Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Guide

Vortex Mod Manager Loading Problems for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Vortex Mod Manager Loading Problems


Does your Game Crash? Maybe we can fix that.


SO i have a lot of Mods and the latest update borked everything. So i yanked it all out. Un-unstalled all mods to get rid of the Crash on load problem i was having.
After i fixed that, in the main screen Mod options button would cause a crash.
No real Explanation exists on how to order mods , So they play nice together. I am trying to get something going for Vortex Mod Manager.
If someone does Direct installs and knows anything about that, it would be awesome if they helped out there.

Proper loading order (as far as i know)

The real issue is if you have ModLib, BannerLib and MB Bannerlord standalone. and their dependent mods.

I uploaded all of the dependent mods. Plus Fixed Launcher so i can change any load order issues i notice.

Then went to load order and arranged them below. Always make sure MB Bannerlord Standalone is last in the Order.

Then go up and click on the ‘deploy’ button on this screen. Then load MB2 with the button at the top of the page. Check the load order is correct in the mods section.

The only mod i have loaded is Detailed character creation. This breaks everything. The game will load, but slower. And clicking on the Mod options button on the home screen will hang the game.

I loaded 40 standalone mods at the same time and they work fine.

I’m not an expert by any means, so any more information we can add to this is great.