No More Room in Hell Guide

Useful Workshop mods for No More Room in Hell

Useful Workshop mods


So, NMRiH is a good game, but it’s not perfect. Wanna improve your “getting bitten and dying sim 2013” experience? Then this guide’s for you.This is my first guide ever, so if there are any flaws or tips you’d love to give, let me know in the comments. Oh, and if I missed an addon please state thatAND JUST IN CASE, a disclaimer: I do NOT own anything mentioned in this guide

Maglite fix (essential)

Do you find it annoying, when only one person has a maglite and he can’t even use it to light the way for others, because it always points in a weird effing direction? Oh boy, do i have something for you
This simple addon will make your life easier by a tonne, seriously
But I’m not entirely sure if it works with guns though. But it’ll work with melee
P.S. Nevermind, i hopped in and it works with pistols as well

HL1 footsteps for zombies

Zeds’ vanilla footsteps are pretty quiet, and some people would want them to be a little louder. This little addon makes them perfectly audible

Shorter Mossberg 500a

Obviously, this makes that shotty… Uh… shorter, clearing up some screen space for you

Folded Mac-10 stock

Mac-10 is pretty ♥♥♥♥ to be honest, I would just unload it and take the .45 ammo for my Colt. But if you wanna use that gun, then you should download this mod, because that tiny gun takes up a lot of your screen with that stock unfolded
Oh, and It just looks a little bit better kek

Underwater view fix (essential?)

Look, there aren’t many maps, where you actually swim, most have damaging/infecting water. But if you do find yourself on one, you might run into a problem of going blind while underwater. So this should be installed at all times, because you never know
P.S Whoops, didn’t notice it’s already in the base game. Still, keep it just in case

Insurgency gunshots

The vanilla sounds are pretty good, but some people find them too loud. Using the volume lowering mod can drastically reduce immersion or make shooting unsatisfying. There’s a solution to keep the guns punchy, while considerably quieter- just use Insurgency’s sounds! They’re pretty good
Maybe you’d like this more

SKS nightsights

The Simonov SKS is a pretty fun weapon, especially with the bayonet. But in the dark, aiming might be a problem. This just adds illuminated sights, which do look a little better and they help a lot in poorly lit places, which are like 80% of the game

Vignette remover

I like the screen vignette in this game, but some people find it annoying. Well here ya go, no more vignette for you

Less washed out lighting & color

Not gonna lie, this makes the game look a lot better and sexier, at least imo

Less visual effects (FPS boost)

This might make the game a little harder, because some of the important visuals are missing. But you’ll get more frames out of it, so I definitely recommend this for more experienced guys

The end?

I guess that’s it for now. Again, if you find more useful addons or you wanna correct me, then sure, comment below. If you wanna suggest addons, then try giving me something, that’s actually useful; but please, don’t tell me to add maps, that’s just a matter of taste and it’s not something I could add here. Unless it’s like a good map for starters or practice, I dunno
Anyways, hope this helped even a little bit, thanks for reading!