this list is not finished if you have something to add just say it in the commentary I’m putting pictures put the most detail on the weapons to have a complete list the game just come out then it is normal that I could be wrong on something I will try to make a complete guide with information weapons and others thank you for being patient this is my first guide I do ^^if you have any advice to give me hesitate
Weapons Guide
They are quite light so you can use them if you are planning to be agile. It is best if you combine it with stuff that does not add a lot of weight so that you can move around constantly.
They have a good rate of fire but lack in damage and clip size. Their accuracy is fine but their range also lacks. The best thing is that they can be used together with a sword.
The ultimate ability of the handgun is really very useful the best Handgun is Stroke
a middle of the way weapon which has the automatic fire rate feature and a decent amount of damage. They have better range and accuracy but are heavier to carry than the Submachine Guns. Assault Rifles are by far the best weapon for newer players as they are very versatile and can be used in almost every situation.
can be used by people who like to fight in close ranges. They are quite slow to move around with and have a very slow rate of fire but they have a ton of damage. Using the shotgun effectively requires skill but a good player can use them to absolutely destroy the enemy by getting up close and blowing everyone’s face off.
I do not like playing the shotgun at all I think it’s too weak weapons compare to other weapons: /
You know what they are all about! Massive range and accuracy but extremely heavy and slow to fire. Use them if you like to hang back and take out the enemies from long range without fear of retaliation.
I advise you to play with a lot of crew who can take the focus of the enemy or play with camouflage
have a good amount of damage and an amazing rate of fire but they are not as accurate and are heavier than handguns. Players who like to run and gun will feel right at home when using the SMGs. the best weapons if you want run and gun
create explosions on the battlefield. They do not have a good range or a clip size but their damage is an Area of Effect ability and it can be used to zone out enemies from a certain area.I do not play that much weapons so little personal information
are extremely heavy weapons that fire tons of bullets altogether. They have terrible accuracy to compensate for all of their redeeming qualities. Do not expect to get a lot of kills with ti at the start a s it has a bit of a learning curve.
very useful against the boss against with large red weak point!
They do not require any bullets but they have almost zero range so you need to get really close to use them. Skilled players might be able to use them well but newer players should definitely avoid them and stick to the automatic weapons.
personally I always play with the sword is my favorite weapon 🙂
Handgun and pistols
Effective Range:
Rate of Fire (RPM):
Ammo Capacity:
Reload Speed:
Damage Type:
Power :
Crit % Chance:[/b[h1]] 2.5%[/h1]
Crit %dmg [/b[h1]]150%[/h1]
Effective Range:
Rate of Fire (RPM)
Ammo Capacity
Fire-Type Full Auto
Damage Type:
Crit % Chance
Crit %dmg
Effective Range
Rate of Fire (RPM)
Ammo Capacity
Damage Type
Crit % Chance
Crit %dmg
Effective Range
Rate of Fire (RPM)
Ammo Capacity
Damage Type
Crit % Chance
Crit %dmg
Effective Range
Rate of Fire (RPM)
Ammo Capacity
Damage Type
Crit % Chance
Crit %dmg
Effective Range
Rate of Fire (RPM)
Ammo Capacity
Damage Type
Crit % Chance
Crit %dmg
Effective Range [/b ]
Rate of Fire (RPM)
Ammo Capacity
Damage Type
Crit % Chance
Crit %dmg
Effective Range
Rate of Fire (RPM)
Ammo Capacity
Damage Type
Crit % Chance
Crit %dmg
Effective Range
Rate of Fire (RPM)
Ammo Capacity
Crit % Chance
Crit %dmg
Effective Range
Rate of Fire (RPM)
Ammo Capacity
I do not know if there is more shotgun said me in the comment if you find other
Sniper Rifle
Assault Rifle and LMG
Submachine Gun
Sword and pistol
Stats and classes
There are six key stats that determine your character’s build as well as what role he or she falls under. Here’s a quick rundown for each of them and what they do.
Strength (STR): Determines your total weight capacity for carrying weapons. Also affects the damage you inflict with sword weapons.
Vitality (VIT): Affects your maximum HP and damage reduction rate. Also affects resistance to poison, blaze and stun.
Intelligence (INT): Improves the effect and success rate of your skills. Also improves the duration and recharge time of your gadgets. Increases the effectiveness of your status attacks and ability to suppress enemies.
Agility (AGI): Increases movement speed. Also increases reduction in damage received by a large amount. Improves weapon handling and reload speed as well. Lastly, it increases how fast the Bullet Circle shrinks.
Dexterity (DEX): Improves the effectiveness of gadgets and increases UFG damage. Also increases your damage for critical hits and when hitting weak spots. Increases Bullet Circle accuracy as well.
Luck (LUK): Increases item drop rate and the effect of memory chips found on dropped weapons. Also increases your critical hit rate and provides a slight boost in your damage reduction rate. Greatly increases the damage reduction rate for poison and blaze.
A common question is what stats to go for when doing certain builds. Personally, my advice is to improve the stats for the skills and weapons you want or like to use. That being said, here are the stats you want to improve for each class or role as a rule of thumb.
Assault: STR and AGI
Destroyer: STR and DEX
Sniper: STR, AGI and DEX
Engineer: INT and DEX
Tank: STR, VIT and AGI
Support: VIT, INT and LUK
Ally Guide
Class: Tank
Weapons: Gatling / Launcher
Clothes: Power Vest M
Accessory: Earrings
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: A (22 percent)
VIT: A (24 percent)
INT: B (20 percent)
AGI: E (6 percent)
DEX: C (16 percent)
LUK: D (12 percent)
Defense: D
Stats at Level 125
HP: 6260
STR: 128
VIT: 140
INT: 116
AGI: 34
DEX: 93
LUK: 69
ATK 1: 374
ATK 2: 1956
DEF: 1880
Weapon 1: Big Bear (base to Mk3)
Skill Set 1: A) Taunting Yell 1-3. B) Armor Form 1-3. C) Dash Attack 1 until level 28, then Toxic Gas Blast 1-3. D) Tranquilizer Shot 1-3.
Weapon 2: GL6 Firebringer (base to ++), GL6 Inferno (base to ++)
Skill Set 2: A) Attention Seeker 1-3. B) Power Form 1 until level 33, then Human Fortress 1-3. C) Armor Break Shot until level 47, then Plasma Blast 1-2. D) Shield Matrix 1-3.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Anti-Ailment Kit, Proximity Mine, Frag Grenade
Class: Assault / Tank
Weapons: Handgun / Shotgun
Clothes: Aviator Suit F
Accessory: None
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: A (22 percent)
VIT: B (20 percent)
INT: E (6 percent)
AGI: A (24 percent)
DEX: C (16 percent)
LUK: D (12 percent)
Defense: A
Stats at Level 125
HP: 5780
STR: 128
VIT: 116
INT: 33
AGI: 141
DEX: 92
LUK: 69
ATK 1: 568
ATK 2: 543
DEF: 2972
Weapon 1: Long Stroke (base to 2++)
Skill Set 1: A) Conceal 1. B) Taunting Yell 1-3. C) Quick Shot 1-3. D) Armor Form 1 until Level 39, then Human Fortress 1-2.
Weapon 2: Honeycomb 87(base to ++), Binen Shutokku-87 (base to ++)
Skill Set 2: A) Tactical Roll 1-3. B) Attention Seeker until Level 28, then Shield Matrix 1-3. C) Speed Form 1-3. D) Enhance Gadget 1-2.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Proximity Mine, Frag Grenade
Class: Supporter
Weapons: Assault Rifle / Handgun
Clothes: Daybreak Coat F
Accessory: Headset, Promise Ring
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: D (11 percent)
VIT: B (20 percent)
INT: A (25 percent)
AGI: C (16 percent)
DEX: E (6 percent)
LUK: A (22 percent)
Defense: B
Stats at Level 125
HP: 5780
STR: 67
VIT: 116
INT: 141
AGI: 92
DEX: 35
LUK: 129
ATK 1: 218
ATK 2: 539
DEF: 2624
Weapon 1: SPB Rapier (from base to Mk3)
Skill Set 1: A) Starts with Tactical Roll 1 then switches to Gunstinger 1-2. B) HP Recovery Shot 1 until Level 41 then switches to Nanotech Boost 1-2. C) Healing Bullet 1-3. D) Speed Form 1 until Level 32 then switches to Critical Form Bullet 1-3.
Weapon 2: Betelgeuse (from base to 2++)
Skill Set 2: A) Healing Field Shot 1 1-3. B) HP Recovery Shot 1-2 until Level 62 then switches to AED Shot. C) Curing Field Shot . D) Tranquilizer Shot 1-2.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Frag Grenade, Anit-Ailment Kit, Plasma Grenade
Class: Engineer
Weapons: Sniper Rifle / Submachine Gun
Clothes: Pristine Coat M
Accessory: None
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: A (22 percent)
VIT: D (12 percent)
INT: B (20 percent)
AGI: C (16 percent)
DEX: A (26 percent)
LUK: E (6 percent)
Defense: D
Stats at Level 125
HP: 4840
STR: 130
VIT: 69
INT: 115
AGI: 92
DEX: 142
LUK: 35
ATK 1: 973
ATK 2: 224
DEF: 1871
Weapon 1: Dragonfall (base to ++), Dragonbreaker (base to ++)
Skill Set 1: A) Conceal 1-3. B) Enhance Gadget 1-3. C) Eagle-Eye Beacon 1-3. D) Replenish Gadget 1-3.
Weapon 2: Sirius (base to Sirius 3)
Skill Set 2: A) Blazing Blast 1-3. B) Sliding Shot 1-2. C) Omnia Vanitas 1-2. D) Toxic Gas Blast 1-3.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Proximity Mine, Combat Knife
Class: Assault
Weapons: Sword (Gun & Sword) / Sword
Clothes: Nocturnal Coat M
Accessory: Promise Ring
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: A (24 percent)
VIT: C (16 percent)
INT: B (20 percent)
AGI: A (22 percent)
DEX: D (12 percent)
LUK: E (6 percent)
Defense: B
Stats at Level 125
HP: 5280
STR: 141
VIT: 91
INT: 115
AGI: 129
DEX: 67
LUK: 34
ATK 1: 930
ATK 2: 930
DEF: 2488
Weapon 1: Kagemitsu G4 (base to ++), Kotetsu G4 (base to ++), Masamune G4
Skill Set 1: A) Sword Barrier 1-3. B) Tactical Roll 1-3. C) Vorpal Strike 1-3. D) Speed Form 1 until Level 40 then replaced by Dual Orbital 1-3.
Weapon 2: Kagemitsu G4 (base to ++), Kotetsu G4 (base to ++), Masamune G4
Skill Set 2: A) Hyper Awareness. B) Sharp Nail 1-3. C) Omnia Vanitas 1-3. D) Power Form 1 until Level 35 then replaced by Horizontal Square 1-3.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Melee Booster Kit, Plasma Grenade, Frag Grenade
Class: Tank / Assault
Weapons: Assault Rifle / Launcher
Clothes: Soldier’s Jacket M
Accessory: None
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: B (20 percent)
VIT: A (22 percent)
INT: D (12 percent)
AGI: A (24 percent)
DEX: C (16 percent)
LUK: E (6 percent)
Defense: A
Stats at Level 125
HP: 6020
STR: 116
VIT: 128
INT: 69
AGI: 140
DEX: 93
LUK: 35
ATK 1: 232
ATK 2: 4029
DEF: 2920
Weapon 1: Midou-Type AR (base to Kai ++)
Skill Set 1: A) Sliding Shot 1-3. B) Speed Form 1-3. C) Attention Seeker 1-3. D) Omnia Vanitas 1-3.
Weapon 2: Blast Spear (base to ++), Explosion (base to ++)
Skill Set 2: A) Power Form 1-3. B) Tactical Roll 1-3. C) Taunting Yell 1-3. D) Armor Form 1 until Level 26, then Shield Matrix 1-3.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Plasma Grenade, Combat Knife, Frag Grenade
Class: Tank / Assault
Weapons: Submachine Gun / Launcher
Clothes: Primary Coat F
Accessory: Headband
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: D (11 percent)
VIT: A (22 percent)
INT: C (16 percent)
AGI: A (25 percent)
DEX: B (20 percent)
LUK: E (6 percent)
Defense: A
Stats at Level 125
HP: 6060
STR: 67
VIT: 130
INT: 91
AGI: 142
DEX: 116
LUK: 33
ATK 1: 304
ATK 2: 1934
DEF: 2952
Weapon 1: Draque L Sirocco (base to ++), Draque L Halmattan (base to ++), Draque L Shamal
Skill Set 1: A) Scatter Wheel 1-2. B) Attention Seeker 1-3. C) Omnia Vanitas 1-3. D) Acrobatic Fire until Level 27, then Trigger Happy 1-3.
Weapon 2: Deneb Kaitos (base to 2++)
Skill Set 2: A) Dash Attack 1-2. B) Tactical Roll 1-3. C) Power Break Shot 1-2. D) Armor Break Shot 1-2.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Anti-Ailment Kit, Frag Grenade, Plasma Grenade
Class: Engineer / Assault
Weapons: Assault Rifle / Sword
Clothes: Sylpheed Hunter F
Accessory: Circlet, Hair Ornament
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: B (20 percent)
VIT: E (6 percent)
INT: A (22 percent)
AGI: D (12 percent)
DEX: A (24 percent)
LUK: C (16 percent)
Defense: E
Stats at Level 125
HP: 4120
STR: 116
VIT: 33
INT: 128
AGI: 67
DEX: 141
LUK: 92
ATK 1: 171
ATK 2: 887
DEF: 1512
Weapon 1: Sylph Type A (base to ++), Sylph Type B (base to ++),
Skill Set 1: A) Blazing Blast 1-3. B) Hawk Eye 1-3. C) Healing Bullet 1-3. D) Omnia Vanitas 1-2.
Weapon 2: Kagemitsu G4 (base to ++), Kotetsu G4 (base to ++) Masamune G4
Skill Set 2: A) Power Form 1-3. B) Sharp Nail 1-3. C) Enhance Gadget 1-2. D) Vorpal Strike 1-2.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Plasma Grenade, Anti-Ailment Kit
Class: Support / Engineer
Weapons: Shotgun / Submachine Gun
Clothes: Smithing Jacket F
Accessory: Basic Headset / Headband
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: B (20 percent)
VIT: D (12 percent)
INT: A (24 percent)
AGI: E (6 percent)
DEX: A (22 percent)
LUK: C (16 percent)
Defense: E
Stats at Level 125
HP: 4820
STR: 116
VIT: 68
INT: 143
AGI: 34
DEX: 129
LUK: 92
ATK 1: 335
ATK 2: 224
DEF: 1395
Weapon 1: Valkyrie (base to ++), Valkyrie Mk2 (base to ++)
Skill Set 1: A) Power Form Shot 1 until Level 22, then Power Field Shot 1-3. B) Armor Form Shot 1 until Level 31, then Guard Field Shot 1-3. C) Explosive Shot 1-3. D) Electre
Ally Guide Part 2
Class: Assault
Weapons: Sniper / Sword
Clothes: Combat Vest F
Accessory: None
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: D (12 percent)
VIT: E (6 percent)
INT: C (16 percent)
AGI: A (22 percent)
DEX: B (20 percent)
LUK: A (24 percent)
Defense: B
Stats at Level 125
HP: 4140
STR: 69
VIT: 34
INT: 95
AGI: 132
DEX: 119
LUK: 146
ATK 1: 341
ATK 2: 718
DEF: 2516
Weapon 1: Quiet (base to ++), Serene (base to ++)
Skill Set 1: A) Power Form 1 until level 29, then Power Field Shot 1-2. B) Armor Form 1 until Level 43, then Guard Field Shot 1-2. C) Speed Form 1-3. D) Eagle Eye Beacon 1-2.
Weapon 2: Muramasa F9 (base to ++), Kikuichimonji F9 (base to ++)
Skill Set 2: A) Conceal 1-2. B) Sharp Nail 1-2. C) Omnia Vanitas 1-3. D) Power Form 1-2.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Anti-Ailment Kit, Frag Grenade, Plasma Grenade
Class: Assault / Engineer
Weapons: Handgun (Dual) / Shotgun
Clothes: Scratch Hoodie F
Accessory: Hair Ornament
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: E (6 percent)
VIT: C (16 percent)
INT: B (20 percent)
AGI: D (12 percent)
DEX: A (24 percent)
LUK: A (22 percent)
Defense: C
Stats at Level 125
HP: 5300
STR: 35
VIT: 92
INT: 116
AGI: 68
DEX: 143
LUK: 129
ATK 1: 338
ATK 2: 237
DEF: 2144
Weapon 1: SPB Night Sky (base to Mk3)
Skill Set 1: A) Conceal 1-3. B) Quick Shot 1-2. C) Healing Bullet 1-3. D) Armor Form 1-3.
Weapon 2: Peacock (base to Peacock 3)
Skill Set 2: A) Enhance Gadget 1-3. B) Hawk Eye 1-3. C) Speed Form 1-2. D) Blazing Blast 1-3.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Proximity Mine, Plasma Grenade, Frag Grenade
Class: Assault
Weapons: Submachine Gun (Dual) / Shotgun
Clothes: Maid Outfit F
Accessory: Formal Uniform F
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: B (20 percent)
VIT: E (5 percent)
INT: A (22 percent)
AGI: A (25 percent)
DEX: D (12 percent)
LUK: C (16 percent)
Defense: B
Stats at Level 125
HP: 4120
STR: 118
VIT: 33
INT: 132
AGI: 146
DEX: 69
LUK: 93
ATK 1: 267
ATK 2: 237
DEF: 2464
Weapon 1: Spiral Shadow (base to 2++)
Skill Set 1: A) Sliding Shot 1-3. B) Conceal 1-3. C) Sentry Style. D) Scatter Wheel 1-3.
Weapon 2: Peacock (base to Peacock 3)
Skill Set 2: A) Speed Form 1 until level 29, then Gunstinger 1-3. B) Armor Form 1-3. C) Power Form 1 until Level 20, then Power Field Shot 1-3. D) nanotech Boost 1-2.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Anti-Ailment Kit, Combat Knife, Plasma Grenade
Class: Support / Tank
Weapons: Submachine Gun / Handgun
Clothes: Tamer Jacket F
Accessory: Hair Ornament
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: E (6 percent)
VIT: C (16 percent)
INT: D (12 percent)
AGI: A (22 percent)
DEX: B (20 percent)
LUK: A (24 percent)
Defense: A
Stats at Level 125
HP: 5300
STR: 34
VIT: 92
INT: 68
AGI: 129
DEX: 117
LUK: 143
ATK 1: 220
ATK 2: 144
DEF: 2932
Weapon 1: Sturm KZ (base to Sturm KZ3)
Skill Set 1: A) Tactical Roll 1-3. B) Healing Bullet 1 until Level 51, then Healing Field Shot 1-2. C) Speed Form 1-3. D) Curing Field Shot.
Weapon 2: Procyon SL (base to Procyon SL3)
Skill Set 2: A) Acrobatic Fire 1-3. B) Quick Shot 1-3. C) HP Recovery Shot 1-2 until Level 119, then AED Shot. D) Trigger Happy 1-3.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Anti-Ailment Kit, Frag Grenade, Combat Knife
Class: Sniper
Weapons: Sniper Rifle / Handgun
Clothes: Hawk Eye Suit F
Accessory: Headphones
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: A (24 percent)
VIT: D (12 percent)
INT: C (16 percent)
AGI: B (20 percent)
DEX: A (22 percent)
LUK: E (6 percent)
Defense: C
Stats at Level 125
HP: 4840
STR: 142
VIT: 69
INT: 93
AGI: 117
DEX: 130
LUK: 34
ATK 1: 2546
ATK 2: 175
DEF: 2168
Weapon 1: Sangfroid (base to +), AMR Tiamat (base to Mk2+),
Skill Set 1: A) Hawkeye 1-3. B) Sentry Style. C) Phantom Bullet 1-3. D) Eagle Eye Beacon 1-3.
Weapon 2: Lightning (base to Mk3)
Skill Set 2: A) Health Recovery Bullet 1-3. B) Conceal 1-2. C) Speed Form 1 until Level 27 then switches to Tranquilizer 1-2. D) Curing Field Shot.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Plasma Grenade, Anti-Ailment Kit
Class: Tank
Weapons: Launcher / Gatling
Clothes: Flak Suit F
Accessory: None
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: A (22 percent)
VIT: A (25 percent)
INT: E (6 percent)
AGI: D(11 percent)
DEX: C (16 percent)
LUK: B (20 percent)
Defense: B
Stats at Level 125
HP: 6420
STR: 134
VIT: 148
INT: 34
AGI: 69
DEX: 94
LUK: 119
ATK 1: 2232
ATK 2: 257
DEF: 2564
Weapon 1: Bunker Comet (base to ++), Meteor Fall (base to ++), Spicule
Skill Set 1: A) Taunting Yell 1-3. B) Tactical Roll 1-2. C) Sentry Style. D) Shield Matrix 1-3.
Weapon 2: Benetnasch (base to Benetnasch 3)
Skill Set 2: A) Armor Form 1-3. B) dash Attack 1-3. C) Power Form 1-3. D) Heat Detonator 1-3.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Anti-Aiment Kit, Plasma Grenade, Frag Grenade
Class: Assault / Support
Weapons: Sword / Handgun
Clothes: Alluring Culottes F
Accessory: Headband
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: D (12 percent)
VIT: E (6 percent)
INT: A (24 percent)
AGI: B (20 percent)
DEX: A (22 percent)
LUK: C (16 percent)
Defense: C
Stats at Level 125
HP: 4140
STR: 68
VIT: 34
INT: 141
AGI: 116
DEX: 129
LUK: 92
ATK 1: 716
ATK 2: 359
DEF: 2108
Weapon 1: Muramasa F9 (base to ++), Kikuichimonji (base to ++)
Skill Set 1: A) Sharp Nail 1-2. B) Conceal 1-3. C) Vorpal Strike 1-3. D) Star Splash 1-3.
Weapon 2: HGBST3 Kusanagi (base to ++), HGBST3 Asuka (base to ++), HGBST3 Shigure
Skill Set 2: A) Quick Shot 1-3. B) Power Form Shot 1-3. C) Armor Form Shot 1-3. D) Tactical Roll until Level 41, then Nanotech Boost Shot 1-3.
Gadgets: First Aid Kit, Frag Grenade, Anti-Ailment Kit, Plasma Grenade
Class: Support / Engineer
Weapons: Shotgun / Assault Rifle
Clothes: Queen’s Dress F
Accessory: Earrings
Stat Point Allocation & Grade
STR: B (20 percent)
VIT: E (6 percent)
INT: C (16 percent)
AGI: A (22 percent)
DEX: A (24 percent)
LUK: D (12 percent)
Defense: C
Stats at Level 125
HP: 4160
STR: 113
VIT: 35
INT: 91
AGI: 126
DEX: 140
LUK: 69
ATK 1: 237
ATK 2: 289
DEF: 2144
Weapon 1: Peacock (base to Peacock 3)
Skill Set 1: A) Speed Form 1 until level 40, then Gunstinger 1-3. B) Power Form Shot 1-2. C) Armor Form Shot 1-2. D) Enhance Gadget 1-3.
Weapon 2: MG Kalimsky (base to ++), MG Tonfsky (base to ++)
Skill Set 2: A) Hawk Eye 1-3. B) Tranquilizer Shot 1-2. C) Healing Bullet 1-3. D) Sentry Style.
Gadgets: To be added later