Barotrauma Guide

Uploading item assemblies for Barotrauma

Uploading item assemblies


I got stumped trying to upload a simple item assembly to the workshop. This is for those that attempted to do that but never found the solution through googling. Based off the game version V0.12.0.2

1: Setting up your item assembly

The first part of this stage is to head into the submarine editor and create a basic stage and save it as an undefined submarine.

Load or create your assembly here. Remember to save it! This is crucial!

In here, there is two different ways of getting a screenshot for your workshop.
1. Save the stage as it is and use the “create” function to let the game create a screenshot
2. Go into testing and capture how your assembly works in action. You can screenshot with “windows” key + “Shift” + “s” or “prtscn” button and paste in paint or any method of screenshot-ing

Once that is done, you can go ahead and save your “submarine”.

2: Uploading process

Now that you have your item assembly and a screenshot, head back to your menu and select “STEAM WORKSHOP”. Go into the publish page and select your “submarine”.

Select your appropriate tags, name, and description of your item. Make sure core packaged is not ticked. Don’t forget to check the visibility of your mod.

Now the main part:
Untick or remove your “(modding stage name).sub”
Click on “add files” and search for your assembly in “…/Barotrauma/ItemAssemblies/”
Make sure your “(itemassembly).xml” has the appropriate tag selected.
Hit publish and you are done.

You can always come back to the publish page and update your workshop item here