How to build weapons for normal gameplay, farming and online events
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How weapon stats are calculated
All weapon stats are calculated using the untagged stats of the respective weapon regardless of the advantages/disadvantages placed on the weapon by the tag.
All stats are from Lv. 100 weapons.
[Untagged] Model 329: Firepower 25750
Attach Damage Lv. 20 (adds 60% firepower)
25750 (untagged weapon firepower)
15450 (60% of untagged weapon firepower)
Final Damage: 41200
[Rare Tag] Ticket Puncher: Firepower 30900 (rare tag adds 20% firepower)
Attach Damage Lv. 20 (adds 60% firepower)
25750 (untagged weapon firepower)
15450 (60% of untagged weapon firepower)
5150 [Rare Tag] (20% of untagged weapon firepower)
Final Damage: 46350
[Untagged] Anaconda: Firepower 30900
Attach Damage Lv. 20 (adds 60% firepower)
30900 (untagged weapon firepower)
18450 (60% of untagged weapon firepower)
Final Damage: 49440
Untagged M147S: Firing Rate 3.00
Attach Firing Rate Lv. 20 (adds 30% firing rate)
3.00 (untagged weapon firing rate)
0.90 (30% of untagged weapon firing rate)
Final Firing Rate: 3.90
[Speed Load] M147S: Firing Rate 2.70
Attach Firing Rate Lv. 20 (adds 30% firing rate)
2.70 [Speed Load] (-10% of untagged weapon firing rate)
0.90 (30% of untagged weapon firing rate)
Final Firing Rate: 3.60
Effective Weapon Range
Weapon Tags
- Capacity +30%
- Reload Speed +20%
- Firing Rate -10%
- Capacity +30%
- Firing Rate +15%
- Reload Speed -10%
- Firing Rate +8%
- Recoil -60%
- Critical Hit +20%
- Hit Radius -50%
- 4 meters or less damage increases +22%
- 6 meters or more damage decreases by 17%
- 4 meters or less damage increases +36%
- 6 meters or more damage decreases by 22%
- Firing Rate +10%
- 6 meters or more damage increases 22%
- 4 meters or less damage decreases -17%
- 6 meters or more damage increases 36%
- 4 meters or less damage decreases -22%
- Critical Hit +20%
- Firing Rate -10%
- Recoil +15%
- Hit Radius +50%
- Hit Radius +100%
- Piercing +1
- Firepower +20%
- Firing Rate +10%
- Piercing +1
[1] Lv. 100 Weapons
Lv. 100 weapons can be “upgraded beyond limits” up to 30 times total through any of 3 categories: firepower, firing rate and capacity.
Outside of online events a Lv. 100 weapon can only be obtained on Code Red difficulty using a character with a level of 90 or more. Opening chest will randomly give you weapons and/or parts albums (each stage contains 4 gold chest) of which one or more can be a lv. 100 weapon.
Once a Lv. 100 weapon is obtained you go to the workbench select it and choose the option “upgrading beyond limits”.
[2] Firepower
For Lv. 100 weapons, there is absolutely no reason to ever upgrade firepower. It will NEVER benefit you over capacity at normal gameplay or any event.
Example of why not to upgrade firepower
Lv. 100 Python
Firepower – 24205
Capacity – 8
Firepower Upgrade +30
Firepower – 31466
Capacity – 8
Total Damage Potential – 251728
Capacity Upgrade +30
Firepower – 24205
Capacity – 38
Total Damage Potential – 919790
The way the weapon mechanics work in this game upgrading capacity will benefit you over firepower upgrades.
You can youtube online events to get a better understanding of the correct way to play the game.
Revelations 2 Online Events
Level Restricted Challenge
Weekend Survivor
Invasion of the Huge Creatures
[3] Firing Rate
For certain Lv. 100 weapons upgrading the firing rate 1, 2 or 3 times will increase the performance of the weapon. Meaning your firing rate should never be upgraded more than 3 times.
If a weapon has a tag that increases firing rate then it DOES NOT need firing rate upgrade, in that case you upgrade capacity 30 times.
Tags that increase firing rate
Speed Shot
Steady Shot
Short Range+
Rare Tag
Weapons that will benefit from firing rate upgrade (If they do not have a firing rate tag)
Shotguns – M147S, TAP194
Sniper Rifles – M1891/30, Muramasa
Magnums – Model 329, 2005M
Fast firing rate
Any weapon with a tag that increases firing rate has “fast” firing rate built-in and does not need any firing rate upgrades. For other tags you can add a firing rate part or BSAA and/or up to 3 firing rate upgrades if needed.
M147S – 3.03
TAP194 – 1.48
[Long Range+] Muramasa – .61 (firing rate upgrade +2, BSAA, capacity upgrade +28)
[Long Range+] Muramasa – .61 (firing rate part Lv. 6+, capacity upgrade +30)
Professional players might need the extra ammo that BSAA provides.
High speed firing rate
Some weapons have a high speed firing rate that require a combination of firing rate upgrade, high level to max level firing rate part and BSAA.
M147S – 4.53
MP-AB50 & MP-AB50G – 22.50
MP-AF – 25.73
Chicago Typewriter – 24.00
[4] Capacity
For Lv. 100 weapons, 99% of the time you want to upgrade capacity 30 times. In certain cases you will need to upgrade firing rate also to meet competitive speed. If you have no intention of ever playing competitively, then you should upgrade capacity 30 times for all level 100 weapons.
[Untagged] Muramasa 5 Slots
Upgrade: Firing Rate +1, Capacity +29
New Stats: Firing Rate 0.61, Capacity 34
[Steady Shot] M147S
Upgrade: Firing Rate +3, Capacity +27
Parts:Firing Rate Lv.20, BSAA
Enables high speed mode for the M147S (firing rate at least 4.53)
Anti-materiel Rifles
Always capacity upgrade +30
[1] The Lv. 20 Parts – Damage, Capacity, Firing Rate, Quick Load
[Short Range], [Short Range+], [Long Range], [Long Range+] and [Rare Tag] increases firepower. Only [Rare Tag] firepower increase will be reflected on the weapon stats.
Part Level
1. Increases firepower by 3%
2. Increases firepower by 5%
3. Increases firepower by 6%
4. Increases firepower by 7%
5. Increases firepower by 9%
6. Increases firepower by 11%
7. Increases firepower by 13%
8. Increases firepower by 15%
9. Increases firepower by 18%
10. Increases firepower by 21%
11. Increases firepower by 23%
12. Increases firepower by 27%
13. Increases firepower by 30%
14. Increases firepower by 34%
15. Increases firepower by 38%
16. Increases firepower by 42%
17. Increases firepower by 46%
18. Increases firepower by 51%
19. Increases firepower by 55%
20. Increases firepower by 60%
[Speed Shot] and [Speed Load] tag increases capacity.
Part Level
1. Increases ammo capacity by 5%
2. Increases ammo capacity by 10%
3. Increases ammo capacity by 15%
4. Increases ammo capacity by 20%
5. Increases ammo capacity by 25%
6. Increases ammo capacity by 30%
7. Increases ammo capacity by 35%
8. Increases ammo capacity by 40%
9. Increases ammo capacity by 45%
10. Increases ammo capacity by 50%
11. Increases ammo capacity by 55%
12. Increases ammo capacity by 60%
13. Increases ammo capacity by 65%
14. Increases ammo capacity by 70%
15. Increases ammo capacity by 75%
16. Increases ammo capacity by 80%
17. Increases ammo capacity by 85%
18. Increases ammo capacity by 90%
19. Increases ammo capacity by 95%
20. Increases ammo capacity by 100%
[Short Range+], [Speed Shot], [Steady Shot] and [Rare Tag] tag increases firing rate.
Part Level
1. Increases firing rate by 4%
2. Increases firing rate by 5%
3. Increases firing rate by 7%
4. Increases firing rate by 8%
5. Increases firing rate by 9%
6. Increases firing rate by 11%
7. Increases firing rate by 12%
8. Increases firing rate by 13%
9. Increases firing rate by 15%
10. Increases firing rate by 16%
11. Increases firing rate by 18%
12. Increases firing rate by 19%
13. Increases firing rate by 20%
14. Increases firing rate by 22%
15. Increases firing rate by 23%
16. Increases firing rate by 24%
17. Increases firing rate by 26%
18. Increases firing rate by 27%
19. Increases firing rate by 28%
20. Increases firing rate by 30%
[Speed Load] tag increases reload speed.
Part Level
1. Increases reload speed by 5%
2. Increases reload speed by 7%
3. Increases reload speed by 9%
4. Increases reload speed by 11%
5. Increases reload speed by 13%
6. Increases reload speed by 16%
7. Increases reload speed by 18%
8. Increases reload speed by 20%
9. Increases reload speed by 22%
10. Increases reload speed by 24%
11. Increases reload speed by 26%
12. Increases reload speed by 28%
13. Increases reload speed by 30%
14. Increases reload speed by 32%
15. Increases reload speed by 34%
16. Increases reload speed by 37%
17. Increases reload speed by 39%
18. Increases reload speed by 41%
19. Increases reload speed by 43%
20. Increases reload speed by 45%
[2] The Lv. 20 Parts – Daze
Increases the power to stun enemies.
Percentage stun power per bullet or shot (7 per shell) is based on weapon type and part level.
Easy Hit
[Sonic Assist] tag increase bullet hit zone by 50%.
[Sonic Assist+] tag increase bullet hit zone by 100% and adds piercing +1.
Part Level
1. Increases bullet hit zone by 10%
2. Increases bullet hit zone by 20%
3. Increases bullet hit zone by 30%
4. Increases bullet hit zone by 40%
5. Increases bullet hit zone by 50%
6. Increases bullet hit zone by 60%
7. Increases bullet hit zone by 70%
8. Increases bullet hit zone by 80%
9. Increases bullet hit zone by 90%
10. Increases bullet hit zone by 100%
Maximum hit zone is +200% ([Sonic Assist+] tag and Easy Hit Lv. 10 part).
Hit zone increase works with all weapons but is best used with a sniper rifle.
Does not work with homing ammo.
Burst Parts
Fires 2 shots at once
*When used with a Triple Shot handgun it will fire 4 Shots at once*
Fires 3 shots at once
*When used with a Triple Shot handgun it will fire 5 Shots at once*
Fires all shots at once
Passive skill Evade Cancel will be needed when using full burst parts.
Evade cancel can be inherited from Albert Wesker.
Critical Hit
[Steady Shot] and [Long Range+] tags increase critial hit rate by 20%.
Part Level
1. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 6%
2. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 8%
3. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 11%
4. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 14%
5. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 17%
6. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 19%
7. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 22%
8. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 25%
9. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 27%
10. Increases Critical Hit Rate by 30%
Built-in critical hit rate and critical hit damage by weapon type
Magnum – Model 329 [Steady Shot] Lv. 100 6 Slots
Critical Hit Rate
Magnum weapon type adds 10% critical hit rate
[Steady Shot] tag adds 20% critical hit rate
Critical Hit Lv. 10 part adds 30% critical hit rate
Final Critical HIt Rate: 60%
Critcal Hit Damage
Firepower: 25750
Damage Lv. 20 adds 60% firepower: 15450
Final firepower: 41200
Critical Hit Damage is 50% of final firepower 20600
Final Critical Hit Damage: 61800
[Sonic Assist+] and [Rare Tag] adds piercing +1
For weapons that have built-in piercing (assault rifles, sniper rifles and magnums), piercing level will be upgraded by one.
[Untagged] Python – Piercing +1
[Sonic Assist+] Python – Piercing +2
[Rare Tag] Python – Piercing +2
Part Level
1. Increases piercing level by +1
2. Increases piercing level by +2
3. Increases piercing level by +3
4. Increases piercing level by +3, damage on piercing hit increases by 40%
5. Increases piercing level by +3, damage on piercing hit increases by 100%
Piercing Lv. 5 example
Enemy 1 – Normal damage
Enemy 2 – 100% more damage
Enemy 3 – 200% more damage
Enemy 4 – 300% more damage
Built-in piercing level of untagged weapon
Element Ammo
Shoot bullets with element attribute (fire, ice or electric).
Percentage occurrence per bullet or shot (7 per shell) is based on weapon type and part level.
Fire ammo inflicts burn damage for a period of time. The burn damage is determined by character level, weapon type and stack amount.
Ice ammo inflicts ice damage and causes freeze state which reduces the enemy’s speed.
1x freeze reduces the enemy’s speed by 50%
2x freeze stops the enemy for about 2 seconds
Electric ammo causes shock state.
1x shock causes the enemy to incur 50% more damage for about 3 seconds
2x shock causes the enemy to incur 100% more damage for about 3 seconds
Sometimes element ammo Lv. 10 on a magnum or rifle doesn’t inflict element damage for a shot. It’s only a bug, normally it’s 100% element occurrence.
Force Ammo and Weapons
Causes bullets to pushback enemies a certain amount.
Pushback amount determined by weapon type and part level.
Force pistols can be used for indoor stages or stages that require short distance pushing.
All non-homing setups require [Steady Shot] tag.
You can lower the homing ammo level for a “aim assist” non-homing feel. Homing ammo Lv. 2 will only push the enemy your aiming at.
Because element occurrence for level 10 parts max out at 40% you can combine parts like ice ammo Lv.10 and daze.
***For an untagged Model 329 or 2005M, upgrading the firing rate by +1 to +3 can dramatically affect their performance.***
You can lower the homing ammo level for a “aim assist” non-homing feel. Homing ammo Lv. 2 will only push the enemy your aiming at.
Homing Ammo
Homing ammo works with every weapon type except shotguns.
Allows bullets to automatically track enemies.
Part Level
1. Tracking Degree 5
2. Tracking Degree 10
3. Tracking Degree 15
4. Tracking Degree 20
5. Tracking Degree 25
6. Tracking Degree 30
7. Tracking Degree 35
8. Tracking Degree 40
9. Tracking Degree 45
10. Tracking Degree 50
If all enemy types were on-screen at once, homing ammo will work in the following order regardless of distance.
1. Normal enemy types (humanoid, monsters, four-legged)
2. Insects
Homing ammo homes in on targets closest to your character position within it’s homing degree NOT closest to your reticlelaser aim.
Charge Shot A, B, C
Able to charge pistol and sniper rifle shots
for 1 second to increase firepower by x%
Part Level
1. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 30%
2. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 35%
3. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 40%
4. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 45%
5. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 50%
6. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 55%
7. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 60%
8. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 65%
9. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 70%
10. 1 sec charge, firepower increased by 75%
Able to charge pistol, shotgun and sniper rifle shots
for 2 second to increase firepower by x%
Part Level
1. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 60%
2. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 70%
3. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 80%
4. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 90%
5. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 100%
6. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 110%
7. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 120%
8. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 130%
9. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 140%
10. 2 sec charge, firepower increased by 150%
Able to charge pistol, shotgun, sniper rifle and magnum shots
for 3 second to increase firepower by x%
Part Level
1. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 100%
2. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 115%
3. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 130%
4. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 145%
5. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 160%
6. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 175%
7. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 190%
8. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 205%
9. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 220%
10. 3 sec charge, firepower increased by 235%
Life Stealer
Increases your health recovered by x% when you deliver the finishing blow to an enemy.
Part Level
1. Health recovery 3%
2. Health recovery 4%
3. Health recovery 6%
4. Health recovery 7%
5. Health recovery 8%
6. Health recovery 10%
7. Health recovery 11%
8. Health recovery 12%
9. Health recovery 13%
10. Health recovery 15%
Mainly used by beginners with non-level 100 characters and weapons.
*For use with skills that require cooldown time after a use*
Skill cooldown time is reduced by x% of normal time when you deliver the finishing blow to an enemy.
Part Level
1. Skill cooldown reduced by -3%
2. Skill cooldown reduced by -6%
3. Skill cooldown reduced by -9%
4. Skill cooldown reduced by -12%
5. Skill cooldown reduced by -15%
6. Skill cooldown reduced by -18%
7. Skill cooldown reduced by -21%
8. Skill cooldown reduced by -24%
9. Skill cooldown reduced by -27%
10. Skill cooldown reduced by -30%
Soul Eater & Greedy Killer
Increases your EXP gained by x% when you deliver the finishing blow to an enemy.
Part Level
1. Increases the EXP by 30%
2. Increases the EXP by 37%
3. Increases the EXP by 47%
4. Increases the EXP by 60%
5. Increases the EXP by 76%
6. Increases the EXP by 94%
7. Increases the EXP by 116%
8. Increases the EXP by 141%
9. Increases the EXP by 169%
10. Increases the EXP by 200%
Increases the gold gained by x% when you deliver the finishing blow to an enemy.
Part Level
1. Increases the gold by 30%
2. Increases the gold by 40%
3. Increases the gold by 55%
4. Increases the gold by 75%
5. Increases the gold by 100%
6. Increases the gold by 130%
7. Increases the gold by 165%
8. Increases the gold by 205%
9. Increases the gold by 250%
10. Increases the gold by 300%
The actual shot from your weapon has to kill the enemy in order to receive the EXP and/or gold.
Burn damage kills do not count.
Mundane Murderer & Elite Killer
Increase damage dealt to regular enemies.
Enemies without icons over their lifebars.
**All Creature Event Enemies are Mundane**
Part Level
1. Damage Increased by 9%
2. Damage Increased by 12%
3. Damage Increased by 16%
4. Damage Increased by 19%
5. Damage Increased by 23%
6. Damage Increased by 26%
7. Damage Increased by 30%
8. Damage Increased by 33%
9. Damage Increased by 37%
10. Damage Increased by 40%
Increase damage dealt to elite enemies.
Enemies with icons over their lifebars.
Part Level
1. Damage Increased by 9%
2. Damage Increased by 12%
3. Damage Increased by 16%
4. Damage Increased by 19%
5. Damage Increased by 23%
6. Damage Increased by 26%
7. Damage Increased by 30%
8. Damage Increased by 33%
9. Damage Increased by 37%
10. Damage Increased by 40%
Increases damage to enemies with less than half their health remaining.
Part Level
1. Damage increased by 9%
2. Damage increased by 12%
3. Damage increased by 16%
4. Damage increased by 19%
5. Damage increased by 23%
6. Damage increased by 26%
7. Damage increased by 30%
8. Damage increased by 33%
9. Damage increased by 37%
10. Damage increased by 40%
Follow-Up Strike
Increases damage dealt to down enemies
Part Level
1. Damage Increases 16%
2. Damage Increases 22%
3. Damage Increases 28%
4. Damage Increases 34%
5. Damage Increases 40%
6. Damage Increases 46%
7. Damage Increases 52%
8. Damage Increases 58%
9. Damage Increases 64%
10. Damage Increases 70%
1. When an enemy has been knocked down.
2. When an enemy is in rising spawn animation.
example: when an afflicted is spawning follow-up strike will work until his hands leave the ground.
Element Booster Parts
Element booster parts work by increasing damage to an enemy afflicted with the required element (fire, ice or shock).
***As with any other stat increasing part the damage is calculated using the firepower of the untagged weapon***
Increases damage dealt to enemies on fire
Part Level
1. Damage Increase 12%
2. Damage Increase 16%
3. Damage Increase 21%
4. Damage Increase 25%
5. Damage Increase 29%
6. Damage Increase 33%
7. Damage Increase 37%
8. Damage Increase 42%
9. Damage Increase 46%
10. Damage Increase 50%
Increases damage dealt to frozen enemies
Part Level
1. Damage Increase 15%
2. Damage Increase 20%
3. Damage Increase 25%
4. Damage Increase 30%
5. Damage Increase 35%
6. Damage Increase 40%
7. Damage Increase 45%
8. Damage Increase 50%
9. Damage Increase 55%
10. Damage Increase 60%
Increases damage dealt to enemies being electrocuted
Part Level
1. Damage Increase 9%
2. Damage Increase 12%
3. Damage Increase 16%
4. Damage Increase 19%
5. Damage Increase 23%
6. Damage Increase 26%
7. Damage Increase 30%
8. Damage Increase 33%
9. Damage Increase 37%
10. Damage Increase 40%
Close Range & Long Range Parts
*Long Range or Close Range parts damage is based on range
*All damage type parts stack or reduce damage accordingly
*Example: Damage Lv. 20 + Long Range Lv. 10 (at range) stack
[(60% weapon base damage) + (plus or minus 60% weapon base damage based on range)]
Close and long range parts are a double edged sword but if used correctly it can replace damage parts in any setup.
Increases firepower as the enemy draws closer to you (max +60%) Close Range Lv. 10
Over 8m —distance increasing— [4m – 6m] —distance decreasing— 0m
< (-60%) —————————— 0% > < 0% —————————— (60%) > ENEMY
- As your distance from the enemy decreases from about 4m to 0m, damage increases from 0% to 60%
- As your distance from the enemy increases from about 6m and over, damage decreases from 0% to 60%
Increases firepower as the enemy moves further away (max +60%) Long Range Lv. 10
Over 8m —distance increasing— [4m – 6m] —distance decreasing— 0m
< (60%) —————————— 0% > < 0% —————————— (-60%) > ENEMY
- As your distance from the enemy increases from about 6m and over, damage increases from 0% to 60%
- As your distance from the enemy decreases from about 4m to 0m, damage decreases from 0% to 60%
Reduces the recoil of a machine pistol, assault rifle or magnum when firing.
Part Level
1. Recoil reduced by -20%
2. Recoil reduced by -40%
3. Recoil reduced by -60%
4. Recoil reduced by -80%
5. Recoil reduced by -100%
Final Shot
Increases the firepower of the last shot in the magazine.
Part Level
1. Increases final shot by 46%
2. Increases final shot by 52%
3. Increases final shot by 58%
4. Increases final shot by 64%
5. Increases final shot by 70%
6. Increases final shot by 76%
7. Increases final shot by 82%
8. Increases final shot by 88%
9. Increases final shot by 94%
10. Increases final shot 100%
It’s mainly used for non-level 100 weapons or low capacity setups.
It can be used with a magnum for Creature Event by canceling reload after one round is loaded.
Auto-Shot, S.T.A.R.S., FBC, DSO, BSAA
Weapon will fire automatically upon placing the reticule on an enemy.
Auto-Shot is useful for learning exactly when to fire when an enemy is spawning.
Increases weapon firepower by 9%.
Increases critical hit rate by 8%.
Increases damage dealt to elite enemies by 17%.
Firepower increases the closer the enemy is (max +9%), which is up to 26%.
Increases damage dealt to regular (mundane) enemies by 17%.
Firepower increases the further the enemy is (max +9%), which is up to 26%.
Increases firing rate by 9%.
Increase capacity by 25%.
Farming [Section 1]
The best time vs reward farming/leveling are stages that have elite Hunters, Ironheads or Napads and can be completed in about a minute solo or co-op.
Gauntlet IV-4
Gauntlet V-3
Gauntlet V-6
Gauntlet VI-2
Gauntlet VIII-6
*All setups are for Lv. 100 weapons*
DO NOT use high level damage or capacity parts in final farming weapon setups, you will need them for event weapon setups.
DO NOT use Fire Ammo with Soul Eater and/or Greedy Killer, in order to receive the bonus gold and/or experience the kill shot MUST come from the weapon NOT burn damage.
Full burst is not necessary in these setups. Once you get use to routine farming you will realize it’s speed advantage.
Homing ammo level 5 to 10 is suitable for use in these setups.
Critical Hit Lv. 5 to 10 can be used with [Steady Shot] or [Long Range+] tags in place of damage parts. These tags add 20% critical rate.
Pistol Weapon Type – 15% Critical
Steady Shot Tag – 20% Critical
Critical Hit Lv. 10 – 30% Critical
Final Critical Rate 65%
Farming [Section 2]
Focus & Scatter (Shotgun Only Parts)
Reduces the shotgun’s spread by -x° amount
Part Level
1. Increases firepower by -4°
2. Increases firepower by -6°
3. Increases firepower by -8°
4. Increases firepower by -10°
5. Increases firepower by -12°
Increases the shotgun’s spread by x° amount
Part Level
1. Increases firepower by 4°
2. Increases firepower by 6°
3. Increases firepower by 8°
4. Increases firepower by 10°
5. Increases firepower by 12°
Shotguns [Section 1]
All shotguns fire 7 shots per shell.
Each shotgun has a minimum firing rate so that you will no longer see the guns recoil animation while full bursting. As long as the firing rate is at or above this number your shotgun will perform at it’s best.
M147S – 3.03
TAP194 – 1.48
Hydra – Requires firing rate part to be effectively used for Level-Restricted Challenges
Drake – Only effective use is normal gameplay or Weekend Survivor
The importance of focus part: When fire occurs ALL 7 shots induce burn and when all shots hit the target burn damage increases to maximum rate faster. For shotguns only it’s 1890 at character level 1.
Level-Restricted Challenge Lv. 40
If tagged [Sonic Assist+] or [Rare Tag] replace Piercing with Quick Load
Level-Restricted Challenge Lv. 100
If tagged [Sonic Assist+] or [Rare Tag] replace Piercing with Quick Load
Level-Restricted Challenge Lv. 40
If tagged [Sonic Assist+] or [Rare Tag] replace Piercing with Firing Rate or Quick Load
Level-Restricted Challenge Lv. 100
If tagged [Sonic Assist+] or [Rare Tag] replace Piercing with Firing Rate or Quick Load
Shotguns [Section 2]
Level-Restricted Challenge Lv. 40
*Minimum Firing Rate Lv. 18
Level-Restricted Challenge Lv. 100
*Minimum Firing Rate Lv. 18
Weekend Survivor
*Minimum Firing Rate Lv. 18
*Double Stack Shotgun Burn Damage FPS30/60
FPS 30 – Works with any fast shotgun with piercing
FPS 60 – Works only with the M147S with firing rate at least 4.53 and piercing
Discovered July 16, 2016
Some of you might have experienced this at one time or another but could not find an explanation.
While playing LRC No. 128 (Neil’s Stage) I noticed that sometimes when I shotgunned Neil, fire damage would go above 1890. I thought maybe it had something to do with Neil’s spontaneous combustion, so I decided to do some testing…
And after hours of testing I figured out how to make shotgun fire damage at level 1 stack to a maximum of 3780 against ALL enemies.
– [Steady Shot] tag highly recommended, unless you have good aim at near maximum shotgun range.
– Piercing is a MUST.
– Focus part is a MUST.
– FPS30 – At least +8% firing rate (steady shot tag) for the M147S and TAP194.
– FPS60 – Works only with the M147S with firing rate at least 4.53.
– This will not work on slow systems that can’t keep a steady frame rate of at least 25 – 30 (for FPS30).
In order to get shotgun fire damage to double stack you have to stand about 2 meters (4 walking steps) in from maximum shotgun range. You will know you are at maximum range when you aim at an enemy and the center aim point dims. For smaller enemies you will have to be about 2.5 meters (5 walking steps) in from maximum range.
The screenshots below will provide you with a reference of where you need to stand.
Using this technique it is very possible to do the Graveyard (Guantlet VIII-3) at level 1.
Invasion of the Huge Creatures Event
*For all primary weapons the preferred tags are [Long Range], [Long Range+] or [Steady Shot]. Needed skills are rocket launcher, crouch power, sniper rifle master and magnum master*
Parts setup will vary based on the creatures weakness. For example in Invasion of the Huge Creatures No. 9 the creatures weakness was fire. This is the basic maximum damage setup.
Weapon 1 – Anti-Materiel Rifle
1. Damage
2. Capacity
3. Charge Shot
4. Mundane Murderer
5. Long Range
6. Critical Hit
Weapon 2 – Anti-Materiel Rifle
1. Damage
2. Capacity
3. Charge Shot
4. Mundane Murderer
5. Long Range
6. Critical Hit
Weapon 3 – Sniper Rifle – Best Weapon: Muramasa
1. Damage
2. Capacity
3. Charge Shot
4. Mundane Murderer
5. Long Range
6. Critical Hit
Weapon 4 – Magnum – Best Weapon: Pale Rider
1. Damage
2. Capacity
3. Charge Shot
4. Mundane Murderer
5. Long Range
6. Critical Hit
Support weapons are used by the second player (local or online) to increase your damage.
*For all support weapons the preferred tags are [Speed Shot] or [Speed Load]. The preferred weapons are P10, Chicago Typewriter, NSR47, SVD, Model 329, 2005M and Python*
Handgun – P10 – When shock occurs it will always be 2x
1. Capacity
2. Burst +1
3. Electric Ammo Lv. 10 (40% Chance)
5. Firing Rate (Optional)
Machine Pistol – Chicago Typewriter – **IMPORTANT READ BELOW
1. Capacity
2. Burst +1
3. Electric Ammo Lv. 10 (12% Chance)
4. Anti-Recoil Lv. 5
6. Firing Rate (*Required*)
**Increasing the firing rate actually increases the chance of burst +1 dealing shock 2x, but it DOES NOT increase the chance of shock occurrence.
Assault Rifle – NSR47 – **IMPORTANT READ BELOW
1. Capacity
2. Burst +1
3. Electric Ammo Lv. 10 (19% Chance)
4. Anti-Recoil Lv. 5
6. Firing Rate (*Required*)
**Increasing the firing rate actually increases the chance of burst +1 dealing shock 2x, but it DOES NOT increase the chance of shock occurrence.
Sniper Rifle – SVD – When shock occurs it will always be 2x
*Due to the SVD’s recoil you can use [Steady Shot] tag if possible*
1. Capacity
2. Burst +1
3. Electric Ammo Lv. 10 (100% Chance)
Magnum – Model 329, 2005M or Python – When shock occurs it will always be 2x
1. Capacity
2. Burst +1
3. Electric Ammo Lv. 10 (100% Chance)
4. Anti-Recoil Lv. 5
*Creature Event Damage Calculation
[Total Damage] ÷ [Number of Times Data Received] x [Event Duration]
All reset times for Daily Missions, Creature Event and Weekend Survivor is:
3 pm (15:00) LOCAL TIME
For creature event a day starts and ends at 3 pm (15:00) Japan Standard Time. If your reset time allows you to play twice within this 24 hour period then +1 will be added to number of times data received. When a day progresses then +1 will be added to the event duration.
Session 1 – 5,000,000
Session 2 – 6,000,000
Session 3 – 5,500,000
Event Duration – 2 Days
[16,500,000] ÷ [3] x [2] = 11,000,000 will be posted if the next leaderboard update is before 3pm JST.
Session 1 – 5,000,000
Session 2 – 6,000,000
Session 3 – 5,500,000
Event Duration – 3 Days
[16,500,000] ÷ [3] x [3] = 16,500,000 will be posted if the next leaderboard update is after 3pm JST.
Level-Restricted Challenge Lv. 40
The LRC level 40 weapon setups and loadout vary depending on the stage, but for the most part you can use your Weekend Survivor weapons for LRC 40 events.
All Lv. 100 Pistols: Capacity Upgrade +30
***The 6th part can be anything that assist the pistols tag or your gameplay style.
All Lv. 100 Machine Pistols: Capacity Upgrade +30
All Lv. 100 Assault Rifles: Capacity Upgrade +30
DO NOT use the High Roller for LRC events, it’s firing rate is too slow to keep a steady and effective burn rate.
***The 6th part can be anything that will assist you in continuous firing. (firing rate, quick load, full burst, etc)
All firing rate tagged Lv. 100 Sniper Rifles: Capacity Upgrade +30
Electric setups require high level to max level damage and capacity parts to be effective. At least level 18 for damage and level 15 for capacity.
***For an Anti-Materiel Rifle the 6th part can be long range because it’s firepower can make up for the reduced close range damage due to using long range parts.
All firing rate tagged Lv. 100 Magnums: Capacity Upgrade +30
DO NOT use the Pale Rider for LRC events
Electric setups require high level to max level damage and capacity parts to be effective. At least level 18 for damage and level 15 for capacity.
***If you have a [Short Range] or [Short Range+] magnum you can use close range in the 6th slot.
Level-Restricted Challenge Lv. 100
The usual level 100 LRC setup consist of 3 shotguns (see shotgun section for setups) and a force pistol or magnum (see force ammo and weapons section for setups).
Skill setups will vary based on the stage but the most common sub-weapons are electric bottles, ice bottles, rocket launcher and bewilder.
*LRC 100 VIII-3 (Graveyard)
Work in progress…
Quick guide for one of the two hardest LRC stages in the game.
*LRC 100 VIII-6 (Neil’s Stage)
Quick guide for one of the two hardest LRC stages in the game.
Quick Reference
2, 5, 8
3, 6, 9, 11
4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14
-***Ironhead *8* can be used to kill the remaining enemies once he spawns. Use a shock weapon to electrocute the enemy before he attacks and he will most likey survive the exploding enemies.
-You will most likely run out of electric bottles, so use a fast non-homing support gun for solo electrocution (see screenshot 5).
-Force ammo is optional.
-The blue nitrogen tanks can only instant kill Ironheads, use at least 1x shock before shooting the tank.
-If the first Ironhead (spawn #2) is a healer and/or tank JUST RESTART.
Weekend Survivor [Skills]
These are the most commonly used skills for Weekend Survivor (all levels). The rest are based on your weapon setup and play style.
Weekend Survivor Lv. 60 [Weapons]
Weekend Survivor consist of 30 floors (missions) played in sequence.
Starting character level is locked at Lv. 60, 70 or 100
Weekend Survivor Lv. 60
Enemy level floor 1 – Lv. 40
Enemy level floor 30 – Lv. 110
Weekend Survivor Lv. 70
Enemy level floor 1 – Lv. 50
Enemy level floor 30 – Lv. 120
Weekend Survivor Lv. 100
Enemy level floor 1 – Lv. 80
Enemy level floor 30 – Lv. 120
Weapon 1 – Magnum
Weapon 2 – Magnum
Weapon 3 – Sniper Rifle
Weapon 4 – Shotgun
Weekend Survivor Lv. 70 [Weapons]
Weekend Survivor consist of 30 floors (missions) played in sequence.
Starting character level is locked at Lv. 60, 70 or 100
Weekend Survivor Lv. 60
Enemy level floor 1 – Lv. 40
Enemy level floor 30 – Lv. 110
Weekend Survivor Lv. 70
Enemy level floor 1 – Lv. 50
Enemy level floor 30 – Lv. 120
Weekend Survivor Lv. 100
Enemy level floor 1 – Lv. 80
Enemy level floor 30 – Lv. 120
Weapon 1 – Magnum
Weapon 2 – Magnum
Weapon 3 – Sniper Rifle
Weapon 4 – Anti-Materiel Rifle
Weekend Survivor Lv. 100 [Weapons]
Weekend Survivor consist of 30 floors (missions) played in sequence.
Starting character level is locked at Lv. 60, 70 or 100
Weekend Survivor Lv. 60
Enemy level floor 1 – Lv. 40
Enemy level floor 30 – Lv. 110
Weekend Survivor Lv. 70
Enemy level floor 1 – Lv. 50
Enemy level floor 30 – Lv. 120
Weekend Survivor Lv. 100
Enemy level floor 1 – Lv. 80
Enemy level floor 30 – Lv. 120
Weapon 1 – Magnum
Weapon 2 – Magnum
Weapon 3 – Sniper Rifle
Weapon 4 – Anti-Materiel Rifle