Bayonetta Guide

Upgrades and Secrets for Bayonetta

Upgrades and Secrets


A guide for Witch Hearts, Moon Pearls and the Alfheim PortalsThis is written for the Normal Difficulty. Some items will not appear on easy.

Hidden Controller Secrets mini guide

First Tip : press select + right trigger to insta skip any cutscene.
Second Tip : steam can unlock your controller’s true potential

With a Single Button You Will
  • handle all combination quicktime promts
  • attack with any torture and climax commands
  • spam out mid fight counters as they appear
  • perform mashing with turbo speed

But first have to register a controller within Steam itself.
Valve has added support for PS4, Xbox One and Switch Pro controllers.
I only have a PS4 controller and use the Sony Wireless dongle to connect it to my pc.
So I will be focusing on the touchpad on the Dualshock4 and how awsome 4 extra buttons are.

Step One
Get Your Controller Connected with Big Picture Mode
Step Two
Create a Game Specific Profile
  • Turn on the controller
  • Right-click the game
  • Edit the controller config
Step Three
Select a Basic Config
Step Four
Make an All-In-One Button
  • I use LT for my AIO, and the touch pad to swap weapons
  • the touchpad can be a single button or a left and right pair
  • you gain both touch action and a hard click button either way
  • to keep an all-vanilla config, add the AIO to the touchpad click
Step Five
Replace the LT
  • here I use the Left Touch of the touchpad
  • touch or click work equally well
Step Six
Skip All Cutscenes with a Touch of a Button
  • now to use the right touchpad
  • again both the touch or click will work
  • dont forget to save !
My Config
  • the ps4 share is super tiny so I move select to the right touchpad
  • now the share button skips scenes

Any changed gameplay button WILL change all UI stuff too. Bayo UI uses R1/L1 and not triggers.

Angel’s Metropolis

The Vestibule
  • 2 Verses, and no secrets
The Angel’s Metropolis
Chapter 1
  • 8 Verses with 1 Hidden
  • 1 Alfheim Portal
  • 2 Moon Pearls, 3 Witch Hearts
  • Onyx Roses

Your 1st upgrade is a Moon Pearl underneath the train at the very beginning.
– break each and every bench on the 2nd floor to make the train depart

The next secret is the Alfheim Portal – Use Witch Time!.
– at the two Witch Statues, cross the water to break the Magic Wall and STOP
then go back to where you got the key to find the 3rd Verse, an Alfheim Portal
complete it for a Moon Pearl

A Witch Heart is inside a small balcony. Look above the doorway thats across the Gates of Hell.

The outdoor area of Vigrid Central Station keeps 3 secrets.
– a Witch Heart is entombed, along a grassy path on the right hand side
– the Onyx Roses will be given here after the next verse
– the Hidden 5th Verse opens only by going back to the elevator room after Verse 4

One last Witch Heart is on the 2F ledge inside the tiny room with the 6th Verse.

Quick Time Preparation

Killing the thug on the bridge triggers a press Foward + Jump to not die event.

City of Vigrid

Chapter 2
  • 10 Verses
  • 3 Alfheim Portals
  • 3 Moon Pearls, 4 Witch Hearts
  • Shuraba

A Witch Heart is inside the 1st Gargoyle during the Witchwalk part at the beginning.

A 2nd Witch Heart is found in Vigrid Streets after the Magic Wall.
– next to a chest, hidden underneath the patio roof.

After the streetcar incident two portals will open.
– Verse 5, Alfheim Portal – Limited Kicks And Punches!, is back at the top of the street
this one holds a Moon Pearl hostage
– Verse 6, Alfheim Portal – Defeat all Enemies!, at the crash site, up high on top a bridge
should be an easy Witch Heart

Verse 7, with the big Beloved Angel, opens the way for 2 secrets.
Shuraba is first, you get this for free after the Beloved gets devoured
– then the 8th Verse, Alfheim Portal – Use Torture Attacks! opens all the way back to the 1st Magic Wall in Vigrid Streets, this one gives a Moon Pearl

Lastly, a Witch Heart and a Moon Pearl are at the broken bridge with verse 8.
– the pearl is in a very obvious chest
– the heart is high above the balcony, up near the tree’s top

Quick Time Preparation

The boss at the end, ends the battle with a Press X to not die event.

Burning Ground + Fortitude

Chapter 3
  • 12 Verses
  • 4 Alfheim Portals
  • 3 Moon Pearls, 5 Witch Hearts
  • Kulshedra, broken into 2 halfs

After the opening verse, stick around for the 2nd Verse, Alfheim Portal – Stay in the Air!.
– destroying the trashcan at the top of the stairs opens the portal
its another easy Moon Pearl after you have Kulshedra

Verse 5, the Alfheim Portal – Use Angel Arms!, is near the Witch Statues and Gates of Hell.
– specifically, its on the balcony by the broken bridge
finnish it for another Witch Heart

Quick Time Preparation

At the end of the Lava Streets, the tower you’re running up breaks, be ready to Press X to not die.
– but not to soon. Thats a fatal mistake.
Another QT pops up after Verse 7, the one with two Fairness. This time Mash X or Die.

Immeadiately after the QT event, an entombed Moon Pearl is behind you, down the tunnel.

The next 3 secrets take place in Paradiso. Keep moving until you walk through a large portal.
– 1st, Kulshedra is on a small island behind the portal
– next is the 10th Verse, Alfheim Portal – Witch Time Disabled!, on another island not far from the portal and holds a Moon Pearl
– last is a Witch Heart, activate the Witch Statues and cross over, then, to the right of the lever

Back in the Vigrid Catacombs, the 11th Verse, Alfheim Portal – Use Wicked Weaves! opens only when the bridge is restored. Backtrack past the Gates of Hell to find it.
– if you can win, you’ll get a Witch Heart

Quick Time Preparation

At the end of the long, collapsing bridge, wait for a Jump Prompt.

The last two Witch Hearts are near the end of the level.
– the 1st is in a chest after you dodge a little lava, on a path to the left
– the next is after the falling rocks, outside and behind a rather large boulder

The Cardinal Virtue of Fortitude
Chapter 4

Big Bosses like Fortitudo have a few quicktime events to move through thier phases.
1st Part – with enough damge done, press Foward+A a few times, then Torture Attack, Then mash X a few more times. Then again for the other head.
2nd Part – when his hp is gone be ready to catch his tail with a Torture Attack and mash X.

Lost Holy Grounds

Chapter 5
  • 14 Verses with 1 Hidden Verse
  • 3 Alfheim Portals
  • 2 Moon Pearls, 4 Witch Hearts
  • Durga

The 3rd Verse, Alfheim Portal – Use Witch Time!, opens when you have the 1st piece of Durga.
– backtrack to the beginning for a Moon Pearl.

Search the 5th Verse area for a chest with a Witch Heart.

Follow the path foward until you reach the Gates of Hell. A Moon Pearl is in a not so hidden chest across from the portal.

Jormungar’s Staff Tower has 2 Alfheims.
– the 8th Verse, Alfheim Portal – Stay in the Air!, appears at the bottom of Jormungar’s Staff,
fight through verse 7, walk up to the large hole in the wall and the portal will be visible when you are high enough
– for the 10th Verse, Alfheim Portal – Limited Kicks And Punches!, take the downward path when you exit the tower for another Witch Heart

The final piece of Durga found in a chest behind the large fountain about halfway up the wind snake road.

At the top is another tower. Straight across from it’s exit is a chest with a Witch Heart.
– the Hidden 13th Verse takes place where you fought the 1st Inspired, backtrack after verse 12, the 2nd Inspired

Quick Time Preparation

This really isn’t a QT, but after the Boss Fight you’ll have to use Panther Form to make a jump. Press the witchtime button twice to turn into a panther.

Gates of Paradise + Temperance + Route 666

Chapter 6
  • 9 Verses
  • 1 Alfheim Portal
  • 1 Moon Pearl, 2 Witch Hearts
  • Odette
Bat Withthin

Sometime during the level, the Gates of Hell will offer a new technique called “Bat Withthin”.

The opening area has 3 items.
– first is a piece of Odette, its right behind you as you start
– next is an entombed Witch Heart, finish the 1st Verse and you’ll fnd it on a ledge
– now take an immediate left as you walk into the next room and look at the rocks in the corner, another piece of Odette is hiding behind them

Disarming the Spike Traps

Past the twin Witch Statues are 3 sets of spikes, and the lever to shut them off is on the other side
– hidden under rocks.

The 4th Verse, Alfheim Portal – Use Torture Attacks! activates when the spikes are disarmed.
– the portal and the Moon Pearl, are behind you in the water room, by the two large doors

One last Witch Heart is up for grabs. Enter the portal and then check behind it.

The Cardinal Virtue of Temperance
Chapter 7

You when do enough damage his fist will have a blue light, so perpare to Torture Attack + Mash.
Do this for each fist

Route 666
Chapter 8
  • 5 Verses
  • 2 Witch Hearts during the motorcycle phase
  • no other secrets
Quick Time Preparation

As you finish the 2nd Verse Press A to Jump or Die.

1st Witch Heart : Look for the 2nd set of high arches, drive up the right side.
– The oncoming traffic is lethal, so be quick to jump back to the right side.

2nd Witch Heart : After the next tunnel, look for traffic cones on the right. Drive through, prepare to Press A to Jump or Die. and speed up when you land or you’ll die because the road falls apart. The Witch Heart is in the center of the road and is easy to miss.

Quick Time Preparation

As you finish the 4th Verse Press foward and A to Jump or Die.
– A small tip for the 5th Verse. The angels here can grab you, forcing you to do obnoxious 360 spins on the stick. My turbo tip works for these QTE’s so you never have to do them.

Rememberance of Time

Chapter 9
  • 11 Verses with 1 Hidden Verse
  • 3 Alfheim Portals
  • 2 Moon Pearls, 5 Witch Hearts
  • Killgore
Buy Crow Form for 20k before you begin, press Dodge twice in midair to fly

The 1st large area has 3 secrets with the 1st Verse at the center.
– at the halo platforms, an entombed Witch Heart can be seen to the left, on the outside of the wall
– a destructable wall on the left end hides the 2nd Verse, Alfheim Portal – Out-of-Body Battle! and its Moon Pearl
– on the right end, another destructable wall hides a piece of Killgore

The next three secrets come with verses 5 and 6.
– a Witch Heart chest is out in the open after the Key Assembly thing
– a Moon Pearl chest will be at the end of the platform after Verse 6, The Kinships
– the 7th Verse, Alfheim Portal – Defeat all Enemies!, is open but tricky to get to
you need to jump from a dead kinship and fly to a small island
the reward is another Witch Heart

When you make it to the Gates of Hell, look below the Halo Road for another path and 2 more secrets.
– first is the Hidden 9th Verse, start it by attacking the statues
– then find Killgore at the end of the road

Survive Golem, and take the time to find two last secrets.
– theres a Witch Heart at the top of the stairs to the left
– Verse 11, Alfheim Portal – Limited Kicks And Punches!, is found back where you landed after the tentacle scene
another Witch Heart is yours if you can take it

Sea of Stars + Justice

Chapter 10
  • 11 Verses total
  • 2 Alfheim Portals, 1 Hidden Verse
  • 2 Moon Pearls, 4 Witch Hearts

At the city rotation thing, spin it an extra time for a Moon Pearl.
– Also, right next to it, is the 3rd Verse – Alfheim Portal and it’s Witch Heart

At Verse 7, climb the three dead Kinships for a Moon Pearl.
– You exactly 1 shot at this next Witch Heart. Use Crow at the hieght of a double jump.

At the next Gates of Hell, backtrack all the way to Tentacle Bridge if you feel confident for the
9th Verse – Alfheim Portal. A Witch Heart will be yours if you can do it.
– Also by the Gates of Hell is another distant island and a Witch Heart.
– If you break the statues you’ll get a terrible surprise – the Hidden 10th Verse

Chapter 11

When it starts breaking the platform your fighting on, be ready to Torture Attack or Die.
Once you cut off a tentacle it will throw a boulder, so be ready to Torture Attack and Mash X.
– Next time he’ll throw two rocks back to back.

Broken Sky + Prudence + Isla del Sol

Chapter 12
  • 10 Verses total
  • 2 Alfheim Portals, 2 Hidden Verses
  • 4 Witch Hearts

The 1st Witch Heart is right next to you.

Quick Time Preparation

When you enter the Cargo Hold, be ready to Press A and Foward to Jump

The remaining items are available when you reach the Gates of Hell.
– Theres a Witch Heart floating around somewhere. Double jump and fly to find it.
– Or you can double jump backtrack and fly to the start for both the Hidden 3rd Verse and the 4th Verse – Alfheim Portal with a bonus Witch Heart.
– or you can venture to the outside platform (but not to far, its the end of the level) find a large turbine, shoot with Killgore then jump inside for a Hidden 6th Verse and the 7th Verse – Alfheim Portal with its own Witch Heart.

Chapter 13

Not much to Sapientia. Just destroy stuff and you get an easy Torture and Mash promt.
– Well, its easy if you use the turbo mash option.

Chapter 14
  • 3 Verses
  • 2 Witch Hearts
  • no other secrets

Both Witch Hearts are gotten in the exact same way : when 3 angels attack, kill the largest angel with a Torture Attack.
– Use Taunting + Witchtime to refill your magic, or use an item.


Theres an INSANE amount of mashing in this fight, so use Auto Mash trick I wrote about in the Tips section.
– There also a few A Press A and Foward to Jump events.

Tower to Truth + Lumen Sage + Finale

Chapter 15
  • 14 Verses total
  • 1 Alfheim Portal, 3 Hidden Verses
  • 1 Moon Pearl, 4 Witch Hearts

The two statues in front of you are actually the Hidden 1st Verse.
– From there, to the right is a long jump you can make with Beast Mode. Make the jump and take an easy Witch Heart.

After the Turret Verse, backtrack to the hidden chest near the start for the 9th Verse – Alfheim Portal and claim another Witch Heart.

At the Gates of Hell, look for a nearby chest for a Witch Heart.
– Theres another Hidden Verse in the basement withe the Jubileus Statue.

Activate the disappearing platforms and make your way to the top. On one of the 4 top platforms is a chest with a Moon Pearl.
– About halfway up angels will attack – but only half. Fly to the other safe platforms to finish this Semi-Hidden 11th Verse.
– Another Witch Heart is on kept on a platform withthin reach of a Crow jump.

Chapter 16

Balder’s battle is straight foward. Do enough damage and Press A+Foward to Jump, then do more damage and you’ll have a quick chance to do a Torture Attack styled counter.

  • 10 Verses total
  • The Last Alfheim Portal
  • Final Witch Heart

The final Alfheim Portal with a Witch Heart is at the foot of the statue, after the motorcycle and the meteor shower. It will only open after you make it up to the shoulders of the statue.

This battle was super-annoying for me. I set the game to easy just to learn how to play against it.

♥ Tips on Alfheim Portals

My adivice on Alfheims is to finish the game on normal or easy to collect as many upgrades as you can. Then use the level select to complete the Alfheims. This gives you access to chapters 7 and 3 for halos and chapter 2 for shopping. Hp and Magic upgrades don’t matter, but you’ll want some additional weapons and accessories.

Torture Attack
  • equip the Scarborough Fair to build magic for your TA quota
  • use a stronger weapon to finish the verse
  • Eternal Testimony will make this much easier
Wicked Weaves
  • any attack from a Full-Charged Pillow Talk counts as Wicked Weaves
  • it will lose charge after a few combos, so be quick about it
Witch Time
  • Selene’s Light only works if your not on your ‘Last Chance’ hit
  • Pulley’s Butterfly works better if you have a full magic charge
NO Witch Time Allowed
  • Evil Harvest Rosary and Pulley’s Butterfly work well
Limited Punches and Kicks
  • double-up on Fire Durga and P (charge) K (charge) P (charge)
  • another chance for a Charged Pillow Talk to shine
Air Time
  • equip Kulshedra – P (charge) to lasso ’em and jump to gain time
  • always save the double jump for when you miss
Out of Body
  • the Gaze of Despair will keep their attention on you
Angel Arms
  • the Staff kick has great aoe
  • the Twin Swords kick is more like a sniper rifle

♥ Extras, Extras and more Extras

Theres A LOT of secrets in this game. Secret Weapons, Secret Accessories, Secret Characters, a Secret Boss Fight, a Secret Challenge Alfheim, and of course, Secret Costumes.

I’ll list each of the unlockables, but first, the main attractions.

Angel Slayer

Conquering each and every Alfheim Portal gives you access to Bayonetta’s Bloody Palace.
Beating this unlocks the secret character ‘Little King Zero’.

The Platinum Ticket

The Final Fight. Against the coolest character in the game. To challenge him, stop by the Gates of Hell and buy the Platinum Ticket for 999,999 halos.
It unlocks whenever you earn a total of 10 million halos, including all the halos you already spent.
Your reward – Rodin’s Special Weapon.

Non-Stop Infinite Climax

The true version of Bayonetta. Even more punishing then Hard, and you can’t use witch time.
If you can master the combat systems, you are given Pillow Talk as a reward.

5 Unlockable Weapons
Handguns – beat Normal mode
Bazillions – beat Hard mode
Pillow Talk – beat Non-Stop Infinite Climax mode
Rodin – defeat the Boss with the Platinum Ticket
Sai Fung – complete a total of 100 chapters on Normal / Hard / Infinite Climax modes

4 Hidden Accessories
Immortal Marionette – complete Easy or Very Easy mode
Bracelet of Time – complete Normal or higher in less than 3 hours – only Verse Time counts
Eternal Testimony – collect 50 ‘Umbran Tears of Blood’ crows or achievments
Climax Brace – collect all 101 ‘Umbran Tears of Blood’ crows and achievments

2 Secret Characters
Jeanne – earn a Platinum / Pure Platinum in all chapters on Normal – its Exclusive to Normal
Lil Zero – conquer the Angel Slayer Alfheim Challenge

A Variety of Costumes
First beat Normal mode, then purchase the Super Mirror from Rodin’s Treasures for 100k. Then buy each ‘Couture Bullet’ for another 100k a piece.

♥ A Little Cheating Never Hurts

Unlocking everything is super difficult. So Platinum included a much needed short cut.

Going on a Shopping Spree

In Chapter 2, after the 3rd Verse, you’ll be in the Vigrid Streets plaza. Around here are three payphones. Weapons, Accessories and Characters each have their own phone. To buy anything you’ll need a secret code, and millions of halos.

Weapons – Facing the stairs, to the left of the blue car.

Accessories – Facing the stairs, to the right of the blue car.

Characters – On the otherside of the plaza, behind a pillar.

All codes will play a chime when entered correctly.

Secret Weapons

price : 1 million halos
code : Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Y

Pillow Talk
price : 1 million halos
code : Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A

price : 3 million halos
code : Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, LEFT SHOULDER

Sai Fung
No cheating on these totally awsome nunchuks
Complete a total of 100 chapters on Normal / Hard / Infinite Climax modes

Secret Accessories

Eternal Testimony
price : 2 million halos
code : Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, RIGHT SHOULDER

Bracelet of Time
price : 3 million halos
code : Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, LEFT TRIGGER

Climax Brace
price : 5 million halos
code : Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, RIGHT TRIGGER

Secret Characters

price : 1 million halos
code : Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B

Little King Zero
price : 5 million halos
code : Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X

♥ How to Get Rich Quick

There just happens to be a fast and easy way to get all those halos. The only problem, is it requires the Climax Brace accessory. And that cost 5 million halos. So first, lets get an easy 5 million.

Farming Chapter 7, The Virtue of Temperance

I read this a long time ago and still use it today. Its any easy way to earn 500k to 800k per fight. You will need lightning Durga, Odette, Selene’s Light and the Gaze of Despair.

Durga is found on chapter 5. It has both Fire and Lightning. To switch, spin the Left Stick + Y.
Odette isn’t needed, but its always useful to move faster. Find it on chapter 6.
Selene’s Light and Gaze of Despair cost 100k each at Rodin’s Shop.

The goal is to get a very high combo score on the last phase of Temperance. If you haven’t noticed, the combo score is shown underneath the Verse #. It starts at 0 and has a limit of 9,999. You add to it by attacking, and shooting. Taking any damage resets it.

This is why Selene’s Light is a must have. It prevents damage from reseting the combo score. Lightning Durga is used for it’s fast, easy to spam attacks. And lastly, Gaze of Despair makes angels tougher. So they can take more of a beating and give you a much higher score. Which all translates into mucho dinero halos. Do this until you have 5 million halos.

More Choices

Another, more expensive way is to use 2 Lightning Durgas and the Bracelet of Time with Gaze of Despair. A second Durga is on sell in the Gates of Hell for 130k. And the Bracelet of Time is awarded for a speed run thats less than 3 hours. You can also cheat-buy it for 3 million.
This will give a much higher return of halos for your combo score but uses more costly stuff. So I have not tried this.

Tips for fighting Temperance

make sure to skip the cut scenes by pressing ‘Select / Back / Share’ + ‘Right Trigger’
First Phase – destroying his arms, focus on perserving you health

  • Blue Fist attack – use a well timed dodge, when done correctly, a ‘Jump’ prompt appears
  • – look for a bus in the distance, jump twords it to throw it in his face
  • Platform Destruction – time a double jump at the end and continue spaming durga in midair
  • Laser Blasts / Wind Snakes – chain multiple dodges away from the blast/snakes
  • a Climax promt happens about 50% of his blue health, and again at 60% green health

Last Phase – focus on keeping your combo score, 6k for the shields and 8k for the head

  • learn the location of the 3 shields, move on to the next quickly
  • – shooting from afar will help keep the combo going
  • the head has lots of attacks – listen for sound ques before dodging
  • it’s grab is auto-mashable and will give a lot of free hits afterward
  • a Climax promt happens at the end as usual

The Climax Brace and Easy Street

With the ugly part done, you can now make that 5 million from a single combo score. And the best part is that it takes place in an Alfheim Portal. So no level selects, no cut scenes, and no angel attack.

Head to chapter 3, kill the first verse. Look for and destroy the two trash cans. Enter the Alfheim Portal that opens and welcome to Easy Street. For 2 minutes there is nothing but cannon fodder and unlimited combos. The goal is to get the highest combo score you possibly can. So use whatever you like with the the Climax Brace. The easy part is after the two minutes are up – you “fail” and keep all the halos you earned. So just do it as many times as you want.

I kept the same setup as before – Lightning Durga / Odette with Selene and the new Climax Brace. I went from 200k halos to 12 million in 4 attempts. So you can do better.