Tired of being constantly hacked or 1-shot killed in Bounty Hunter? This guide explains all the tactics, weapons, and techniques in Watch Dogs 2 multiplayer that are used by players, as well as the ways to counter them.
The information in this guide comes from my experience playing both of WD2’s competitive multiplayer modes: Hacking Invasion and Bounty Hunter. Although WD2 is not exactly a balanced game, most of the “cheap” strategies that you find other players using can easily overcome using a little ingenuity and lateral thinking. (The quadcopter is your friend!) If Ubisoft does a major rebalance of multiplayer modes, I’ll try my best to keep this guide updated. With that out of the way, I’ll tell you how to pwn n00bs in WD2!
A Basic Requirement
The quadcopter is one of the most important assets in Watch Dogs 2. Any washed-up two-timer no-life basement-dweller applesauce-spackled gaming jornalist worth half his salt will tell you in his article stolen stright from press releases that the quadcopter is THE MOST IMPORTANT UPGRADE EVER! Seriously though, you should purchase the quadcopter straight away.
Skill Tree
The skill tree contains many important upgrades/perks that you must have in order to win most car/shooting/air fights. If you dont have your skill tree maxed out already and you need to spend your research points wisely, here are the most necessary skills to needed to win invasions and bounties.
Note: Some skills may require you to buy skills under them in the tree.
Get the whole Tinkering category.
Under Marksmanship grab:
- Fast Trigger Finger
- Advanced Sleight of Hand
- Strong Grip
- Steady Hands
- Keen Eye
Under the Vehicle skill tree, I would reccomend getting at least the Engine Override research as well as the Disable Chopper research.
Upgrade your Botnet as much as you can, but beware that the higher the upgrade is in the skill tree, the more research points it costs.
Speaking of research points, here’s a guide to help you find them all:[vgfaq.com]
(Zoom in all the way on the map and look for white check marks to see research points you’ve already collected)
Weapons are more applicable to bounty hunter mode, but they still have various (although limited) uses in hacking invasions, especially as the hacker. Unlike your explosive/electro-shock devices, weapons have to be made manually from your 3D printer. A postlaunch update made it possible to print all guns, and not just their DedSec variants, greatly expanding your arsenal. You can add paintjobs to your DedSec guns and drones, but they give you no tactical advantage whatsoever. I will not go over every weapon in the game in this guide, but only the most popular guns you are likely to spot other players using.
DedSec Weapons
This grenade launcher is able to explode most vehicles with a single hit. However, it lacks the ability to one-hit-kill players with splash damage. On top of that, it suffers from a meager ammo supply, lasting only nine shots before having to get a refill at a pawn shop or through death. It is possible to two-hit-kill without fear of being shot back at, but only if the first grenade causes the other player to stumble for a long enough period of time for you to reload. Its nonlethal counterpart, the WTB Stun launcher is the one of the only two nonlethal guns in the game (the other being the 2EZ Stun Gun you get at the beginning of the game). While the stun launcher boasts farther range than the grenade launcher according to its stats, it has the same scathy ammo supply and lacks the ability to destroy cars as well. I do not reccomend this weapon because it is unreliable as an easy kill as well as having a nonexistant ammo supply.
The /END Sniper is basically a sniper rifle that you’re supposed to use as an assault rifle. The damage is pretty good to this end. However, that brings up the question: Why not just use an assault rifle? They fire faster and have a larger magazine size. Additionally, being a sniper rifle, you only have 3 magazines in reserve, for a total of 4 mags before you run completely dry.
I don’t even know who Serge is, but he has a hell of a sniper rifle. Where do I even begin with this one? First of all, its the only weapon that kills in one shot to the body. On launch, this weapon was completely broken. I was able to snipe through 7 feet of a concrete freeway to my target below and still get a one-shot kill. It was later nerfed to not shoot through metal and not as much concrete. Another nerf reduced the clip size from 1 to 6. It can two-shot vehicles and has a fast ENOUGH fire rate to still be able to get the first shot off after the driver exits their car. It also can make police helicopters retreat with only one shot, a useful tactic if you want to conserve your botnet. The YourBoySerge Sniper has a clip size of only 1, so it is impossible to engage multiple targets or vehicles at any time now after the nerf. Before the clip size nerf, the YourBoySerger Sniper wass also my primary weapon of choice. This weapon is still useful for some specific situations, but its small clip size encourages players to try other weapons and add diversity to their loadout.
Contrasting with the /END Sniper, the HHOS rifle is an assault rifle that you’re supposed to use as a sniper rifle. Unlike a sniper rifle, it draws from a a much larger ammo pool available to assault rifles. The damage is adequate like the /END sniper, but it has an abysmal rate of fire. The attached scope does not magnify as much compared to the YourBoySerge Sniper, and this is counterintuitive to the nature of this weapon. When using this rifle (or any sniper rifle for that matter), your greatest asset is range. Range is what compensates for the slow fire rate and high recoil characteristic of most snipers. When that is taken away, this weapon becomes a “Jack of all trades, master of none” situation. I will give this weapon credit for what it’s good at, which is precision elimination of targets at a medium range.
This weapon has the distinction of being the only full-auto suppressed weapon in the game. It is an all-around good assault rifle that combines moderate damage with an acceptable fire rate. However, the clip size is 10 bullets smaller than the other assault rifles and the recoil is terrible. The scope is more of a pain to use than it’s worth, as it replaces the enhanced zoom view the other assault rifles have with a scope that limits your vision. Even then, scoping in isn’t worth it, as it leaves you vulnerable to attack during the time it takes to sight in. This weapon is best used with a light trigger finger because of its small magazine size and heavy recoil.
A very viable long range-rifle. It offers more shots than the YourBoySerge Sniper, and the damage is adequate enough to take on multiple players and vehicles without running out of bullets in your clip.
The Core Dump pistol is a suppressed pistol with a scope attached. Being a pistol, it can be fired while driving, which is very useful when fighting off enemies persuing you by car. The pistol has a poor capacity at only 8 rounds, meaning you have to place your shots carefully or risk having to reload in the middle of a firefight. The attached scope suffers similar problems as the Zero Day Rifle, with a small degree of magnification and a distracting sighting in time. Pistols in general are used for the advantage of being able to fire while driving a car. However, the small magazine size makes it innefective in prolonged firefights and shooting from a car.
A good all-around assault rifle, with a standard magazine size at 30 rounds. Unlike its military equivalent, the Goblin, the DOT_FILE rifle exclusively fires 3-shot bursts. The delay between bursts is very short, so if you are quick on trigger, you can still make it work as an automatic rifle. The burst mechanism also helps circumvent the recoil that otherwise increases with each shot, making it more accurate yet slower-firing than the Goblin. The DOT_FILE rifle is a good all-around weapon. While it does not excel in range, fire rate, damage, mag size, and so on, it can dominate opponents who do not have the correct weapons for their situation.
The DOT_EXE rifle fills a niche that the DOT_FILE rifle cannot. Despite what the description says, the DOT_EXE rifle has less range than its burst-fire brother. What it does have is a higher fire rate. The higher fire rate is offset by the lower damage it has compared to the DOT_FILE rifle, however. The DOT_EXE rifle seems to be designed for shorter engagements at closer range compared to other rifles.
Shotguns are intended to be used at close range, but can actually be used in a variety of mid-range situations. I would reccomend trying out the DDOS Shotgun at the very least, as it is a viable mid-range alternative to an assault rifle and deals more damage to vehicles with the right Skill Tree upgrades.
Military Weapons
The Goblin is a full-auto assault rifle that has managable given the damage and fire rate that it possesses. It’s really a toss-up between the Goblin and the DOT_FILE rifle for the best assault rifle in the game. Assault rifles offer a good option as your main weapon along with your one-handed weapon for vehicle use. It is a good strategy to carry always carry a one-handed weapon to make sure you are never open to attack either on foot or while driving.
The U100 is a light LMG that possesses the highest magazine capacity in the game, which is 75 rounds. The U100’s high damage and recoil make it alike to the other high-damage assault rifles. However, this firepower comes at a price. The U100 has a very slow automatic firing rate, so it takes longer to deal damage. Although the slow firing rate hinders the U100’s lethality, it also means that the U100 can stay in firefights longer because of the reduced ammo consumption.
The SMG-11 is a fully automatic machine pistol that exchanges low damage and high recoil for the option to use it in a vehicle. The SMG-11 is one of only three fully automatic weapons that can be used in a vehicle. Usage of the SMG-11 on foot is wildly innacurate, as the recoil is very heavy for a low damage weapon. When driving, the recoil is present but is not felt as much. The SMG-11 also tears through ammo very quickly because of its high fire rate, yet draws from a generous supply.
The R-2000 is a automatic submachine gun with a magazine size of 20 rounds. However, the R-2000’s real strength is in its recoil: it has almost none. Shots do tend to kick up during the last 5 bullets when unloading a magazine, but other than that it is a straight-shooting bullet hose. The R-200 has higher damage and range than the SMG-11 at the cost of a smaller magazine size and a slower fire rate. However, these two disadvantages balance each other out. The slower fire rate makes the smaller magazine last longer, whereas the SMG-11 has a large mag but likes to sneeze out its bullets all at one. The R-2000 is my choice of a secondary weapon. The R-200 used to be a top-tier weapon and before the update that enabled the printing of all weapons, you could only find R-2000s in the hands of extremely strong gang members or by random chance. Now that you can print the R-2000, I highly suggest you pick one up and try it out.
The Firetruck
The firetruck in WD2 is an almost indestructable vehicle that is never found on any of the Bay Area’s streets. The firetruck is very big and slow, so it is not really worth it to actively seek out the fire truck to gain the advantage. If you do find yourself in the need for an almost indestructable vehicle, however, the firetruck is only of your only options. Here’s where you can find a firetruck in San Franciso:
Look on ground level behind the ramp going up, it will be parked in front of a garage door.
There are also firetrucks in Silicon Valley near Stanford University:
Invasion Strategies:
Hacking Invasoins begin when a player enters another player’s game. From that point on there are two roles: the Hacker (the invader) and the Victim (the person being invaded)
Before the Hack
Obviously, the victim won’t know at all if they are being invaded at first. However, there are some signs you can recognize if you suspect your singleplayer game is becoming a multiplayer game. First of all, it is important to understand that you can’t really pause in multiplayer. The game may bring up the pause menu, but the world is still continuing behind you if someone else is in your game. The easiest way to see if the game is continuing while paused is to put on music. Use the <, >, and / keys to control the media player, and then pause the game. If the music continues during the pause menu, then the chances are that someone is in your game! So now what?
If you know that someone else is in your game, you can force them to initiate their hack early. You can do this by selecting a Hacking Invasion on the multiplayer app on your ingame smartphone, or you can attempt to fast travel to any shop/restaurant on the map screen. After you do either of these things, a purple circle will appear on the map with their location. Once you drive to their location, their hack will initiate in a place that they’re unfamiliar with and you’ll have the upper hand.
When you enter another person’s game, you either teleport after a loading screen or the other player merges into your world (no loading screen). When being teleported, you usually spawn into a sports car or something similar to help you catch up with the target. Even so, the target can be very far away regarless of how you entered their world. The best way to catch up with them in this instance is to kill yourself. The easiest way to do this is to throw two explosives on the ground and detonate them in front of you. You will respawn closer to the target, but be aware that as soon as you start the hack, dying will cause you to lose and disconnect from the other player. Driving cars near the other player is risky because you will probably be in a fast car or using a fast motorcycle so they will try to carjack you and then discover your intrusion. Driving cars is also risky because you need to drive exactly like the AI in order to fool the target that you are a part of their world. In order to mask your excessive desire to floor the gas pedal, hold Ctrl while driving to slow down and take turns carefully, making sure to not make mistakes. If you don’t think you can pull it off, bail out of your vehicle and go on foot. Holding Ctrl also works on foot, and if you hold it long enough and keep the button pressed down, Marcus’s normal jog will turn into a walk.
Your objective in this stage is to initiate a “hack” on the other player by targeting them with your crosshair and pressing the hack button. Unlike the first Watch Dogs, where you could hack somewhere and move into a position to initiate the download, in Watch Dogs 2 the download is instant. Once the hack begins, the other player is shown a circle on their map where you are located and the exact center of that circle is ALWAYS where you are located when the hack begins. In order to prevent the other player from knowing your exact position, try to initiate your hack slightly before you arrive at your hiding place so that the other player doesn’t know exactly where to look. More importantly, use the quadcopter to start the hack. The quadcopter has a range of 100m in any direction, and can profile people from about 40m away. When searching for your hiding spot, try to pick somewhere between 50-140m from the target so they have to travel a distance in order to arrive close to you to try and stop your hack.
Finding your hiding spot can be tricky. Even when following the 50m-140m rule, your target to hack may be on an island with no buildings to cover you, or you may just be at an intersection with buildings and not much else to hide your location. Try to find a place that is not the most easily accessible via a quadcopter (above/below the target, in a car, indoors), or a place that is easily defendable from quadcopters (a dark corner that you can see easily out of). Try to think unconventionally as well and hide in the victim’s car or other players they think they already searched. Go into shops marked on the map and hide there, or stand still behind the counter and pretend to be a shopkeeper. Use scissor lifts in the viscinity to your advantage and reach rooftops that may prove to be otherwise inacessable. It is also possible to park a motorcylce against the wall and stand up in it, providing access to new areas. When selecting a hiding spot, keep in mind both the accessibility on foot and by quadcopter.
During the Hack
If you have forced the hacker to initate (see above), then drive to the cente of the circle on your map and you can begin looking there with your quadcopter. The hacker will not have gotten far if you arrive early enough, and you can catch them rather easily after forcing them to initiate. Under normal circumstances, you should still drive to the center of the circle and begin to look. Position yourself in a vehicle or away from and hackables that the other player may use to distract you and take out your quadcopter. The quadcopter provides an ariel view of the potential hackers, making it much easier to spot them in a crowd. Use the nethack view (by default V) to increase the contrast between the potential hackers and their environement. Do not be afraid to exit the purple border for a short while in order to get a better angle; the hacker may be otherwise inacessable. Do not concentrate on the progress bar, as keeping calm will help you to find the hacker. Hopefully these steps will help you successfully profile the enemy hacker in your world.
Once you have settled your hiding place, secure the position by preventing yourself from being seen by a quadcopter. If there are no NPCs around, I reccomend throwing explosive devises near potential lines of sight and setting proximity triggers on them to prevent sightings by a quadcopter. This tactic is especially helpful if you are in the interior of a building and can prevent drones of any kind from entering through the doors. Be sure to disable the devices when the actual player comes near as to not harm the target. Remember, you are ONLY not allowed to use weapons on the other player. Their vehicles and other equipment are still fair game. Launch drones of your own to survey the other player, but be sure not to be spotted. Track the postion of their quadcopter and if it comes too close, do not hesitate to pull out any gun you may have and shoot it down. This strategy can even be expanded to before the hack, if you can manage to shoot their drones down before you initiate the download. I would not reccoment this if they are in the middle of solving a hacking puzzle (especially those blue circuit things). That’s just being a staight up d!ck. Expanding on the drone-shooting strategy, if you are afraid that shooting will reveal your position too much or the drone is out of sight, throw a explosive device onto your quadcopter and set a proximity trigger on it. Then, fly it staight at the other quadcopter and detonate the explosion. The other quadcopter will be destroyed but at the cost of your own.
After the Hack
The hack will stop after three outcomes: The hack is completed, the hacker is detected, or either or the other player disconnects. No interaction is required if either the hack is completed or a player disconnects. However, in general, you will be able to spot the hacker and will need to chase them down and kill them. Even though the hacker is given the objective of getting away, all they truly need to do is to make you lose sight of them. If the hacker is spotted on a rooftop you have no way of reaching even with the quadcopter, the countdown timer until their escape will begin and they will have “escaped” and won even though they are only across the street from you. Therefore, it is imperative that you stop the hacker from moving as soon as possible to prevent the loss of line of sight. That is not to say that you should be fearless when dealing with the enemy hacker. The enemy hacker can still use guns and explosvie devices against you, but they DEAL NO DAMAGE. The enemy hacker’s attempts to try and kill you are worthless, and this works to your advantage because it provides an opprotunity for you to kill them back. It is important to note that if the enemy hacker deals enough damage to you, they will be kicked/disconnected from your world. This does have the adverse effect of ending the invasion early, meaning that you as the victim do not get the full satisfaction of winning the invasion as this situation is considered a tie. With that being said, if you have spotted hacker via the quadcopter and have researched certain upgrades in the Tinkering skill tree, then you can drop explosive devices on the hacker from afar. It only takes two explosions to kill, and with enough upgrades you can drop five explosive devices at a time in very quick succession. If the hacker still manages to get away and enter a vehicle, resort to more physical methods of reaching them. The YourBoySerge Sniper makes quick work of vehicles from a very far range, and can also one-hit kill the other player during the time they exit their vehicle, which they will be forced to do if their vehicle is destroyed. Always use the Engine Override mode in car chases if you’ve researched it. Doing so will give you a massive speed boost while you hold Shift at the cost of some of your botnet. Hack the other player’s vehicle when they are in range (do the backwards hack, the others don’t stop the car as much). After hacking their vehicle, you are able to exit the car and destroy their vehicle with a quick sniper shot. If the target still manages to evade you on foot, don’t be afraid to sit down again and bomb them from above with your quadcopter or shoot through a small part of a wall as they turn a corner. Once you have killed the enemy hacker, will you be rewarded with experience points. You will be rewarded with less if they get away, they finish the hack, or the player disconnects/gets kicked for trying to deal too much damage to you.
If you have won as the hacker, then you will be rewarded with experience points. If you are detected, quickly analyze the position of the victim and any drones if they are using them. Run away from the victim, and make sure that you are not exposing yourself by not being behind cover. Make your break for a vehicle, and use a sniper shot to destory the victim’s vehicle if it’s safe. Once inside a vehicle, use the Enhine Override mode if you have it to speed away from the hack. Look behind you if you are being chased and try to perform a backwards hack on the victim’s vehicle. If your vehicle is hacked, it may be safer to get out in a shorter amout of time than to sit helpless in your vehicle until you regain control. If you are on top of a building that the victim cannot easily access without a quadcopter, it is best to stay put. Remember that you can still escape as long as the victim has no line of sight to you. If you can shoot the victim’s quadcopter down, the time it takes to craft again will be enough to initate the countdown timer so you can escape. Shooting the target is no use and you will be kicked for dealing too much damage, so be sure to set explosive traps only for the victim’s drones and nothing else. You will be rewarded with less if you are discovered and don’t get away, or if you or the other player disconnects. You will be rewarded for how much of the data has been hacked and if the hack completed or you escaped.
Bounty Hunter Strategies:
Bounty Hunter is the only game mode where players engage in active combat, making it the most fast-paced. For some reason, Ubisoft thought that it would be balanced to pit a single player and maybe their coop partner against the most lethal AI force in the game and three other players that come pre-equipped with supercars. It also does not help that most players usually camp their position with sights aimed down, ready to kill you in one hit. Regardless, no matter how desperate your situation may be, there are usually ways to work around your unfortunate circumstances.
As the Target
As the target in bounty hunter mode, you are tasked with escaping from the SFPD and a force of other players who you may either kill or escape from as well. You become a target by either commiting crimes or placing a bounty on yourself through the multiplayer app. There are always an abundance of hunters, but a shortage of targets, so becoming a target is the fastest way to join a game. The hunters will appear into your world, but not the other way around. Since you were present before the hunters, you are given the advantage of more time to plan, which you should not waste. Start off by getting into a fast car that is also quite durable. Muscle cars are more durable than fast, and sports cars are more fast than durable, but sports cars are often durable enough. I would reccomend against the really small sports cars because they are easy to spin out and you will be constantly rammed by the SFPD. Get in a car as soon as possible because the hunters will spawn in very fast cars in order to catch you, and you don’t want to get run over. If you cannot fight from you car because you don’t have the right weapons or hacks, then move to elevated ground and continue fighitng from there. From here on out I will be outlining the methods by which the hunters will attempt to kill you and claim the bounty on your head.
Definitely the most common method of killing other players. If you are on street level, you always run the risk of being run over by another player. Even if you hack their car, they will still go forward. Even if you destroy their car with a grenade/explosion/steam pipe, they still can steer and use their forward momentum to run you over. The solution is simple: Be aware of the positions of the other players (there are up to 3) and get to elevated ground, such as a rooftop or up a ladder/stairs, or get a car of your own and fight them back from it. Try to expose yourself on foot on street level as little as possible.
If a hunter is equipped with a one-handed weapon like a submachine gun, they are able to fire out of their vehicle at you. Even with a pistol, it is actually very easy for them to land a headshot on you while you are driving and kill them instantly. If you see players that are shooting out of their cars, locate a steam pipe in the road and get ahead of it. Then, wait for a hunter to follow behind you and blow up the steam pipe while their vehicle is near. When their vehicle is destroyed, you can toss explosives on their car, shoot out of your vehicle, or swing your vehicle around to provide cover from their attacks and shoot them on foot. The main idea is to get the other player out of their vehicle so they are exposed and then you can shoot them.
Hunters need to be on foot in order to use any two handed weapon. They will stand in the same place with their sights aimed down, hoping to catch you in their crosshairs for an easy one-shot kill. However, this reliance on a single tactic can often lead to “tunnel vision”, where focus on a single objective can cause players to lose focus on what their overall goal is. Use the hunter’s tunnel vision to your advantage and suprise them in a way that they have no method of defending against. Since the hunter will be on foot, it is not a bad idea to use a vehicle to run them over. Use the Engine Override upgrade in the Vehicle skill tree to gain momentum quickly and speed at them with a vehicle. Even if the hunter destroys your vehicle with a powerful sniper shot or a grenade, your vehicle’s momentum will carry on and you can still steer, so keep course and you should still be able to run over the hunter. If you don’t feel like exposing yourself, you can always quadcopter bomb them. With the appropriate upgrades/research, you can drop up to 5 explosive devices on any players withing 100m using the quadcopter. It only takes two explosions to kill, and the first explosion makes them stumble.
If someone is quadcopter bombing YOU, then you need to be careful. In bounty hunter, enemy players and all their RC devices show up on the minimap. Therefore, it is important to keep close tabs on your minimap for the little red icons that show up when a hunter is using a RC device. However, using the quadcopter also leaves the other player helpless. You may find this as an opprotune moment to kill them with one shot while they are distracted with piloting their quadcopter. If they are behind too much cover, you can even send your own quadcoper after them. Use the RC speed boost under the Tinkering skill tree to get your quadcopter to the other player faster than they get theirs to you. If you don’t want to risk either of these options, it is very easy to shoot the quadcopter out of the sky using a barrage of automatic fire from one of your weapons. Any bombs that drop near you can be hacked to disable them, and they may not even need to be disabled because the hunter needs to establish a line of sight to the exposive devices before detonating them.
Stay away from steam pipes while you are driving, or hack steam pipes before you reach them to prevent them from even being used against you. Try to also steer clear of hackable boxes that can cause explosions. Don’t even bother with the flashing popups to take down police cars. It is not worth the botnet resources that it costs.
The SFPD is not really a tactic, but a constant annoyance that bounty targets must deal with. The SFPD is infinite, so do not even try to fight them off. Instead, use the Mass Communications Disruption hack to breifly stop the SFPD from shooting at you for a short time. Avoid driving and staying in the same area for too long as the police will eventually overwhelm you with their increasing numbers. If you on a roof that the police cannot access, then the only thing you will have to worry about is the police helicopter. It takes one shot from most snipers for the helicopter to go away. However, eventually you will be low on ammo and it will not be worth the single bullet to destroy the helicopter for a short while. Instead, use the hack that costs 2 botnet resources. Your botnet can regenerate by the time the helicopter comes back. Losing the SFPD is also much easier without the police helicopter.
Yes, REAL hacking does occur sometimes in WD2 and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Ubisoft’s anticheat is very good at kicking out players who do not have hacks installed but cannot even do its job, and does nothing to prevent actual hacking. I took a screenshot of these two ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with no skill who had to resort to using scripts that they did not write themselves to try and kill me.
I fired about 3 sniper shots that would one-hit kill into each of them, and they did nothing. Eventually they just gave up trying to kill me and wandered elsewhere, and I won even though they were trying their hardest to kill me WITH HACKS. Part of my motivation behind writing this guide was to show how trash they were and that you can still win even when matched up against cheating ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with no skill.
As mentioned earlier, the goal as the target in bounty hunter is not to kill your hunters, but rather to escape the police. This is hindered by the fact that whenever a hunter connects the police automatically spot you, but you can still lose the police if no new hunters connect. This is how you “win” against players who you cannot kill for whatever reason. Escaping the police is the overall objective and the game grants you more xp for escaping than killing 1 hunter.
As the Hunter
As the hunter in bounty hunter mode, you are tasked with killing another player alongside a force of other players who have the same objective and you can also team up with. You become a hunter by finding a target through the multiplayer app. There are not many targets or people willing to be targets, so you may have to wait a little and try a few times before joining a game. As the hunter, you will teleport into another player’s game, so you will be lacking in preparation. However, you do spawn in a fairly fast car that you can use to reach the target.
Pay attention to the target’s movement on the map screen. If they are staying in the same place and not moving, they probably have found a favorable location and are able to camp that spot quite well. Consider taking an extreme long range approach when dealing with camping targets. If the target is mobile, say in a vehicle, use your vehicle’s superior performance and the Engine Override upgrade in the skill tree to quickly catch up with them to more easily neutralize the target.
Once you arrive at the target’s camping spot/chase scene, there are multiple ways to kill the target. I wrote in-depth about all the different ways to kill other players earlier in this guide dealing with being a bounty hunter target. For a more detailed explanation of each of these methods, please refer to the
section above:
- Running players over (just drive at them before they can react)
- Drive-by shooting (shoot at them out of your car)
- Using the YourBoySerge Sniper/other powerful weapons (the YourBoySerge Sniper can one-hit kill, but don’t overestimate the power of other weapons)
- Environmental hacking (Using steam pipes and other hazards to stop the target’s car/kill the target)
The SFPD can also be turned to your advantage, as it only goes after the target. Hack SFPD cars to try and damange the target’s car until it breaks down. In general, use common sense to deal with bounty targets and be sure to cooperate with your fellow hunters whenever possible.
In short, there are always ways to deal with enemy players in Watch Dogs 2 and gain the upper hand in most situations. Watch Dogs 2 is a very open ended game and obvioisly not everything in the game can be meticiously documented. However, I hope that reading this guide helped give you a genuine sense of what multiplayer in this game is about and what to expect as you go online with other players. If I made any mistakes in this guide or have any suggestions for things for me to add, please let me know and I’ll try to best to fix what you tell me to. I know this is not the most consise of guides, but thanks for making it to the end.
If you want to play coop with me or something else add me on Uplay: dantheman14256