Like many, I’ve had the low fps issue (I was getting 20-40fps on all low on a freakin’ GTX 1070). HOWEVER, a solution that should work for everybody has come! Although some may know this and have already done this, I don’t think the majority knows this, hence why I am making this guide. So let’s get started!
Open The Nvidia Control Panel
First step, you’re gonna go to your desktop. Now from here, all you’re gonna do is right click on anywhere on the desktop, and press “NVIDIA Control Panel”, as shown in the picture.
Having It Recognize Squad
From here, you’re going to to go to the tab that says “Program Settings”. And from here, you’re going to select “Add”. When you do, a list of games and other apps should pop up. Find Squad and add it in. (If you don’t see it, press “browse” and find the .exe manually)
Changing Squads’ Settings
You don’t need to really worry about all of these different settings except for one in particular which will give you that FPS boost.
Scroll down to about halfway where it says “Power management mode” and change it to Prefer maximum performance”. That’s it!
One Last FPS Boosting Tip
Although that should be enough, one more little tip I don’t think many know about is changing your system power to High Performance mode (It isn’t on by default). This is not only good for Squad, but every 3D intensive game and application and changing this mode should be used to get max performance out of your PC.
To do this, you’re going to go to the Control Panel. From there, you’re going to go to the top right bar and type in “power options”, then click it.
Then from there, click on “High Performance”. And that’s all! I HIGHLY recommend getting into the habit of turning these modes on to suit your needs (e.g. power saver when just on Youtube, High Performance while gaming, etc.) and MAKE SURE TO SWITCH THE MODE BACK TO BALANCED OR POWER SAVER WHEN YOU DON’T HAVE TO USE HIGH PERFORMANCE ANYMORE, OR YOUR ELECTRIC BILL MIGHT GO UP QUITE A BIT IF YOU LEAVE IT ON FOREVER.