Portal 2 Guide

Useful/Funny Commands for Portal 2

Useful/Funny Commands


HOW TO USE:First of all go to Keyboard Settings and enable the game console.With some of them you may need to put the command: ” sv_cheats 1 “.(Remember that enabling sv_cheats will disable achievents until you restart the game)

SlowMotion/ Custom game time

Change the timescale value⁣ (2 is double the speed, 0.5 is half of the speed, 1 is the default speed, etc.).

• host_timescale 0.5 • host_timescale 2 • host_timescale 1

Screenshot Mode

Use these commands to Hide your Viewmodel and Crosshair.

• crosshair 0 • impulse 200

And these to have them back:

• crosshair 1 • impulse 200

Hide/ Show Crosshair

As always, 0 disables it and 1 enables it.

• crosshair 0 • crosshair 1

For the Bind version (by pressing the “v” key):

BindToggle v crosshair

NoClip/ Fly without collision

Enable/ disable noclip by pressing the “M” key.

bind m noclip

Immortal/ God mode

Enable/ Disable god mode.⁣


Custom Gravity

Change the number to whatever you want, 600 is the Default one.
Lower value means lower gravity and vice versa.⁣

sv_gravity 600

Fast Close the game

Instantly Close the Game by pressing F10.

Bind F10 quit

Potato Glados on Portal Gun

It’s good to have a best friend on your portal device, right?


Third Person View

This one doesn’t need explanations.

• thirdperson • firstperson

Kill yourself/ Suicide

Your life matters, but anyway… there’s the command.


Restart the Level

Restart the level by pressing the “Z” key.

• bind z restart_level

Partner View without holding TAB

⁣First of all, you need to create an autoconfig, to do it, you must go into the game’s cfg folder (usually located under C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2cfg), than create a txt document, open it and paste the commands below, after this, save with name: autoexec.cfg (the file must be a cfg file, don’t save it as a txt document). Use the command ” exec autoexec ” and you will be able to show the partner view by pressing TAB without holding it: press TAB again to disable it.

alias remote-view remote-view-on alias remote-view-on “+remote_view; alias remote-view remote-view-off” alias remote-view-off “-remote_view; alias remote-view remote-view-on” bind “tab” “remote-view”

Hide Portal Gun

With this command you can hide/show your viewmodel for better screenshots by pressing the “M” key.

bind m “impulse 200”

Enable/Disable Flashlight

Enable/ Disable Flashlight by pressing the “F” key.

bind f “impulse 100”

Spawn a Companion Cube

Spawn your best friend by pressing the “C” key.

bind c ent_create_portal_companion_cube

Spawn a Reflector Cube

Spawn a Reflector Cube by pressing the “V” key.

bind v ent_create_portal_reflector_cube

Spawn a Sphere Ball

Spawn a Sphere Ball by pressing the “B” key.

bind b ent_create_portal_weighted_sphere

Spawn a Turret

Spawn a Turret by pressing the “N” key⁣.

bind n “npc_create npc_portal_turret_floor”

Friendly Turrents

Turrets won’t shoot you.


Fire a Rocket

Fire a Rocket by pressing the “R” key.

bind r fire_rocket_projectile

Spawn Gel

Spawn Gel by pressing the keys:

“O” for the Blue one.
“I” for the White one.
“U” for the Orange one.

• bind o ent_create_paint_bomb_jump • bind i ent_create_paint_bomb_portal • bind u ent_create_paint_bomb_speed

Close all portals

Close opened portals by pressing the “P” key.

bind “p” “ent_fire prop_portal fizzle”

Bind/ Unbind commands

The first command let you bind commands to keys on your keyboard and the second one removes them.

• bind “key” “command” • unbind “key”
