Town of Salem Guide

[UPDATED FOR COVEN] All-Purpose Town of Salem Will Template for Town of Salem

[UPDATED FOR COVEN] All-Purpose Town of Salem Will Template


Over the course of a couple of hundred Town of Salem games, I’ve slowly created my own Will template that I’ve been getting some positive feedback on ingame. Thus, I thought I’d share it here, so that others might be able to use it.


Keeping a decent will is essential to playing Town of Salem. It not only helps you communicate with your team, in case you’re Town and you die, but it can also help you fake your role if you’re a non-Town. Finally, it can help you keep track of the game.

I’ve been playing Town of Salem for a while now, and have slowly established a standardised will template that I use for every game. Having seen a few people express an interest in it before, I thought I’d share it here.

The Template

You can either copy the template into your will directly from this guide below, or grab it from the pastebin.

pastebin link: [link]
pastebin link (No questionmarks): [link]

ID: YourName | Role: YourRole ▬▬▬▬▬▬[Activity]▬▬▬▬▬▬ | N1 | [#] | N2 | [#] | N3 | [#] | N4 | [#] | N5 | [#] | N6 | [#] | N7 | [#] ▬▬▬▬▬▬[ Town ]▬▬▬▬▬▬ TI: ? / ? TS: ? / ? TP: ? | TK: ? RT: ? ▬▬▬▬▬▬[ Other ]▬▬▬▬▬▬ NK: ? | NE: ? NB: ? | Any: ? RM: ?

Tips on usage

How to use the template:
The basic idea is to use the activity log to keep track of your role activity (real or faked), while the other two logs help you keep track of the confirmed roles. Let me just underline that point, you only use it to fill in confirmed roles. That means dead people, revealed mayors, etc. There are three roles not included in the list, because they always appear in ranked matches: The Jailor, the Godfather and the Mafioso. So when you’re doing the math, remember this part.

A note on copy/pasting the Will
As has been pointed out in the comments, trying to paste the entire Will into the chat doesn’t work so well. Instead stick to only copy/pasting the Activity list. This is the crucial info anyway. An example paste into chat could look something like this:

| N1 | [#5] Jonathan – NS | N2 | [#14] Marcus – NS | N3 | [#2] Sarah – MAF!

As you can see, the little space at the start of each line makes for very neat copy/pasting.

Keeping track of roles:
In a typical game you can tick off roles as you go along. Let’s say a Medium dies N1, put “Med” in one of the TS (Town Support) slots. Then a Mayor reveals D2, you put May in the other TS slot. Any subsequent TS roles revealed, such as a Transporter or an Escort, would go first in the RT (Random Town), and second in the Any slot.

If you’re Mafia: Don’t put your Random Mafia or the Any Mafia (in case of 4 maf) in your Will, in case you get killed. That will just help the Town pinpoint your Mafia buddies.

Adapting the template to your role:
If your role doesn’t visit people, such as if you’re playing Veteran, Spy or Medium, you can obviously edit the Activity log to suit your needs. For a Spy, I like to change the | N1 | [#] to | N1 visits |, and for a Veteran I just leave it blank. I don’t keep an alert log, because what’s the point? Either you alert or you don’t ^^.

Thanks for reading!:
If you’ve made it this far down the guide, thank you so much for reading! I hope the template can help you in your games of Town of Salem – if you use it, I’m sure I’ll see it ingame eventually. Good luck!

New templates for Coven games

Coven Classic

ID: YourName | Role: YourRole ▬▬▬▬▬▬[ Notes ]▬▬▬▬▬▬ | N1 | [#] | N2 | [#] | N3 | [#] | N4 | [#] | N5 | [#] | N6 | [#] | N7 | [#] ▬▬▬▬▬▬[ Roles ]▬▬▬▬▬▬ RT1: ? | RT2: ? | RT3: ? TP: ? | RC: ?

Coven Ranked Practice

ID: YourName | Role: YourRole ▬▬▬▬▬▬[Activity]▬▬▬▬▬▬ | N1 | [#] | N2 | [#] | N3 | [#] | N4 | [#] | N5 | [#] | N6 | [#] ▬▬▬▬▬▬[ Roles ]▬▬▬▬▬▬ TI: ? / ? TS: ? | TP: ? | TK: ? RT: ? / ? / ? NK: ? | NE: ? RM: ? / ? ▬▬▬▬▬▬[ Notes ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

Psychic Will Top

ID: YourName | Role: Psychic ▬▬▬▬▬▬[ Notes ]▬▬▬▬▬▬ | N1 EVIL | # / # / # | N2 GOOD | # / # | N3 EVIL | # / # / # | N4 GOOD | # / # | N5 EVIL | # / # / # | N6 GOOD | # / # | N7 EVIL | # / # / #

Pastebin link: [link]

Coven tips and notes

Invest results
The Coven template uses a lot of letters already, and with the additional roles added to the Invest results, an Invest will run out of space really fast. To avoid this it helps to only write the roles that are actually possible in a Coven game. So if you are in a Coven Ranked Practice and you find someone is a Vigilante, Veteran, Mafioso, Pirate, or Ambusher – then you only put Vig/Vet (No Mafia in Coven and Pirate is Neutral Chaos so can’t show up in Coven Ranked Practice with the current role list).

As Coven
The role list helps you keep track of the possible roles in the game just as much as it does when you’re Town. However, just like the Mafia in Classic Town of Salem, you don’t want to put your Random Coven in your Will. If you get lynched you risk giving their roles away. This can work to your advantage too, though. If you don’t have a Hex Master you can put Hex Master as one of your Random Coven members. This might help confuse Sheriff or Invest results.

More notes will be added as I tweak the templates and play more games

Video Example & MissMedi template

For those of you who want to see the templates in action, has been using an edited version of this template for some of her Town of Salem videos. MissMedi has a YouTube channel where she plays Pokémon, Town of Salem and, on Sundays, various Horror games. Check out her channel and see for yourself, or watch the Town of Salem example below, where she showcases an edited will template for her Spy game.

If you like the edited version MissMedi is using, you can find it below.

ID: YourName | Role: YourRole ▬▬▬▬▬▬[Activity]▬▬▬▬▬▬ | N1 | [#] | N2 | [#] | N3 | [#] | N4 | [#] | N5 | [#] | N6 | [#] | N7 | [#] ▬▬▬▬▬▬[ Notes ]▬▬▬▬▬▬