This “guide” is a collection of screenshots showcasing the dozens of weapon skins available in the game. I’ll continue to expand it as I get more screenshots for new skins. Have a skin that’s not here in the guide? Put a link to a screenshot of it in the comments and I’ll put it in as soon as I can, along with your name in the Hall of Contributions!
If you want to go to a specific skin, click on the name of the skin you want to see on the right in the table of contents, or use Ctrl+F and search for the name of the skin you want to see and it should telewarp you right to it (if you’re viewing this from the web).
The skins will be marked with a (V) if it’s obtained from the appearance Vendor, a (D) if it is a skin that drops from someplace, the letters (HVT) if it’s a reward or drop from a High Value Target mission, or the words (Season Pass) if they are only obtainable via ownership of the season pass. They’ll also be sorted in alphabetical order, just for your viewing ease.
Oh, and if you want, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them for MAXIMUM VIEWING EFFICIENCY!!! Or don’t, no biggie.
As for where to get these weapon skins (if you didn’t already know), most of them are bought from the Appearance Vendor at the back of the Security Wing unlocked via the Supply Line (costing 400 Security Wing Resources). The appearance vendor’s stock resets every 24 hours at 8PM EST or 5PM PST (along with the majority of the other vendors, save for the special weaponry vendor and all of the Dark Zone vendors). She sells one random weapon skin per day until the shops reset. Upon purchasing the weapon skin, it will be unlocked for unlimited use across your entire account. The skins that the appearance vendor sells are also based on what level your character is at the time. In other words, the skin she’s selling for a level 5 will be different than the skin she’s selling for a level 30. As such, it might be worth making a character just to go unlock the supply line and sit at a lower level if you’re an avid weapon skin collector (*cough* like me *cough* *cough*). Otherwise, weapon skins can be dropped from mobs rarely, given from the “Civilians in Need” very rarely, or obtained from Challenge Mode bosses relatively often, with each boss having a chance to drop one particular skin.
Now, enough talk: ONTO THE WEAPON SKINS!
Enjoy, and thank you!
The Hall of Contributions
The following is a list of the names of all the people who have contributed skins to the guide over the time it’s been out. I’d like to give a sincere thanks to all of you. I wouldn’t have been able to put this together without all of you guys and gals’ help.
And now, in no particular order, here are the members of the (drum roll please)…
@Vashts / @An1maL_M0th3r
@Guarden Gnome
@Halo / @Halo T> M9 CW WW
@Spooks McGee
@t3h beardmagic
@Leif G.W. Persson
And, of course, @Rahza helped out a bit as well I suppose… ;P
Again, thank you ALL for your screenshot contributions, source information, and all-around support for this guide! You guys are the reason this guide exploded, not me. So at the risk of sounding like a broken record, again: thank you all for the help. 🙂
Alligator – Waterwood (Season Pass)
Alligator – Waterwood (Courtesy of @Moin for the image!)
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
A-TACS – Brown (V)
ATACS – Brown (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
A-TACS – Green (V)
A-TACS – Green (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
A-TACS – Urban (V)
A-TACS – Urban (Courtesy of @Ironbull09 for the image!)
A-TACS – Winter (V)
A-TACS – Winter.
Bastille – Amazon (D)
Bastille – Amazon (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
Dropped from the last bass of the Queens Tunnel Camp mission on challenging difficulty.
Bastille – Cyme (Season Pass)
Bastille – Cyme (Courtesy of @Moin for the image!)
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Bastille – Heat (D)
Bastille – Heat (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
Dropped from the last boss of the Clear Sky incursion on challenging difficulty.
Burst – Ash (Season Pass)
Burst – Ash
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Burst – Forest (Season Pass)
Burst – Forest (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
Obtained from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations for free if you own the season pass.
Burst – Marshland (Season Pass)
Burst – Marshland (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
Obtained from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations for free if you own the season pass.
Burst – Mountain (Season Pass)
Burst – Mountain (Courtesy of @Trakais for the image!)
This skin is obtained from owning the season pass.
Burst – Twilight (Season Pass)
Burst – Twilight (Courtesy of @«Reaper» for the image)
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor. Only visible if you own the Season Pass.
Chocolate Chip (V)
Chocolate Chip (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
(Used to be called “Chocolate Chip – Loot Crate” before patch 1.1)
Chocolate Chip – Desert (V)
Chocolate Chip – Desert (Courtesy of @ValubDub for the image!)
Chocolate Chip – Forest (V)
Chocolate Chip – Forest (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Desert – Sahara (D)
Desert – Sahara (Courtesy of “@commoncaribou” for the image!)
Dropped from the last boss (Martinez) of Hudson Refugee Camp on Challenging difficulty
(Thank you @INMATEofARKHAM for the clarification!)
Digital – ACU (V)
Digital – ACU (Courtesy of @Ironbull09 for the image!)
Digital – CADPAT (V)
Digital – CADPAT (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Digital – MARPAT (V)
Digital – MARPAT (Courtesy of @An1maL_M0th3r for the image!)
Digital – NWU (V)
Digital – NWU
Digital – Urban (V)
Digital – Urban (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Digital – Winter (V)
Digital – Winter
Dogfish (V)
Dogfish (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
(Used to be called “Multicam – Blue”, before patch 1.1)
Flecktarn – Blue (V)
Flecktarn – Blue (didn’t have a Vector on me for this screenshot :/)
Flecktarn – Danish M84 (V)
Flecktarn – Danish M84
Flecktarn – SWAT (V)
Flecktarn – SWAT
Glitch – Azure (Season Pass)
Glitch – Azure
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Glitch – Cobalt (Season Pass)
Glitch – Cobalt (Courtesy of @Marsi0574 for the image!)
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Glitch – Copper (Season Pass)
Glitch – Copper (Courtesy of @Moin for the image!)
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Glitch – Crimson (Season Pass)
Gltich – Crimson
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Inferno – Blaze (D)
Inferno – Blaze (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
Dropped from Dragon’s Nest Incursion on Challenging Difficulty.
Inferno – Firestorm (Special)
Inferno – Firestorm
This skin is obtained for 20 Ubi-points (or whatever they’re called; they look like a red/orange circle with a capital U on them) from the Ubisoft Club in-game. To get to the Ubisoft Club, hit escape, press Ubisoft Club in the bottom left, click Rewards at the top, scroll down until you find the skin (or whatever you want to purchase), and then press Unlock on it. Alternatively, Shift+F2 should also open up the Ubisoft Club by default. Once you’ve bought it, you have to claim it from the Rewards Claim Vendor in the Base of Operations before you can use it. As for actually getting Ubi-points, you get some whenever you complete an achievement in any Ubisoft game.
(P.S. I highly reccomend looking around in the Ubisoft Club’s Rewards section if you haven’t already. There’s a lot of cool little doodads you can get, and none of them take real money to get.)
Leaf – Blue (V)
Leaf – Blue
Leaf – Brown (V)
Leaf – Brown
Leaf – Red (V)
Leaf – Red (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Leaf – Woodland BDU (V)
Leaf – Woodland BDU (Courtesy of @Guarden Gnome for the image!)
Maru – Whiro (Special)
Maru – Whiro
This skin is obtained for 20 Ubi-points (or whatever they’re called; they look like a red/orange circle with a capital U on them) from the Ubisoft Club in-game. To get to the Ubisoft Club, hit escape, press Ubisoft Club in the bottom left, click Rewards at the top, scroll down until you find the skin (or whatever you want to purchase), and then press Unlock on it. Alternatively, Shift+F2 should also open up the Ubisoft Club by default. Once you’ve bought it, you have to claim it from the Rewards Claim Vendor in the Base of Operations before you can use it. As for actually getting Ubi-points, you get some whenever you complete an achievement in any Ubisoft game.
(P.S. I highly reccomend looking around in the Ubisoft Club’s Rewards section if you haven’t already. There’s a lot of cool little doodads you can get, and none of them take real money to get.)
Multicam – Brown (V)
Multicam – Brown (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Multicam – OCP (V)
Multicam – OCP (Courtesy of @Ironbull09 for the image!)
Multicam – Urban (V)
Multicam – Urban
Safari – Gray (Season Pass)
Safari – Grey (Courtesy of @«Reaper» for the image)
Bought from the Rewards Claim Vendor in the Base of Operations. Only visible if you own the season pass.
Safari – Green (Season Pass)
Safari – Green (Courtesy of @Trakais for the image)
Bought from the rewards claim vendor, and you must have the season pass.
Safari – Purple (Season Pass)
Safari – Purple (Courtesy of @Trakais for the image!)
This skin is obtained from the season pass.
Safari – White (Season Pass)
Safari – White
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Scale – Aether (Season Pass)
Scale – Aether (Courtesy of @Moin for the image!)
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Scale – Earth (Season Pass)
Scale – Earth (Courtesy of @Marsi0574 for the image!)
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Scale – Fire (Special)
Scale – Fire (Courtesy of @Moin for the image!)
Unlike the other Scale skins, the Scale – Fire skin is only obtainable via lootcrate.com.
Scale – Water (Season Pass)
Scale – Water (Courtesy of @Trakais for the image!)
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Scale – Wind (Season Pass)
Scale – Wind
Bought for free from the Rewards Claim Vendor in your Base of Operations. Only visible if you have the Season Pass.
Serpent – Adder (HVT)
Serpent – Adder (Courtesy of @Bubbles for the image)
High Value Target Reward
Serpent – Anaconda (HVT)
Serpent – Anaconda (Courtesy of @Leif G.W. Persson for the image!)
High Value Target Drop.
Serpent – Cobra (HVT)
Serpent – Cobra (Courtesy of @Leif G.W. Persson for the image!)
High Value Target Drop
Serpent – Copperhead (HVT)
Serpent – Copperhead (Courtesy of @Trakais for the image!)
High Value Target Drop.
Serpent – Cottonmouth (HVT)
Serpent – Cottonmouth (Courtesy of @An1maL_M0th3r for the image)
High Value Target Reward.
Serpent – Hydra (HVT)
Serpent – Hydra (Courtesy of @TesaracT for the image!)
High Value Target Reward.
Serpent – Python (HVT)
Serpent – Python (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
High Value Target Drop.
Serpent – Sidewinder (HVT)
Serpent – Sidewinder (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
High Value Target Drop.
Serpent – Venom (HVT)
Serpent – Poisonous (Courtesy of @Trakais for the image!)
High Value Target Drop
Serpent – Viper (HVT)
Serpent – Viper (Courtesy of @TesaracT for the image!)
Drops from HVT missions.
The name seems a little redundant, no?
Snakeskin – Brown (V)
Snakeskin – Brown (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Snakeskin – Green (D)
Snakeskin – Green (Courtesy of @JAFT for the image!
Drops occasionally from Supply Drops.
Snakeskin – Mangrove (V)
Snakeskin – Mangrove (Courtesy of @Volkenhammer for the image!)
Solid – Coyote Tan (V)
Solid – Coyote Tan (Courtesy of @Verniy for the screenshot!)
Solid – Dark Blue (V)
Solid – Dark Blue (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
Solid – Dark Coyote (V)
Solid – Dark Coyote
Solid – Dark Earth (V)
Solid – Dark Earth (Courtesy of @Halo for the image!)
This one and Solid – Dark Coyote look VERY similar.
Solid – Earth Tan (V)
Solid – Earth Tan (Courtesy of @An1maL_M0th3r for the image)
This skin looks incredibly similar to the “Solid – Dark Earth (FDE)” skin.
Solid – Electric Green (D/V)
Solid – Electric Green (Courtesy of @LegendaryxScout for the image!)
This skin is a bit of a special case. It drops from WarrenGate Power Plant on Challenging difficulty from the last boss, “Keller”, AND, it can ALSO be purchased from the Appearance Vendor if it randomly appears on her.
Solid – Foilage Green (V)
Solid – Foilage Green
I think this one is suprisingly similar to Solid – Stealth Grey. This one just has a tinge of green with it.
Solid – Highland Green (V)
Solid – Highland Green (Courtesy of @An1maL_M0th3r for the image)
Solid – Light Blue (V)
Solid – Light Blue (Courtesy of @Halo T> M9 CW WW for the image!)
Solid – Olive Drab (V)
Solid – Olive Drab (Courtesy of @IamTheSpy! for the image!)
Solid – Orange (V)
Solid – Orange (Courtesy of @LegendaryxScout for the image!)
Solid – Pink (D)
Solid – Pink (Courtesy to @Spooks McGee for the image!)
Drops from LaRae Barrett in Lexington Event Center on Challenging difficulty.
Solid – Plum (V)
Solid – Plum (Courtesy of @Trakais for the one on the left and @Halo for the one on the right!)
Solid – Red (V)
Solid – Red (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
Solid – Teal (D)
Solid – Teal
Dropped from the last boss (Finch) of Lincolin Tunnel Checkpoint on Challenging difficulty
Solid – Stealth Gray (V)
Solid – Stealth Gray
Solid – White (V)
Solid – White (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
Thank you @Luquss for the confirmation on how to obtain. It does indeed come from the appearance vendor.
Sponge – Blue (V)
Sponge – Blue (Courtesy of @Vashts/@An1maL_M0th3r for the image!
(He used to be Vashts, but then he changed his name to An1maL_M0th3r, so if you see “@Vashts” in here, it’s actually “@An1maL_M0th3r” now. Not that that’s confusing or anything xD)
Sponge – Green (V)
Sponge – Green (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
(Confirmation on how to obtain this one needed.)
Sponge – Yellow (V)
Sponge – Yellow (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Spray Stripes – Brown (V)
Spray Stripes – Brown (Courtesy of @pewBotzi for the image!)
Spray Stripes – Bumblebee (D)
Spray Stripes – Bumblebee (Courtesy of @KiralySparkle for the image!)
This skin is dropped from the APC in the Incursion “Falcon Lost” on Challenging Difficulty. The Incursion itself is located just south of the WarrenGate Power Plant mission, in the south-eastern corner of the map. It’s a yellow area that goes just off the map with a yellow chevron over it — you can’t miss it.
Spray Stripes – Green (V)
Spray Stripes – Green (Courtesy of @Ironbull09 for the image!)
Spray Stripes – Red White & Blue (D)
Spray Stripes – Red White & Blue (Courtesy to @Dubhlainn for the screenshot!)
Drops from Hornet at the Russian Consulate on Challenging difficulty.
Spray Stripes – Urban Snow (Special)
Spray Stripes – Urban Snow (Courtesy of @Verniy for the image! )
This skin is obtained for 20 Ubi-points (or whatever they’re called; they look like a red/orange circle with a capital U on them) from the Ubisoft Club in-game. To get to the Ubisoft Club, hit escape, press Ubisoft Club in the bottom left, click Rewards at the top, scroll down until you find the skin (or whatever you want to purchase), and then press Unlock on it. Alternatively, Shift+F2 should also open up the Ubisoft Club by default. Once you’ve bought it, you have to claim it from the Rewards Claim Vendor in the Base of Operations before you can use it. As for actually getting Ubi-points, you get some whenever you complete an achievement in any Ubisoft game.
(P.S. I highly reccomend looking around in the Ubisoft Club’s Rewards section if you haven’t already. There’s a lot of cool little doodads you can get, and none of them take real money to get.)
Stealth – BLIND (Underground)
Stealth – BLIND (Courtesy of @«Reaper» for the image!)
To the best of my knowledge, this skin is granted to you upon reaching Rank 40 in the Underground.
Stealth – Blue (D)
Stealth – Blue (Courtesy of @«Reaper» for the image!)
Drops from bosses in underground missions on hard or challenging difficulty. Has been seen from a one-phase misson and a three-phase mission.
Stealth – Green (D)
Stealth – Green (Courtesy of @Luquss for the image!)
Dropped from bosses in underground missions on hard, challenging, or heroic difficulty. Number of phases doesn’t seem to matter.
Stealth – Purple (D)
Stealth – Purple (Courtesy of @Marsi0574 for the image!)
Assumed to drop from the bosses in underground missions on hard or challenging difficulty (because Stealth – Blue does).
Tigerstripe – ABU (V)
Tigerstripe – ABU (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Tigerstripe – Green (V)
Tigerstripe – Green (Courtesy of @An1maL_M0th3r for the image!)
Tigerstripe – Neon (V)
Tigerstripe – Neon (Courtesy of @Verniy for the image!)
Tigerstripe – Vintage (V)
Tigerstripe – Vintage (Courtesy of @Verniy for the image!)
Torn Tape – Blue (V)
Torn Tape – Blue (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Torn Tape – Brown (V)
Torn Tape – Brown (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Torn Tape – Green (V)
Torn Tape – Green (Courtesy of @Vashts for the image!)
Torn Tape – Grey (V)
Torn Tape – Grey (Courtesy of @t3h beardmagic for the image!)
I really like the way this one looks. Its got black, grey, white… what more could you ask for?
Torn Tape – Red (V)
Torn Tape – Red (Courtesy of @ValubDub for this screenshot!)
This one is one of my personal favorites too.
Torn Tape – Swedish M90 (V)
Torn Tape – Swedish M90 (Courtesy to @<<Reaper>> for the Screenshot for this one!)
Woodflare (V)
Woodflare – Rogue (used to be called “Multicam – Rogue”, until patch 1.1)
That’s all the skins that are here for now! Like I said in the guide caption, I’ll add more weapon skins as I get images for more. Thank you for the support all!
If you have a skin that isn’t in this guide yet that you want to see here, you can take a screenshot of it and submit a link to it in the comments below, and I’ll put it in (as long as it is of reasonable quality of course).
For the best quality, I try to use Tactical Vector 45 ACP’s for the screenshots since they have a nice flat side that makes a good canvas for the weapon skin, but really, any weapon other than most pistols and Converted SMG-9’s work pretty well. I also try to take the screenshots either at the stash or at the area at the base of the stairs to the Tech Wing (the latter is probably better, just because of the lighting).
Also, if you could put the place where you got the skin(s) at for me in the post with the images of them, that would be spectacularness incarnate. All I need is either the person you bought them from or who dropped them for you and where (if it’s relavent) and that would be perfect.
Finally, if it’s a steam screenshot, don’t forget to set it to public rather than friends or private or else I won’t be able to add it to the guide.
Anyways, thanks again! This guide would barely be a tenth of it’s size without you guys! 🙂