Off-Peak Guide

Walkthrough and achievements for Off-Peak for Off-Peak

Walkthrough and achievements for Off-Peak


A walkthrough for the game “Off-Peak”.


The aim of “Off-Peak” is to gather together all of the pieces of a railway ticket, the separate parts of which will be found in various spots around a railway station building.

The information herein should enable you to find the complete railway ticket, finish the game, and get all of the achievements.

(If this guide is useful to you, then please rate it upwards.)

Locations of the railway ticket pieces

There are eight pieces of a railway ticket to be collected.
From the start spot, head along the wharf to the railway building.
Push the green button to open the doors.

1) When you first enter the railway building, walk straight ahead.
There is a ticket piece on the ground just in front of you to your left.

At the bottom of the first set of steps, there is a map of the relevant spots within the building.

2) Walk down the right-side stairs into the main area, and go around back to the right, to the ramen kitchen.
There is a ticket piece on the counter of the place selling ramen.

From the ramen kitchen, head to the building’s right side, and go into the doorway there, which is located behind the right-side mushroom garden.

Go down the ramp to where the woman is giving away her cookies (or “biscuits” as they are otherwise known to various non-Americans).

Head back along the platform to the underside of the ramp; there you will see a little music-themed hideaway under the ramp.

3) There is a ticket piece on the floor of the little music-themed hideaway.

4) Go back into the main area. Go to the sheet music shop on the right side of the main area.
There is a ticket piece on a display counter at the sheet music shop.

5) Go to the pizza stand on the left side of the main area (to the left of the main entrance stairs).
There is a ticket piece amongst the pizzas on the pizza rack.

6) Go to the record store on the left side of the main area.
There is a ticket piece in front of the cash register at the record store.

From the record store, head to the building’s left side, and go along the corridor.
Go into the door on the right (above the door is a sign saying “Phantasmagoria”), into the board games bar.

7) There is a ticket piece on the table closest to the serving bar.

Go back into the corridor, go into the other door (the left side door), and go up the stairwell to the observation deck.

8) There is a ticket piece on the floor just a bit further along from the woman on the observation deck.

Take the completed ticket to the train conductor on track 5, at the train, in the central train station area.


There are 6 achievements in Off-Peak.

1) The Cookie Crumbles
You ingested all the cookies.
— Eat all of the cookies from the cookie stand (on the railway platform, down the ramp from the right of the main area).

2) Pizza Connoisseur
You ate all the pizza.
— Eat all of the pizzas from the pizza stand (on the left side of the main area).
— And eat the pizzas of the customers (they are sitting at a table behind the pizza oven).

3) Record Collector
You lifted all the records.
— Take all of the records from the record shop (on the left side of the main area).

4) Sheet Music Librarian
You yoinked all the sheet music.
— Take all of the sheet music from the sheet music store (on the right side of the main area).

5) Good Samaritan
You didn’t take anything from the train station that didn’t belong to you (except the ticket)!
— Don’t take any cookies, pizzas, records, or sheet music (have some morals, don’t be a thief).
This means you need to play the entire game twice – once to take everything (for achievements 1-4) and once to take nothing (except for the ticket pieces).

6) Insightful Listener, Observant Eavesdropper
You listened to every piece of dialog in the game.
— You need to listen to (read through) the full dialogue of all the characters listed below, including the ones you click through as well as the ones where you just stand there and passively listen (watch the dialogue text of each character all the way through until you see the text repeated, or watch through each one twice if you want to be certain).
All of the dialogues have to be all listened to in one playthrough.

It has been suggested that, when you take pizzas, records, and sheet music, you may need to talk to the pizza/records/music store person after taking 1 or 2 items each time, so that they say something different (and repeat, until you take all of their stock). So, it may be worthwhile giving that a try.

Here is a list of all of the characters in the game who engage in active dialogue (marked with an asterisk*) and passive dialogue (the active dialogue characters require you to click on them to be able to read the whole conversation):
*The musician (Luke) with a lap steel guitar on a bench at the start of the game.
The radical woman at the left of the main entrance to the railway building.
*The male cook (Yvan) at the ramen kitchen.
*The woman giving away her cookies.
*The train conductor on track 5 — see him before you get all the pieces of the ticket together, as that enables some different dialogue; later on, see him when you get all the pieces of the ticket together, to end the game.
*The suave guy (Marcus), with the cows and guards, on the platform to the rear of the ticket booth (i.e. on the high platform which looks out over the main train area).
*The information guy at the ticket booth.
*The ticket lady (Beatrice) at the ticket booth.
The man on his phone opposite the ticket booth.
*The song seller (Bojudd) at the sheet music store.
The customer (Lewis) at the sheet music store.
The two men standing near the huge piano.
The giant at the huge piano (he is just thinking).
*The pizza guy (Dennis) — see him before you take his pizza, as that enables some different dialogue (he doesn’t want to talk with you after you have taken his food).
The two pizza cutomers (Denise and her friend) — listen to them before you steal their pizza, as that enables some different dialogue.
*The record store saleswoman (Shani).
*The bartender (Serb) behind the counter in the board games bar (the Phantasmagoria bar).
The two giants in the board games bar (at the table closest to the door).
The two people at a table in the middle of the board games bar.
The four people (Roland, Julio, Henry, and Honey) at a table in the board games bar (at the table closest to the bartender).
*The woman (who is looking for Murial) on the observation deck (at the top of the spiral staircase).

I hope all of that helps!

Thanks and miscellaneous notes
Thanks to Cosmo D, Eraseable Joker (especially), Liquid Fire, and Daniloffs for their advice regarding the 6th achievement, “Insightful listener”.
The name of the 6th achievement has been changed. It was originally just “Insightful listener”, but it has now been expanded to “Insightful Listener, Observant Eavesdropper”.

Further information

1) A Linux version of the game is now available via Steam
That’s good news for Linux users.

2) The Y-axis of the mouse or controller can be inverted
Press “V” to toggle between “standard” and “inverted” modes.

3) The “Betas” tab of the game’s properties in Steam gives access to:

3a) The “Non-controller” version
This should solve the rare problem of the game’s viewpoint spinning around.

3b) The “Clean” version
This replaces any untoward words with “____”.
This should solve the problem of anyone being offended by certain words in the game (especially helpful for people who want to share the game with their children).

To access the “Betas” tab:
Right click on “Off-Peak” in your game library on Steam.
Select “Properties”.
Go to the “Betas” tab.
Choose an option from the four options offered in the drop-down menu:
— NONE – Opt out of all beta programs [the default setting]
— clean – Clean Version [this enables the Clean Version, obviously]
— controller_input_disabled – Disables controller input
— previous_build

4) Achievements re-set
If an achievement doesn’t work, you can try resetting it by holding down “M” and “X” for 8 seconds.
(However, this is NOT something I would rush to do; I would suggest that you re-read the instructions in this guide first, just in case you missed something.)

Sources for this section (posts from the developer):