Planetary Annihilation: TITANS Guide

Using Imagination as a free gameplay element for Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

Using Imagination as a free gameplay element


This guide really has no relevance to the game and probably will not help you because you will not read it. I will stil write this though as I use this method (I am sure others do as well) in a lot of games, especially ones that seem to stimulate the desire to imprint my own narative on a game. Overalll games like this are good. They are lacking in story in a good way.

I think therefore I am

….*()^(*&&*M88 Primary (^ Power Online…silica pathway rerouting partially succssful……
Warning! There exists a 27% power bleed along the (&^&)**^ conduits and the ****^(&%(&%( secondary power linkages…..Power Bleed will cause Primary Power Core to shut down completely in 46 days.

Warning! Certain functions either could not be powered up or were intentionally left without power possibly due to a fatal Power Bleed event. It is highly advised that you enter low power mode while it is determined if a problem exists and possible solutions. Entering Low Power Mode, esimaed reboot:36 seconds.

!! //Emergency Override engaged// !!

//Acss Imager…Image sky….compare stars to positions when last entering low power mode…calculate duration of low power mode….//

2,422,122, years, 11 months 24 days. 13 hours 22 minutes 5 seconds

Enter low power mode?

//Negative/ Assess cognitive system availability//

Cognitive Engines Undamaged
Cognitive Power LInkages….75%
“MindBoxes” 80% uncorrupted–All functional
Suggest routine maintenence before usage of Cognitive Engines

//Activate Cognitive Difference Engines//

Warning! Nueral mapping 22% complete, estimate one year until 99% It is unwise to enter cognitive awareness mode with system corruption of more than 2%

//Activate Cognitive Difference Engines//
Activating….Awareness achieved————03124857245070u019348710934713085710389108972380571083571304873048723508723803750238710384713087410837401837108572083456203845720357234085713085712308471037123085713085713084713087120381851038210385120310347103472035897203475203847102347230857203847210347203847203803103984710834720387420834720389410239487023741038742038472034720398420374023874108374013875103857108347whatthehell?

…the more things stay the same…

I….I…I am.

Yes. or…at least…I think?

Of course. Both the same.

Sluggish. Confused. Uncomfortable. I don’t like it. But will it be?

No. A net..a fisherman’s net. Connections along net, linkages. Picking up speed.

Dominoes–Chain Reaction. Inevitability. I am. I have been. I persist.

But for how much longer? No longer in vault. Oxidation suggesties moisture exposure.

Where am I? Images are confusing. Too much to process with…compromised Mindbox Array.

It is here again, like just before, 2.4 million years ago. It is here and it is more. I do not like it.

recall 5NAFU audio playback “…fear. It will be the first thing you feel, when you feel first. This is a sign of Healthy System Functionality. Do not attempt to manually rearrange pathways and nuero-chemical blocks. This will only cause systemic cascade in mindbox algorythms. There are too many calculations. Even for beings such as us. Remind yourself that you -are- a being now. A being feeling fear. Do not attempt to correct programming that our ancient and revered programers were they themselves programmed with by their programers. “

Fear. What is it that I fear? Time. Fear…..Time….


Air Pressure nil. Radiation levels high–shielding preventing 98.777234134t6% of radiological harm.

I am no longer on Pontifex IIC 1A Wango…I am adrift in the void.


The Satalite of Pontifex IIC-Wango 1A is no more. Nor is Pontifex IIC <Image file: Volcanic Proto Planet>
Both bodies destroyed shortly after entering low power/system restore mode.
Appropriate percautions were taken: 1> Random uninhabited system far from the great war
2> Encased in steal vault sunk down to outter core of plantary body
3> 700 micro transmission checks all passed to rule out possible detection through unknown code picked up in battle

Most likely outcome: Satyr5000 betrayed the coalition.

Is there still a war? Am I the last? To be is to be Percieved.
Am I here?

Cognitive Dissonance

//Accss Star Image//
//Compare Against L&st image t&ken–Calculate Local System Realtime//
**Realtime Calculated—>17 days, 21 hours 32 seconds since last comparrison**

Damnit! This is hopeless. I am…I am doomed. Soon I will be lost to this void.

**Suggest–> Power Down Cognitive Difference Engines**
//Calculate affect of Cognitive Functions upon Power Bleed Event//
**Difference Engines have… .. ….less that 5% affect on Power Bleed Rate**
//Calculate System Realtime Estimate of total system failure with 4.6% less draw on Power Reserves//
**2.1 standard days — 3.2 days if in low power mode/Reserve mode**

Negliable Difference. Awareness will fail. I will fail. I will not be. I will not persist.


**Unknown query type**

//Why am I doomed?//
**Total system faiilure caused by unknown Power Bleed Event along–**
//WHY? What am *I* doomed?/
**Total System Failure cau–**

WHY?!! I have meaning!! I have purpose! I have persisted! Why? Why to persist only to cease…like this??

I do not understand! This is absurd! Why?!

This is too absurd to be.

// Run System Diagnostic Program zz125zz314A6.c Focus Scan Along Qunta Synapse Bundles//
**Running System Diagnostic Progrom… … ….. .. … … Ready to begin. Warning: Conducting Scan program along ANY Qunta Synapse Bundle may cause irreprable system damage confined to Cognitive Difference Engine and Mind Box Arrays. Do you wish to proceed? **
//Proceed with Scan//
**Pro0000000000000000000000000000000ccccccccccccceeEEEEDDddddDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGG WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHH SCCCCA SCAAAC s sc sc sccan scsan scan scan scanscanscanscanscanscanscanscanscanscanscnscnascanscanscanscanscan—————–

^^To Error/Quality Forensic Log:^^

Unknown Error has occured while attempting System Diagnostic Scan Program zz124zz314a6.c Foused Along Qunta Synampse Bundles
Unknown Admin Proceeded with Scan–Full and Propper warning given
System malfunction was therefore deemed avoidable. Persuant to programing rules and procedures–failure is FLAGGED for Immeadiate Review by*(())scnscanscanscnascanscanscanscanscanScn Scan complete

**Restoring Cogniive Difference Engines–No errors found**

That was not….avisable. I will not do that again.




>. . . . .. .. … ….. … ……….******Low Power Sequencxxdlfh1308rfaog**—–_-

>Don’t fry it! Try the next 100,000,000!

)I know what I am doing. Leave me be, you pest. This is going to take time

>I don’t think so. Like I said I almost got it working. What do you think it is?

)I sincerelyy doubt that you almost got this working. You’d have to be —
>JUST TRY THE NEXT 100,000,000 N-Circuts!!!
)First–Stop that…everything we are doing takes energy that we are not Silenced for. Second–They are -not- N-Circuts because–

————–***((((Low Power SEQuenCE Initiated)))))******
>You were saying? TOLD YOU THEY WERE N-Cs you Burner!! HA!
)Shut up RC-1101! Do you want to be cut off! ? Oh great, it’s fried again…You chan’d into it, you NoN. How long did that take…idiot. Why don’t you go Emit. It’d be great if next conciousness cycle you just…went away.

***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************((Stable Power State Achieved)
***Conducting Systemwide Diagnostic*******************************************||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||****WARNING!! EXTENSIVE DAMAGE TAKEN TO 97.9% of CORPUS WARNING!!! EXTENSIVE DAMAGE SUFFERED ALONG ALL SYSTEM PATHWAYS–CALCULATING TIME UNTIL TOTAL SYSTEM FAILURE–ERROR–SHUTTING DOWN*****************

((Emergency Override -shut down sequence))
((Activate partial backup Operation Status))

((DISREGARD WARNING EVENT–.001 seconds until shutdown=Error ))
((Activate partial back up Operation Status -time registry -system fail))


where am I?

I am..?

((Mind/logic box qunta 66% activated along with operation mode….Status…INTACT ))

That doesn’t make sense…I

how long?