Awesomenauts – the 2D moba Guide

Welcome to Awesomenauts! Everything you need to know to get started! for Awesomenauts

Welcome to Awesomenauts! Everything you need to know to get started!


This guide contains all the tips and tricks you need to know to get started in Awesomenauts! If you’re new to the game, this is the guide for you!


If the text overlaps any of the images in this guide, please reload the page and the issue will deal with itself. That is a Steam bug I cannot fix. All it takes is a reload of the page.

What is Awesomenauts?

Awesomenauts is an action-packed 3v3 multiplayer online battle arena. Team up with your friends to battle real players around the world or jump into an online queue alone to see if you have what it takes to lead your team to victory! The best part is, it’s free! So go ahead and give it a try!

Your first moments in-game

Once you’ve installed the game, go ahead and launch it! You should see a quick intro video and be met with this screen:

This is the beginner tutorial! It’s the first thing all new players are met with when first launching the game. This tutorial is quick, easy and is a fun way to learn everything you need to know about gameplay! The “Basic Tutorial” will teach you the fundamentals on how to move your character and how to complete your objectives. The “Training Match” will place you in a game just like the games you would play online to help you get used to the flow of battle!

If tutorials aren’t your thing, you can skip the tutorial anytime by clicking the red X in the top right corner of the tutorial screen. If you ever want to come back to the tutorial, you can do so later from the main menu. Although you can skip the tutorial, it’s still a good idea to complete it. Completing this tutorial will give 2000 Awesomepoints, which are super important!

The Main Menu

Once you’ve finished the tutorial, you are ready to play Awesomenauts! GG7 will say his farewells and you will be sent to the Main Menu.

From here, you have a few options. You can play all sorts of game modes by clicking on the “Play” icon, watch replays of old matches you played or watch players battle it out live in Spectator Mode by clicking on the “Watch” icon, check out all the cool things you can buy through steam or with Awesomepoints by clicking on the “Armory” tab, invite friends to help battle other players by clicking on the big + icon next to your profile image, or check out your stats and deck out your profile in the “Profile” screen by clicking the image in the top right corner of the screen.

What’s that thing on the top left?

You mean this?

This is the extra options drop down menu! Here, you can edit various settings in the game, replay the tutorial, enter a recruitment code, watch the credits, check out all the new features in Awesomenauts, look at some cool fan art made by members of the Awesomenauts community, report any bugs you find to the developers at Ronimo Games, create and play mods that can be found in the Steam Workshop, replay the intro cutscene, or exit the game once you are finished playing.

Starting a Game

Now it’s time to start playing Awesomenauts! First things first, click on the “Play” Tab to bring up this screen:

This is the “Play Menu”. Here, you can start four kinds of games; A Co-Op Vs Bots Match, a Versus Player Match, a Practice Match and a Custom Match.

Practice and Custom Matches

Choosing a “Practice Match” will allow you to play a bot match with computer-controlled players as your fellow teammates. These matches are an easy way to practice in your spare time. Custom matches allow you to invite up to five players to play against each other in several different games modes! More on this in the “Custom Matches” Section.

Co-Op Vs Bots and Versus Player Match

Choosing one of these two modes will enter you into the matchmaking queue!

Whenever you see this appear in the top right corner of the menu, it means that the matchmaking server known as “Galactron” is looking for other players to match you up with. In a “Players Vs Bots” match, Galactron will match you up with two other teammates to face off against bots. In a “Versus Player Match” Galactron will match you up with two teammates and three opponents. Matches against players are much harder than bot matches, but are also more fun! Play bot matches to get practice with new Awesomenauts and play against players to put your skill to the test! You can also press the “q” key to jump right into the matchmaking for a Versus Player Match.

Choosing an Awesomenaut

Once Galactron has found players for you to play with, you will be launched into the Awesomenauts Selection Screen.

When you first start playing the game, there are four nauts that you can use! These nauts are the Free Rotation Nauts! These four nauts change every Monday, so be sure to give as many a try as you can! You can also change skins you own by clicking the boxes on the bottom left of the screen. You can unlock nauts to play permanently, but we’ll go through how to do that later. Just pick one of these four for now and hit “Go” to start the game!

Gameplay Objectives

Now that we are jumping into our first match, let’s go over some basic details about gameplay. Here, we will be going over a few of the game’s mechanics a bit more in-depth than the tutorial so stick around! You might learn a thing or two.

The objective

The goal of Awesomenauts is to stop the enemy team from drilling a rare element called Solar. In order to stop them, you need to destroy their solar drill which is located in the enemy’s base. Each solar drill has 12,000 HP. Once you destroy the enemy solar drill, you win! But be careful, if they destroy your drill first, you lose.


Before you can reach the enemy solar drill, you need to get past the enemy team’s defense systems. Each team has giant turrets that will tear anything close to them to pieces. Turrets get tougher the closer they are to the solar drill and have more HP depending on the conditions of the planet. We’ll go into the specific HP of turrets in the “Maps” section. Turrets deal 40 damage per shot and will always grant 70 solar to the player who hits the turret last and 30 solar to all of their teammates.

Speaking of Solar

Solar is found all over the place near a solar drilling site and can be collected by destroying creeps, droids, turrets, enemy Awesomenauts and by running into a stray solar cube lose on the battlefield so if you see any solar laying around, go ahead and pick it up! You’ll need lots of solar to buy upgrades so be sure to get as much of it as you can. You also get paid by the minute, 30 solar per minute to be exact. Destroying turrets and killing enemy Awesomenauts will grant the last person to hit the target with 70 solar and all of their teammates with 30 solar. If something else kills them, each member of the enemy team will gain 47 solar each.

Silver Solar Cubes:

Silver solar cubes are the most common cubes of solar and are worth 1 solar each. You can easily find them hanging in the planet’s atmosphere, laying around on the map and in the pockets of creeps. Grabbing these is a good way to collect some pocket change to help pick up a quick upgrade.

Gold Solar Cubes:

Gold solar cubes are much harder to come across than silver cubes. They are much harder to find laying about and can most commonly be found by destroying stuff that belongs to the enemy. They are worth 5 solar a piece so be sure to smash as much stuff that belongs to the enemy as you can and you’ll be able to get upgrades in no time!


Nabbing solar is one thing but remember your goal is the enemy solar drill. So how do you get past the enemy’s turrets? Droids! Droids are small units that your team will distribute every 20 seconds. Each wave of droids distributes 4 droids that split up into 2 squads of 2. One squad for each lane. If you can get your droids to the enemy turret, they will take the turret fire for you. That’s when you strike! There are three types of droids you can find helping you push into the enemy base.

Sawblade droids:

Sawblade droids are the most common droid type produced. They will chase anything nearby and tear through them with their sawblade dealing 72 damage each hit. They have 850 HP and will drop 5 solar to any player willing to take them out.

Humming Droid:

Humming Droids are special droids that are manufactured on various AI stations and can be summoned by a some Awesomenauts. These special droids can fly and fire homing bullets that deal 60 damage each. These bullets will target Awesomenauts Specifically! They have 600 HP and will drop 5 solar a piece. They spawn in groups of three and are deployed manually at a Droid Releaser.

Super Droid:

Super droids are powerful droids that are deployed whenever an enemy turret is destroyed. Help these droids out to get an extra push on the next objective. They have 1500 HP and fire homing missiles that deal 400 damage to anything caught in the explosion. These missiles will target Awesomenauts specifically! Destroying them will give you 10 solar.

Stage Mechanics

There are a few things you will see in every map in the game that are important to understand. Here’s a short rundown of what you can expect!

Zork’s Mega Shop

This is the Zork Mega Shop. Here, you can use solar to upgrade your Awesomenaut. You can buy up to 3 items in every upgrade row. Each team has a shop built into their base. Not only does this station work as a shop, but it will also heal you! If you are low on health and there is no good way to heal around you, try going back to the shop and you will be fully healed in no time!

Pre-Match Door

This door will make sure that both teams enter the battlefield at the same time, making the competition as even as possible. The door opens once the match’s timer hits 40 seconds.

Score Board

This is the scoreboard. Here you can see which Awesomenaut each player is using, what upgrades they have purchased, the amount of droids they have killed, the amount of damage they have dealt to turrets, the amount of solar they have, and their average ping. Hit tab at any time to see the scoreboard.


Healthpacks are green orbs that will recover your HP. Each will heal you for 200 HP. They are marked with green dots on the minimap and respawn after two minutes of being picked up. Grab these for a quick heal!

Team Walls

Team walls are special walls of energy that only one team can pass through. If you don’t match the color of the team wall, you can’t pass through it. Team walls sometimes will turn off depending on what turrets have been destroyed. The more turrets down, the fewer team walls the enemy team will have to their advantage. Keep this in mind when running from an enemy.

Hidden Areas

Hidden areas are spots where you can stay out of sight from the enemy. As long as an enemy has no members inside a hidden area, they can’t see who or what is inside. Use these to get the jump on an enemy without them expecting a thing!

Jump Pads

Jump pads are powerful jets that will send you flying in a certain direction. just touching one of these and you will speed off in the direction the bouncer pad is facing.


Any floating platform that looks like it’s made out of glass is known as a transparent platform. You can fall through these platforms by hitting the “S” key, or by holding down and pressing jump on a controller!


If you hold down the F key, you can teleport back to base! Hold it for 3 seconds to activate the teleport. Just make sure that nothing hits you while you are teleporting or the teleport will be canceled!

All About Maps

In this section, we will be going over everything you need to know about the maps in the online rotation.

Ribbit IV

Ribbit IV is a stage that has two lanes that are great for team fighting and a jungle in the middle to make healing a bit more intense. This stage has a ventricle passageway in the center that allows for easy travel in between top and bottom lane. Controlling this spot is key!

Map Creep:

Map Obstacle

Solar Boss

Bounty: 20 Solar for everyone on the team.
Heal: Full heal for the player who last hits the Solar Boss.

The Solar Boss is a huge monster that roams the jungles of Ribbit IV. It deals massive amounts of projectile damage, but if it can be taken down, gives a huge boost in solar and XP to your team!


Aiguillon contains lots of narrow passage ways and plenty of ways to get the jump on the enemy team! Use the low celings and hiding areas to your advantage. just be careful! You never know where an enemy will pop out at you!

Map Creep:

Map Obstacle

Stealth Orb

Grabbing this eye will make you go invisible! You have until the bar at the bottom of the screen depletes, or until you attack. Using this will help you gain kills for sure!


Sorona is an open desert planet with long lanes and open skies. This stage favors people who can brawl it out despite not having a ceiling. The only places where you can cut someone off is back towards base so early game, don’t count on trapping people. Just keep your guard up and pick people off in the open. Gaining the hidden area in the middle of this map helps gain control of the stage.

Map Creep:

Map Obstacle


The death worm is an instant kill to anyone who wanders under the platform on bottom lane if the button is pressed and you are under the platform. You are dead! Try to get enemies who go under there to grab some quick solar!

AI Station 205

AI Station 205 is a map where top and bottom lane are separated by an inferno device that will incinerate anything caught in its flames. This makes going in between lanes risky. Knowing the best time to push each lane is key on this stage!

Map Creep

Map Obsticle

Hummingbird Spawner

There is a machine that spawns hummingbird droids. Make sure you press the button on top to get some help pushing.

Watch out for the inferno device! This will burn you to death if you aren’t careful. Make sure it’s not on before switching lanes.

Inferno Device
Star Storm Station

Map Creep

Map Obsticle


Enter a purple teleporter to come out a green one. Moving from bottom lane to top lane is a synch with these!


Be careful not to fall off the bottom of the stage. If you fall into Space, you’re dead! Try knocking enemies into the void below you!

The XP System

The XP System

Each team has a team level. This level is raised by collecting XP. XP can be gained by destroying enemy units or neutral creeps. Each time your team gains a level, you gain an extra 3% more damage, 4% more health, and 3% more HP regeneration. If you fall behind, don’t worry. Killing an enemy grants you more XP when behind then if you are ahead. Check this list below to see how much XP is gained when destroying each target.

Awesomenauts: 40% of the amount of XP needed to reach the enemy team’s level.
Creeps: 5XP
Solar Boss: 50XP
Saw Blade Droids: 5XP
Hummingbird Droids: 5XP
Super Droids: 15XP
Turrets: 25 XP

Buffs and Debuffs

Buffs and debuffs are effects that alter how you play. This is a short section quickly explaining each one.


Blind is an effect that restricts a player’s field of view. The whole screen goes black and the player can only see the spot immediately around them. It will also stop all droids from doing anything. This debuff is great for distracting players and keeping droids from pushing a lane.

Damage Buff

When this icon is over an Awesomenaut, it means that their damage output has been increased! This damage buff is almost always conditional, so make sure you know when this buff is and is not active.


When this icon is over your head, be careful what attacks you use. This makes you deal less damage. If you are hit with weaken, stall a bit until the weaken wears off before using high damage abilities.

Damage Amp

When an icon of a broken shield is over your head, watch out! You will take more damage than usual. Always be careful not to get caught up in a team fight while you are under the damage amp debuff.


Silence is a deadly debuff. When you are silenced, you cannot use any special abilities. You can only use your auto attack. If you are silenced, do not engage! Retreat until you can use your abilities again.


This icon means you can’t take damage! Go in and really give it to em!


Knockback is a debuff that sends you flying in one direction from a certain hit. This debuff is great for setting up kills or for knocking away enemies when you are low on HP.


Slow is a debuff that’s good in almost all circumstances. All it does is slow things down. Use this to make hitting enemies easier!

Speed Up

Speed up increases your mobility. It is incredibly useful for chasing down enemies!


Snare will stop you from moving. These usually last for several seconds but you can still attack while stuck. If you are snared, make sure to do what you can to fight back.


Stun is shorter than snare but just as deadly. It stops you from doing anything. You won’t be able to fight back when under the effect of this debuff!

Meet the Awesomenauts!

In this section, we will be meeting each Awesomenaut one class at a time. Here, you will get a basic description of their class, abilities, uses and weaknesses.

Pushers (Lonestar, Raelynn)

Pushers are Awesomenauts that specialize in gaining the advantage over a lane and in pushing down structures. They have high DPS and typically come with one high damage special that helps them burst down an enemy. They typically aren’t the best options team fights but they make up for that in pushing power. Use these to gain an advantage over a lane.

Sheriff Lonestar

HP: 1300
Movement: Average
Jump: Double Jump
Strongest During: Early Game

Lonestar is a space cowboy with a lot of firepower to his disposal. His bullets and dynamite are perfect for dominating a lane and for pushing down turrets. Lone star is a must have when you need someone to give the enemy team a hard time counter pushing.

Damage: 65
Range: Average

Lonestar’s blaster is the weapon of a classic space cowboy. Its shot will deal 65 damage at base and can be upgraded to make bullets explode upon contact and can even make his blaster shoot missiles! This thing puts a massive dent in any structure like a turret or a drill core and will tear them down fast.

Dynamite Throw
Damage: 140
Cool down: 6 Seconds

Use this special to throw three sticks of dynamite at your opponents. If you hold he button down, you will throw the dynamite farther. Throwing them into a wall or ceiling will cause them to lose their momentum and fall down to the floor. These can be upgraded to bounce at enemies, leech life from enemies, and apply damage over time.

Summon Hyper Bull
Knockback Push
Cool down: 8 Seconds

This ability summons a holographic bull that charges in a horizontal line for 2.6 seconds and pushed anything front of its horns back. It has 400 HP at base and can be upgraded to deal damage, inflict slow, and even explode upon expiration dealing 210 damage!

Match ups

Good against:

Not good against:


HP: 1300
Movement: Fast
Jump: Single Standard Jump
Strongest During: Early Game

Raelynn is a long ranged killer naut with one major advantage. Lane clear. Her snipe and time rift make clearing lanes a synch. This naut has a lot of early game power so be sure to pick her if you want lanes cleared in a snap.

Damage: 75
Range: Average

Protoblaster is a simple gun with a simple purpose. Shooting stuff! It can even shoot several targets at once if you upgrade it!

Time Rift
Damage: 57
Slowing Power: 65%
Duration: 4 Seconds
Cooldown: 9 Seconds

Time Rift is a deployable time slow. Hold the button down to fire the rift out farther. Upgrading it can charge the power of your Protoblaster and even spawn a droid for extra pushing power!

Damage: 460
Knock back 0.7 Seconds
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Snipe is a long-range blast that destroys everything in its path! Upgrading it can blind enemies before it fires. They will never know what hit them!

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Pushers (Ted, Skree)

Ted McPain

HP: 1400
Movement: Average
Jump: Single Standard Jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Ted McPain is massive damage dealer! His airstrike and high AA damage make him perfect for pushing and team fights!

Shotgun and Machine Gun
Machine Gun Damage: 42
Shotgun Damage: 210
Shotgun Reload: 2 Seconds
Range: Average

Ted has a gun that transforms into a machine gun and a shotgun. The machine gun gives a constant long range spray of bullets, while the shotgun is a close range shot that deals tons of damage to anything it hits. His shotgun shells reload automatically over time. It can be upgraded to fire snipe shots and grenades as well!

Damage: 450
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Airstrike is a massive laser fired from space! When Ted’s gun is in machine gun mode, he can fire out a beacon that marks where the laser will fire. This laser will shoot through the entire stage above where the beacon is fired. This can also spawn healthpacks and be upgraded to pierce through the stage below the airstrike!

Attack Speed Increase: 40%
Duration: 4 Seconds
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Stimpack is a special serum that will amplify Ted’s abilities. At base, it only increases his attack speed, but it can also be upgraded to stun nearby enemies, increase his movement speed, reload his shotgun, and give him a damage shield. Try several different combinations to see what works!

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:


Movement: Fast
Jump: Single Jump/Permanent Float
Strongest During: Late Game

Skree has a lot of tactical options. His methods of damage output discourage an enemy team from staying together and his totem is perfect for cover. Use Skree if you want to seperate the enemy team.

Lightning Rod
Damage: 66
Fork Damage: 30
Range: Long

Lightning rod will zap an enemy you are near and will send lightning to any nearby target. This makes it perfect for dealing with large groups of enemies. It can be upgraded to deal damage over time, slow enemies and send massive shocks when charged.

Saw Blade
Flying Damage: 210
Damage Per Second: 220
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Sawblade is a buzz saw that tears through anything in it’s path. After being fired, you can hit the deploy button again to stop it in mid air. It will then stay there and deal damage to anything that touches it. Press the button again to send it back dealing massive damage. Upgrading it can even make it fire homing bullets and heal you depending on how much damage it deals.

Totem of Power
Health: 600
Duration: 7 Seconds
Cooldown: 14 Seconds

Skree can throw up a totem that acts as a portable wall and platform. This can be used for cover, and to catch an enemy in a tight spot. Hold the button down longer to throw the totem farther. It can also slow enemies, knock things back when deployed, and boost your attack power when nearby.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Fighters (Skølldir, Ayla)

Fighters specialize in gaining advantages in team fights. They have high amounts of damage that applies to enemy Awesomenauts and usually come with a potent status effect or two to mess with the enemy team. Where they lack in pushing power and ally support, they make up in completely tearing the enemy apart. Chose these nuts when you want a bit more oomph in your team!


HP: 1600
Movement: Average
Jump: Double fart jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Skølldir is a fighter that has lots of stuns to his advantage. His primary use is throwing enemies into a vulnerable position. Use Skølldir to set up great kills for your teammates!

Fist Bash
Damage: 100. 126. 225
Range: Melee

Skølldir has a three hit punch that deals massive damage towards the end of the combo. The third hit will have a huge area of effect and deal the most damage. This third hit can be upgraded to heal Skølldir, stun enemies, and deflect projectiles from the enemy team.

Mighty Throw
Backwards Throw
Stun Duration: 0.8 Seconds
Cooldown: 8 Seconds

Skølldir can throw any enemy in front of him behind him with a quick grab and toss. This is perfect for putting an enemy into a tight spot and can be upgraded to throw an exploding gnome, slow enemies, and increase his attack speed!

Damage Over Time: 350
Cooldown: 8 Seconds

Skølldir can smash his body into the ground and cause the ground in front of him to crack dealing damage over time to anything it hits. This can be upgraded to shoot rocks into the air, increasing its area of effect, send a shockwave backward, and even snare enemies.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:


HP: 1350
Class: Fighter
Movement: Fast
Jump: Single Standard Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Ayla is a high risk, high reward damage dealer. The more targets she hits at once, the more damage she will do. She also deals more damage when she is low on HP. Use Ayla when you want to deal damage to an entire team.

Chain Whack
Damage: 80
Lifesteal: 20%
Range: Melee

Chain whack is a basic melee attack that will heal Ayla when she hits enemies. This can be upgraded to increase the amount of health creeps will drop, reduce the amount of damage enemies will deal, and deal massive damage to targets with low HP.

Evil Eye
Damage: 300
Extra Damage Per Stage: 84
Slow: 7.5%
Extra Slow Per Stage: 7.5%
Cooldown: 7.5

Evil Eye is a short range power shot that deals high damage and inflict slow to the target it hits. This shot will increase in damage and slowing power dramatically depending on how low Ayla is on HP. Try using it when in a tight spot!

Damage: 63
Extra Damage Per Target: 15%
Self Damage: 33
Shield: 15%
Extra Shield Per Target 5%

Rage is a mighty ball of energy that deals massive amounts of damage to anything inside of it. It allows Ayla to freely fly, but will deal damage to her as well. This ball of energy deals more damage when more targets are inside its radius. It can also be upgraded to pull enemies in after landing an Evil Eye, and even leave a trail of blood that will speed allies up.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Fighters (Swiggins, Rocco)

Admiral Swiggins

HP: 1500
Class: Fighter
Movement: Average
Jump: Single Hover Jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Admiral Swiggins is a fighter who is best at anchoring enemies down in one spot. Getting caught in an anchor drop can be a death sentence to anyone caught in his grasp. Use Swiggins when you want to lock enemies in place.

Anchor Swing/Ink Spray
Damage Anchor Swing: 120
Anchor Swing Range: Melee
Damage Ink Spray: 80
Ink Spray Range: Average

Swiggins has an anchor that deals massive damage to anything that gets in the way of its swing. This anchor can also be dropped. If Swiggins doesn’t have his anchor, he can shoot ink at enemies. This ink can be upgraded to blind enemies!

Anchor Hook
Damage: 310
Stun Duration: 0.25 Seconds
Cooldown: 7 Seconds

Swiggins can shoot his anchor out at enemies and walls like a grappling hook. Once something is hooked, Swiggins will dash straight for it dealing damage upon contact. This can be upgraded to deal damage to any nearby target and stun enemies!

Drop Anchor
Damage: 80
Chain Breaking Damage: 50
Chain Duration: 3 Seconds
Hombolt Health: 350
Cooldown: 11 Seconds

Swiggins can shoot his anchor at enemy Awesomenauts. Any Awesomenaut hit by his anchor will be tethered town near his anchor and will be held in place for three seconds, or until they can destroy the anchor. Once the tether breaks, the enemy will take extra damage. This can be upgraded to slow enemies, deal damage to the target while the tether is active, and even amplify all incoming damage when tethered to the ground!

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:


HP: 1350
Class: Fighter
Movement: Average
Jump: Single High Jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Rocco is a bird who shoots high powered arrows. These arrows deal lots of damage. He can even fire an arrow that flies across the whole stage! If you are looking for a character with long range and high DPS, Rocco is the bird for you!

Rapid Arrows
Damage: 45
Range: Long

Rocco’s standard arrows pack a punch. He shoots two at a time and are great for poking at a safe distance. They can be upgraded to gain a third arrow to the shot and split upon contact to deal more damage.

Precision Shot
Damage: 330
Cooldown: 7.5

Precision Shot is a long range snipe that can fly across the entire map! You can pull back the string on the bow all the way to get the extra range on the shot, or you can fire the shot early to increase its movement speed and add an arch to the shot. The snipe only flies across the entire stage if fully charged. This can be upgraded to increase your attack speed, stun enemies, and even explode upon contact!

Slowing Power: 15%
Duration: 5 Seconds
Extra Duration Per Hit: 0.1 Second
Cooldown: 20 Seconds.

Vengance activates a slowing effect to all of Rocco’s arrows to help him deal more damage. The more arrows he hits enemies with, the longer Vengance will last. It can be upgraded to give Rocco homing arrows, increase his movement speed, and regen his health.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Fighters (Chucho)

Chucho Krokk

HP: 1250
Class: Fighter
Movement: Fast/Flyer
Jump: Single/Hover Bike
Strongest During: Mid Game

Chucho is a bounty hunter born to fight. His arsenal of offensive and mobility options makes him perfect in any fight! Use Chucho when you want a good rounded fighter!

Double Pistol
Damage: 46
Range: Average

Chucho carries two pistols at his side at all times. These double pistols are fast and useful for shooting enemies down. They can be upgraded to hit multiple targets, stun enemies and reduce the cooldown of Sticky Bomb.

Sticky Bomb
Damage: 400
Cool down: 9.5 Seconds

Chucho can throw a bomb that sticks to enemies and surfaces. It takes a short time to charge and hits in a wide area. Once it’s stuck, it’s not coming off until it explodes. It can also be upgraded to slow enemies and apply damage over time!

Hyper Bike/ Turret
Bike Blaster Damage: 58
Turret Damage: 66
Turret Health: 600
Nitro Boost Movement Speed Boost: 75%
Cooldown (Self Destruct): 5 Seconds
Cooldown (Destroyed): 10 Seconds

Chucho has a hoverbike named Romona that grants him the power of flight. While riding his bike, he can fire a machine gun horizontally and use a dash to increase his mobility. When he dismounts his bike, it transforms into a turret that shoots anything nearby. He can then either climb back on or destroy it to reduce the amount of time it takes to respawn his bike. One upgrade makes his bike explode when destroyed voluntarily!

Match ups

Good Against:

Not Good Against:

Assassins (Leon, Vinnie)

Assassins are Awesomenauts who have high mobility and high amounts of burst damage. These characters specialize in finishing off an enemy who is low on HP. Most of them can’t do much else other than killing but in this game, having one less problem to worry about really pays off!

Leon Chameleon

HP: 1300
Class: Assassin
Movement: Fast
Jump: Single Standard Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Leon is an assassin as quiet as a snake in the grass. His high damage output and ability to turn invisible help him pick up kills without the enemy knowing what hit them. His stretchy tongue can also be used to pull enemies into a tough situation and give them a run for their money.

Damage: 95
Range: Melee

Leon’s sword stab is a mighty blow to any opponent. This stab will deals incredibly high amounts of damage and can be upgraded to leech health from opponents and slow enemies down. It even stabs through turrets to pick off enemies that are getting just a bit too close when defending.

Tongue Snatch
Damage: 120
Cooldown: 7 Seconds

Tongue snatch can be used to bring an enemy to the perfect range to stab them down. Any enemy Awesomenaut caught by your tongue will be pulled right up next to you. This is useful for both bringing enemies into you, and for dragging them into allied attacks.

Cloaking Skin
Damage: 45
Invisibility Duration: 8 Seconds
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Cloaking skin will cause Leon to go invisible and leave a low HP dummy of himself behind. Leon will stay invisible until 8 seconds pass, or until he uses an attack. The dummy left behind will attack anything in range. You can upgrade this dummy to walk forward to hunt out targets, increase its health to allow it to stay in combat longer, and even make it explode when destroyed dealing 400 damage.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Vinnie and Spike

HP: 1250
Class: Assassin
Movement: Flying
Jump: Unlimited Float Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Vinnie and Spike is a tag team of two fish who don’t have many advantages save one incredibly powerful dash attack! This dash is a killer way to pick enemies off with ease. If you know exactly when to engage, give Vinnie and Spike a try!

Bubble Gun
Damage: 35
Range: Average

Spike can shoot bubbles at enemies! These bubbles will deal damage. They can be upgraded to punish enemies who hold onto their solar for long periods of time.

Spyke Dive
Damage: 400
Cooldown: 8 Seconds

Spike Dive is a dash that does one thing. Damage. Use this at the right moment to slaughter anything in your path! It can be upgraded to silence enemies, heal you, and shoot multiple shots!

Smoke Screen
Blind Duration: 4 Seconds
Cooldown: 11 Seconds

Smoke screen is a cloud that will blind enemies. It’s useful for narrow escapes and for stopping droids in their paths. It can be upgraded to grant you debuff immunity, reduce enemy attack power, increase your movement speed, and even turn you invisible!

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Assassins (Ksenia, Penny)


HP: 1250
Class: Assassin
Movement: Fast
Jump: Double Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Ksenia is one deadly assassin ready to use her hair cutting equipment to trim off a few years of your life. Her high damage and increased stealth makes her a great pick for any fight! She’s hard to play but rewarding if you can pull off a win! Use her if you are looking for a challenge!

Cut and Trim
Damage: 64. 88. 159
Range: Melee

Ksenia has a three hit haircut combo. If you can land all three attacks, you are rewarded with a high damage hit. This can be upgraded to increase the damage of your scissors, give you more scissors to throw, and increase your movement speed!

Scissor Throw
Damage: 100
Cooldown: 3 Seconds

Ksenia can throw high damage scissor blades that can easily be used to pick enemies off. These scissors recharge over time. If you miss and a scissor hits a wall, it will stick on the surface of the wall and can be picked up again to quickly refill your ammunition. These scissors can be upgraded to slow targets and knock targets back.

Invisibility Duration: 4 Seconds
Silence Duration: 1 Second
Cooldown: 13 Seconds

Ksenia can initiate a roll that will cause her to go invisible at the end. She can stay hidden for 4 seconds. Attacking will cancel this invisibility but will silence anything she hits. This can be upgraded to inflict slow, give her invulnerability while she rolls, and decrease recharge time on her scissor throw.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Penny Fox

HP: 1250
Class: Assassin
Movement: Fast
Jump: Triple Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Penny is a vicious assassin. Her attacks cause several debuffs, making her perfect for team fights. If you are looking for a high damage character who can set up for teammates well, Penny is the naut for you!

Damage: 88
Range: Melee

Penny has a claw strike that tears enemies apart. Hitting with her claws will charge Penny’s power meter. The more charges in the power meter, the more damage Penny will deal with her Special Attacks. Using special attacks will use all of her charges and she will need to gain more before she can use them again. This can be upgraded to give her power meter an extra charge, heal you when charges are used, and shoot bullets when her power meter is maxed.

Damage: 87
Damage Per Charge: 48
Stun Duration: 0.4 Seconds
Cooldown:7 Seconds

Penny can initiate a dash that stuns enemies and knock them back. This can be upgraded to stun for longer, retain a charge when landed, increase the range of the pounce, and increase the knockback of the pounce.

Energy Pulse
Damage: 90 Per Charge
Damage Amplification: 10%
Cooldown: 7 Seconds

Penny has a pulse that deals massive damage and will inflict damage amplification. This can be upgraded to silence enemies and charge her gun.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Assassins (Nibbs, Froggy)


HP: 1250
Class: Assassin
Movement: Slow
Jump: Double Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Nibbs is a dragon who has high amounts of damage on her fire breath. She is relatively slow but has a teleport that helps her get around. If you like doing massive amounts of damage by making yourself venerable, Nibbs is the naut for you!

Dragon Frenzy
Damage: 65
Frenzy Attack Speed Boost Per Stage: 10.7%
Range: Melee

Nibbs has a charge meter that increases when she strikes enemies with her claws. The more charges in the power meter, the higher her attack speed. These charges will fade away within three seconds of hitting an enemy. This can be upgraded to slow enemies, heal Nibbs when the meter is full, and reduce the cooldown of her special abilities.

Orb Of Omicron
Damage: 225
Cooldown: 7 Seconds

Nibbs can shoot out an orb that will hover in place for a second. If you hit the button again, you will teleport to the orb dealing damage to anything around you! This can be upgraded to slow enemies, charge your power meter, and pull enemies closer to you.

Fire Breath
Damage: 32
Damage Per Second: 680
Cooldown: 10.5 Seconds

Nibbs has fire breath that has the highest DPS in the game. This has very low range but will destroy anything in its path. This can be upgraded to deal damage over time, increase her movement speed, and give her a damage reducing shield.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Froggy G

Movement: Fast
Jump: Single High Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Froggy G is a fast paced damage dealer. He doesn’t have that much health but he can become invincible and deals lots of damage. These factors make him perfect for any teamfight. If you like playing on the edge, try Froggy G.

Bolt .45 Fish-Gun
Damage: 60
Range: Short

Froggy G has a basic blaster that shoots water at enemies. Upgrading this gun will cause it to hit multiple targets, shoot multiple shots, and charge up after hitting enemies with special attacks.

Splash Dash
Damage: 250
Stun Duration: 0.7 Seconds
Cooldown: 7.5 Seconds

Froggy G can dash through enemies and deal damage upon contact. This will deal burst damage, and stun enemies. Froggy G is invincible as long as he is dashing. His dash will continue until he reaches a certain distance or hits a wall. This can be upgraded to slow enemies, heal Froggy G, and cause an explosion when hitting walls and the floor.

Damage: 427
Duration: 1.6 Seconds
Cooldown: 11.6 Seconds

Froggy G can breakdance in a tornado of water that deals damage to everyone around him.It leaves him vulnerable and slows him down, but deals massive damage as a trade off! This can be upgraded to give Froggy G a shield, explode upon tornado expiration, and reflect incoming enemy projectiles back at them!

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Harassers (Coco, Gnaw)

Harassers are Awesomenauts who usually are able to constantly keep the enemy team low on HP by using long range weapons, or by dealing lots of damage very quickly in order to punish someone from getting too close. These nauts often disable the enemy from doing anything risky and keep assassins and fighters on their toes! Chose a harasser if you need to keep the enemy at bay.

Coco Nebulon

HP: 1300
Class: Harasser
Movement: Average
Jump: Single Standard Jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Coco is a naut who has a ton of debuffs at her disposal. Her combination of knockback and slowing power makes her wonderful in team fights. If your team needs more crowd control, try using Coco.

Damage: 35
Range: Short

Coco has a wave that deals damage near her at a high attack rate. This can be upgraded to slow enemies, increase damage to turrets, and shoot little particles dealing damage at a distance.

Ball Lightning
Damage: 400
Knock back: 1.5
Cooldown: 7 Seconds

Coco has a ball of lightning that can be shot out and detonated with a second press of the button. This will cause the ball to explode and send enemies flying away from the center of the ball. This can be used to set up for allies. This can also be upgraded to blind enemies and leave a blaze trail behind the ball.

Blaze Trail
Damage Over Time: 165
Slowing Power: 10%
Cooldown: 8 Seconds

Coco can leave a trail of energy behind her that will deal damage over time and slow anything caught in it. It is wonderful for making escapes and stopping enemies from getting away. Upgrading it can even increase your movement speed.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:


HP: 1350
Movement: Average
Jump: Single Standard Jump
Strongest During: Early Game

Gnaw is a character who has massive amounts of damage over time. His acid spit and weedling army makes him a perfect choice to gain an advantage over a certain part of the map. If you want to control the map, Gnaw is the pick for you!

Damage: 70
Damage Over Time: 100
Range: Melee

Gnaw’s bite will inflict enemies with poison. It will also give him parts that he can use to spawn weedlings. This bite can be upgraded to increase Gnaw’s movement speed, weaken enemies, and leech health from enemies.

Acid Spit
Damage: 50
Damage Over Time: 300
Weedling Heal: 20%
Cooldown: 8 Seconds

Gnaw can spit acid at enemies that deals damage over time. They can be upgraded to split when they hit an enemy, slow enemies, drip through platforms, and inflict damage amplification.

Grow Weedling
Drop Damage: 200
Shot Damage: 75
Weelding HP: 450
Weedling Lifetime: 30 Seconds

Gnaw can spawn little turrets called Weedlings. Weedlings will sit there and shoot at any nearby enemies. If a Weedling is hit with acid spit, it becomes fertilized. A fertilized weedling will deal more damage and have increased HP. One useful upgrade allows gnaw to carry three weedlings at a time.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Harassers (Max)

Max Focus

HP: 1250
Movement: Fast
Jump: Permanent Flight
Strongest During: Mid Game

Max Focus is a camera man with range on his side. His high DPS at a long range makes him perfect for making sure enemies have low HP. If you want to make sure enemies stay low on HP, Pick Max!

Flood Light
Damage: 120
Range: Average

Max has a light that flashes in a wide arc dealing damage to enemies. It can be upgraded to charge up over time, deal more damage the closer you are to the enemy, and allow you to move backward while firing!

Scene Illumination
Damage: 50
Duration: 1.5 Seconds
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Scene illumination is a long range shot that deals high amounts of DPS. Upgrading this will cause it to fire a burst shot at the end of the attack, add a second line of fire to the shot, and have the shot home in on enemies.

Slow-mo Shot
Slowdown: 50%
Duration: 2.2 Seconds
Cooldown:12 Seconds

Slow-mo Shot fires a massive orb that slows anything inside of it. This can be used in team fights to disrupt enemy movement. This can be upgraded to move the orb faster and heal max when an enemy is inside the orb.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Tanks (Clunk, Derpl)

Tanks are Awesomenauts who have absurd amounts of HP and high amounts of damage if you get too close. They are usually slow and can’t really chase enemies down that well but enemies have a hard time approaching them. Chose a tank if your team comp needs to stop an oncoming push.


HP: 1900
Class: Tank
Movement: Slow
Jump: Jet-powered rocket boost
Strongest During: Late Game

Clunk is the very definition of Tank, his high HP and massive amounts of damage can discourage any attempt to press forward. Use him when you want to stop the enemy team in their tracks!

Damage: 120. 140. 180
Range: long

Clunk has a missile barrage that gets stronger with each shot. After shooting three missiles, the strength will reset. These slow moving missiles are powerful! You can upgrade them to home in on enemies and hit multiple targets.

Vacuum Bite
Damage: 300
Lifesteal: 300
Cooldown: 5 seconds

Vacuum bite is an attack that steals life from your enemies. Its low cooldown times makes it a great way to keep your health up and stay on the battlefield.Upgrading it can cause it to hit multiple targets, snare enemies, and even increase your maximum health!

Damage: 500
Self Damage: 300
Cooldown: 13.5 Seconds

Clunk can set part of his robotic body to self-destruct dealing massive damage in a circle around him. Make sure you have plenty of health when using this special! If you need it, you can buy a shield that activates when the explode is charging.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Derpl Zork

HP: 1800
Class: Tank
Movement: Slow
Jump: Jet-powered Rocket Jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Derpl is a tank who deals massive amounts of damage when holding still. He’s not too useful when he isn’t in Siege Mode, but when he is, hardly anyone is going to be able to get by him. Use Derpl if you plan on causing roadblocks.

Cat Shot
Damage: 85
Range: Average

Derpl has a cannon that shoots cats! These cats will deal damage to enemies. They can be upgraded to split into several cats and hit several targets.

Grid Trap/Nuke
Snare Time: 1.6 Seconds
Snare Cooldown: 6 Seconds
Nuke Damage: 500
Nuke Cooldown: 14 Seconds

Derpl has two pieces of his arsenal that are incredibly effective. First, he can deploy traps that will snare enemies in place. When in siege mode, this ability turns into a nuke dealing massive damage! The snare can be upgraded to silence enemies, and the nuke can be upgraded to move faster.

Siege Mode
Damage: 45
Debut Immunity
Cooldown: 5 Seconds

Derpl can transform into a stationary turret. While in this mode, he can fire his nuke and shoot a Gatling gun. Upgrading this can give Derpl a shield, add heat seeking missiles to his Gatling gun, and makes his bullets inflict slow.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Tanks (Scoop, Sentry)

The Scoop of Justice

HP: 1600
Class: Tank
Movement: Fast
Jump: Single Standard Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Scoop is a tank who’s primary focus is to constantly heal himself and make himself available. He has a mixture of long range and short range damage options, making him useful in team fights. If keeping a large amount of HP is your style, Scoop is the naut for you!

Sword Skrike
Slash Damage: 100
Cleave Damage: 30
Cleave Lifesteal:m20%
Range: Melee

Scoop has a two hit combo. His over head slash with hit multiple targets and heal Scoop while his horizontal cleave will deal lots of damage to one target. This can be upgraded to increase his total damage output when near team mates and give him huge boosts in power when low on health.

Frozen Hammer
Minimum Damage: 150
Maximum Damage: 230
Minimum Snare Duration: 0.2 Seconds
Maximum Snare Duration: 0.8 Seconds
Cooldown: 7.5 Seconds

Scoop has a hammer he can throw that will deal damage and snare any enemies he is able to hit. The damage and snare that this attack will deal increases the farther the hammer travels. This can be upgraded to increase Scoop’s movement speed and heal him when the hammer hits an enemy.

Bindings of Justice
Damage: 180
Self Heal: 300
Charge Time: 1 Second
Cooldown: 9 Seconds

Scoop has bindings that wrap around him that heal him after charging up. This will also deal damage to nearby enemies! It can be upgraded to slow enemies, heal allies and increase Scoop’s sword damage.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Sentry X-58

HP: 1600
Class: Tank
Movement: Slow
Jump: Limited Helicopter Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Sentry is a unique tank. He has a teamwide trap that is difficult to land. If you can land this trap, you are almost guaranteed a kill! If you like team-wide traps, use Sentry.

Photon Mine Launcher
Damage: 80
Range: Average

Sentry has a photon mine launcher that shoots energy mines that hover in mid air! You can stack these in your enemies path to deal lots of damage at once. These can be upgraded to heal Sentry and home in on enemies right before detonating.

Black Hole Sun
Minimum Damage: 150
Maximum Damage: 540
Shield: 20%
Cooldown:10 Seconds

Sentry can raise a shield that absorbs incoming damage. The more damage he takes, the more his Black Hole Sun charges. He can then fire a black hole that will move anything caught in its radius into the center before exploding and dealing burst damage. This can be upgraded to increase Sentry’s movement and attack speed and add damage to the shield itself!

Teleport Beacon
Damage: 250
Cooldown: 15 Seconds

Sentry can set down a beacon anywhere he wishes on the stage. Hitting the special button again will cause Sentry to teleport back to the beacon, dealing damage around that area. This can be upgraded to heal Sentry, Increase his movement speed and leave exploding dummies behind.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Tanks (Jimmy/Amy)

Jimmy/Amy and the LUX 5000

HP: 1550
Class: Fighter
Movement: Average
Jump: Jet-Powered Rocket Jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Jimmy/Amy are a pair of twins driving a mech. Don’t underestimate these babies, their high damage and knockback will send you crying for your mommy if you aren’t careful! Use these tots if you like getting up close and personal with your enemies!

Rattle Smash
Damage: 105
Rattle Wave Damage: 150
Range: Melee

Jimmy/Amy has a three hit combo that emits a shock wave on the third hit. This can be upgraded to give Jimmy/Amy a shield, heal Jimmy/Amy, and increase attack speed when in a tight spot.

LUX Charge
Damage: 40
Movement Speed Boost: 62%
Shield: 25%
Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown: 9.5 Seconds

The LUX 5000 Mech can go into a charge mode that reduces incoming damage and shoves anything in front of it back. This can be upgraded to leave a fire trail behind it, send a damaging pulse at enemies, and heal Jimmy/Amy for a fraction of the damage taken during the charge.

Missile Barrage
Damage: 170
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

The LUX 5000 can fire a stream of missiles at enemies. Upgrades for these missiles can give LUX a shield, knock enemies back after use, and add 6 smaller missiles for a wider spread of firepower.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Support (Voltar, Yuri)

Support nauts specialize in sustaining and improving the abilities of their teammates. Several of them have healing properties but several of them can also increase a teammate’s movement speed, give them a temporary damage shield, and even set up an enemy for a kill! Use these if you want to really make an ally a powerful asset.

Voltar the Omniscient

HP: 1250
Movement: Average
Jump: Single hover jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Voltar’s primary role is a healer, but he isn’t without powerful drones that can pack a punch. Whether he’s making sure, his teammates stay alive, or rushing enemies with his drones, there is always a place for Voltar to be doing something useful. Use him when you need to keep your team mates alive.

Techno Synaptic Wave
Heal: 20
Max Heal: 30
Range: Long

Techno Synaptic Wave is a projectile that will heal allies it collides with or hurt enemies it comes into contact with. The amount of healing done depends on how far away you are from your target. You will heal more the farther away you are from an ally.

Suicide Drones
Damage: 20
Explosion Damage: 150
Cooldown: 4 Seconds

Voltar can summon drones that cover around him and give him some attack power. You can summon up to 3 drones. They fire lasers that deal 20 damage and can be shot at enemies and can explode on contact. They can also be upgraded to Blind, Knock enemies back, and even add a fourth drone to your drone army.

Heal: 330
Health Points: 250
Cooldown: 13 Seconds

Healbot is a small robot that you drop on the ground that will heal any ally within a short radius. It heals for 330 health points but can be destroyed if it takes 250 damage. It can also be upgraded to deal damage as well as heal, drop mines, and push enemies back.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:


HP: 1350
Class: Support
Movement: Flying
Jump: Jetpack
Strongest During: Mid Game

Yuri is an odd little monkey with a lot of tactical abilities at his disposal. His lane clear and time warp makes team fights a pinch if you know how to use him! Use Yuri if you need to gain total control of a map!

Damage: 30
Maximum Damage: 40
Range: long

Yuri has a laser that increases in power the longer you use it. This will also draw in any solar cubes that it touches. Upgrading this ability can increase the range of the laser, and slow enemies down.

Mine Deploying
Damage: 410
Cooldown: 4 Seconds

Yuri can drop mines that explode upon contact. These are great for denying access to certain parts of a stage. They can be upgraded to scatter into three bombs, bounce and even spawn health packs.

Time Warp
Slowing Power: 30%
Speed Up: 10%
Duration: 3.5 Seconds
Cooldown: 15 Seconds

Yuri has a bubble that will slow down time, increase allies movement speed and heal anyone in the time bubble. This is perfect for punishing enemies in a team fight. This can be upgraded to make your laser heal you and make yuri immune to debuffs.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Support (Genji, Ix)

Genji The Pollen Prophet

HP: 1250
Class: Support
Movement: Slow
Jump: Limited Flutter Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Genji is a character who both buffs allies and give enemies debuffs. He is perfect for delivering setup for teammates and is godlike in team fights. If you are looking for the ultimate support character, Genji is the character for you.

Butterfly shot
Damage: 70
Range: Average

Genji has a wand that fires a shot that will return to him after flying a short distance. This hits twice and can be upgraded to deal damage over time, heal allies, and spawn a huge electricity cloud.

Trap Duration: 2 Seconds
Cooldown: 10 Seconds

Genji can fire out a cocoon that will snare enemies for several seconds. It holds them in place and nothing can affect them for a few seconds. After the cocoon wears off, the enemy is in the perfect spot to be picked off by teammates. This can be upgraded to spawn healing nectar, leech HP from enemies, explode upon contact, and spawn a flying droid when a droid is snared.

Monarch Blessing
Damage Reduction: 20%
Duration: 3 Seconds
Cooldown: 14 Seconds

Monarch Blessing is a shield that reduces incoming damage. It can be upgraded to increase movement speed, heal allies, and increase maximum HP of allies.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Ix The Interloper

HP: 1350
Class: Support
Movement: Average
Jump: Limited Levitation Jump
Strongest During: Late Game

Ix is a naut with a very special ability to swap with enemies and allies. This makes him great for saving allies in a tight spot and placing enemies in a bad position. If you like making power plays for your team, give Ix a shot!

Damage Radiate Bolt: 60
Damage Scattering Crystals: 15
Range: Average

Ix has a bolt that he can fire through enemies. The main bolt deals the most damage. There are also smaller bolts that deal damage closer to Ix. These can be upgraded to heal Ix, deal damage over time, and deal more damage when Psyonic Bond is active.

Psionic Bond/Displace
Initial Heal: 160
Heal Over Time: 75
Initial Damage:180
Damage Per Second: 65
Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Cool down After Using Displace: 12 Seconds.

Ix can fire a shard that forms a bond between him and any enemy or ally the projectile hits. This bond with heal allies and deal damage to enemies. Hitting the button again will cause Ix and the other target to swap places. This is great for both set-up and saves. This can be upgraded to slow enemies, speed up allies, reduce the damage output of enemies, and increase the damage output of teammates.

Invincibility Duration: 0.8 Seconds
Cooldown: 9 Seconds

Ix can split his body up into parts. This will cause him to negate all incoming damage. This can be upgraded to increase his movement speed, inflict damage amplification, heal Ix, and deal damage in an area around him.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Support (Deadlift, Yoolip)

Samuel “Deadlift” Gains”

HP: 1600
Class: Support
Movement: Slow
Jump: Single Standard Jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Deadlift is a tanky support character who’s all about negating incoming damage. He has some offensive options, but his highlight is his team wide shield. If you like pulling through for allies and keeping them alive, give Deadlift a shot.

Iron Slam
Punch Damage: 100
Uppercut Damage: 120
Range: Melee

Deadlift has a two punch combo. His uppercut deals twenty extra damage and hits multiple targets. It can be upgraded to heal Deadlift, increase his movement speed, and scale in power for consecutive hits.

Power Lunge
Damage: 300
Cooldown: 7 Seconds

Deadlift can do a leaping jump that deals damage when it hits. It can be upgraded to knock enemies back, reduce enemies damage output, and deal extra damage when his shield is up.

Protective Pose
Damage Protection: 600
Health Decay: 100 HP Per Second
Decay Start: 2 Seconds
Cooldown: 13 Seconds

Deadlift can raise a shield that negates all incoming damage that hits any target in the shield. the amount of damage it blocks reduces over time. It can be upgraded to heal deadlift, increase the abilities of allies, and slow enemies.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

Professor Milton Yoolip

HP: 1500
Class: Support
Movement: Average
Jump: Single Standard Jump
Strongest During: Mid Game

Professor Yoolip is a naut all about stuns and lane clearing. His stuns help teammates burst enemies down. If you like a character who is all about keeping enemies still, give Yoolip a shot.

Wrench Smack
Damage: 95
Droid Heal: 10
Range: Melee

Yoolip has a wrench that can heal allied droids. It doesn’t deal that much damage, but has other uses. It can be upgraded to inflict amplify damage and cause enemy droids to drop health packs upon death.

Gripping Gaze
Damage Per Second: 175
Stun Duration: 1.2
Cooldown: 9.5 Seconds

Yoolip shoots out a projectile that stuns enemies for a long period of time. This holds Yoolip in place as well, but since it’s a ranged stun, that doesn’t prove to be too much of an issue if you are careful. This is one of the best ways to set up for a kill in the game. It can be upgraded to give Yoolip a shield, heal Yoolip, and deal damage over time to nearby enemies.

Summon Robo Dinos
Damage: 250
Cooldown: 12 Seconds

Yoolip can send a line of robot dinos that deal damage to anything they are able to chomp. They can be upgraded to spawn HP, jump at enemies, and move quickly until they bite something.

Match ups

Good against:

Not Good against:

After the game ends

Once your game ends, you will be brought to the results screen.

This screen will display any Awesomepoints and EXP gained from the match! Awesomepoints are an in-game currency that you can use to buy all sorts of stuff! You can use them to buy profile images, custom droppods and even Awesomenauts!

EXP will increase both the level of your profile, and the level of the naut you used in battle. Leveling up will get you all sorts of goodies like boosts in Awesomepoints, Droppod parts, profile badges, and much more!

All About Awesomepoints

What are Awesomepoints?

Awesomepoints are an in-game currency that you can use to unlock profile icons, custom droppods and best of all, Awesomenauts!

Let’s say that you play a naut in the free Awesomenauts rotation that you really enjoy but Monday comes around and the rotation changes. Well, with Awesomepoints, you can unlock that naut and can use them forever! You can unlock them in the Armory.

How do I get Awesomepoints?

There are several ways to get Awesomepoints in Awesomenauts! Here are a few good ways to quickly increase your Awesomepoints balance!

1) Complete the tutorial
2) Play a Co-op Vs Bot Match or a Verses Player Match online
3) Reach profile level 1-5 to nab some quick points
4) Gain a “First win of the Day” bonus when playing online
5) Recruit your friends to join the Awesomenauts

Is there any way to unlock Awesomenauts faster?

Yes, there are three ways you can unlock Awesomenauts faster! First off, recruitment!

Once you reach profile level five, you will be given a unique recruitment code. Give this code to your friends and they will unlock Raelynn for free! Also, if your friends reach profile level 8, you will gain a bonus of 1000 Awesomepoints!

Got no one to give you a code? No problem! I’ll post mine here! Each code works for 50 users so the first 50 people to input this code will get Raelynn for free!

You can buy any individual Awesomenaut off of the Steam Store with your Steam Wallet if you are a bit short on Awesomepoints. But there is one other option you could take.

Introducing the “Awesomenauts All Nauts Pack” on the Steam Store page! This will give you access to every single naut in the game! It will also give you access to every naut that is going to be added to the game in the future the moment they come out!

Buying the All Nauts Pack also gets you the exclusive Goldstar skin!

Get the “Awesomenauts All Nauts Pack” on the Awesomenauts Steam Store Page

Who Should I unlock first?

Here’s a list of some nauts to try early on!


Froggy G


Sheriff Lonestar

Leon Chameleon

Max Focus



The Scoop of Justice


Vinnie and Spike

The Armory

The Armory is your one-stop center for cashing in Awesomepoints and for browsing the Steam Store for some sweet announcers and skins for your favorite nauts! Here’s a list of things you can expect to find in the armory.

The Awesomenauts Store

Here you can check out nauts you don’t own. You can see every naut in the game, both new and old. It’s always a good idea to check back from time to time as some nauts will go on sale. Click on any naut to gain more information about them.

Here you can clearly see some basic information concerning Sheriff Lonestar such as his current level, his abilities, and his difficulty. You can also hit the “Try” button to take the naut out for a test run before buying them! That’s not all, you can also check the upgrades of your naut.

Here you can see every upgrade available to this character. Just scroll over an upgrade to see its description. Be sure to familiarize yourself with your naut’s upgrades, as upgrades will make you stronger when the time comes to face off against an enemy team. Finally, you can check details of your naut’s level.

Here, you can see how much you’ve leveled a naut up! Each time you level up, you will gain a bonus! These bonuses include Awesomepoints, Droppod Parts, character upgrades, and a remix of their character theme that will play whenever you go on a killing spree to celebrate your success!

The Skin Store

Let’s say you find an Awesomenaut that you REALLY like! What better way to show everyone how much you love using them than to buy a fancy new skin in the skin store! Here you can purchase skins available on the Steam Store with your Steam Wallet and see which skins have special unlock conditions. With a store this convenient, you’ll be looking snazzy in no time!

Custom Droppods

Here, you can use Awesomepoints and Droppod parts you gain from leveling up to upgrade your droppod and strike fear into the hearts of your enemies!

In order to unlock a new droppod, you can either spend both Awesomepoints and Droppod Parts to unlock these fancy rides, or if you are a bit short on in-game currency, you can buy any droppod on the Steam Store. Do you have what it takes to collect them all?

The Announcer Store

Ever want to add some personality to your match? Well, now you can with the Announcer Store! Enjoy some of your favorite characters give commentary as you play the game! You can even meet some new people who love watching you play! Give it a try!

Your Profile

All the information you need about your time in Awesomenauts can be found in the Profile screen. To access it, click the icon on the top right of the Main Menu. From here, you can change/buy new profile images with Awesomepoints, check your Profile Level and stats, display rare badges you get for making major accomplishments, and see an overview of the nauts you own.

This is the Naut overview screen. You can see your progress with every naut you own! Clicking on an icon for one of these nauts will take you to their naut information page in the Armory.

This is the Profile Level screen. This shows you the rewards you can get for increasing your Profile Level! Here is where you will get the serious rewards!

Teaming up with Friends

Awesomenauts is a team game. What could be more fun than inviting your friends to your play with you? That’s where the party system comes into play! With the party system, you can invite anyone on your Steam Friends list to come play with you!

All you need to do is click on the + icon next to your profile image and select the friend you want to invite!

Once you invite a friend, all you need to do is wait for them to accept the invite and you’ll be good to go! Looks like this party has two members!

You know what they say! Two heads are better than one, but three heads are better than two! You can invite up to two friends to join your party to help play online! Just remember, the player with the crown over their player icon is the party leader. The game can’t start until the party leader initiates an online match.

Once you play a match, you stay with your party until someone leaves. That means you can jump back into the matchmaking queue as soon as a match ends! No need to constantly send new invites!
Sometimes, the game will recommend that you invite certain people. Give them a try!

Watching Replays or Live Matches

If you ever get tired of waiting for Galactron to find a game, you can pass the time by watching replays and live matches in the “Watch” section!

All you need to do is select a match and hit “Watch”. It’s that easy! You can see what games are currently live including the Match of the Day, what games you played in the past, check to see if any friends are playing live and cheer them on in their game, or watch any replay files that were shared to you!

Creating a Custom Game

Custom Games are matches you can set up yourself! Custom Games are incredibly variable. You can change all sorts of setting in the custom games settings like how much HP people have, how much damage they deal, how many upgrades you can buy in each row, or how many players can play in a match! You can invite go face to face in a 1v1 battle, turn up the heat in a 2v2 battle or invite up to up to 5 people or some 3v3 action! You can even change the game mode to the kill-centric “Team Death Match” mode or try out a custom map you found on the workshop here! First things first, let’s check out the Custom Games Browser.

This will show all the custom games currently available that you can join! You can also make your own by clicking on the “Create” button.

Here, you can give your custom game a name. Make sure you give it a name that catches people’s attention and articulates the kind of game they will be joining! You can also select the map you want to play on! Whether they be maps already in the game or maps you downloaded from the Steam Workshop! You can even choose whether you want the game to be a game that anyone can join or a game thats invite only.

Once you’ve created your game, you will be brought to the Custom Games Lobby! Here, you can invite friends to play and change the setting of the match! Once everything is ready, hit “Start” to play the match!

You can change a lot of settings in a Custom Game! Be sure to mix and match to find the game modes that you like the best! You can also save these custom settings to easily play with again in the future!

Feel free to check out some user-created game modes in The Steam Workshop

Important Game Settings

There are some other settings you should know about that can be found in the “Extra Options Drop Down Menu” First off, let’s go over some settings that are important to know about.

Player Communication

First of all, you can enable the ability to talk with other players in the main menu and in game by enabling “In-Game and Global Chat” You can also apply a profanity filter that replaces words that you might not want to see with something a bit funnier! Give it a try!

Colour Blind Mode

Enable colour blind mode, and the color of player’s health bars will turn from green to red and blue depending on their team. That way, it’s easier to identify what team the other player is on!

Performance Options

Is Awesomenauts having a bit of trouble running on your computer? Well, now you can help speed it up a bit by changing the graphics settings! Decreasing the texture and background qualities will both cause the game to run faster! You can also set the game to optimize performance in order to either get a higher frame rate or less input lag. The choice is up to you!

Player Status Dock

This is a neat little feature that shows information about your teammates and enemies. You can always see your allies current HP, and you can see whenever someone is dead/in a droppod.

Making a Custom Map

Once you download a map from the Steam Workshop, you can view them here! You can also try your hand at making your own maps in the Awesomenauts Level Editor! In order to make a map, click on the “Maps” tab.

Here, you can see all the maps you’ve started. In order to make a new map, click on the “New Map” button.

All you need to do to get started is to give your map a name and chose a map template! Click create and you’ll be ready to go!

Check out more on the Map Editor on the Awesomenauts Wiki Modding Section[]

Reporting Cheaters/Toxic Players

Let’s say you run into someone who is being toxic and harassing certain players or someone who is hacking the game and ruining everyone’s fun. What do you do? Use the in-game report system! First, pause the game once you are able.

Once you are able, hit the “Mute/Report” tab and you should be brought to this screen.

Next click on the player who you want to report and select “Report Player”

Next, it will prompt you to select the offense that the player is guilty of. Select the offense and click on “Continue”

Finally, give a brief explanation of the problem and click “Send”. After that, the developers at Ronimo Games will take a look at the situation and deal with the player. You can also do this after the game ends on the “Stats Screen”

List of Terminology

Sometimes, people might say things that will confuse people who are new to this style of game. If you see see a word and you don’t know what it means, check here and you might find the definition!



Short for “Multiplayer Online Battle Arena” This typically refers to a video game where the goal is to eliminate a certain objective belonging to an enemy team without the destruction of your own.


Short for “Happy Matchmaking Server” This was the original working title for the improved matchmaking server. Today, The matchmaking server is known as Galacrton.


Short for “Match Making System” This is usually the term people use when discussing the functionality of the Matchmaking server itself.


Short for “Free to Play” This references any game that can be played without a monetary transaction.


Short for “Reconnect” A reconnecting player is a player who lost connection to the match. If they are successfully able to reconnect, they will begin to move again. If not, they will disconnect from the match.


Short for “Disconnect” A player who disconnects has the opportunity to reconnect to the game as long as that game is still being played. If they fail to reconnect, they will be given a lockout from the matchmaking system for a short amount of time.



Short for “Awesomepoints” An in-game currency that can be used to unlock new profile images, custom droppers and new Awesomenauts


Short for “Droppod Parts” An in-game currency that can be obtained through leveling up individual Awesomenaut levels or the profile level. These can be used along with Awesomepoints to unlock custom droppers.


Awards given to players who reached the max level in the old leveling system that was used before Awesomenauts went free to play. They are no longer obtainable.


A number calculated by your in-game performance that helps the Matchmaking system place you in games with players of a similar skill level.


Groups numbered one through nine displaying your positions on the leaderboards.


Short for “Solo Queue” This is when a player plays in a ranked match by themselves.


Short for “Duo Queue


A group of three players playing together, usually with a predetermined plan in mind.



Bottom lane. The lowest lane.


Top Lane. The highest lane.


Middle lane. This can either refer to the space in between lanes that often contains a jungle and/or obstacle, or the verticle space in between turrets.


The first action in an attack. This is usually coordinated to optimize damage output in a team fight.

Team Fight

A fight in which four or more members from both teams engage each other in order to attempt to kill members of the enemy team.


Short for “Health Points” The measurement of how much damage something can take before being destroyed or killed.


Short for “Damage Per Second” The measurement of something’s damage output in the time span of one second.


Short for “Damage Over Time” Any means of damaging an enemy unit that lasts beyond the initial hit.


Short for “Heal Over Time”. Any heal that applies constantly over a given period of time instead of instantly.


Short for “Area of Effect” The measurement of how much space an ability will inflict its effect.


Short for “Auto Attack” This is often used to describe an attack that has a constant rate of fire and has no cool down. This is every character’s primary weapon.

Base Ability

If something is said to deal a certain amount of damage, HP duration, cool down or CC “At Base” it is referring to the effect of the attack without any upgrades applied to the ability. For example, an attack might deal 80 damage at base, but might be upgraded to deal 120 after upgraded.

I Frames

Short for “Invincibility Frames” This refers to any frame of an animation where a character gains invincibility.


Any increase of a unit’s abilities by use of an in-game ability. This term can also be used to describe a permanent increase of power to a character added via update to the game.


Any permanent decrease of power to a character added via update to the game.


Any decrease of a unit’s abilities by use of an in-game ability.


Short for “Crowd Control” Any strategy that discourages or weakens large groups of enemies by means of damage with a large amount of AoE, or by means of status effects. CC is often synomous with the term “Debuff”


Well! That’s about everything you need to know in order to play Awesomenauts! Thank you for spending time reading this guide and giving Awesomenauts a try! Oh! That reminds me! I have a special gift for you! Take this!

This is the Awesomenauts Medal! It’s mean’s you have officially joined the ranks of the Awesomenauts! Equip it once you reach level six to show everyone that you’re one of us now!

And remember to check back soon for gameplay and character tips!

Version differences

V 1.0
– Guide launched

V 1.1
– Added “Making a custom Map” And “Reporting Cheaters/Toxic Players” sections to make them clearer
-Fixed a bunch of typos

V 1.2
– Added “Game Play Objectives” Section
– Added “Stage Mechanics” Section
– Added “Version Differences” Section

V 1.3
-Added “List of Terminology” Section
-Added “Classes” Section

V 1.4
– Merged the “Classes” section with the “Meet the Awesomenauts” section
– Added “Buffs Debuffs” section

V 2.0
– Added “Map Basics” section
– Added “XP System” section
– Completed Guide

V 2.1
– Fixed a bunch of typos
– Improved the clarity of some sentences

V 2.2
– Fixed all typos currently found
– Added more detail to several Awesomenauts
– Rephrased several sentences to make them more clear
– Added “HOT” “Bot” “Top” “Mid” “SoloQ” “DuoQ” and “Premade” to the list of terminology.
– Changed a section name to “Important Game Settings”

V 2.3
– Fixed a few typos
– Added a warning about the Steam formatting bug
– Added Clunk to the list of good first picks
– Changed the names of each section to make them easier to manage.

Things left to add:
– Overhaul the images to make them more compact and tidy.