of this quest.
- #027 – #034, #226 – #229, #269 – #274, #327, #338 – #342, (04) – (06).
For this section, it’s important to remember never to Ally or Vassal the Bessho Clan. If Bessho Clan is a Vassal or Ally, some sidequests will not appear later on.Start at 1570 to unlock #027 and start “Anti-Nobunaga Coalition”. Immediately after that, #269 is unlocked and side quest “A Man Called Hisahide Matsunaga” starts, Complete it to unlock #270 & #271.
As soon you start to attack Azai Clan , side quest “The Death of Nagamasa” starts. Complete it to unlock #339 (Azai Nagamasa’s Death Event).
A month after Odani Castle (Azai Clan Home Base) is captured, #327 is unlockedComplete “Anti-Nobunaga Coalition” to unlock #028 – #029. #338 (Takeda Shingen’s Death) will also unlock immediately. #030 also unlock along with “The Battle of Nagashino”. Complete it to unlock several death events #340 – #342 & (04).
When Nobunaga returns to his base (if he’s deployed), #031 will unlock. If Oda Clan has at least 15 Castles, #032 and “Raising Azuchi Castle” also starts. Complete it to unlock (05).
After “Raising Azuchi Castle” completed, #034 will unlock & “The Conquest of Chūgoku” starts.
“The Conquest of Chūgoku” is arguably the hardest quest to complete if you’re not prepared. The deadline is quite fast and Mōri has a lot bases. But the most time consuming is that you have to defeat these bases 1 by 1 otherwise your soldiers will die because of hunger because there’s almost no way to resupply. The mountainous terrains doesn’t help in mobility either.You can however get an edge before this quest starts. Do not complete “Raising Azuchi Castle” yet. Eliminate the smaller Clans that borders the Mōri Clan. This includes the Akamatsu Clan and Uragami Clan. You can spare Miki Castle and Tottori Castle to finish the side quests later.
Build your forces along the borders and stock a lot of provisions. Before you complete “Raising Azuchi Castle” mobilize and standby all your invading soldiers along the Mōri borders. When the quest starts, rush all your invading units to the nearby Mōri bases. Do not withdraw your units, just let them be destroyed. It’s a lot faster than having your units walks back to their base. Or better yet, let critical units any newly occupied Mōri bases and deploy again using their soldiers. Keep pressing the attack and you will finish this quest in time.Along with this quest, several side quests may also appear :
- “Hisahide Matsunaga’s End” {#272 – #274, #033 & (06)}. This quest only appears if you’ve completed “A Man Called Hisahide Matsunaga”. #272 will unlock at the start of this side quest. Complete it to unlock #273 – #274. As soon as this quest is completed , #033 and (06) is unlocked.
- “Drying Them Out” {#226}. This quest only appears if Bessho Clan is still alive and is not an Ally or Vassal of Oda Clan. Completing this quest will unlock #226 and may starts another side quest “Hideyoshi, Siege Master”
- “Hideyoshi, Siege Master” {#227}. Only available if Tottori Castle is captured by Mōri Clan and its lord is Kikkawa Tsuneie and “Drying Them Out” has been completed. Completing this will unlock #227. Unfortunately, I don’t have a surefire method to get Mōri Clan to capture Tottori Castle. Sometimes they will attack and capture it and sometimes not. Perhaps by increasing AI aggresiveness will remedy this. However this may cause a harder time to finish “The Conquest of Chūgoku” because Mōri will have more bases than usual. If the Mōri manages to capture Tottori Castle, its almost guaranteed that its lord will be Kikkawa Tsuneie.
- “Flooding Takamatsu Castle” {#228 & #229}. Completing this will unlock #228 & #229.
Completing “The Conquest of Chūgoku” does not unlock any Events however it does count toward the feats achievement.
- #035 – #037, #345, (07)
Start at Jan 1582 and unlock #035 and start “The Conquest of Kōshū”. Complete it to unlock #345 and starts ” Like a Dream”. #036 also unlocks at the start of this quest. Set the game speed to slowest then complete the quest to unlock #037 & (07). Now continue to the Toyotomi Clan Quests.
Toyotomi Clan Events
- #038 – #044, #331, #346 – #347, (21)
Continued from the last Oda Clan event (Nobunaga’s Death), #038 will unlock and starts “The Battle of Yamazaki”. Deploy Hideyoshi’s unit and move it to enter Ishiyama Castle. This will unlock (21). The game will then ask to hold an event battle.
Now there are 2 ways to finish this quest :- Hold and win an event battle. This will the easier path since it will eliminate the Akechi Clan after you win. However this will cause you to lose out on event #346 (Akechi Mitsuhide’s Death Event).
- Do not hold an event battle. This route will force you to capture all Akechi Clan bases and eliminate the Akechi Clan. Following this route will allow to unlock #346 (Akechi Mitsuhide’s Death Event).
Either way, quest is completed and “The Battle of Shizugatake” starts. #039 also unlocked at the start of this quest. When your army is near the Kitanosho Castle, “The Death of Katsuie” starts. Complete this quest to unlock #347 and also complete “The Battle of Shizugatake”.
Immediately after that “Building Ōsaka Castle” starts and #040 is also unlocked. Complete it to unlock #041. Following this quest is “The Battle of Komaki and Nagakute”. #042 also unlocked at the start of this quest. Complete it to unlock #043 & #044.
When Toyotomi Clan has at least 25 Castles, #331 will unlock.
- #045 – #063, #230 – #231, #315, #332, #350 – #351 & (25)
Start at 1586 and #045 will unlock and “The Battle of Hetsugi River” will start. Complete it to unlock #046 – #048 and (25).“Taking Kyūshū” will then start. Complete it to unlock #049 – #050. About a month after “Taking Kyūshū” completed , #051 will be unlocked.
Immediately after “Taking Kyūshū” completed, “The Great Tea Meeting of Kitano” then starts. #052 also unlocked at the start of this quest.
Again another seemingly hard quest mainly because its randomness. Basically you need to get two teasets (Treasures). One is {Resembling Caddy} or {Cloud Tai Kai}. The others are {Oak Shrubs Caddy} or {Hashidate}. Seems like your only option is waiting for merchants to sell them.
However, there’s another way. One of each required teasets is owned by another Daimyo. {Resembling Caddy} is owned by the Ōtomo Clan Daimyo while {Oak Shrubs Caddy} is owned by the Akizuki Clan Daimyo. You can eliminate both Clans to get their treasure. However this method seems a bit bugged. If you happened to caught the daimyo before their Clan is eliminated, you won’t get their treasure. I usually release a daimyo that got caught before their Clan is destroyed, maybe this what caused the bug.
Complete this quest to unlock #053. Immediately after “Into Odawara” starts. #054 also unlock at the start of this quest.
Side quest “Warrior of Bells” also starts and #230 unlocked. Complete this quest to unlock #231. Ensure that Gonbei’s unit is the first to surround Nirayama Castle, since the Castle usually surrenders almost immediately when surrounded.
Complete “Into Odawara” to unlock #055.
Wait until around May 1591. #056 (Toyotomi Hidenaga’s Death) will be unlocked. Following immediately is “The Death of Rikyū” along with #057 unlocked. Complete this to unlock #058.
At Dec 1591, #059 (Hideyoshi retires as Regent and gives his position to Hidetsugu) will unlock.
At Jan 1593, #332 (Kobayakawa Hideaki name change event) will unlock.
At Aug 1593, “The Hidetsugu Affair” starts and #060 unlocked too. Complete this to unlock #061.
At March 1598, “The Flowers of Daigo” starts and #062 unlocked too. Complete it to unlock #063.Wait until #350 (Hideyoshi’s Death Event) unlocked. This should happen within a year after “The Flowers of Daigo” is completed.
Wait until #351 (Toshiie’s Death Event) unlocked. This should happen within a year or two after #350.
Other event that may unlock :
At Mar 1587, #315 (Hideyoshi & Chacha) will unlock.
Takeda Clan Events
- #064 – #070, (09)
Start at 1534 and #064 will be unlocked.Complete “Peace with the Suwa” which will then continued with “Hanakura Revolt”. #065 will be unlocked at the start of this quest.
Complete “Hanakura Revolt” to unlock #066. “The Exile of Nobutora” is the next quest. Completing it will unlock #067 – #069 and (09). #70 will be unlocked immediately after completing “The Exile of Nobutora”.
- #071 – #077, #079 – #081, #232, (08)
Start at 1542 and #072 will unlock. “invading the Suwa” will also start. Complete it to unlock #073 – #077.
For this quest, before the attack on Toishi Castle, ensure that Sanada Yukitaka is in the units that surrounds Toishi Castle. This will unlock #076 and the Castle automatically captured after it was surrounded. if you don’t bring Sanada Yukitaka in the units that surrounds Toishi Castle, #076 will not unlock and you have to capture Toishi Castle using normal method.“The Unification of Shinano” will start after “Invading the Suwa” completed. Complete it to unlock #079 & #080.
“The Triple Alliance” is the next quest. Complete it to unlock #081 and (08).
A month after “The Triple Alliance” completed, #232 will be unlocked.
Wait until Jan 1546 to unlock #071.
- #078 – #081, #083 – #094, #232, (08), (10) & (11)
Start at 1551 to unlock #078.Complete “The Unification of Shinano” to unlock #079 – #080.
Complete “The Triple Alliance” to unlock #081 & (08).
A month after “The Triple Alliance” completed, #232 will be unlocked.Eliminate the Yamanōchi Uesugi Clan. This is required for #111 to occurs.
Wait until #111 (Nagao Clan name changed to Uesugi and Kagetora’s name changed to Masatora) occurs. “The Battle of Kawanakajima” will then start, #083 will be unlocked at the start of this quest.
Complete it to unlock #084 – #088 and (10).Wait until World Event “Batle of Okehazama” occurs. This will cause Imagawa Yoshimoto to be dead. “The Invasion of Suruga” will then start, #089 will unlock at the start of this quest.
Complete this quest to unlock #090 – #092.“The Seijō Plan” will be the final quest for Takeda Clan, this will start right after “The Invasion of Suruga” completes. #093 will be unlocked at the start of this quest. Complete this quest to unlock #094 and (11).
Hōjō Clan Events
- #121 – #130, #241 & (15)
Start at 1534 and #121 will be unlocked. “The Battle of Yamanaka” and side quest “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Reconstruction” also start.Complete “Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Reconstruction” to unlock #241.
Complete “The Battle of Yamanaka” to start “Imagawa against Hōjō”. #122 will unlock at the start of this quest.
Complete it to unlock “The Battle of Kawagoe Castle”. #123 will be unlocked at the start of this quest.
After the quest is completed, “The First Battle of Kōnodai” will start. #124 will also unlock at the start of this quest. Ensure that Hōjō Ujitsuna can be deployed at the start of this quest or Hojo Ujitsuna already deployed. Generally, Hōjō Ujitsuna stayed at Odawara Castle. If you take all soldiers in Odawara Castle, then Hōjō Ujitsuna can’t be deployed. This will hinder the quest’s progress and may cause it to fail. #125 & #126 will be unlocked during this quest completion.Wait until Hōjō Ujitsuna is dead. This will unlock #127. The select Hōjō Ujiyasu as successor. This will start “Kawagoe Night Raid”. #128 will be unlocked at the start of this quest. Another note is that Hōjō Tsunanari is Hōjō Tsunashige. One of the quest objective is to make Hōjō Tsunanari as Lord of Kawagoe Castle. Appointing Hōjō Tsunashige as Lord will complete this objective.
Complete the quest to unlock #129, #130 and (15). - #082, #131 – #132, (08) & (16)
Start at 1551 to unlock (16). “The Successor” will start. Complete it to unlock #131.“The Triple Alliance” will start after that. Complete the quest to unlock #082 and (08). Wait a bit until “Anti-Hōjō Coalition” starts and #132 should be unlocked. You can stop here since you can do this quest at another scenario.
- #133 – #136
Start at 1560, “Anti-Hōjō Coalition” will start. Complete it and Hōjō’s final quest “The Conqueror of Kantō” starts. #133 will also be unlocked. Complete it to unlock #134 – #136.
Uesugi Clan Events
- #095-#105
Start at 1534, complete all Quests. Starting at 1534 will unlock #095
Completing “Disturbance in Echigo” will unlock #096-#098.Completing “Appeasement” will unlock #099-#100.
Completing “The Death of Tamekage” will unlock #101-#102.
#102 will not unlock if Nagao Kagetora didn’t engage Kuroda Hidetada’s unit in this quest.#103-#105 will unlock during the quest “Rise of Kagetora”
#105 will unlock about a month after Kagetora becomes Daimyo. After this event unlock, there’s no further need to continue this scenario unless you want to finish the quest to finish the feats achievement.
If you choose to complete the quest , #107 will also unlock. - #106-#109
Start at 1551, this will unlock #106. Complete all the quests until “Defeating Hōjō” starts.Completing “Clan Unification” will unlock #107 (which can also be unlocked during “Rise of Kagetora”).
Completing “Righteous War” will unlock #108.
When the quest “Defeating Hōjō” starts, it will also unlock #109. After this event unlock, there’s no further need to continue this scenario. - #110-#114,#116-#117, #233-#234, (10), (12)
Start at 1560, this will unlock #110.Complete “Defeating Hōjō” will unlock #111-#112 and (12).
#111 will change the Clan name from Nagao to Uesugi and Kagetora’s name changed to Masatora.(12) is missable if Nagao Kagetora’s unit didn’t engage Hojo Ujimasa’s Unit OR Nagao Kagetora’s unit didn’t enter Karasawayama Castle when the quest objective ‘Save Karasawayama’ is still active.
After #111 , a new sidequest “Strategist’s Final Role” may start and with it #233 will unlock. Complete it and #234 will unlock, however Usami Sadamitsu and Nagao Masakage will die.
As soon as #112(Masatora (Kagetora) received reports that Harunobu gathering force in Shinano) unlocks, return Uesugi Masatora’s unit to Kasugayama (Uesugi (Nagao) Clan’s home base in Echigo).
Wait until the quest “Battle of Kawanakajima” starts. Completing this quest will unlock #113-#114 and (10). Return Masatora to Kasugayama after finishing the quest.
Upon returning to Kasugayama, #116 should unlock and the quest “To the Capital” will start. Now it’s up to you whether to continue the quest or not. Completing the quest will unlock #117. However you can also end this scenario here. And finish this quest at another scenario. Personally, I think it’s better to finish this quest here, since you will have more established military power than starting a new scenario.
- #115, #117
Start at 1570, this will unlock #115. The quest “To the Capital” will also start. As with the other scenario, completing this quest will also unlock #117. - #235-#236
I have been unable to unlock these events without the use of DLC Scenario. Both events is related to the quest “Two Heirs”. This is a side quest that is not needed to complete the achievements.Start at 1567 (DLC “Dawn of Revolution”), this will unlock #235 and “Two Heirs” will start. Complete this quest to unlock #236.
- #237-#240
Start at 1570, you can skip “To the Capital”. Wait until Uesugi Kenshin dies. He dies around 1577 or 1578. Create a save file about a month before his death. Keep this save file until you unlock these events.After Kenshin dies, you will have to pick a successor. This is where the path branches.
You have 2 option here : Uesugi Kagekatsu or Uesugi Kagetora.If you pick Kagekatsu as successor, “The Rebellion of Otate” will start. Completing this quest will unlock #237-#239. #237 seems also unlockable as World Event.
If you pick Kagetora as successor, “Beautiful Rebel” will start. Completing this quest will unlock #240.
An overview of these 2 quests.
Kagekatsu’s quest starts with better officers (Higuchi Kanetsugu, Naoe Kagetsuna) but Kagetora’s side does have Kakizaki Kageie but overall their other officers are weak so Kagekatsu’s path is easier than Kagetora.
Kagetora’s quest is almost the same as Kagekatsu but he has more bases and his bases can pincer attack Kagekatsu’s bases. - #118-#120, (30)
Start at 1600 and #118 will unlock, complete all Quests.Completing “The Battle of Keichōdewa” will unlock #119.
Completing “Retreating from Hasedō Castle” will unlock #120 and (30)
Mōri Clan Events
- #137 – #143, #242
Start at 1542 and unlock #137. “The Battle of Gassan Toda Castle” and side quest “Family Unity” will start too.Complete “Family Unity” to unlock #242.
Complete “The Battle of Gassan Toda Castle’ to unlock #138 – #139. For this quest, it’s best to deploy immediately. If you take too long, the other allied units will continue their march to Gassan Toda Castle and making this quest unable to advance to the next objective.“Two Rivers of Mōri” will start after this. Completing it will unlock #140 – #142. #143 also will unlock automatically.
- #144 – #149, #151, #242, (13) & (14)
Start at 1551 and unlock #144. Side quest “Family Unity” will also start. Wait until Sep 1551. “The Battle of Itsukushima” will start.Complete “Family Unity” to unlock #242.
Complete “The Battle of Itsukushima” to unlock #145 – #147 & (13).
For this quest, it’s best to deploy Mōri Motonari, Mōri Takamoto, Kobayakawa Takakage and Kikkawa Motoharu units near Miyao Castle. Usually it will not take long after Harukata Sue attacks Miyao Castle and the castle will surrender making the quest failed. So, prepare those 4 officers with their units nearby. Move to engage Sue as soon he’s about to surround Miyao Castle. If done correctly, Sue will attack Miyao Castle and open up the objectives to engage those 4 officers with Sue’s unit. The 4 officers will then attack Sue’s unit without giving a chance for Miyao Castle to surrender and this will complete the quest.After completing this quest, “Dual Invasion” will start. Completing this wil unlock #148 – #149 & (14).
“Against the Amago Clan” is the next quest. #151 will also unlock as soon the quest started. You can finish this quest at this scenario but I recommend doing it at another scenario. At this scenario, there’s an Amago base that’s behind the other Clans. So, you must went through the other Clans to reach this Amago base. And it will also take too long to wait until the condition for the extra quest to be fulfilled.
- #150, #152, #242, #286 – # 288, #335
Start at 1560 and unlock #150. “Against the Amago Clan” will also start. Side quest “Family Unity” will also start after conquering Yamabuki Castle.if you move Mōri Takamoto to another Base beside Yoshida Kōriyama, side quest ” Takamoto’s Fate” will also start. Completing this quest will unlock #335 which is Death Event for Mōri Takamoto. Mōri Takamoto will be dead if you complete this quest.
Complete “Family Unity” to unlock #242.
For “Against the Amago Clan” , leave Gassan Toda Castle as the last base for Amago Clan and do not conquer it yet. Also make sure that Yamanaka Shikanosuke is still an officer of the Amago Clan. Wait until #286 (Shikanosuke praying to the moon to help his Clan) unlocked. This event only occurs after Jan 1561 and if Yamanaka Shikanosuke is still an officer of the Amago Clan and Gassan Toda is the last base of Amago Clan.
After seeing this event , you can conquer Gassan Toda and complete this quest. #152 will also unlocked.Now wait for about two years, #287 will unlock. Yamanaka Shikanosuke will conquer Niiyama Castle and revive the Amago Clan. With this the side quest “Amago Rises Again” will start. Complete it to unlcok #288.
Tokugawa Clan Events
- #243 – #244
Start at 1570. Wait until Kenshin dies. This occurs around 1578 or 1579. Wait another few months after that to unlock #243 (Sakai Tadatsugu bring a letter to Nobunaga about Nobuyasu’s treachery).
This will also starts “The Nobuyasu Affair”. Complete it to unlock #244. - #153 – #157, #245 – #246 & (20)
Start at Jan 1582. Complete “The Conquest of Kōshū”. Side quest “Inheriting the Red” will then start. Complete it to unlock #245.Wait until Nobunaga is dead. This will start “The War of 1582”. #153 will be unlocked at the start of this quest. Complete it to unlock #154.
When asked, form a marriage alliance with Hōjō. After that “The Battle of Komaki and Nagakute” will start. #155 will also unlock at the start of this quest.
For this quest , move Tokugawa Ieyasu and Ii Naomasa to Komakiyama Castle. After Ieyasu moved into Komakiyama , Side Quest “Ii, the Red Demon” will starts and #156 unlocked. Now, deploy ii Naomasa and Tokugawa Ieyasu in a separate unit. Have Ii Naomasa attack Hashiba Hidetsugu’s unit. This will complete “Ii, the Red Demon” and unlock #246.
Now have Ieyasu’s unit engage Ikeda Tsuneoki’s unit. This will complete “The Battle of Komaki and Nagakute”. With this, (20) will also unlock. Refuse when asked to lead Coalition to defeat Hashiba Clan. Return both units to Komakiyama. This will unlock #157. - #158 – #162, #249 – #250
Start at 1586 and #158 will unlock and starts “Until It Sings”.
Complete it to start “Into Odawara”. #159 is also unlocked at the start of this quest. Complete it to unlock #160 and starts “Into Edo”.For this quest, start by moving some officers with good and decent Pol to Edo. Start upgrading the roads leading to Edo. After 3 months, #161 should unlock. Now focus Edo’s developments into Population boosts, that means building Rice Dealers for Crafts Districts and Theaters and Noh Theaters for Military District. Enact policies that can help boost population and crop/craft development too. Also try to take advantages on Resources on Edo that may help in increasing Population. Complete this quest to unlock #162.
Around 1591, side quest “Light’s End” starts. Completing it will unlock #249 – #250.
- #163 – #168
Start at 1600. Complete “The Battle of Sekigahara” to unlock #163 – #168.
Shimazu Clan Events
- #201 – #204, #206 – #209, (23) & (24)
Start at 1570 to unlock #201. “The Unification of Sanshū” starts. Complete it to unlock #202.Eliminate Itō and Kimotsuki Clan to continue to the next quest, “The Battle of Takagigawa”. This will also unlock #203. Complete it to unlock (23).
“The Battle of Okitanawate” will start immediately. #204 will be unlocked too. Complete this quest to unlock (24).
“The Unification of Kyūshū” will then start. #206 will also be unlocked at the start of this quest. For this quest, ensure that Iwaya Castle is captured by storming (Completely reduce its hp to 0). Any other methods will cause the quest to fail. Complete this quest to unlock #207 – #209.
- #205
Start at Jan 1582 to unlock #205. - #210 & (25)
Start at 1586 to unlock #210. “The Battle of Hetsugi River” will start. Complete it to unlock (25). - #211 – #214, #355 – #356 & (29)
Start at 1600 to unlock #211. “The Shimazu Retreat” also starts. Complete it to unlock #212 – #214, #355, #356 & (29).
Minor Clans Events
Minor Clan Events are usually straightforward and can be completely unlocked within one or two scenarios.
- Date Clan {#169 – #181,#247 – #248, (17) & (30)}
Start at 1582 (Any scenario will do) and #169 will unlock. Complete all quests to unlock all Gallery Items.Completing “One Eyed Dragon’s Descent” will unlock #170.
Completing “The Battle of Hitotoribashi” will unlock #171 – #175 and (17).
Completing “The Battle of Ōsaki and Kōriyama” will unlock #176 – #178.
Completing “The Battle of Suriagehara” will unlock #179 & #180.
Completing side quest “Masamune and Kojirō” will unlock #247 & #248Start at 1600 and #181 will unlock.
Complete “The Battle of Keichōdewa” to finish the feats acheivement and unlock (30). - Sanada Clan {#182 – #193, #249 – #250, (18) & (19)}
Start at Jan 1582 and #182 will unlock.Complete “Two-Faced” to unlock #183-#186. After ally with Oda, wait till Nobunaga dies so the quest can continue.
Complete “The First Battle of Ueda” to unlock #187 – #189 and (18).
Complete side quest “Nobuyuki and Komatsuhime” to unlock #249 – #250.Start at 1600. Complete “The Second Battle of Ueda” to unlock #190 – #193 and (19).
- Chōsōkabe Clan {#194 – #200 & (22)}
Start at 1570 to unlock #194.Complete “The Unification of Tosa” to unlock #195, #196 & (22). There’s a mistranslation error in this quest. When asked to enact “Fixed Society” policy, it’s supposed to be “Chōsōkabe Militia”.
Complete “The Unification of Shikoku” to unlock #197 – #200.
- Nanbu Clan {#251 – #254}
Start at 1570 and #251 should unlock.
Wait until around Apr 1571, #252 will unlock along with the quest “Tamenobu Ōura’s Revolt”.
FAIL the quest by not meeting the deadline to unlock #253.
Wait until the Daimyo dies , which occurs around Jan 1582, then a successor is automatically selected and #254 also unlocked. - Mogami Clan {#255, #256 & (30)}
Start at 1600, wait until “The Battle of Hasedō Castle” start along witth #255 unlocked. Complete it to unlock #256 and (30). - Satake Clan {#257 & #258}
Start at Jan 1582. Wait until around Jan 1583. During the wait, always check if the merchant has a treasure for sale. Buy at least 1 treasure. Also start diplomacy to gain trust with the Ashina Clan.
Around Jan 1583, #257 will unlock and “Taking Over the Ashina Clan” start. Gift a treasure to the Ashina Clan while maintaining diplomacy to finish the quest. Completing the quest will unlock #258. - Imagawa Clan {#259,#260, (08)}
Start at 1551 and #259 will unlock and “The Triple Alliance” start. After diplomacy with Takeda, #260 will unlock. Complete “The Triple Alliance” to unlock (08). - Azai Clan {#261 – #263}
Start in 1560, wait until “The Battle of Norada” start (this will also unlock #261). Complete it to also unlock #262 and #263. - Ishida Clan {#264 – #268}
Ishida Clan Quests is basically an alternate history (and result) for the “Battle of Sekigahara”.
Start at 1600 and #264 will unlock (this is also a World Event so it can be seen by other Clan). “The Battle of Sekigahara” also start. Complete the quest to unlock #264 – #268.
The event battle for this quest is probably the hardest event battle in the game, mainly because you can not lose any starting units and also Tokugawa Ieyasu’s unit is very strong.Here’s my tip for this battle :
1. Don’t rush into battle. Stick to ranged attack whenever possible. With the exception of Ukita Hideie’s unit , which is the largest ally unit, you can use it to melee the enemy units 1 by 1 to hasten the battle.
2. When the Shimazu unit enter as reinforcement , don’t use it in battle. Instead order it to scout around ahead for Ieyasu’s unit , which is the biggest enemy unit. After Ieyasu’s unit is found, stick to ranged attack to chip away his soldier and if possible lure it to use skills. You can sacrifice Shimazu unit.
3. When it’s time to destroy Ieyasu’s unit, try to surround it from all sides. Use Hideaki’s reinforcement unit as vanguard and act as a meatshield. Whenever possible, do not engage in melee combat. If any starting units is being meleed by Ieyasu’s unit. make it withdraw a safe distance away, while the other units rush Ieyasu to stop his pursuit on the target.
Don’t take any chances in this battle. Ieyasu’s unit is very strong and large. It can easily kill any starting units except Hideie unit which is the largest. - Miyoshi Clan {#275 – #278}
Start at 1560 to unlock #275 and start “The Death of the Brutal Sogō”. Complete it to unlock #276. Wait around 1 year until #277 unlock and “The Death of Yoshioki” start. Complete it to unlock #278. - Uragami Clan {#279 – #285}
Start at 1551 to unlock #279 and start “Hints of Vengeance”. Complete it to unlock #280.
At the start of “Sharpshooting”, #281 will start. Complete it to unlock #282.
#283 will unlock at the start of “Usurpation”. Complete it to unlock both #284 & #285. - Kuroda Clan {#289 & #290}
Start at 1600 to unlock #289. Wait a month until “Josui’s Intent” start. #290 will unlock while completing it. - Amago Clan {#357 – #364}
Start at 1534 to unlock #357 and start “The Conquest of Iwami Silver Mine”. After it complete, “The way to Kyō” start and #358 unlocked. Complete it and “The Battle of Yoshida Kōriyama Castle” start and #359 unlocked. #360 will be unlocked after completing it.
The next quest is “The Battle of Gassan Toda Castle”. #361 will unlock when it starts. Completing it will unlock #362 and #363. #364 will be unlocked when Mōri Motonari’s unit is destroyed or retreat.
Name Change (Rename) Events
Rename Events are usually World Events too. So keeping things as historically correct is quite important. Try not to invade and capture famous officers too much. Since some Rename Events also include Marriage, try not to mess this by marrying your officers for Alliance.
- #319, #322
Both events don’t seem to be World Events. So it must be done in their clan. Start at 1551 as Mitsugi (a small clan located west of Takeda and northeast of Oda). Wait until January 1559. When the Daimyo dies, pick Yoritsuna as successor. When Jan 1559 comes, #319 should unlock. Wait again until Jan 1562. #322 should also unlock. - #331
Toyotomi Clan should have at least 25 Castles for this event to unlock. It shouldn’t matter whether it’s AI or Player Controlled.
Death Events
Most Death Events are also World Events , which means they can be viewed by any Clan.
The important thing is never forget to set Lifespan setting to Historical. Otherwise, Death Events will be delayed or completely gone.
Another important note is that , Death Events will not happen if the related Officer does not belong to their original Clan.
For example, Takeda Shingen’s Death Event will not occur if Takeda Shingen is defeated and recruited by another Clan. Because of this, Shingen’s Death will be considered the same as other common officer’s death.
There are also Death Events that need some requirement(s) to unlock. The special Death Events will be listed here.
- #335
Mōri Takamoto’s Death Event. This is unlocked after completing “Takamoto’s Fate” which is available during the “Dual Invasion” Quest or “Against the Amago Clan” - #339
This event is unlocked by completing an Oda’s Side Quest that is triggered when attacking Azai during the Quest “Anti-Nobunaga Coalition” - #340, #341, #342
These Death Events are unlocked during the Oda Quest “The Battle of Nagashino”. - #345
Unlocked during the Oda Quest “The Conquest of Kōshū”. Also available as World Event. - #346
This is an alternate history of Akechi Mitsuhide’s death. This event is missable. Start at January 1582 as Oda and proceed until the Quest “Battle of Yamazaki”. Continue until the game ask you to hold an event battle. DO NOT hold an event battle. The quest objective will change to ‘Eliminate the Akechi Clan’. Complete the quest and this event will be unlocked. - #350
Hideyoshi’s Death Event. There are some extra requirements here. Event #62, #63 and #316 must be seen. Also Maeda Toshiie must still be alive as a Daimyo in his own Clan. - #355,#356
Start at 1600 as Shimazu. Follow the quest “The Shimazu Retreat”. Both events will unlock during this.
World Events
World Events usually unlock at specific time if the right condition(s) are met. The requirements can be Clans’ Power Balance, Territories. If an event don’t seem to unlock, try to use a different historical scenario to see if it unlocks. Also the World Events are usually listed Chronologically so it be estimated at what scenario the event will unlock.
- #291 (Motodaira Kiyoyasu’s Assasination)
Unlocks at Dec 1535 - #292 (Imagawa Clan’s Succession Disputes)
Unlocks at Mar 1536 - #293 (Disputes between Date Terumune and his son Date Harumune)
Unlocks at Jun 1542 - #294 (Saito Dosan takes over Mino)
Unlocks at Aug 1542 - #295 (Muskets / Firearms introduced to Japan)
Unlocks at Aug 1543 - #296 (Introduction of Iroha Poems)
Unlocks at Jan 1545 - #297 (Birth of Ashikaga Yoshiteru)
Unlocks at Dec 1546 - #298 (End of Disputes between Date Terumune and his son Date Harumune)
Unlocks at Aug 1548 - #299 (Miyoshi Nagayoshi becomes Daimyo)
Unlocks at Jun 1549 - #304 (Christianity arrives in Japan)
Unlocks at Aug 1549 - #306 (Sue Takafusa’s Rebellion)
Unlocks at Aug 1551 - #311,#313,#314
These three events are very tricky to unlock. Since all three are interrelated, it’s best to unlock them in a single scenario.Start at 1560 (1562 or 1567 if you have the DLC Scenarios , 1567 is preferred) as any other Clan beside Oda (preferably small Clan, since you probably need to manipulate the Big Clans later to unlock these events, I recommend Kakizaki Clan). Set the AI Aggression and Level to Max and In-Game Edit Enabled. All other settings can be the same. In-Game Edit is necessary to create required conditions for these 3 events to occur. This will disabled feats achievement but Events can still be unlocked.
The first thing to do after game start is to edit your starting bases. Upgrade them to the max in all aspects especially Castle upgrades. Since you’re playing small Clan, it’s essential to survive until you see all 3 events.
Now follow these steps.
1. If you start at 1560 or 1562, wait until event #024 (Nobunaga captures Inabayama and renamed it as Gifu),#310 (Ashikaga Yoshiteru’s assasination) and #025 occurs (Nobunaga agreed to help Ashikaga Yoshiaki to retake Kannonji and Nijō Palace).
If you start at 1567, skip to step 2.2. Edit all Oda’s Bases and upgrade them to the Max in all aspects. Also edit Oda Clan’s Gold, Provisions, Horses and Muskets to the Max (via the In-Game Edit -> Edit Clan).
3. Wait and see Oda wreaks havoc on neighboring Bases. They will focus on capturing Kannonji and Nijō. But after that , they will go on Rampage. As soon as Nijō Palace is captured by Oda, event #311 will unlock (that’s the first event done). Next step is lessen Oda Rampage for a while.
4. Edit Oda Clan again and set Gold, Provisions, Horses and Muskets to 0. This will put a halt to their Rampage although not instantly. Every month keep edit Oda Clan resources to 0. Repeat this until event #313 (Ashikaga Yoshiaki incites the 1st Anti-Nobunaga Coalition) occurs (usually 2-4 months after #311 occurs and Oda’s Rampage stopped completely).
if event #313 don’t occur in 6 months or so, edit Oda Clan’s resources to around 200k for provisions. This usually will start Oda’s Rampage again although at a controlled rate. This is necessary because the conditions for #313 to occur seems to be the number of Bases or Castles that Oda Clan has.
5. After event #313 occurs, edit Oda Clan’s resources to max again. Edit their starting bases too (the one that’s edited in 2nd step) to replenish their soldiers primarily. Wait and see Oda’s Rampage again. Wait until event #029 occurs (Ashikaga Yoshiaki’s exile).
6. Stop the Oda’s Rampage again using method in step 4. Wait about 1 month (from when #29 occurs) then check the Officers list. Ensure that Ashikaga Yoshiaki is an officer in the Mōri Clan.
7. Wait until Mōri Motonari is dead (His death event usually occurs 6 months prior to his death and approximately at 1572) and Mōri Terumoto is appointed as his successor.
8. Keep halting the Oda Clan. But now we must boost the Mōri Clan power. Try editing their Bases and resources. See the Mōri Clan rampage their neighboring Clans. The condition for event #314 seems to be that the Mōri’s Clan power (Bases, Population, Soldiers) at an unknown percentage when compared to the Oda Clan. When the condition is met (Mōri Clan Power can challenge Oda Clan), event #314 (Ashikaga Yoshiaki start the 2nd Anti-Nobunaga Coalition with Mōri Clan as the leader) will occur.
To hasten the process, edit the Uesugi, Hōjō, and Takeda (if he still survives the Oda Rampage) Power and resources too. Hopefully , they will chip away some of Oda’s bases but usually they will be busy attacking one another.
- #317,#318
Aftermaths of Battle of Sekigahara. Start at 1600 (try to use small clan) and see the events unlock by itself.