Victoria 2 Heart of Darkness 3.03 Create Italy with Tuscany
Overview: Tuscany
Tuscany is a tricky but fun nation to play. Their starting position of 28th feels a little high given the difficulties they face in having a small pop and in all accepted culture neighbours being allied with or sphered by France or Austria. The scripted unification event Expedition of the Thousand triggering for Sardinia Piedmont and Two Sicilies also makes surviving the late mid game exciting with instant anexation or expulsion from Italy a game-changng threat until Tuscany can unify.
It is these difficulties, however, and the regular shifts in focus a player must make to keep Tuscany viable which make this one of the most rewarding nations to play in Victoria 2.
Early game Tuscany desperately needs a Great Power ally to do the heavy lifting while carving out an empire. Austria like a fight and have Tuscany sphered to begin with, so are a perfect fit. Using their armies as cannon fodder for decades then turning on them to unify Italy then Greater Italy is one of the most mercenary machinations in the game, and the most evilly fun. The need for near constant access to Tuscany’s Italian neighbour states also takes a very astute diplomat. A great nation to choose for those who enjoy the diplomacy game.
Tuscan industry is awful and remains so throughout. Not an ideal nation for industrialists, though I imagine a good challenge.
The Tuscan economy is sufficient for its demands. Neither challenging nor simple, a reasonable level of balancing is all that is required to allow focus elsewhere.
With such a tiny pop, military prowess will make or break Tuscan ambitions. Tuscany’s navy will remain insigificant until well into the game, meaning attrition needs to be monitored almost constantly. On top of these constraints, unification via rebellion or Great Power decision puts Tuscany at threat at home in a way few other nations face. An equally challenging and enjoyable choice for the would-be general.
Technology isn’t terrifically difficult for Tuscany given the nation starts the game civilized, but balancing the needs of a nation with constantly shifting focus makes for multiple ‘skin of the teeth’ moments. Good tech planning required, and a good understanding of required inventions is recommended.
A great nation for moderately experienced players such as myself. Be prepared to switch from battle management to diplomacy almost constantly, cross your fingers that rnJesus doesn’t spawn a death storm of rebels in Sicily, and enjoy an excellent challenge.
Getting started: Small fish in a big pond
Tuscany begin the game in 28th position with 450k population (pop), four infantry and no navy, and a single state with fairly poor resources. But they’re also in the bellicose Austria’s sphere, and this allows relatively new players still learning the minutiae of the game to take this little nation to the world’s grand stage with great care and a little luck.
Ally Austria immediately and focus all of your diplomacy at France and Austria in the short term. Being sphered is vital to any military efforts as your precious armies need to be carefully nursed.
Tuscany doesn’t have ideal starting resources which is tricky as industry you build will likely cost as much to run as it earns. Wine and liquor both get a production bonus so are optional, as is glass for the produciton bonus on those and the general good market it has, despite Tuscany (and Italy) having no coal. Ignoring industry is also an option given the poor returns, but a low industry score hurts your Great Power (GP) push and some industry is better than none as money shouldn’t really be a problem for Tuscany.
Tuscany starts with 2000k but unable to afford everything we want even with max taxes and tariffs. Because of the low pop it makes sense to keep military spending at max to keep your precious brigades alive throughout the game, so Tuscany will see you balancing education, administration, and unit organization throughout. Early on look to keep admin high until your admin efficiency is above about 70% {personal preference}.
Four brigades of infantry is fine for a bot to defend with but is not good enough for the future leader of the heavily annexed world. Deleting two of these now will save us money right now and free up soldier pop for us to use later.
Tuscany has no navy or ports, or the ability to build a port, so we leave this until our admin is improved.
Tuscany begins with the standard tech bias so has no clear starter, but medicine is very useful to keep pop to a reasonable level. National focus is going to restricted to one until Italy is formed, and your industry will never be high enough to detract from clergymen/education, so simply focus on the highest pop state.
Delete units you don’t need, set taxes to pay for admin efficiency improvements, set national focus to education.
Early game strategy: North Africa beckons
Once admin efficiency reaches a reasonable level we look across the Meditterranean to the Dark Continent.
Austria should be the primary focus as you want to refuse any invitations to war but still have them do as much fighting for you as possble, so having a store of three diplomatic poits (diplo) will mean you can Increase Relations immediately and Ally a few days later should they refuse to join you in a venture.
The next construction that will be of use to us will be ports when we have taken some territories so we can begin building commerce raiders/steam transports. This isn’t required early on but will be of use soon.
Once admin efficiency reaches your preferred level, focus should be balanced between education when at peace, national stockpile military/navy to keep troops healthy, and national stockpile construction depending on circumstances. Keep military spending at full to ensure your soldier pop doesn’t diminish.
Your focus immediately after the economy is stable will be working to claim as much of north-west Africa as possible. To do this quickly and with minimal manpower losses you’ll want to have Austria, Spain, and France take the brunt of the uncivilized armies. Let Austria take the lead on Tunis and land far away from Tunis so you can occupy in peace while they fight. Watch for France moving on Tlemcen so you can protectorate the populous and iron rich parts of Algieria immediately afterwards when their defences are weakest. Repeat this process with Spain and Algeria then sweep in to claim coastal Morocco and/or West Morocco. Austria should follow each of these moves but be aware that they’ll handle negotiations as the senior partner of the alliance and if pressured elsewhere will sometimes make peace early wasting your precious infamy. Generally using your troops only to occupy and defend will allow you to ensure minimal losses and speedy wars while Austria and pals do the heavy lifting.
Tech focus early on can go many ways but prestige is vital for our GP ambitions. Research point gains early on have huge long term gains, while income improvements are helpful for log term, ongoing port expenditures. Commerce > Market Functionality techs raise farming and mining outputs, which are the majority of your earnings, so work well with both your economy and your on-going diplomatic goals.
Focus militarily on north-west Africa, protect units, and retreat from dangerous fights to protect armies and important generals. Your armies are more precious than infamy at this point, so take care of them.
Early mid-game strategy: Making moves in Africa
With a firm footing in Africa we forge headlong into the Heart of Darkness.
After five years or so you’ll likely have been subject of a sphere war between France and Austria but either can be of use. Allying your Italian neighbours is helpful to protect your home state, while allying the Ottomans or Persia can help African efforts.
At this stage money should be flowing steadily into Tuscan coffers so it is time to start pushing navy with a view to colonizing the high liferating areas of Africa. Second and third factories and rail can be built if desired but Tuscany will remain the only core province so saving money for port/navy construction is quite reasonable. You should be constantly working to upgrade your ports and timber will be in short supply, so rail in Africa is probably a luxury careful troop placement and movement to avoid attrition can make unnecessary.
More of the same. Ports and ships will be needed very soon so saving money for these and for construction materials you will be desperately short of – timber in particular – makes sense to avoid waiting years for a surplus to become available to your, as yet, small nation.
You’ll hopefully have a large enough army to be able to work carefully between Sokoto, Egypt. and Ethiopia without needing ally assistance but that’s no reason to endanger your own troops when you can waste someone else’s. Take advantage of Ethiopia and Egypt fighting between themselves and the Ottomans attacking Egypt in particular. Choose states which will block bots from the early colonize states in Africa even if you can’t yet colonize.
Navy focus at this point will help colonizing, as will State and Government. Otherwise balanced focus on army, diplo, and culture will suffice.
Focus militarily on Sokoto, Egypt, and Ethiopia. Get ports up and get navy flowing to raise Colonial Points (CP).
Mid game strategy: Colonizing and cajoling
The race for control of the Dark Continent begins in earnest, and we push for Italian unification.
Italy is now ready to become a nation, with or without Tuscany. To ensure you are the one to make the change, you’ll need access to your Italian siblings’ territory. Work to arrange alliances AND to military access to each so you can put down the dangerous Garibaldi’s Red Shirt rebels as any of these holding a nation for long enough will trigger the creation of Italy via the Expedition of the Thousand leaving you to either be annexed or to continue on as Tuscany alone. Once you have secured military access to and alliances with your neighbours, a useful secondary diplomatic goal is working on a nation with decent lumber supply to allow you to keep upgrading your ports – Sweden is a be good option to sphere for lumber while Persia has some lumber but will also provide military support in Africa as an ally.
Keep on trucking with ports. Push your CP as high as possible and don’t be afraid to go over your naval comand level if you have ports building/upgrading as those points will become available as soon as the port is complete.
Ports. Ships. Sleep. Repeat. You need CP desperately.
Focus on controlling everything available pre 1870 in Africa. If it hasn’t gone already, Oman’s Lindi and Zanzibar are handy places to block Portugal off from the areas around Ethiopia, and there’s no reason why the other Arab states, and their delicious ports, couldn’t also come under your care while you’re in the neighbourhood. Place in the sun Casus Belli are brilliant around this time as you’ll have a good eough army to handle limited wars in Africa and friends at home enough to protect your core. Knocking Spain/the Netherlands/Denmark/England/France out by taking their holdings south west of Sokoto will give you a great advantage in the race for Africa. With good luck, good planning, and constant navy and army building your efforts should see you make GP around this point, and you’ll be well prepared to forge a new nation with Tuscany at its heart.
Navy focus before 1870 is a must to get your CP as high as possible. Make sure you have everything you need for Colonial Negotiations pre 1870 and bank research points for a year if possible so you grab Machine Guns/Economic Responsibility/Naval Logistics immediately to give you the leap on your competition. Take full advantage of your headstart to cut off the bots and keep them fighting between one another while you claim vast swathes of virgin soil.
Land grab. Grab it all. Build all the navy. Build all the army. Get every point of CP you can and every point of prestige you can. GP here is almost vital if you are to survive the dastardly Garibaldi and his Thousand.
Late mid game: Avanti Italia!
In late mid game you bring them all, and in Tuscany bind them. The Avanti Italia! decision requires your control of Austria/Germany’s Lombardia and all of the other Italian cores, and you must be at peace.
You’ve made GP or are very close and finally have a healthy army and population but you are now in more danger than ever. You’re threatened with insta-death by rnJesus, who is very likely busy creating Garibaldi’s Redshirts throughout Italy, and any Italian state occupied by Redshirts for long enough will trigger the ‘Italian Winds’ Italy establishment event which will see you annexed or left behind as Tuscany alone. Cutting off every rebellion yourself is your only safe option. The smaller nations are easily annexed by rebels so further careful diplomacy is required to keep access to their lands to quell rebellions. Two Sicilies and Sardinia Piedmont are harder to access but also far less likely to be taken over, yet can still be, particularly T-S through Sicily, so bias local diplomatic efforts their way.
If your mid game spamming of armies and navy and your colonization efforts in Africa haven’t given you enough points to make GP yet, remember you can use Humiliation CBs for a quick prestige boost. Also consider joining in wars your allies offer if you feel you can safely win for the prestige, or in wars which will reduce the scores of lower GPs whose world ranking you need. Be wary of warring against your Italian neigbours accidentally as you need to sphere or otherwise control them (Puppet/Sphere war goals) for unification, and you can’t influence or justify CBs against nations you have a truce with.
Once you make GP, focus immediately on your Italian neighbours. You’ll also want to switch allies away from Austria, as you’ll probably need to attack them for Lombardia to unify, so consider allying with North Germany/France to safely face this probable GP. Nationalism and Imperialism allows you to declare on Austria without justification once you are a GP due to their holding a core province of your formable nation. If Germany has been formed you’ll need to time this move very carefully and will need a very strong Russia or France as ally.
You’ll still likely have only one core to build factories in, so spam cheap, quick factories to boost industry score. Once Italy is formed industry becomes a real part of the game, but before then your score is all that matters.
Navy. Army. Industry. Repeat. You need world ranking score desperately to make and hold GP status.
Quelling Redshirt rebellions is your only goal while you work to GP and sphere your brethren, and preparing to take Lombardia is your only goal afterwards, so move most everything you have to Tuscany. Let your Italian allies and GP allies take the brunt of Austria/Germany, and focus on Lombardia. Your Italian allies’ armies will disband once you form Italy, meaning only Tuscan troops will remain to protect Italy once you unify, so plan ahead if you are in danger.
Nationalism and Imperialism is the main tech needed at this point to allow you to declare for free on Austria. If you have the spare infamy you can justify normally but you’ll likely be close to 25 after using it up in Africa in your bid to make GP. Military techs will aid your Lombardia move and the late game once you’re Italy, while industry techs will become important to the late game now you can construct a proper Italian industrial base.
Make and hold GP status. Defend your Italian siblings from Redshirts as your entire game depends on it. And make your move on Lombardia to create the mighty Italia.
*Note: This game saw a unique situation in that Two Sicilies did some extreme colonization making all of the gains west and north of Sokoto while my Tuscany was focussed solely east of Sokoto, so don’t become frustrated if you don’t get the same outcome as I’ve never seen the like.
Late game: Race to the top
Italy is now a leading world power and you are the only one to lead them into the 20th century. How you do this is up to you, but you now have the tools to become the greatest nation in the world.
Ally with North Germany/Germany/Russia to take your new Venetian and Dalmatian cores from their present owner. You will want to be properly prepared first, however, so before you begin to assemble greater Italy make sure you are militarily prepared. Ensuring oil supply for late game units can be easily done through sphering Arab states if you haven’t already taken them. Beyond this France, Greece, and Austria all make tempting targets with the right allies. Use Great Wars to make territorial gains for little infamy and take Italy to the top.
You will have inherited many factories, but a large part of these will be redundant and cost Italy money to run. Close factories which were built for the needs of an individual nations and are now draining your coffers. Build new factories to suit your new great nation.
Your establishment of Italy will propel you forward in world ranking but will bring with it a drop in literacy and a lot of costly, dead-wood industry. Reorder your national foci to clergy where needed, and push your admin efficiency up to bring your new Italian states up to scratch. Balance these needs with your need to build your army and navy up to cap after unification. Once clergy hit 2% across your cores and biggest states feel free to focus on capitalists, clerks, and craftsmen to help your flourishing industry.
Your main objectve after unification is building an army capable of taking your new cores in Venice and Dalmatia. Being involved in small wars will help avoid prestige losses for remaining clear of Crisis Wars, or for Great Wars if you’ve unified late on. You’ll want to get your house in order before you tangle with any of the big boys, but a few years after establishing Italy you’ll be ready for your role on the biggest stage.
Industry makes a sensible focus after decades of relative neglect, especially given your new industrial focus. Balance this with army/navy techs to make sure your troops are best fitted to the big time.
You’ve transitioned from a nation of four hundred and fifty thousand souls to an empire with five million core pop and easily the same amount again across Africa and Asia. You’ve survived skirmishes in north west Africa spent hiding beind the skirts of your allies, ever dangerous land wars in Asia, and are now ready to head up Great Wars with self-assurance. The world is your oyster – shuck that sucker, shuck him good.