Warmada Guide

Warmada Steam Workshop Guide for Warmada

Warmada Steam Workshop Guide


A Quick Guide to uploading your creations to Steam Workshop

Uploading your ships

A note on players migrating to patch 1.1 from a previous version
Your ship files which were previously stored in Warfleet/Data/User/ will automatically be moved to their own directory. For example, Warfleet/Data/User/BigGuy.ship will be moved to Warfleet/Data/User/BigGuy/BigGuy.ship. This is necessary for steam workshop to properly upload the files.

Preparing your ship

Once you’ve saved your ship at least once, it should be ready to upload. Remember that for a ship to be uploadable to the workshop the following criteria have to be met :

  • be a User creation (stored in Warfleet/Data/User)
  • have a name unique to you – multiple players can publish a ship named Destroyer, but a player can only publish a single ship named Destroyer
  • you must accept the Steam Workshop User Agreement – which should open automatically in the steam overlay on publishing an item

Uploading/Updating your ship
  • Open the Ship Editor from the Main Menu
  • Open the Ship Library (top right icon, to load a ship)
  • Select your ship
  • Write a description for your ship (or don’t, a default one will be provided)
  • Click Submit

That’s it, you’re done – updating and uploading are the same action in any case. The game should automatically redirect you to your workshop file, although it may take a moment to properly update the workshop (refresh the page).
