Don’t Starve Guide

Warly Overview for Don't Starve

Warly Overview


this guide is mainly a Warly guide but can also work as a food guide

Ups and Downs of the Chef

Warly STATS: Hunger-250 (x1.33 drain) Sanity-200 Health-150
Wilson STATS: Hunger-150 Sanity-200 Health-150

Nickname: The Culinarian
Motto: “Nothing worthwhile is ever done on an empty stomach!”
Instrument: steel drums
personality: whiny, gultton, superstitious
Skill level: Master/Expert
age guess: late 40’s-early 50’s cause of gray-ish hair and is it just me or does his hairstyle looks like a skinny afro, so charile got him in the 70’s/80’s?

+ cheap Craftable chef pouch (1 cloth and 1 rope) has 8 slots and 2x freshness
+ portable crockpot with 4 “special” recipes (crepes is the only special recipe imo)
+ 1.33% out of meals
+ -33% negative effects for meals
+ huge hunger stat

+/- Non meals have x1.33% more negative effects (easy insanity with green mush)

– x1.33% hunger drain (Warly: lose 100 points per day, Wilson: loses 75 points per day)
– Raw is 0.7, Dry is 0.8 and Cook is 0.9
– Variety = basically lose 10% every repeat
– Memory timer = 1.75 days

(3rd repeat will be stronger then other characters but the 4th will be weaker)

Krabby Kitchen Tips: The Potluck (Pt.1)

Crockpot tips

make more crockpots to speed the amount of meals you can make, cook meals while working (like chopping)

Storage tips

1 icebox for ice and thermal stones the rest can be chef pouchs, shadow chester/fat packim is much perfered for Warly for more inventory cuz he has the chef pouch

Semi-Passive Regen

Wigfrid regen: after killing, consistent, easy to obtain, active
Warly regen: after eating meals, inconsistent, hard to obtain, semi-passive due to hunger issues, can be stronger depending on the meals

Warly’s regen is harder due to needing ingredents and remembering all the meals, in the early days Warly is always worrying about hunger so at the start his regen is weak and passive however later on you’ll obtain more ingredents to counter hunger issues, and depending on the meals it could make Warly’s regen much stronger than Wigfrids.

Repeated Meals

in the early days and your having trouble with VARIETY then eat 3 meatball one after the other (4th is weaker then normal) its o.k. because the timer resets if you repeated, it acts like you just ate 1 meatball though it costs you bit of ingredents.

Jerky Useful?

stack of jerky Wilson got Hu=500 Sa=300 He=400 To=1200
stack of jerky Warly Hu=1000 Sa=33.25 He=80 To=1113.25 (via meaty stew)
Warly can 2x with 2 jerky 1 veggie and 1 monster Hu=2000 Sa=66.5 He=160 To=2226.5
Warly can 4x with 1 jerky 2 morsoles and 1 monster Hu=4000 Sa=134 He=320 To=4454
the 2x last 20 days and the 4x last him 40 days without changing diet 0.0

Best Food For Hunger

Freshly fruit crepes: Hu=150 (200) Sa=15 (20) He=60 (80) Rots=10 days (20 days)
recipe: butter 1, honey 1, fruit 1.5 requires bee box, farms and butter factory

Meaty stew: Hu=150 (200) Sa=5 (8) He=12 (18) Rots=10 days (20 days)
recipe: meat 3 may requires drying rack

Honey ham: Hu=75 (100) Sa=15 (20) He=30 (40) Rots=15 days (30 days)
recipe: meat 2 and honey 1 requires bee box

Eggs’n’bacon: Hu=75 (100) Sa=5 (6.65) He=20 (26.6) Rots=20 days (40 days)
recipe: meat 1.5 and egg 2 may requires bird cage

Dragon pie: Hu=75 (100) Sa=5 (6.65) He=40 (53.2) Rots=15 days (30 days)
recipe: dragonfruit 1 and 3 filler requires farms

Turkey dinner: Hu=75 (100) Sa=5 (6.65) He=20 (26.6) Rots=6 days (12 days)
recipe: drumstick 2, meat 0.5 and fruit or veggie 0.5 requires berry/doydoy farm

Krabby Kitchen Tips: Catch’N’Chips (Pt.2)

Is Warly More Nomadic Playstyle?

i disagree cause with nomadic it’s harder to get variety ingredents, most players focus on 1 or 2 huge farms but Warly has to split his attention between muiltple small farms to get variety. (idealy I start with birdcage for early eggs n bacon)

Baiting Animals

drop 1 veggie/fruit surround it with walls, turkey will stop eating berries so kill it, pigs will stay in one spot (even at night) and on the full-moon kill all the were-pigs to get tons of meat.

Spider/Bunny Farm

place bunny-houses next to a den to farm spider items and depending on your sanity you can get easy beard hair, bunny puff and some food. (also works with pigs but not as well)

Koalefent/Varg Zoo

trap koalefents with walls to get easy poop and emergency fresh food but, if you can manage to trap a varg you get easy monster, teeth and gems via dogs.

Butter Factory

simple, catch a bunch of butterflys and place them near hound mounts/catcoons/elephant cactus they’ll farm all the butterflys and butter you need.

Greater Detail & Opinion Time


Truth be told i don’t consider the portable crockpot as a pro, what are it benefits? it portable is hardly a upside considering anyone can cook meals after the science machine is made aside the fresh fruit crepes those “special” meals are a joke, not to mention Warly’s cons are structured in a way where you NEED the crockpot makin it a pure crutch so he does not starve.

Now at first glance the chef pouch sounds good, you get 1 free craftable backpack that works like a icebox which 2x freshness…neat, however thanks to VARITEY this upside is sub-par at best. Warly has to find more ingredents meaning he actually has less inventory space then others in the beginning of the game, this ability does get alittle better once you have more chef pouchs/iceboxs but you’ll switch it as soon as you find booty/krampus bag.

33% from meals is decent its a passive regen due to Warly intense focus on hunger but once you get tons of varied ingredents it becomes more active, another thing to mention Warly can regain health quickly with the right meals though thanks to VARITEY you will have to remember alot of recipes. (a more difficult but stronger Wigfrids regen)

-33% negative effect from meals is hardly used since 95% of meals don’t have negative effects
33% more negatives from non-meals, most non-meal negative effects are sanity drainning which can be taken advantage of meaning easy nightmare fuel/beard hair.


Hunger drain 33% = 100 hunger points per day. One thing that confused me about this perk is that it makes the least sence being that a chef diet mostly consists of eating tablescraps all day and rarely eat a typical meal but idk how that would work. I tend to ignore this con all you need to do is get enough hunger points for the timer to reset which is 175 points which can be done with 3 meatball in a row.

non-meal are less effective 70%=raw 80%=jerky 90%=cooked even though i miss jerky and blue mushrooms it not big a deal…if you have a butter factory or know all the healing recipes

VARITEY lose 10% per repeat within the memory timer. To be honest the varitey itself is…awful one of the worst cons in the game hands down, since i typed about this perk already i’ll type about the memory timer and it too long like its almost 2 days. I think a more reasonable is 1.5 or 1.25 days i know its not much but, it be less irritating though it doesn’t fix the lower inventory that much.
(a unique concept that was poor executed)

Objectively Warly is the lowest tier character mostly because his upsides are weak, can easily be copyed by other characters, very little to no cool tricks for himself & on top of that his downsides nearly destroys any upside, are brutal and plane frustrating especially at the beginning. On the other hand that is 1 good thing i can say about Warly is that i find him more enjoyable/harder then Wes, he is so terrible in a weird way its kinda good. (i might as well call him Wes 2.0)

Chow ideas

Portable crockpot

Warly’s “special” recipes (except crepes) have unique effects kinda like Wickerbottom’s books but instead of effecting the world it effects himself plus 1 new recipe for Rog and all effects last 1 day. Also keep in mind that repeating the meal effects does not stack with its self or extended the timer and to achieve the effect, Warly has to say “delectable”.

Monster Tartar= -10% hunger drain
Sweet Potatoe Souffle= +25% damage buff
Mussel Soup= +25% speed boost
Nutty Kimchi = glowing (rainbow jellyfish)
1 fish, 1 B.nut, 1.5 veg= Hu= 37.5 Sa= -10 He= 40
cooking time= 60 secs spoilge time= 20 days

Chef pouch

Warly’s chef pouch gains 2 slots in total 10 slots, i pick this idea cause of Warly’s variety problem

Clean hands

Warly’s inventory has a 25% more freshness includeds hand/body/head slots, any bags and stacks freshness like the chef pouch

Hidden perk

Warly knows all the hoops, loops and shortcuts of cooking.
Warly cooks 2x faster (doesn’t effect “special meals”)

Cons ideas

get rid of the vartiey completey or get rid of the hunger drain and the only downside that fair and makes sence for a chef character is get less stats from more convenient options. If thats asking alot then at the very least shorten the memory like 1.5 days with a weaker hunger drain of x1.25

I’ve change my mind to a better idea, Warly lose 10% every OTHER repeat meaning the first two meals give 33%, third/forth give 22%, fifth/sixth give 11%.