HOW TO USE:First of all go to Keyboard Settings and enable the game console.With some of them you may need to put the command: ” sv_cheats 1 “.(Remember that enabling sv_cheats will disable achievents until you restart the game)
SlowMotion/ Custom game time
Change the timescale value (2 is double the speed, 0.5 is half of the speed, 1 is the default speed, etc.).
Screenshot Mode
Use these commands to Hide your Viewmodel and Crosshair.
And these to have them back:
Hide/ Show Crosshair
As always, 0 disables it and 1 enables it.
For the Bind version (by pressing the “v” key):
NoClip/ Fly without collision
Enable/ disable noclip by pressing the “M” key.
Immortal/ God mode
Enable/ Disable god mode.
Custom Gravity
Change the number to whatever you want, 600 is the Default one.
Lower value means lower gravity and vice versa.
Fast Close the game
Instantly Close the Game by pressing F10.
Potato Glados on Portal Gun
It’s good to have a best friend on your portal device, right?
Third Person View
This one doesn’t need explanations.
Kill yourself/ Suicide
Your life matters, but anyway… there’s the command.
Restart the Level
Restart the level by pressing the “Z” key.
Partner View without holding TAB
First of all, you need to create an autoconfig, to do it, you must go into the game’s cfg folder (usually located under C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonPortal 2portal2cfg), than create a txt document, open it and paste the commands below, after this, save with name: autoexec.cfg (the file must be a cfg file, don’t save it as a txt document). Use the command ” exec autoexec ” and you will be able to show the partner view by pressing TAB without holding it: press TAB again to disable it.
Hide Portal Gun
With this command you can hide/show your viewmodel for better screenshots by pressing the “M” key.
Enable/Disable Flashlight
Enable/ Disable Flashlight by pressing the “F” key.
Spawn a Companion Cube
Spawn your best friend by pressing the “C” key.
Spawn a Reflector Cube
Spawn a Reflector Cube by pressing the “V” key.
Spawn a Sphere Ball
Spawn a Sphere Ball by pressing the “B” key.
Spawn a Turret
Spawn a Turret by pressing the “N” key.
Friendly Turrents
Turrets won’t shoot you.
Fire a Rocket
Fire a Rocket by pressing the “R” key.
Spawn Gel
Spawn Gel by pressing the keys:
“O” for the Blue one.
“I” for the White one.
“U” for the Orange one.
Close all portals
Close opened portals by pressing the “P” key.
Bind/ Unbind commands
The first command let you bind commands to keys on your keyboard and the second one removes them.