An informative guide about the extra unlockable wallpapers for the main menu.
Introductions & Info on Wallpapers
Greetings, the name’s Craig. I’ve been very eager to create a guide for Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse for a long while now, and today we’ll be talking about the unlockable wallpapers.
Before we get started, I do need to discuss a few things about these wallpapers:
First of all, they cannot be downloaded onto your computer via in-game means. Luckily, it is possible to search the wallpapers up on google or perhaps even download ’em off of this guide if you for some reason want to set them as your desktop backgrounds, or something.
The next thing to mention is that I do not own Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse on any other platform except for PC. Because of this, I am unable to confirm the 3DS or Wii U versions having wallpapers or not. As far as I’m aware though, all the wallpapers should be unlockable.
Wallpapers cannot be changed until you beat the game once and obtain the second wallpaper. To change your wallpaper, head into the save menu after beating the game and you’ll see a gold star appear. Select it to change your wallpaper for the main menu. Your wallpaper selection will be remembered by the game and it will stay, even if you quit the game.
Lastly, this guide may cover territory that has been explored in other guides, such as Shyao’s amazing Achievement guide of this game. Seriously though, check out that guide if you can. They did an excellent job with it. This is largely due to the wallpaper unlock conditions.
I’ll be dividing the guide’s chapters by wallpapers. One wallpaper per chapter, no matter how simple it may be to get it. ..also for those who have previously read my guides, I’ve abandoned the “Chapter (Roman Numeral) -” part of the chapter names for this guide. It’d make the names too long.
Warning: This guide, while it doesn’t have anything story related, will spoil two achievements and the unlock conditions for all the wallpapers. If you wish to earn these wallpapers and achievements yourself without spoiling how to, turn back now.
Default Wallpaper
This wallpaper exists when you begin the game for the first time,
and it cannot be changed until you obtain the “Game Clear” wallpaper.
Game Clear Wallpaper
This wallpaper is granted upon beating the game for the first time.
It also gives the player the ability to change their wallpaper any time from the save selection menu.
100% Items Wallpaper
This one’s a bit confusing. The wallpaper is granted after getting 100% completon on the game, and then beating it. However to 100% the game, all Heart Squids must be collected, all the Dark Magic must be obtained, and every upgrade must be bought. As a result, you may end up grinding for this wallpaper. And another wallpaper coming up, plus an achievement that’ll be later discussed.
Speedrun Wallpaper
Sexy. To unlock this wallpaper, you must clear the game under two hours.
As a result, this wallpaper is tied to the achievement “Speed Runner”.
Speed Runner –
Saved Scuttle Town as fast as possible!
The achievement can be done in Pirate Mode, so feel free to exploit the pirate weapons to death!
100% Speedrun Wallpaper
This wallpaper, while not the best, certainly serves as bragging rights. In order to obtain this wallpaper, you must 100% complete the game under three hours. This means, yes, it shares the combined objectives of the 100% Items and the Speedrun wallpapers, with an extended time limit. This wallpaper is also tied to one of the game’s hardest achievements.
Purple Haired Warrior Maiden –
Defeat the Pirate Master’s true form and save Scuttle Town in record time!
Ending Notes & Credits
Hopefully this guide helped you out on finding and obtaining these wallpapers.
And the two achievements that happen to be tied to their respective wallpapers.
I’d like to give a huge thank you to WayForward for creating this awesome game, and Shyao for the previously mentioned and still awesome achievement guide that helped me get through some parts of this game such as the No Damage achievement for the Pirate Master’s true form.
I do not own any of the screenshots or images used in this guide,
all artwork and achievement icons used in this guide belong to WayForward.