APB Reloaded Guide

Weapons : From Joker Mystery Box Guide for APB Reloaded

Weapons : From Joker Mystery Box Guide


Learning Which box to buy and Which box to stay clear.


Hello citizens of San Paro.
This is guide of weapons which you can get from Joker mystery boxes (JMB).
I’ll let you know which guns to buy and which guns to stay away with introducing strong and weak points of each weapons.
This guide is based on my own experience and only limited to weapons I used before.
Will update this guide when I get new JMB weapons on my hands.

JMB 19 : Medusa

My first JMB weapon I unboxed.
It is basically similar to shaw, but has intelligent recoil control mod to handle recoil.

Pros : Very fast firerate, some what accurate than shaw because it has very low vertical recoil and gets more accurate when you continue shooting

Cons : Needs lots of bullet to take down enemy, and it uses so much bullet that you need more money to buy bullets.

Auction price : around 2mil (Jericho)

Verdict : Quite decent machine gun to play with. not bad at all if you want one.

JMB 14 : Huntress

I traded Medusa into huntress and used it for a while.
Basically reskin of Joker Carbine with Chambered round mod which is basically superior to Magazine Pull 3.

Pros : Decent looking, Decent performance like its brother Joker Carbine.

Cons : Doesn’t really have better points compared to Joker Carbine.

Auction price : around 2 mill (Jericho)

Verdict : Just reskin of joker carbine. no need to use money instead getting one from armas.

JMB 16 : EOL launchers

Eol Launchers are basically nerfed version of Lifetime OPGL.

Tried two varient which is Kickback and Deep impact.
Deep impact is best when you know how to use it. (only one shot in mag but get kills with one shot when you make it count.)
Kickback is best for most people. (It has 3 shots in mag and kills in 3shots but great at grenade spamming because it explodes on contact)

Pros : Lifetime weapon. Once bought and you can use forever.

Cons : Doesn’t really have great performance compared to OPGL

Auction price : around 1-1.5 mill (Jericho)

Verdict : If you need one, not a bad choice to play with. It has cheap prices recently so if you earn some money, you can get one soon.

Additional Opinions : For the Eol, you can unlock the OPGL through using the Eol or volcano to get kills. If you have an Eol after unlocking OPGL, might as well trade it in or sell it for another legendary or just straight money. (You can unlock OPGL even if not earned from the contact)
– Thanks to Reku Foriel

JMB 17 : UL – 3

UL – 3 is basically sidearm weapon meant to be used on close range.
It has Three varients, which is called Hitch Hicker(HH), Jersy Devil(JD), and Bloody Mary(BM).

You should avoid HH although it has extremely cheap price because it is just terrible weapon and has ridiculous mod. It is modded for long ranges but with this gun, you would never hit ppls on longer ranges.

Jersy devil has integrated 3PS3 and Cooling jacket so it is best finisher of all 3.
You can use it very usefully when you finish low hp ppls when you run out of ammo on primary.

Bloody mary has integrated silencer and the mod basically increase damage of each bullets.
It has lowest ttk of all 3 and if used well, beats JD every time.

Pros : Very fast firerate, Low TTK when you make those count.
JD itself is the best sidearm when it comes to finishing.
BM looks cool and kills well.

Cons : JD, and BM has high bloom. try not to engage in long range fights.
Use it for close range only.

Auction price : HH (Just avoid), JD (Around 2 mill), BM(Around 3.5mil) (Jericho)

Verdict : Great sidearms to support your Primary. Only on CQC.

JMB 3 : OCA Nano

If you choose only one weapon to use forever from JMBs this is the one you are looking for.
OCA nano is Jack of all Trades sidearm when it comes to autopistols.
Even in ranged fights, It works greatly because it has laser accuracy.
Also has great ammo pool so you don’t easily get run out of ammo.

Pros : Great accuracy, also great on ranged fights. Looks good, performs good. Large ammo pool which is enough to kill may players with one resupply. Highly recommended as sniper sidearm.

Cons : Every thing is so great. Has somewhat slow firerate than auto pistols made for close ranges but you can easily beat them by using ranges.

Auction price : around 2.7mil (Jericho)

Verdict : Just great sidearm to play with. Highly recommended.

Additional opinions :
It’s also a great weapon for a LTL setup, as it does high stamina damage, meaning if you hit somebody with some LTL shots but went dry, you can swap to a Nano and get the stun with it.
Thanks to : Sintacs

JMB 12 : The OCSP Pistol

OCSP is basically nerfed and reskined version of obeya pdw(default pistol).
Looks like Luger P08 but it has 15 rounds and lower range and higher accuracy.
It has integrated tagger, and It can be used as tagging gun if you have supporting team mate.

Pros : Tagging mod, has high accuracy so easy to tag them on ranges. Tagging itself it is very deadly when your teammates does their work well.

Cons : low range, needs lot of bullet to kill one guy. not recommeded to buy or unbox unless you have other sidearms to support it.

Auction price : around 2mil , Joker variant is rare and more expensive, which makes around 3.5 mil(Jericho)

Verdict : Great when you know how to tag enemys, for novice just good looking crap. Not recommended for unskilled players.

JMB 10 : Cap 40

Cap 40 is great SMG to use.
Basically it is mix of OCA 626 and Colby PMG.
It is meant to be used longer ranges than OCA and shorter ranges than PMG.
It has faster firerate than PMG and slower firerate than OCA.
It also comes with Unique Piercing mod, Which is great to Kill enemys hiding behind doors and behind trashbin and even behind deployable shield.

Pros : Works great with normal setting, Put RS3 and it rocks. Piercing mod is actually more useful than expected. Great at close to midrange fights.

Cons : Hard to beat OCA on OCA range and Hard to beat PMG on PMG range but It has its own range and if used wisely easily kick them both. Also recommend for players who have permenant OCA or PMG because it has unique sound and unique range to play with.

Auction price : around 2mil (Jericho)

Verdict : Great gun to use when you want decent and permenant SMG.

JMB 11 : Ursus

Ursus is straight upgrade to normal Ntecs in game which is commonly used assult rifle in apb.
It has integrated unique dot sight, which looks good and also great to aim enemies.
It has slightly more damage than normal Ntecs, Which makes it 5 shots to kill enemy.
Only weakpoint of weapon is that it has only one slot to customize the weapon.

Pros : Works great with normal setting, even without mods. Greater damage than normal Ntecs. Great assult rifle and once you get one, you won’t regret it.

Cons : Only one slot to customize, dot sight is good but needs to some time to get used to it.

Auction price : around 3.5mil (Jericho)

Verdict : Great gun to use when you are looking for permanent rifle.

JMB 18 : Condor

Raptor Condor is JMB box version of Raptor rifle which is leaseable from vendors(unlocked by christmas event).
It has integrated silencer which makes you to play stealthy, but this is not really special when compared to normal raptors such as raptor vulture(also has integrated silencer, only difference is rader detection).
It is basically PMG with longer ranges so people think the weapon itself is OP because it has razor aim even in full auto.
But when you use it by yourself, you will notice it has shorter ranges than you thought, and many shots to kill when considering low firerate.

Pros : Works great and it is great gun to play with. But don’t expect it will be OP weapon.
The unique silencer itself is great and you can play stealthy with it. even firing sound is small so enemy can’t easily detect it unless shooting in close quarters.

Cons : Better to lease Vulture or Hawk variant from vendors when you unlocked those. they are better because they can use red mods such as CJ3 which is significantly nice mod for raptor.

Auction price : around 3.3mil (Jericho)

Verdict : Great gun to buy, but note it is not overpowered as you expect.

Updates Log

added UL-3, OCA Nano, OCSP and Cap 40
added additional Opinions on EOL launcher section Thanks to : Reku Foriel

added Condor and Ursus
added additional Opinions on Nano section Thanks to : Sintacs

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