Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Guide

Why Jack Baker is best boi for Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

Why Jack Baker is best boi


A list of reasons why Jack Baker from resident evil 7: biohazard is the best boi

Family man

Jack is a family man and welcomes in Ethan to the Baker residence with a warm welcome and even asks Marguerite to make Ethan a special dinner to honour him

Strong ‘n’ handsome

Look how strong Jack is by carrying that giant axe around…..

…..and look at that Bod!!! very handsome

sense of humour

Jack has a funny sense of humour as we can see by the picture showing how wacky,quirky and goofy he is on his 55th birthday wearing his party hat,red nose and funny glasses.10/10 would laff again.

Amazing cook

Jack sure does know how to whip up a tasty meal for all the guests that come over the Baker residence.

Be it cooking up human organs or actual human feces, Jack can do it all.

jack’s super secret ingredients fridge