Hello everyone and welcome to my little guide in which I’ll tell you:- simple rules you need to know about using trinkets- some basics about inventory- top 10 most effective trinket combinations (in my humble opinion)So, let’s begin, shall we?
Basics about trinkets
Trinkets are equippable items that are commonly obtained while adventuring in the dungeons, earned as rewards from quests, bought at the Nomad Wagon or earned by defeating specific enemies. Here’s a couple of facts you need to know to use them properly.
First and foremost, there are two types of trinkets: universal and class-specific.
Universal trinkets can be used by any character, while Class-specific trinkets can be used only by characters with the required class. The required class is stated in brackets right after the name of the trinket (for example – [Plague Doctor only] ).
The other thing you should bear in mind is about requirements which can be missed . Some trinkets work perfectly every time, but lots of them work only when some requirements are met.
For example, on the picture above you can see that Blasphemous Vial gives you +15 Accuracy, so you more likely will hit the target when it’s equipped.
But for this one to work you need to use Plague Doctor’s Ranged Skills , like “Plague Grenade”. So +15 ACC Bonus won’t apply to your Melee attacks.
Some trinkets require you to have Light Meter above 75 , so you won’t get any benefits from them if you scout in the darkness.
One type of trinkets works only when your character is in certain position.
So, in order for Propthet’s Eye to work the character using it should be in position 4.
If you’re confused and not sure how to determine a position of your character here’s little help for you.
You’ll find some other trinket requirements in this game. Some trinkets even require your character to be at the Death’s Door (when he has zero hit points).
Just be sure to check every requirement for any trinket and consider if you even want to use the trinket under stated conditions.
Basics about inventory
I should have probably started with this one, but… meh, whatever.
In order for trinkets to work they should be taken from Trinket Inventory (click on Chest Icon when in Hamlet) and put in your character’s inventory (2 slots in bottom left of your character’s window).
There is a couple of things you need to know about your Inventory.
It’s not that easy, but it might happen.
Here are the ways to lose your trinkets:
1) Get your party killed
Usually, when your characters die, even if you retreated and didn’t finish the battle, you still will be able to get their stuff after the end of the battle (even if it’s your retreat). So in order to lose your stuff you need to get ALL of your party members killed, cause there will be noone to bring trinkets back to the Hamlet.
UPDATE: After 10.02.2017 you can’t get the stuff from your fallen heroes if you retreat.
Also, after new update there is way to recover trinkets after party wipe by completing special “Trinket Recovery Quest”. It’s something new, so I can’t give you any details, so just keep this in mind.
2) Get a negative result during town events in Tavern
If you use Tavern Activities ( Bar or Gambling ) to relief your characters’ stress, there is a chance that you’ll lose one of your trinkets. Moreover, there is no way to predict which trinket you’ll lose, cause these events apply to all trinkets you have: equipped and unequiped.
3) Get one of your characters wearing trinkets killed in a battle and retreat
After 10.02.2017 trinkets are no longer recoverable from fallen characters after retreating. So here are three ways to deal with this:
– Don’t risk going for another fight if your party is weakened. Try thinking forward.
– If you got in a fight anyway:
*** if you still have a chance to win, risk with your characters’ lives and try finishing off the enemies. Your characters might die, but if you’ll win you’ll get your stuff back.
*** if you suddenly run into a tough enemy then retreat right away. There is no need trying to kill a Collector with four wounded heroes (especially if one of them is a Antiquarian), so just get some stress and don’t risk with your character’s lives and their trinkets.
So if you don’t want to lose your stuff:
1) Retreat if you feel like you’re going to lose.
Yeah, you won’t complete the quest. But at least you will get some money and won’t lose your trinkets.
1)Return to the Hamlet if you feel like you’re not going to win.
Abandon the quest or don’t get too cocky and don’t explore the dungeon further after completing one. Your heroes and your trinkets are more valuable than a couple of coins.
2) Don’t use Bar and Gambling for stress-relief.
Just use Brothel or Abbey activities. Simple.
It basicly means that you can store in Hamlet as many trinkets as you like. You can have variety of trinkets and trinket-combos for any character, any location or any situation, which is pretty convinient. So there is no need to sell your trinkets unless you don’t really need them or you want to make some money.
That’s actually the quote from the game. So if you find a pretty powerful trinket don’t bother looking for the same one. Unless you want to have a spare one just in case.
That’s right! In the latest version of the game players have the ability to get some trinkets out of the thin air. I’m talking about special category of trinkets called “Kickstarter” or “Backer Trinkets”. You can claim them by opening Trinket Inventory, pressing the Enter key and typing the name of the trinket.
You can find full list of “Kickstarter” Trinkets here:
The items are actually pretty good and getting them for free makes them even better. I’m not going to make any comments about all of them, rating them or anything like that. I’m just gonna say that you can find really good ones which can be used even in the end of the game. I personally like The Scarecrow’s Brain or Necronomicon for a Vestal and Da power for a Leper. But feel free to look them up and find something else to your liking.
As you can see below, some items have pretty much precarious disadvantages put there just for fun.
P.S. Don’t think you can make lots of money by getting and selling these trinkets. Every single one of them costs only one gold piece.
Trinket combinations
Finally, I’m going to give you a list of ten trinket combinations which are prettty effective in my opinion. I decided to exclude Ancestor’s trinkets from this list, cause this guide is for newbies and by the time newbies get them they’ll become experienced and they won’t need this list.
I also excluded Kickstarter trinkets , cause using them kinda feels like cheating. Besides, they’re not that perfect.
So, without further ado, here’s my top ten list:
1) Sharpening sheath (+4 Crit Melee, +40% to Bleed Skill, -1 SPD / Rare, Highwayman only) Feather crystal (+2 SPD, +8 DODGE, -20% Stun Resist, -20% Move Resist / Rare, All)
Recommended for: Highwayman
Advantages: +4 Crit Melee, + 40% to Bleed Skill, +1 SPD, +8 DODGE
Disadvantages: -20% Stun Resist, -20% Move Resist
Outcome: Increased Dodge and increased effectiveness from Melee atacks; Move and Stun resistances decreased for a little.
2) Lucky talisman (+12 DODGE, +10 ACC Ranged Skills, +10% Stress/Rare, Grave Robber only)
Calming crystal (-15% Stress, +4 DODGE / Uncommon, All)
Recommended for: Grave Robber
Advantages: +16 DODGE, +10 ACC Ranged Skills, -5% Stress.
Disadvantages: None.
Outcome: Increased Dodge making Grave Robber even more evasive; increased accuracy with Grave Robber’s most effective skills; small decreasing of incoming stress damage.
3) Junia’s head (+30% Healing Skills, +20% Stress / Very Rare, All)
Calming crystal (-15% Stress, +4 DODGE / Uncommon, All)
Recommended for: Occultist
Advantages: +30% Healing Skills, +4 DODGE
Disadvantages: +5% Stress
Outcome: Healing effectiveness is increased, which is important for unpredictable Occultist; Dodge is little bit increased as well; Occultist takes more stress damage, but at least it’s managable.
4) Sacred scroll (-10% Stress, +33% Healing Skills, -30% Stun Skill Chance, -3 SPD/ Very Rare, Vestal only)
Wilbur’s flag (+35% Stun Resistance, +10 DODGE / Trophy, All)
Recommended for: Vestal
Advantages: -10% Stress, +33% Healing Skills, +35% Stun Resistance, +10 DODGE
Disadvantages: -30% Stun Skill Chance, -3 SPD
Outcome: Healing effectiveness is impressively increased; increased Dodge; increased Stun resistance; Decreasing of incoming stress damage; Decreased Speed which is not that bad for a Vestal in my opinion; Effectiveness of Vestal’s Stun is significantly decreased.
Note: It’s dumb to assume that new players will get Wilbur’s flag fast, because it’s a trophy given for killing Level 6 Boss. Before getting it, I recommend using trinkets to increase Dodge, like Feather crystal , cause being defensive is pretty important for a Vestal.
You can also try increasing her Healing skills by equiping Junia’s Head or Tome of holy healing but it’ll make you more vulnerable to stress or little less healthy.
5) Life crystal (+20% MAX HP, – 1 SPD / Rare, All)
Crescendo box (+2 SPD, +15% DMG, +10 Stress / Very Rare, All)
Recommended for: Leper, Man at Arms, Crusader, Hellion, Bounty Hunter
Advantages: +20% MAX HP, +1 SPD, +15% DMG
Disadvantages: +10% Stress
Outcome: Warrior with incresed HP and damege, but more vulnerable to stress.
Note: Crescendo box can be replaced with Legendary Bracer increasing hero’s damage even more, but decreasing his speed.
If you pick Man at Arms then I recommend replacing Crescendo box with a Tough Ring or Feather crystal , considering his low damage and his defensive role.
6) Bloody herb (+10 ACC Melee Skills, +30 Bleed Skill Chance, +20% DMG Melee Skills / Uncommon, Plague Doctor only)
Blasphemous vial (+15 ACC Ranged Skills, +40% Stun Skill Chance, +20% Blight Skill Chance, +15% Stress / Very Rare, Plague Doctor only)
Recommended for: Plague Doctor
Advantages: +10 ACC Melee Skills, +30 Bleed Skill Chance, +20% DMG Melee Skills, +15 ACC Ranged Skills, +40% Stun Skill Chance, +20% Blight Skill Chance.
Disadvantages: +15% Stress
Outcome: Impressively Increased accuracy for every skill; impressively Increased chance to Stun, Blight and Bleed enemy; impressively increased damage with Melee; Increased vulnurability to stress.
Note: With this trinket combination Plague Doctor should be standing in position 3, so he can bleed. blight, stun enemies and heal comrades if necessary.
Also don’t forget to track PD’s Stress bar and use camping skills to help him deal with stress.
7) Camouflage cloak (+15 DODGE if Torch above 75, -20% Stun Resist / Rare, All)
Bleed amulet (+30% to Bleed Skill, +20% Bleed Resist, -4 DODGE / Uncommon, All)
Recommended for: Houndmaster
Advantages: +30% to Bleed Skill, +20% Bleed Resist, +11 DODGE if your lightmeter is above 75.
Disadvantages: -20% Stun Resist, -4 DODGE if your lightmeter is below 75.
Outcome: Increased chance to make enemies bleed; increased resistance to Bleed; Stun resistance decreased for a little; your Dodge depends on torches, but if you bring like 2 stucks of them you’ll be fine.
Note: These trinkets are pretty easy to obtain, so you can use this combination in the begining of the game, that’s for sure.
8) Protective collar ( +12 DODGE, -5% DMG / Rare, Houndmaster)
Spiked collar (+15 DMG, +30% to Bleed Skill, -33% Healing received / Very Rare, Houndmaster)
Recommended for: Houndmaster
Advantages:+12 DODGE, +10% DMG, +30% to Bleed Skill
Disadvantages: -33% Healing received
Outcome: Icreased Dodge; Increased damage with increased chance to make enemies bleed; HM can get into trouble if he’ll get his hps knocked out really fast, cause it’ll be more difficult to heal him up.
Note: This combination can be used in the middle of your game, when you’ll find these trinkets. To make it even better replace “Spiked collar” with Fuseman’s Matchstick .
9) Crescendo box (+2 SPD, +15% DMG, +10 Stress / Very Rare, All)
Heaven’s Hairpin (-25% Stress if Torch above 75, +10 ACC if Torch above 75)
Recommended for: Hellion
Advantages: +2 SPD, +15% DMG, +10 ACC and -15% Stress if Torch abobe 75)
Disadvantages: +10 Stress if Torch below 75.
Outcome: Increased Speed and damage; if you won’t bring enough torches you’ll be vulnurable to stress, otherwise you’re good.
Note: As I’ve said before, Crescendo box can be replaced with Legendary Bracer increasing hero’s damage even more, but decreasing his speed.
10) Prophet’s eye (+10 ACC in position 4, +2 SPD in position 4, -10% Stress in position 4 / Trophy, All)
Overture box (+15% MAX HP, +8 DODGE, – 2 ACC / Very Rare, All)
Recommended for: Arbalest
Advantages: +15% MAX HP, +8 DODGE, +8 ACC in position 4, +2 SPD in position 4, -10% Stress in position 4
Disadvantages: -2 ACC if in position 3,2,1
Outcome: Increased health, dodge, speed and accuracy; decreased incoming stress damage; considering that shuffled to another position arbalest will be less useful in any case, disadvantages are not that bad. Just stay in position 4.
Note: Prophet’s Eye is a tropthy as well, so before getting it you’ll have to use something else. I recommend using Steady Bracer. Overture Box can be replaced with Feather crystal.
Some conclusions
This guide is almost finished and now I just want to summarise everything I’ve said and maybe point out something I meant to said, but didn’t.
Don’t lose them. Think twice before dropping or selling them. Pile them up in your Trinket Inventory. Who knows what kind of combination will you want to use next week?
Use trinkets to fill the gaps. Use them to deal with hero’s drawbacks. Occultist heals are too weak? Try to improve them with trinket. Leper is not really accurate? Help him with another trinket. Vestal gets stunned and moved all over the place? Consider using some sort of trinket.
Also, use trinkets to exploit hero’s strong points. Man at Arms has lots of health? Imagine how much he’ll get if you equip “+20% HP trinket”. Crusider deals damage pretty well? Try making him even more powerful with “+20% damage trinket”.
Finally, consider changing you trinkets depending on what kind of enemies you’re going to face.
Going to slay some swine? Consider using trinkets with disease and stun resistances. Weald quest is coming up? Blight resistance might come in handy. Going to face brigand units? Might wanna use some trinkets with bleed resistance. Same goes for the offence, by the way. No need to take trinkets increasing your Bleed Skill chance, if you’re going to fight against unholy. Weald enemies, on the other hand, have pretty good blight resistance, so bleeding them out is a good idea.
Don’t change the required position. Bring lots of torches. Help hero with a stress-inducing trinket. Don’t use skills which are debuffed by trinkets too often. Don’t sent heroes without any trinkets at all. Even weak characters with low damage and weak skills, like Antiquarian, can be put to good use if they’ll equip items reducing chances to be surprised by enemies or at least some defensive trinkets. Remember, every single bit helps and carelessness won’t be tolerated.
Thank you
Thank you for reading my guide! I hope it helped you at least a little bit. This is my first guide, so I’ll be glad to know what you think. Feel free to post your comments, if you found some sort of mistake, have a suggestion, want to ask a question or if you’re just feeling like posting a comment.
Happy gaming!