Cinderella Phenomenon – Otome/Visual Novel Guide

Walkthrough and 100% Achievements Guide for Cinderella Phenomenon

Walkthrough and 100% Achievements Guide


100% Achievement Guide, fast and easy to read and understand.Cinderella Phenomenon is an amazing Visual Novel where the main character gets cursed with the Cinderella curse. She has to find a way to break it and help others do the same. While she does so her personality will change and she will learn important lessons and secrets.If this helped you don’t forget to rate it.Enjoy the game and have fun!


Before starting go to your settings and disable the Right Choice Indicator, you need to have it off to get one of the achievements.
I also like to have “Skip” set on Seen as there is a lot of story that you will see repeated and that’s a nice feature to have on.

  • With the Right Choice Indicator on:

Every time you make a choice a diamond will appear on the top right, the color indicates the characters you can choose. Every diamond is for a different guy. If you see one after a choice it will mean you are going towards the good ending of that character. Since we have to have it off for the achievement you wont be seeing those.

[You can click the glass slipper on the right of the story window and go to the menu, this will allow you to save the story right where you are, you can also click Load on the bottom and load a save at any moment of the story. Use this to check all choices if you’re interested. I will have two important save moments marked through the walkthrough.]


You can go ahead and play through the Prologue as it has no choice to make.

Chapter 1:

Reach Chapter 1 and you get your first choice. (As far as I’ve seen the choice here doesn’t make a difference as you get to choose your partner at the end of Chapter 2)

Go Left to meet Karma first. (+ for Karma)
Go Right to meet Waltz first.

Ask Parfait and Delora all questions.

Choose “…” to get + for Rod

Choose “Throw a tray at him” to get + for Rumpel

Chapter 2:

  • Save 1

Save as soon as you see this

We’ll come back to this spot to choose the other options.


On Save 1

Choose Karma twice

When you get to decide on a character choose Karma.

Chapter 3:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
It’s terrible.
It’s not that terrible.
Stand up for Rumpel.
Slap Rumpel.
Remain inside.
Go outside.

Chapter 4:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
I can see why you wouldn’t tell her.
Just say something to her.
The fancy cupcake with the lizard.
The cupcake with the pearls.
Tease Karma.
Attempt to leave with Karma.

Chapter 5:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Fight back.
Wait for an opening.
The lips.
The cheeks/The eyes.
Try to convince them.
Try to fight them.

Chapter 6:
(I saved here and when i Loaded this save and did all the bad ending choices i got the Bad Ending without having to replay the whole story so if you’re not interested in the story and just want the achievement this is faster.)

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Step away from him.
Don’t move.
You have to tell Jurien.
…It’s nothing.
Bite his hand.
Topple him.

Chapter 7:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Scold him.
Comfort him.
Let’s run the errands first.
Let’s look for Karma’s gift first.
I came to speak with you.
I came to give you something.

Chapter 8:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Turn and point your sword at him.
Put your hand over his.
I want a hug.
I want you to smile.
Thank you.
I am sorry.

Chapter 9:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
I want to talk to you.
I want to keep practicing.
I promise.
I cannot promise that.
I could never be afraid of you.
Why would I be afraid of you?

Chapter 10:

No choice

Whatever ending this achievement will pop up

If Good Ending is achieved you get

And for Bad ending you get

You also unlocked Karma’s image at the Start Menu!

Next Story!


Reload Save 1 or restart the game and Skip till that point.

Choose Rumpel twice

When you get to decide on a character choose Rumpel.

Chapter 3:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Turn and walk away.
Walk toward him.
Slap him.
Pull my hand away.
Don’t accept the gift.
Accept the gift.

Chapter 4:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Attempt to flirt.
Do not flirt.
Apologize to Annice.
Remain silent.
Tell him off.
Ask him if he meant it.

Chapter 5:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Stop walking.
Keep walking.
Go to Rumpel’s room.
Go back to my room.
Defend Rumpel.
Watch from afar.

Chapter 6:
(I saved here and when i Loaded this save and did all the bad ending choices i got the Bad Ending without having to replay the whole story so if you’re not interested in the story and just want the achievement this is faster.)

Good Ending
Bad Ending
I’m still his partner.
Interrupt the conversation.
Remain silent.
Talk to him.

Chapter 7:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Lean against him.
Look away.
Look at him.
Thank you.

Chapter 8:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Leave the room.
Stay in the room.
I love you.
You love me?
I want to help.
Is there anything I can do to help?

Chapter 9:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
The neck?
The abdomen?
Scream for help.
Go quietly.
It is nice to meet you.
I am indeed the crown princess.

Chapter 10:

No choice

If Good Ending is achieved you get

And for Bad ending you get

You also unlocked Rumpel’s image at the Start Menu!

Next Story!

** After completing two character stories, doesn’t matter which and don’t have to do both endings, you unlock Fritz and Waltz as a playable route.

Followed by an achievement.

I chose to finish the unlocked ones first before going for Fritz and Waltz.


Reload Save 1 or restart the game and Skip till that point.

Choose Rod twice

When you get to decide on a character choose Rod.

Chapter 3:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Answer him.
Avoid the question.
Go outside.
Stay with Emelaigne.
Why do you want me out of the palace?
Why do you not want to break your curse?

Chapter 4:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Stay silent.
Tell him off.
Give her the correct answers.
Point out her mistakes.

Chapter 5:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
I am fine.
I am not.
Stay with him.
Talk to him.
You are not doing a very good job.
What do you mean by that?

Chapter 6:
(I saved here and when i Loaded this save and did all the bad ending choices i got the Bad Ending without having to replay the whole story so if you’re not interested in the story and just want the achievement this is faster.)

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Compliment him.
Thank him.
Tell him.
Do not tell him.
I am sure that I am a better dancer than you.
I’m not here to judge you.

Chapter 7:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Do not tell him.
Tell him.
Explain the situation.
Dismiss the gossip.
Tell him off for his behavior.
Say nothing.

Chapter 8:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Plead with him.
Get angry at him.
Warn Emelaigne.
Warn Rod.
He is a friend.

Chapter 9:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Confront him.
Ask him.
You don’t have to apologize.
I apologize as well.
How was the wedding?
Are you all right?

Chapter 10:

No choice

If Good Ending is achieved you get

And for Bad ending you get

You also unlocked Rod’s image at the Start Menu!

Next Story!


Reload Save 1 or restart the game and Skip till that point.

The Save will be different after you unlock the locked characters.

Choose “…I can break the curse on my own” for Fritz’s route,

and then “…No, I do not need any help.”

When you get to decide on a character choose Fritz.

Chapter 3:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Spare them.
Punish them.
Press the issue.
Change the topic.
She is…
I am too old for dolls.

Chapter 4:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Keep walking.
Stay still.
Move back.
Tell him.
Do not say anything.

Chapter 5:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Stand your ground.
Back away.
Doubt him.
Believe him.
Say nothing.
Defend Fritz.

Chapter 6:
(I saved here and when i Loaded this save and did all the bad ending choices i got the Bad Ending without having to replay the whole story so if you’re not interested in the story and just want the achievement this is faster.)

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Help them.
Doubt him.
Let him.
Mother is dead.
Tell me what I must do.

Chapter 7:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Press him.
Leave it.
How do I break his curse?
Remove his curse.
Stay silent.

Chapter 8:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Why did you come for me?
You are not supposed to be here.
Stand your ground.
Reason with her.
It was my fault.

Chapter 9:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Help them.
Follow Waltz.
Throne Room.
Dining Hall.

Chapter 10:

No choice

If Good Ending is achieved you get

And for Bad ending you get

You also unlocked Fritz’s image at the Start Menu!

Next Story!


Reload Save 1 or restart the game and Skip till that point.

Choose Waltz twice

When you get to decide on a character choose Waltz.

Chapter 3:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Remove his hand.
Leave him alone.
I am fine.
I am not okay.
Do not check.

Chapter 4:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Behind the wooden crates.
Behind the tree/fountain.
There is no time to explain.
Play along.
Tell her the truth.

Chapter 5:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
You shouldn’t have come here.
We have to go back now.
Hold back the tears.
Reveal myself.

Chapter 6:
(I saved here and when i Loaded this save and did all the bad ending choices i got the Bad Ending without having to replay the whole story so if you’re not interested in the story and just want the achievement this is faster.)

Good Ending
Bad Ending
Stay with him.
Listen to him.
Use Parfait’s Potion.
Ask Waltz to use his magic.
Say something.
Stay silent.

Chapter 7:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
I knew you’d come back.
What took you so long?
What are you talking about?

Chapter 8:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
I will need your help.
I will have to rely on all of you.
A shield.
A deflector.
Say something.
Remain silent.

Chapter 9:

Good Ending
Bad Ending
I would not leave you all behind.
I understand.
I know.
This burden is mine to carry/…
Run to Waltz.

Chapter 10:

No choice

If Good Ending is achieved you get

And for Bad ending you get

You also unlocked Waltz’s image at the Start Menu!


When you do all Good Endings you’ll get the achievement for that

Same with the Bad Endings

And you’re done! Hope you enjoyed the game and the guide!

My personal favorites were Waltz, Karma and Rod.
Fritz was very interesting but Rumpel was my least favorite.
Which one did you like the most?