Ever feel you don’t know what exactly a weapon does? Well, while you could just play the game for a while, you could also read this for some nice information on each weapon!
Hello there, and welcome to this guide! Within this guide you’ll be seeing some basic information of every item you can pick up in the game! This will cover everything from TVs to the Good Book to even the Suicide Pistol.
Just kick back and let’s get started with this guide!
The boots are a nice set of shoes which go on your feet. Once equipted, you will have a nice pair of red boots! Along with this, you’ll be able to walk on spikes without taking damage, and jump on enemies to kill them!
The chestplate is a rather simple item which goes on your torso. Once attached, you can take one bullet shot to the chest before it dissapeers.
The helmet is a rather simple item. It allows you to take one gunshot to the head, and survive. Along with this, you will be able to survive being stomped on by boots, or being crushed by boxes and rocks. When you get bumped, you will recieve a crater on your helmet, but it will not be destroyed.
Quite a rare helmet, and very similar to the helmet. This will be able to survive one gun shot or sword attack to the head.
Currently only available in Super Saw Duck challenges in the arcade, these boots will allow you to slide down walls, and wall jump.
As any conspiracy theorist would tell you, this helmet prevents being effected by a Mind Control Ray. However, it is currently only seen in one level.
Only seen in a few challenges, the Mace Collar swings around your body as if it’s attached to you via a rope. It will kill anything it crushes, including YOU if you don’t wear a helmet! It will also kill anything (other then you, fortunately) it’s dragged into fast enough.
A new alternative to the Mace Collar, the Choke Collar acts nearly the same, except for the fact that if you drag it into a duck, instead of killing them it will simply knock them back. It’s still got the same crushing powers as before, though!
The Grapple Hook is seen in a few levels, and can grip to walls and ceilings. Press jump when the red laser is pointing at one to attach to said wall or ceiling. You can hold down to lower yourself, or hold up while attaching to raise yourself. I advise if you’re using a keyboard you rebind your jump button, because while up will raise you, up is also jump, which will usually de-attach your grapple. You can also swing left and right, with right and left. Wait, left and right. Is left the one where your hand makes an L? How can we tell, we have wings? Is this just a bad excuse for comedy? Yes.
The Jetpack is a simple item. Hold jump, and whichever direction the Jetpack is facing downwards to, will be the direction you fly away from. That means if you’re laying on your side and turn it on, be prepared to be rocketed to the other side of the screen! You can even see the purple fuel disappear as you use your jetpack! Once it runs out, you can use it anymore until you land!
Everything between this section and the Environmental Items section is a gun. That’s it. Just a divider. Keep reading. Oh you are? Continue then.
Now I know what you’re thinking. “BANANA’S AREN’T EXPLOSIVE!” And you know what I say? I say I’m using the sorting system of the level editor. If you don’t like it, sorry. Anyways, bananas are simple, and can even be used as a scale. When you hold use, you eat the banana, and then you can throw it to leave a peel! If someone walks past it very slowly, they’ll make it without touching the banana. However, if they run past it, SLIP! They won’t be able to get up until they hit the ground, so if they just slipped off a cliff, that’s their fate.
It’s exactly like the banana, except there’s three! Unlike the banana, however, pressing use immediately just tosses a banana. Sorry if you’re hungry, but you can’t eat these bananas.
One shot will give you an OK range, and a poof of smoke will surround you. It takes a small time to reload this.
The Good Book is a wonderful book. When you use it near someone, you’ll emit rays of goody goodness. If someone goes within those rays they’ll be stunned for a little bit, with both of you being vulnerable. If you somehow still preach towards them long enough, they’ll POOF and look just like you! They’ll be on your team, and if you and your new teammate survive, you both get a point! This can be done on everyone in the game for an achievement, as well. You can also preach to a dead body, to permenantly turn them into a tombstone. This is known as a funeral. Rest in peace, Quackers.
Pull the pin with the use button, and throw it. It will explode soon after, launching bullets within a small range all around it. Great for killing ducks, and breaking open barrels of water/fuel/lava.
Hold use to aim the Launcher, and release to fire. Anything your newly launched grenade hits will explode immediately. If it hits a close by wall, the grenade will bounce back.
Yours? MINE. This mine will be placed when you use it, and thrown if you use it while running. If you go very close to it, it will beep. So long as you don’t move off it, it won’t explode. Good luck winning while standing on it. If you do, you’ll get an achievement! Ooo!
Fire Based Items
Only you can prevent forest fires…With a fire extinguisher! Just spray enough of this on a fire, and it’s gone!
Ammo: Fully automatic. The Fire Extinguisher can spray foam for about 7 seconds altogether, before it’s empty. The amount of foam left can be seen by carefully monitoring the pressure meter ontop of the Extinguisher.
This thing will shoot flames a nice distance until the red tank on the bottom is empty. Careful, it’s hot!
Ammo: Fully automatic. The Flamethrower can spew flames for estimatedly 3 seconds in total before running out. As said, you may see the fuel level by observing the tiny red tank.
This gun shoots fireballs! Once the fireball hits an object, it bursts into all directions, leaving flames as it goes by. The power of this gun seems to be very random, as, if you shoot directly upwards it can take from a few seconds to several, for the flare to hit the ground.
Ammo: Semi automatic. This gun can shoot two flares before running out.
One of, if not THE MOST pathetic item on this list. It appears only in custom maps with this item added. With it, you can shoot a flame RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. The range is so pathetic pretty much any other weapon on this list can kill you without getting lit on fire, and you’re bound to light yourself on fire with it anyway. Most people don’t even notice it in-game.
Ammo: Semi automatic. The Matchbox contains 20 matches. Even though one match is used, sometimes a single match causes two flames.
Hit attack to light it, and it will shoot fire from the front. You can throw it and it will go all over the place, or you can hold it and shoot fire infront of you. Careful! Even when thrown off the map, a lit Roman Candle may glitch and cause a permanent hissing noise.
Ammo: Trigger. Once lit, the Roman Candle shoots 9 colourful flares, one after another.
Laser Guns
A currently un-used gun. This gun will charge up, and then once you release it shoot a short range bolt of electricity. This bolt can kill ducks, and bring dead ducks BACK TO LIFE. Great for a 2v2 match!
Charge it up by holding use, and then it’ll release a beam, through EVERYTHING, all the way to the end of the screen. This will not only kill a duck, but ROAST them!
This gun has a nice fire rate, and a dangerous catch. It will shoot down, and the bullets will reflect like CRAZY. Good luck surviving this, saying it can kill you as well.
Will shoot three bullets in succession. They will float on forever, killing whatever is in their path. Quick, strong, and secure.
Quite the skill based weapon. Spam it for a tiny range, or charge it up for an average range. If charged, a Phaser bullet can shoot through metal doors and wooden objects. Hmm.
What oddly feels like it’s been in the Earth since August 2, 1994, this gun will shoot rapidly in all angles infront of you. Its shots are so rapid, it can kill a duck as soon as they enter its path. As you keep a continuous fire, it will slow down its fire rate, so let it cool down! Even with a short range, this gun is to be FEARED.
You wish. This thing is nowhere near finished. Not even a sprite! You can shoot an orange portal and it will be a thin orange outline on a wall. You cannot shoot blue portals, and standing near the orange portal simply makes you invisible, but not invincible.
What a basic gun. Such a primitive sprite. Why is it so special? For it’s three shots, you’ve got one special gun. It releases special bullets which slowly travel across the screen, able to go through walls and roast a duck in an instant. Careful though, its knockback is rdiculous, and if you’re in a level filled with these, you’re bound to launch yourself right into a bullet from another duck’s Quad Laser. It’s knockback is so powerful, it can stop you mid jump and push you away from whichever direction you’re facing when you shoot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNYMxgNKIEU&ab_channel=AdultSwim
Machine Guns
A generally fast gun. It’ll shoot at an OK rate, and has an average range. It’s fully automatic, so don’t worry about anything except ammo. This, along with the SMG, also have an amazing spread, which can be used to your advantage. Shooting up can often reach ducks which would not be able to attack you in the first place. Along with that, one unique thing that the AK47 and the Mag Blaster share is the ability to jump higher, by shooting and jumping at the same time.
A chain gun, a rather HEAVY gun. The weight of this gun can be countered by moving backwards while shooting, by holding the strafe button, using the recoil as an accelerator. The Chain Gun also requires a bit of a chage up before it starts shooting, but be careful. Once it starts being used for too long, it’ll overheat and the rate of fire will slow DRASTICALLY. Stop shooting for a bit and then let it rip once more!
A fast gun, with an OK amount of bullets. It has a short range, so I advise you get close to a duck and use short controlled bursts to attack.
Melee Weapons
Rev it up a couple times and your chainsaw is ready to use. Hold attack and any duck which touches it will be ripped to shreds…Or just lay there as a dead corpse. If you drop it upside down, it’ll eventually leak fuel, and break. You can throw said chainsaw on the ground to create sparks to light the fuel! If you hold down while running and hold the attack button, you’ll start “Chainsaw Racing”, where the chainsaw will drag you across the ground and provide a fast attack! Just watch your step, it can lead you straight to a pit!
Nothing like dragging this bad boy across the ground. When you attack with it, you dash towards whichever direction you’re facing, destroying anything in your way. It can fling weapons, and smash crates! Be careful though, sometimes when you swing it at weapons, you will drop your hammer. While you can’t flap your wings for a gradual fall down, or use a grapple hook, you can swing it at just the right timing to jump very high with the sledgehammer! The hammer can also crush a duck to death. It’s heavy, after all! Dragging it around and shooting it with projectiles, like the Dart Gun, will cause sparks.
The trusty sword, oh what a sharp item. You can swing it with attack, or block by holding down. If you throw it, it will turn red and kill anything in it’s path. Heck, as long as it’s in a fast enough velocity, it can kill anything, even you. Careful!
Only ever seen in ONE challenge, this is identical to the regular chainsaw, aside from two things. When you Chainsaw Race with it, it’s faster, and it leaves a TRAIL OF FLAMES! Don’t get caught in it!
A short range weapon, with two shots. Its spread is nice, though. With a spread like it, a clear shot will go through any armor. Its range is short, though.
This is pretty much the same as a shotgun, but a sleak black, and you can see how much ammo is left by those red shells on your gun.
This is essentially the exact same gun as the shotgun, but it’s blue. So what does it do? INFINITE. AMMO. Go crazy, this thing is a beast, just so long as no one has any long range weaponry.
A horrible gun. It’s a shotgun with more ammo, with one difference. You spend around 5 seconds standing perfectly still, reloading. If you can, just wait for another Blunderbuss to spawn if there’s no other guns to use.
Misc Weapons
Gun wise? Useless. The ammo does no damage in a 1 hit kill game. Defense wise? A good gun. If a duck gets shot with a “bullet” while holding something, they will be disarmed and drop whatever they were holding. A great way to steal a weapon before getting blasted in the face! Along with this, if a dart happens to go through fire, it will be lit a flame. Perfect to increase the havoc of the guy with the flamethrower! After a set amount of time, the fire will be put out, and the front of the gun melted. Any darts fired afterwards will be normal.
A simple set of eight, these things can pop on the ground and kill anything very close to infront of you. About as bad as the Matchbox, only this one actually has an instant effect.
Anything metal on the map? It’ll stick to it. Swords, ducks wearing armor, certain walls. You name it. Is it metal? It most likely will work with this.
When a duck enters your range, you have a small window of time to control them. Use it wisely. Jump off cliffs if you so please.
It has four shots, and if any of those hit a duck, they’re trapped in a net! They can struggle out though, so be prepared! They can either struggle by jumping around a lot, or just by waiting, but it’s usually much faster to jump around.
Start your engines! Holding use allows you to controll the included RC Car, and once you are near your target, keep holding use and press throw to activate the TNT strapped to the car! Afterwards, the remote is useless, except for saving it.
Press use to play music. Hold use to hold that note. That simple. Unless you have a controller, in which case you can default to the left trigger to change the pitch of the Saxaphone. Neato!
It’s a saxaphone which looks, and sounds just like a trombone! It also has the same ability to change pitch if you have a controller!
Doot doot! Similar to the other instruments, change pitch with a controller, and make music! Your arm rests ready to change the tone of this beauty! If you are angled in a way which removes your mouth from the instrument, such as standing infront of a wall, you can’t play this instrument! Oh no!
Other Guns
Shoots a fast acting missle which will explode upon contact, damaging any parts of the map nearby! Careful though, the reload is ridiculously long. Prepare to be a sitting duck.
With a TINY range, and one bullet, this gun should rarely be used. It is nice, however, for getting rid of Chainsaw Racers on a flat surface, if you can time it.
With a red handle, and tiny range, this gun will PUMP OUT BULLETS LIKE NO TOMORROW…And then run out. Watch your ammo!
An OK, yet extremely rare gun. While it acts like most laser guns, it gives a large knockback which can be used to get a higher jump! Use it wisely!
This sleak blue gun is close to a pistol, save for two things. It, the Mag Blaster, and the Sniper can shoot through armor and doors, and as you shoot it will start to aim upwards. You can use that to your advantage, but don’t wait too long or it’ll aim straight ahead of you again. Unless that’s what you please, then go ahead.
One average range shot, and a horrible reload time. NEXT.
Surprisingly, unlike the other old fashioned guns like the Musket or the Blunderbuss, this gun is okay. It has one decent range shot, and then you reload. It takes about 3/4ths of a second, and you can move while reloading. Along with that, it has infinite ammo, making the need to reload not be so bad. A decent gun indeed.
An average range, no need to reload, and an average amount of ammo. This gun is good for a quick kill.
This gun has about the same reload properties of the old pistol, and has a very good range. Only problem? The laser. It’s a clear indicator of where you’re going to shoot, but everyone can see it, and can avoid it no problem. Use your three bullets wisely, or you might just be left with a shotgun wielding ducky.
Pathetic range, but it reloads fast. I’d say it’s a mix between the old pistol and the regular pistol.
Goodbye world…This gun has a bright red handle, and is aimed towards you, the player! One shot, and you’re dead. You’d think there’d be four bullets, due to only four players being able to use it before the next round, but last I checked there are six bullets! How? When you hold the gun upwards, the bullets simply slip right past your back. That’s a close call if I ever saw one!
Environmental Items
The crate is a very simple item. You can grab it, and throw it. If it lands on your head from a high enough height, and you aren’t wearing a helmet, it crushes you. This can go the same for pretty much every item in this section. After enough bullets, it will be destroyed.
The Death Crate is something to fear. You step on it, and it counts from 3 to 1. Afterwards, it does one of the following effects.
- Poofs into a grenade and a fuel barrel, grenade explodes, fuel leaks and is lit on fire.
- A beam comes from the sky, destroying any ground within its path.
- Releases a circle of slow moving bullets.
- Releases active mines.
- Releases live grenades.
- Releases banana peels.
- Releases fire in all directions.
- Releases roman candles and one fire extinguisher.
- Releases swords.
- Releases flowers and presents!
Truely a box to fear.
It’s just a regular crate, except it’s larger, and says DEMO on it, but why? Back when this game was on OUYA, it had a demo. This would appear out of presents and random item boxes. That’s it.
Essentially, a crate which can be flipped to its side. Strangely enough, while the desk looks like it’s made of wood, it’s actually a heavy steel. Bullets can go under the legs of this desk.
A digital crate!…Still the same. Instead of pieces coming off like the regular damaged crate, the center goes red before poofing into nothing.
This is ADORABLE! When you use it, your duck makes a calmer, softer mrr sound, instead of it’s usual quack.
It’s like a crate, but with a few key differences. When you shoot it, it will release streams of fuel. If a spark from a gun hits the fuel, it will light on fire! It will often create a puddle on the ground, or if it finds a crevace on the ground, start making a pool of fuel. Most metal/stone items will slow you down to a walking pace.
Same as the fuel barrel, except it releases lava, which will light you on fire regardless of a gun’s spark.
An indestructable, heavier crate. If you hold it, it WILL slow you down. However, you can’t shoot it and destroy it. If you put this infront of a locked door, people will have to go run into the door several times to open it. Jump out of the door at just the right time and kill them when they aren’t ready! Rocks and tombstones can even survive laser and sniper blasts!
Essentially a rock of the dead. These can come out of random boxes like any other item, and can appear when someone uses a Good Book on a dead body.
Back in the B.C. Era, people had been entertained by rocks. Today? Entertained by rocks. And TVs! The TV will display a rainbow of colors, but be careful, it’s fragile! Once you drop it too hard, jump on it, shoot it, anything too strong for the TVs fragile screen will break it open. This is enough to cause anyone to be mad and fight…Duck Game, anyone?
As of a more recent update, the TV has a new power! Holding it, even while smashed due to those damn B.C. ducks who prefer rocks, it will let you run SUPER fast! I’d say around as fast as a chainsaw!
Like the fuel and lava barrels, you shoot it, puddle, crevace, pool. Unlike them, however, a pool of water can extinguish fire! Handy, if you can make it in time. Fire only lasts for four seconds before you’re roasted. Think you can race to the water THAT quickly?
Other Items
The basketball! When you hold use, you’ll get a grip on it, and be able to throw it with grab! But when you’re not holding it, you can walk to dribble it. If you jump while walking, and aren’t holding it, the basketball will bounce away from you!
Drums! Step onto it with the grab button, and you can’t move! What you can do, however, is play the drums. Up, down, left, right, faint/strafe, and use all play a different part of the drums, and you’ll occasionally through one of your sticks into the air!
The key can be found in every map with a key door. A key door requires a key to walk through, and after that is pretty much a regular door. The only difference is you cannot usually destroy a key door. It will essentially block every shot you throw at it, so it’s not going to budge without a key.
The present! Santa decided to come and give everybody a present! When you open it, it can give nearly any item in the game!…And that’s pretty much it. It can come in multiple colors.
The trophy, the golden cup, the first place prize, or the participation prize depending on your school. Hold attack to raise your valiant and or stolen prize in the air! This is normally only seen when someone wins a match, although it can be added to custom maps.
Other Weapon Related Things
Usually found in special challenges, custom maps, and when you have the infinite ammo modifier, the only key difference is their new paint job and unlimited ammo. They function the same regardless. If it is a weapon that is one use, such as a grenade, or already has infinite uses, such as a sword, it will simply have the golden paintjob.
When a weapon sits in fire, it will slowly heat up and turn red. After being cooked for a while, the weapon, if possible, will start discharging its ammo until it runs out and vanishes. If a duck happens to pick up a hot weapon, a sizzling sound will be heard, and then your duck will scream and toss the weapon. Probably a good choice. Probably.
When a duck faints or dies, they enter a ragdoll like state which causes them to be limp. They can be grabbed by either end, allowing two ducks to hold onto one object. The difference between a fainted and a dead duck are simple. Dead ducks are dead, they cannot do anything. Fainted ducks can wiggle around like a worm, quack, and jump back up as if they were unharmed. Along with this, dead ducks can be converted into tombstones with the Good Book. Lastly, a good way to tell if a duck is actually dead is that dead ducks drop a group of feathers, while a fainted duck, doesn’t.
Usually due to some laser, a duck will become roasted! They can’t come back to life, but they are DELICIOUS!
This duck just got caught in a net from a net gun! You probably want to throw this into some lava, or some spikes, or off a cliff…If he isn’t your friend, anyway.
This box will always release the same item once you hit it from the bottom. It is whatever item that is specified for that box, for that map. One map could have two boxes, one dispensing flowers, and another, presents! Another map could have them dispensing suicide pistols. It all depends.
Works just like the blue box, except it can only release an item ONCE. After that, it’s just an empty box!
Similar to the blue box, this one can release an item. However, it can release nearly any item in the game! It doesn’t matter which map, just hit it and hope for the best.
Now this is a little bit of a confusing box, but once you understand it, it can be very useful. If you hit it while holding something, it will be saved within this box. Any map with the purple box within the match, you can hit to recieve the item you saved! This isn’t just a one time thing, either. You can save a jetpack in level 1, get a jetpack in level 2, and once again get a jetpack in level 3. You can use the box again right after you save something in it to duplicate your item, if you wish. Just don’t hit it unless you want to save whatever is in your hand! This includes hitting it with an item in your hand, while an item is saved. The previous item WILL be overwritten. Oddly enough, once a match ends, the host’s item box will be deleted, causing it to be empty, but everyone else will still have their item inside their box.
Unused Items
An unused boxing glove. Presumably for punching.
This sleek old Laser is a strange version of the regular blaster. Instead of shooting beams of death, it shoots water. This water can fill holes, and is a disgusting brown.
A weapon used to shoot harpoons. Unused as of right now, but my guess would be it will shoot a harpoon which is roped together with the arrow, and shoot at an arc. You may even be able to pull in other ducks? Who knows? We’re hunting ducks, not whales.
Was it a beta chestplate, or a different style, like the Knight Helmet compared to the regular helmet? All we have is this sprite!
Probably just an old barrel for the lava. No clue as to what it’s for.
Splish splash, a new sprite which is a water gun. Neat. Splish splash.
Well, I guess this means an end to our journey through knowing what each item does. If you ever need help again, this guide should always be here, as of 6/15/2015. The only other thing I can really do is say small little bits of info…Such as this being my first guide…And you’ve just finished it, hopefully! Either that or you just skipped to the ending. That’s fine too, at least you’re reading this. Otherwise, thank you for clicking.
I believe this is the part where I become a beggar and say that you should rate this guide. Did I suck at making it? Was it useful? Give it a rating, or even a comment! If you see something that I’ve missed for this guide, tell me!
And indeed, someone has! I’d like to thank the user Eyo for providing some of the interesting facts within this guide, along with PLENTY of info on the Sledgehammer. I swear if I got any more info on that weapon alone it’d need its own guide!
Hmm…But what about the last word for the guide?