Vampire: The Masquerade – Coteries of New York Guide

Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide for Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York

Vampire: The Masquerade – Coteries of New York | Walkthrough & Achievement Guide

Start a New Game.

  • Choose Toreador and input any name.

Beyond The Canvas Become Embraced into the Toreador clan.
  • Pick any options until this scene:

  • Choose Ask for mercy.
  • Continue picking any options all the way through.
  • Once you reach the map, click on REST.

  • Pick any options and rest until reaching this map:

  • Choose It’s a Kind of Magic
  • Is Agathon in?
  • How do you know who I am?
  • Sophie mentioned Agathon to me…
  • Let me introduce myself.
  • I could use your knowledge.
  • What’s the rush?
  • On second thought… not interested.

A Recruitment Fiasco Fail to recruit somebody into your coterie.
  • Rest.
  • Choose Searching for Hope
  • I’m looking for Hope.
  • …your name.
  • I’m looking for Hope.
  • The waiter brought me here.
  • Your chat room sucks ass.
  • Vibe check?
  • I’m building a coterie.
  • I’m definitely out.
  • Choose Gumshoe in the Dark
  • Rush the assailant.
  • The Red Hook murders?
  • A lot, if you ask Qadir.
  • Isn’t going so well, so let me help.
  • [Remain silent]
  • What are we waiting for?
  • I’d rather keep it to myself now.
  • You’re the detective, you tell me.
  • It’s meant to throw us off.
  • The killer used a sedative.
  • Tremere.
  • You don’t sound happy.
  • Sounds like you two have some history.
  • Ring the doorbell.
  • Give us 5 minutes.
  • Figures you’d dover for one of your own.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose Jezebelle’s Childer
  • Seek out the Grangel haven.
  • So you can bark, Let’s see you bite.
  • What are you looking to her for?
  • Better put a leash on that pet of yours.
  • He’s holding you back.
  • Wait…
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose Faith & Myth (Part I)
  • Does God still listen to you?
  • Run.
  • Did you do this to me?
  • You shake hands.
  • Why did you invite me?
  • Does it matter?
  • There’s a natural explanation.
  • Perhaps we are divine, not damned.
  • This is a lot to take in.
  • I have to pray for guidance.
  • Rest.
  • Choose Faith & Myth (Part II)
  • Aren’t you worried?
  • I can’t stop thinking about divine purpose.
  • You can talk to different elders.
  • So the Third Generation…
  • Move discreetly to the side.
  • Who were those three?
  • My sire left me.
  • I’m not your enemy.
  • Choose Somebody’s Watching Me (Part I).
  • Provoke the stalker to appear.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose Somebody’s Watching Me (Part II).
  • Who’s this friend?
  • Is this a sex thing?
  • Let’s continue this face to face.
  • Come in.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.

Words That We Couldn’t Say Meet somebody you used to know in life as the Toreador.
  • Choose A Nosy Reporter.
  • I can take care of myself.
  • I’ll go beat the bastard up.
  • Is this about the Masquerade?
  • This must happen often.
  • Do you know anything about the reporter?
  • Auspex: Use enhanced senses.
  • I recognize you!
  • So, a reporter, huh?
  • So you’re a stalker of some sort?
  • So why does this matter?
  • No doctor is that good.
  • I know Sophie personally.
  • She’s a society princess.
  • Threaten Frank with legal action.
  • You’ve made a lot of enemies.
  • Desist and I’ll leave you alone.
  • Rest.
  • Choose Faith & Myth (Part III)].
  • I wasn’t sure I’d come.
  • I think God is with me, even now.
  • Good idea.
  • Does he know we’re coming?
  • We’ll be fine.
  • Yes! I’m ready!
  • Profess your belief.
  • Keep the events of the night to yourself.

The Faith Of The Furious Complete Benoit Segal’s questline (“Faith and Myth”).
  • Choose A Nosy Reporter (Part II).
  • I’ll take care of it!
  • You follow Frank covertly.
  • Let’s have a friendly chat.
  • I thought we agreed there’s no story.
  • Don’t you have better stories to chase?
  • Presence: Trust in your Blood to convince Frank
  • Now we’re finally getting somewhere.
  • Offer Frank to work for you.
  • Let me help you.
  • Quid pro quo.
  • Rest.
  • Feeding Opportunity: Netflix and chill…?
  • Can I kiss you?
  • It’s not what it looks like!
  • Click on Somebody’s Watching Me (Part III).
  • Let’s try a normal date next time.

Every Breath You Take Complete Adelaide Davis’ questline (“Somebody’s Watching Me”) as her latest obsession.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose A Nosy Reporter (Part III).
  • I hope your story is good.
  • So, what have you got?
  • I can help you.
  • Fight the assailants.
  • You’ll regret this!
  • Presence: Try to scare them.
  • It was an ambush!

Journalistic Intervention Complete Frank Dougherty’s questline (“A Nosy Reporter”).
  • Rest and pick any options until finishing the game.

A Face Only A Mother Could Love Nobody came to your help in the grand finale. Except for…

…Damned If You Do Rage against your fate and complete the game with any character.

Start a New Game.

  • Choose Brujah and input any name.

Rebel Yell Become Embraced into the Brujah clan.
  • Pick any options (Ask for Mercy when required) and rest until reaching this screen:

  • Choose Searching for Hope
  • I’m looking for Hope.
  • …your name.
  • I’m looking for Hope.
  • Presence: try to get the chat under control
  • Sophie sent me here!
  • Vibe check?
  • I need help.
  • Why the hell not.
  • Ignore.
  • Are you hurt?!
  • Ignore.
  • Is there a vampire internet?
  • Ban.
  • Kick.
  • Ban. (x2)
  • Wait a minute, does it mean…
  • Sure. Why not.

Good Job, Mods Convince Hope to cooperate with you.
  • Rest.
  • Choose The Other Side of Hope
  • …Nice car.
  • We’re… where?
  • I’m @younghotpetiteingenue.
  • Bitcoin.
  • I’m @LeakyGutSyndrome.
  • Start walking away.
  • Refuse the blood.
  • Scamming.
  • …Arthouse movie?
  • Celerity: Outrun his gun.
  • Click on Jezebelle’s Childer
  • Walk around the park.
  • Easy there, I’m not looking for a fight.
  • I could use your help.
  • My sources claim you’re capable.
  • This is different.
  • Yeah, you do.
  • I know it’s not much.

A Walk in the Park Convince Tamika to cooperate with you.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose Her Master’s Voice
  • I know the name.
  • ғᴜᴄᴋ her.
  • “Steal her voice”?
  • Sounds fun.
  • Corporations.
  • The mastermind…
  • (To Cara) You’re bluffing.
  • Nobody.
  • One word… “Payback”? “Retribution”?
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose The Scarred One
  • Whoever’s hiding in those bushes…
  • You’ll warm up to me.
  • I’m not your enemy.
  • Your brother’s worried about you.
  • For you, anything.
  • I meant it.
  • Wait, we’re walking?
  • Sure, let’s go.
  • I’ll wait on that bench by the tree.
  • You okay?
  • At least you knew your Sire.
  • She left you alone?
  • You don’t have to be alone.
  • You have me.
  • Potence: Attack the creature.
  • Retreat and hide.
  • What was that thing back there?
  • The Scarred One?
  • Rest.
  • Choose Double Spiral
  • Shouldn’t you be hiding?
  • What’s the plan?
  • Are you all deaf?
  • Let’s just move.
  • Better stay put.
  • So it’s like that, huh.
  • Celerity: Separate them as quickly as possible.
  • Calmly look around.

Extremely Online Gal Complete Hope’s questlline.
  • Choose The Battle of the Cloisters
  • You wanted to see me?
  • Is it really worth it?
  • Oh, what the hell. I’m in.
  • Better believe it.
  • I guess we could use the help.
  • Isn’t this place a tourist attraction?
  • Let’s try the stealthy approach.
  • Slice his throat with your fangs.
  • Have Tamika take him out.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose Wounded Warsong
  • You sure you’re up to it?
  • If you say so.
  • Take one out – leave the other to Tamika.
  • Leave two of them to Tamika.
  • Fast and fierce.
  • Attack the gunmen.
  • Let him go and we let you live.
  • We need to get out of here.
  • You need help.

Wild at Heart Complete Tamika’s questline.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.

Like A Moth To An Old Flame Meet somebody you used to know in life as the Brujah.
  • Choose Somebody’s Watching Me (Part I)
  • Tell Sophie you have a problem.
  • I’m being followed!
  • Rest.
  • Choose any location.
  • Only pick bottom options.
  • Choose Somebody’s Watching Me (Part II)
  • Celerity: run away and say Bye.
  • Rest.
  • Choose any location.
  • Only pick bottom options until unlocking Somebody’s Watching Me (Part III)
  • Choose Somebody’s Watching Me (Part III)
  • Just please stop!

Get Out Of Here, Stalker Complete Adelaide Davis’ questline (“Somebody’s Watching Me”) as her bitter foe.
  • Go through all other locations only picking bottom choices until finishing the game.
  • Rest when needed.

Beast Mode Tamika came to your help in the grand finale.

Hope is a Dangerous Thing… Hope came to your help in the grand finale.

Start a New Game.

  • Choose Ventrue and input any name.

The Managerial Call Become Embraced into the Ventrue clan.
  • Pick any options (Ask for Mercy when required) and rest until reaching this screen:

  • Choose It’s a Kind of Magic
  • Is Agathon in?
  • How do you know who I am?
  • Sophie mentioned Agathon to me…
  • Let me introduce myself.
  • I could assist you in your work.
  • What research is this about?
  • Sure, I’ll join you.
  • [Remain Quiet]
  • Sophie spoke highly of you.
  • Dominate: Let us in, we insist.
  • What’s with the window?
  • Argue with him to buy time.
  • I can do more, you know.

Enchanted To Meet You Convince Agathon to cooperate with you.
  • Rest.
  • Choose Juno & Agathon
  • I came to help you.
  • [Stay Silent]
  • No.
  • Let’s go.
  • Presence: Charm the bouncer.
  • Focus on helping Agathon.
  • Is she looking for the notes too?
  • Let’s not forget the Masquerade.
  • Presence: Calm Juno down.
  • Of course.
  • Driven.
  • Choose Gumshoe in the Dark
  • Presence: Make him stand down.
  • Are you D’Angelo?
  • I know who you work for.
  • I know. I’m here to help.
  • [Offer him a light]
  • Sounds good.
  • Sophie Langley.
  • The graffiti looks like a clue.
  • It seems desperate.
  • The killer is Kindred.
  • Thin-bloods.
  • The thin-blood Primogen?
  • What’s the plan?
  • Throw a small rock at the window.
  • This is important.
  • Then help us clear your name.

Sweet Smell of Success Convince D’Angelo to cooperate with you.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose Mi Abuela, Mi Abuela
  • I’m cool.
  • Dominate: Command her to run away.
  • Intervene.
  • Sorry to break your ritual.
  • Play down the trouble.
  • The girl who visited… Was her name Juno?
  • No, she was just a girl.
  • Your grandmother…
  • I’m sorry this happened.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose Notes for Aisling Sturbridge
  • You need my help?
  • What’s the research about?
  • Stand guard patiently.
  • How do we find her?
  • Go around the warehouse.
  • Don’t listen, Agathon.
  • Presence: Please, just give us the notes.
  • Did she join Tremere rebels?
  • [Accept the compliment in silence.]

Burn After Reading Complete Agathon’s questline.
  • Rest.
  • Choose The Gift that Keeps on Giving
  • Calmly wait for him to approach.
  • Let me talk to them, I’ll get us in.
  • I’ll just use my powers.
  • Presence: Make the Officers let you in.
  • Another piece of graffiti…
  • It’s about Caine.
  • Why? It looks like you were right.
  • Sure, might as well be prudent.
  • Are we good?
  • Sucked dry, just like the last one.
  • Hide behind the freezer.
  • Come on, Larson. Spit it out.
  • Try to flush the killer out.
  • Hold it. What’s your business here?
  • Any choice.
  • Visit any location and pick only bottom choices.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.
  • Choose Strange Bedfellows
  • Pick any options until this screen:

  • It’s about Sana.
  • We want her alive.
  • I don’t like where this is going.
  • It’s the right thing to do.
  • D, you have some explaining to do.
  • “A higher profile target”?
  • Any options until returning to the map.
  • Rest.
  • Pick any options until reaching the map again.

Consider This My Resignation Letter Meet somebody you used to know in life as the Ventrue.
  • Choose Dead End Blues
  • Any luck with Sana?
  • What options do we have?
  • Pick any options until reaching this screen:

  • You took on the name of your character?
  • It’s okay to be D’Angelo.

Bye, My Lovely Complete D’Angelo’s questline.
  • Go through all other locations only picking bottom choices until finishing the game.
  • Rest when needed.

Arcane Support Agathon came to your help in the grand finale.

Trouble Is My Business D’Angelo came to your help in the grand finale.

The New York Trilogy Complete the game with all three characters.

Start a New Game

  • Choose any character and input any name.
  • Reach this choice:

  • Choose Escape the Gallery.

As Far As Your Legs Can Carry You Try running away from Qadir during your trial.

Start a New Game

  • Choose any character and input any name.
  • Reach this choice again:

  • Choose Remain Silent.

…Damned If You Don’t Accept your fate in Elysium.