Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Guide

Vietnam Era GI Slang for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Vietnam Era GI Slang


Welcome, the following phrases and their descriptions have been gathered to better inform the incoming G.I.s to the historical “official” call signs that were used in Vietnam. Happy LARPing trash talking everyone.

In Country Trash Talking

Armored Cavalry units requesting Napalm on a location
Bong Son Bomber
Giant Sized Joint or marijuana cigarette
Breaking Starch
Reference to dressing with a new set of dry cleaned or heavily starched fatigues
Formal for “Charlie” from the phonetic “Victor Charlie” abbreviation of Viet Cong

Charm School
Initial training and orientation upon arrival in-country
Designation for new replacement from the states. Also known as the FNG (f*cking new guy), fresh meat, or new citizens
Coka Girl
A Vietnamese woman who sells everything except “boom boom” to GIs. “Coka” comes from the Vietnamese pronunciation of Coca-Cola, and “boom boom” can be left to your imagination
Disneyland Far East
Headquarters building of the U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. It comes from “Disneyland East,” aka the Pentagon
Dount Dolly
The women of the American Red Cross
Fallopian tubing for inside the turrets of tanks
Prank used by tankers to send Cherries on a wild goose chase
Flower Seeker
Originated from Vietnamese newspapers; describing men looking for prostitutes
A slang term for ammunition in certain circles
Troops who used illicit drugs like marijuana
Ho Chi Minh Road Sticks
Vietnamese sandals made from old truck tires
Indian Country
Area controlled by Charlie, also known as the “Bush” and the “Sh*t”
Idiot Stick
Either a rifle or the curved yoke used by Vietnamese women to carry two baskets or water buckets
Little People
Radio code for ARVN soldiers
Mad Minute
Order for all bunkers to shoot across their front for one minute to test fire weapons and harass the enemy
Marvin the Arvin
Stereotypical South Vietnamese Army soldier, similar to a Schmuckatelli. The name comes from the shorthand of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam -ARVN
Number-One GI
A troop who spends a lot of money in Vietnam
Number-Ten GI
A troop who barley spends money in Vietnam
Ok Sahlem
Term American soldiers had for the villagers’ children who would beg for menthol cigarettes
Orange Juice
It was in some circles a term for gasoline and quite possibly napalm as well
Also known as Civilian Life; before the war or before the draft
Remington Raider
Derogatory term, like the modern-day “Fobbit,” For anyone who manned a typewriter
Re-Up Bird
The Blue Eared Barbet, a jungle bird whose song sounds like “Re-Up”
Search and Avoid
A derogatory term for an all-ARVN missions
Voting Machine
The nickname given to AVRN tanks because they only come out during a coup d’etat
Zippo Raids
Burning of Vietnamese villages, the name is derived from Zippo brand lighters


Almost every term listed on this page can be found right here, come on click me![www2.iath.virginia.edu]

Extra Content

Battlefield Vietnam – Stars & Bars Radio (Full)

Radio First Termer (Vietnam 1971)

Naplam Sticks to Kids
Just click the link, Steam won’t let me insert it.


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