use this guide to find cards and equipment and skills!also click everywhere!
matts house
jerrys house
hope harbor (right of matts house)
item and food shops
wild tropics
wild tropics (south west)
wild tropics (central west)
wild tropics (center)
wild tropics (right)
equipment shop
hope harbor
farmers market
dungeon entrance
hope harbor desert
ice cave entrance
ice cave (left)
ice cave (central)
ice cave (right)
ice cave exit
no mans land (top most)
no mans land (bottom most left)
no mans land (bottom central left)
no mans land (central bottom)
no mans land (bottom most right) (fortress gate)
iron fortress (entrance)
iron fortress (bottom right)
iron fortress (top right)
main prison
iron fortress (top central) ( big puzzle room)
iron fortress (top left)
iron fortress (exit)
iron fortress (bottom left)
iron fortress (bottom center)
dungeon entrance
rainbow river (right of dungeon entrance)
greenwood village
greenwood village (bottom right)
equipment shop
greenwood village (entrance to mystic woods)
item and food shops
annas house
mystic woods (annas house)
bamboo forest (bottom)
bamboo forest (top)
mystic woods (entrance)
mystic woods (center right)
tree tunnel
mystic woods (top right)
witchs house
mystic woods (center middle)
mystic woods (bottom middle center)
mystic woods (meteor)
mystic woods (above meteor)
mystic woods (center most left)
mystic woods (bottom left)
mystic woods (top left)
mystic woods (trees above meteor)
raft maker
rainbow river (top right)
rainbow river (one screen left of bottom right)
rainbow river (bottom right)
rainbow river (center right most)
rainbow river (one screen left of right most)
rainbow river (one screen right of middle right)
rainbow river (middle right) (hippie area)
rainbow river (center left)
rainbow river (left of center left)
rainbow river (one screen right of bottom left) (gate)
rainbow river (bottom left)
frozen valley top right
campsite (frozen valley)
frozen valley (center)
frozen valley (center top)
frozen vallery (one screen down from top left)
frozen valley (top left)
frozen valley (center left)
frozen valley (bottom left)
frozen valley (bottom center)
frozen valley (bottom right)(boss)
redpine town (right of boss)
equipment shop
food shop
graveyard (top)
redpine town (house)
redpine town (crossroads)
item shop
dungeon entrance
the rapture (entrance)
the rapture (top left)
the rapture (bottom left)
the rapture (one screen right from entrance)
the rapture (one screen right from top left) (portal puzzle)
the rapture (one screen right from bottom left)
final destination
the rapture (above final destination)
the rapture (below final destination)
the rapture (above campsite)
lava lake (below campsite)
lava lake (bottom right)
lava lake (center right)
temple of trials
final destination void (west)
final destination void (center)
warp zone
grand gallery (top center)
grand gallery (bottom center)
grand gallery (top left)
grand gallery (top right)
grand gallery (bottom left)
grand gallery (bottom right)
freezeflame dungeon entrance
freezeflame dungeon ice area (down)
freezeflame dungeon ice area (up)
freezeflame dungeon fire area (down)
freezeflame dungeon fire area (up)
freezeflame dungeon gate
dungeon bosses
inside library entrance
library center room
library left area
library right area
zombie cave entrance
zombie dungeon crossroads
zombie dungeon east
zombie dungeon south
zombie dungeon west
zombie dungeon north
zombie dungeon boss
forgotten ruins entrance
forgotten ruins (top left)
forgotten temple (top right)
snowflakes world (entrance)
snowflakes world (boss)
forgotten ruins (bottom right)
redpine dungeon entrance
redpine dungeon west puzzle area 1
redpine dungeon west puzzle area 2
redpine dungeon west (before boss)
redpine dungeon west (boss)
redpine dungeon east puzzle area 1
redpine dungeon east puzzle area 2
redpine east boss
hope harbor/wild tropics cultist room
greenwood cultist room
redpine cultist room
temple of trials (entrance)
temple of trials (boss)
temple of trials (secret room)
southern sea (entrance)
southern sea (hidden island)
southern sea (before shops)
southern sea (shops)
southern sea (outside data bunker)
data bunker floor 1
data bunker floor 2
data bunker floor 3
southern sea (outside battle arena)
battle arena (entrance)
battle arena (arena)
grand gallery arcade room
wild tropics arcade room
hope harbor arcade room
greenwood village arcade room
bamboo forest arcade room
mystic woods arcade room
rainbow river arcade room
frozen valley arcade room
redpine arcade room
the rapture arcade room
southern seas arcade room
wild tropics glitch area
no mans land glitch area
mystic woods/greenwood glitch area
frozen valley glitch area
final glitch area (before boss)
final glitch area (boss)