A guide for weapons, their stats, location, etc.(What else did you think this guide was gonna do? Teach you how to make an omelet?)This info is taken from castlecrashers wiki[castlecrashers.wikia.com], and personal experience.
I will show the weapon, and it’s name. Then Strength, Magic, Defense, Agility, and Special.
I’ll also explain the “location” That might be which character that starts with that weapon.
Or in which level you’ll find it, and a quick description on where it is in that level.
The weapons will be organized into groups by how they are in the Weapons Frog.
The groups are separated by the bones with rope around them.
So i don’t count the see-through bones in the foreground as a start of a new group.
I’ll also try to link everything to the Castle Crashers Wiki[castlecrashers.wikia.com]if possible.
Group 1
Group 2
Gray Knight
Unlocked by completing levels from
Home Castle [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
to Barbarian Boss [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Barbarian’s weapon, and drop.
Barbarian unlocked by completing
King’s Arena [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Found in a haystack early in the level.
After going down the first set of stairs.
Behind a broken pillar in the ruins.
At the breakable wall, with the trolls,
and treasure chest.
Found at the first treasure chest.
Where a Thief swings by.
After the owl, and small drop.
Group 3
Found in a chest in the stone ruins
with the trolls, and breakable wall.
Unlocked by completing the
Peasant’s Arena [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Found by the Cardinal
After the 8 revived skeletons.
4 of them being Beefy.
Pink Knight Pack DLC [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Steam store page
BattleBlock Theater Steam page
Blacksmith Pack DLC [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Steam store page
Group 4
Found at a digging spot.
at the last burning hut.
Right before the stairs.
Thief’s weapon, and drop.
Theif unlocked by completing
Thieves’ Arena [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Found in the cave before you climb.
Use a Beefy Sandwich to lift the rock.
Locked in the top chest of the cave.
Found at a digging spot.
Right before the end of the level.
Found at a digging spot.
Right at the beginning on the beach.
Found at a digging spot.
Located at the Rainy Bear Boss.
Found at the beginning behind
the catapult with a Gray Knight.
Group 5
Unlock, and play Insane Mode [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Get to the Castle keep store,
and buy it for 400 gold.
Found at a digging spot.
The X is on a brown patch.
Next to a bird/snake statue
about halfway through the level.
Found at a digging spot.
Early on. Under the wanted poster.
Between the first two portraits.
Close to a rock. on brown patch
Before any actual enemies.
Can also be unlocked,
and dropped by Saracen [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Fencer unlocked by
completing the game with
Industrialist [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Found at a digging spot.
Early on. After the tables with food.
The X is in the middle of the carpet.
Next to a balcony in the background.
Found at a digging spot.
Between the Thief shooting arrows,
and the 3 targets with a Gray Knight.
Use another player to block the shots,
dig the X, and collect the weapon.
Found at a digging spot.
After the first wave of Bees walk a bit,
and the X should be near the top.
Right before two big roses.
Group 6
Killer Beekeeper unlocked by
completing the game with Barbarian [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Conehead’s weapon, and drop.
Conehead unlocked by completing Volcano Arena [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Found at a digging spot.
Early on in the chase for the Zebra.
Right after the 4 quicksand pits.
Next to a big rock.
Group 7
Can also be unlocked,
and dropped by Stove Face [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Unlocked by completing the game
with Gray Knight [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Behind the two houses.
Right before the big tree.
Between the two houses.
For an easier dig use Pazzo [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
After beating Medusa [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Destroy her petrified body,
and the weapon will appear.
Found by the Cardinal
After the boss go on the balcony,
and into the door on the upper left.
Found at a digging spot.
Near the end of the level.
Between two sets of stairs.
Next to a shelf of shoes.
Found at a digging spot.
After the third set of enemies.
Before the first up slant.
Found by the Cardinal
In the second shack at the ladders.
Note: Key used to open door in the Animal Ark[castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Go to the crate between shops,
and walk down to the
dark patch of snow, and dig.
For an easier dig use Pazzo [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Group 8
Iceskimo unlocked by
completing Icy Arena [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Dropped by Unicorn Painting.
Beat the Painter [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
While the Unicorn is on screen.
Found at a digging spot.
In front of the two houses.
Before the big tree.
Found in a grave stone.
Break the one behind
the elevated ground.
Right before the broken gate.
Destroy the third fish man statue.
The one after the small water stream.
Group 9
Brute unlocked by
completing the game with
Icekimo [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Bear unlocked by
completing the game with
Skeleton [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Industrialist unlocked by
completing the game with
Blue Knight [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Skeleton unlocked by
completing the game with
Red Knight [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Snakey unlocked by
completing the game with
Thief [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Fire Demon unlocked by
completing the game with
Orange Knight [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
completing the level
Pipistrello’s Cave [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
On Insane Mode [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Group 10
Ninja unlocked by
completing the game with
Fire Demon [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Found hanging in the background.
In the second room. On the wall.
After the room with falling stalactites.
and delayed boss drop.
Necromancer unlocked by
completing the level
Industrial Castle [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
On Insane Mode [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
In second room. On the right
of white stripe by the torch.
For an easier dig use Pazzo [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Cult Minion unlocked by
completing the level
Ice Castle [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
On Insane Mode [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Dropped by Evil Wizard [castlecrashers.wikia.com]
Collect it before it disappears.
Found at a digging spot.
Next to the giant sock.
Marked with an X of bones.
Group 11
You can also just trade weapons with another player to unlock it…
When the credits roll. Pausing, and quitting to map will still unlock things for completing the game.
Note: Make sure you complete each “chapter” in one session or else you wont get your unlocks.
More info here: [link] (Each chapter end kicks you to the map)
Order doesn’t matter. So just replay missed one-session chapters, and beat the final boss again.
If you don’t have the Boomerang[castlecrashers.wikia.com]You can get it from
Thieves’ Forest[castlecrashers.wikia.com]with the Cardinal[castlecrashers.wikia.com]
From the bush that the owl falls into. Also if you don’t have the Shovel[castlecrashers.wikia.com]
For whatever reason. It’s at the start of the Desert[castlecrashers.wikia.com]
A trick with the Cardinal[castlecrashers.wikia.com], and Boomerang[castlecrashers.wikia.com]:
Hitting a weapon the Cardinal is caring with the Boomerang will duplicate it.
Didn’t add a “Buy at Castle Keep Store for 32 gold.” to the Skinny Sword “location” box.
Because the “location” box is already filled with the Gray Knight[castlecrashers.wikia.com] info,
and i pretty much only added text like that on other store items to fill the “location” box some.
Open-Faced Gray Knight[castlecrashers.wikia.com] also uses the Skinny Sword[castlecrashers.wikia.com]
But he’s unlocked in Insane Mode[castlecrashers.wikia.com]
So kind of a moot point to put it in the “location” box.
Also the Thief Sword[castlecrashers.wikia.com] can be found at the beginning in
Forest Entrance[castlecrashers.wikia.com]with the Cardinal[castlecrashers.wikia.com]
But it’s a common Thief[castlecrashers.wikia.com]drop, and easy (character) unlock.
So didn’t add that to the weapons’ “location” box.
The Falchion[castlecrashers.wikia.com]can also be dropped by or unlocked with Royal Guard [castlecrashers.wikia.com] You should already have the shovel at this point so you should get it normally.
Or by Saracen[castlecrashers.wikia.com] drop. Also i just didn’t wanna make the “location” box any bigger.
Also the Fishing Rod shows 4 percentage on: [link]
But on [link] the percentage is 1.
The CastleCrashers ReMaster wiki now just takes you to the normal CastleCrashers wiki.
Since they got stats for both versions, and say it’s 1% for the remaster. I’m gonna go with that.
If anyone knows the right percentage or has any info on anything else missing in this guide.
Please comment below, and i’d be happy to fix it.
Also a picture version of the guide for the stats may or may not be in progress.
Guide updates:
Update 1. (25-Oct-2017):
Aichomancer@76561198071790172 informed me of some percentage numbers,
and i have updated them accordingly. Here are the changes:
Bone Leg[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Poison (1%) to Poison (3%)
Broad Spear[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Critical (1%) to Critical (3%)
Chainsaw[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Critical (2%) to Critical (3%)
Demon Sword[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Fire (2%) to Fire (4%)
Dinner Fork[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Poison (1%) to Poison (3%)
Dual Prong Sword[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Critical (1%) to Critical (3%)
Electric Eel[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Lightning (1%) to Lightning (3%)
Glowstick[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Lightning (1%) to Lightning (4%)
Ice Sword[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Ice (2%) to Ice (4%)
Man Catcher[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Critical (1%) to Critical (3%)
Ninja Claw[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Poison (1%) to Poison (4%)
Sai[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Critical (1%) to Critical (3%)
Gold Skull Mace[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Critical (3%) to Critical (4%)
Snakey Staff[castlecrashers.wikia.com]‘s Poison (2%) to Poison (4%)
Update 2. (27-Jan-2019):
Fixed the link for the Rat Beating Bat.[castlecrashers.fandom.com]
Thanks to FlourPour@76561198147318965 for pointing out it was linking to the Wrapped Sword.
Also about the visual version of the guide. I probably will never finish it, and therefor never post it.
This guide does it’s job well enough anyway. As always keep me informed if anything needs changing.
Update3. (01-Feb-2019):
Change some text to reflect that the Castle Crashers Remaster wiki is no longer avialable,
and that i’ll use info from the wiki that has both CC version for the Electricity % for Fishing Rod.
Castle Crashers Remaster wiki: [link]
Castle Crashers wiki: [link]
New Castle Crashers wiki domain: [link] (Old links takes you here)
So changed the Fishing Rod[castlecrashers.fandom.com]‘s Poison (4%) to Poison (1%)
Thanks to Activation7X@76561198046157737 for pointing out the RM wiki is gone.
How to make an omelet
How to make an omelet.
By Incredible Egg[www.incredibleegg.org]
- 2 EGGS
- 2 Tbsp. water
- 1/8 tsp. salt
- Dash pepper
- 1 tsp. butter
- 1/3 to 1/2 cup filling, such as shredded cheese, finely chopped ham, baby spinach
- BEAT eggs, water, salt and pepper in small bowl until blended.
- HEAT butter in 7 to 10-inch nonstick omelet pan or skillet over medium-high heat until hot. TILT pan to coat bottom. POUR IN egg mixture. Mixture should set immediately at edges.
- GENTLY PUSH cooked portions from edges toward the center with inverted turner so that uncooked eggs can reach the hot pan surface. CONTINUE cooking, tilting pan and gently moving cooked portions as needed.
- When top surface of eggs is thickened and no visible liquid egg remains, PLACE filling on one side of the omelet. FOLD omelet in half with turner. With a quick flip of the wrist, turn pan and INVERT or SLIDE omelet onto plate. SERVE immediately.
Wondering how to make the perfect omelet? There is more than one way of making omelets. Many different ingredients can be used for the fillings and the possibilities are endless. Use one or more of your favorite foods. Some classic omelet fillings include shredded Cheddar or Gruyere cheese, sour cream, diced ham, crisp bacon, sautéed mushrooms, bell peppers or tomatoes, caramelized onions, fresh herbs, even tasty leftovers from last night’s dinner.
Feeling elegant? Combine broccoli, Brie and toasted almonds. In a south-of-the-border mood? Try corn, salsa, chorizo and jalapeño cheese.
For a sweet omelet, omit pepper and add a dash of sugar to egg mixture. Fill with preserves, finely chopped toasted nuts or berries; dust with powdered sugar. For an elegant touch, spoon a tablespoon of warmed Cognac or Grand Marnier over and flambé.
Insider Information on How to Make the Perfect Omelet
Making an omelet can be easy with our insider tips. In just a few quick steps, learn how to make the best omelet.
Prepare filling first. Omelets cook so quickly, any fillings should be ready to go before starting the eggs. Plan on 1/3 to 1/2-cup filling per 2-egg omelet. Raw foods should be cooked. Refrigerated foods should be heated. Shredded cheese and room temperature foods, such as jams and jellies, are fine as is. Pieces should be small to prevent tearing the omelet when it’s folded.
Made-to-order: Omelets are best cooked one at a time and served immediately.
For more servings, multiply the recipe as needed, preparing only as many eggs as you will use in a short time. Use 1/2 cup egg mixture per omelet.
Omelet pans are shallow and have sloped sides – designed for ease of moving the omelet mixture during cooking and for sliding the finished omelet out. If you don’t have an omelet pan, it’s best to use a heavy skillet with sloping sides.
For beginners: 1/3 to 1/2 cup filling for a 2-egg omelet can be difficult to manage at first. Try putting only half the filling inside the omelet. Spoon the rest across the top of the omelet after it’s on the plate.