Prince of Persia®: The Sands of Time Guide

Widescreen resolution - controller setup - BugFixes for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Widescreen resolution – controller setup – BugFixes


This guide is being made to setup Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time to run proberly on pc and fix following issues:Widescreen resolutionsController setupBugFix white screen – fog bugBugFix diagonaly not running prince


This guide is being made to setup Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time for pc. Since there is no english guide yet, i decided to create one. I hope to help some people, so they don’t need to search the whole forum for fixes.

This guide will fix following issues:

  • Widescreen resolutions
  • Controller setup
  • BugFix white screen – fog bug
  • BugFix diagonaly not running prince

FYI my game runs on Windows 7 64-bit and should run on 32-bit, too.

Basic bug fixing

Most common bug get fixed by enabling Vsync in the options. This lowers the framerate to the refreshrate of your screen. Ideal would be a refreshrate of 60. If you got a higher refreshrate then use a programm to limit your fps(e.g. dxtory trial).
This also fixes the asynchron sound of cutscenes.

Enable widescreen resolution

To set the resolution to a custom widescreen one i used the UniWs Patcher[]. You only need to run it once.

  • Download and Run uniws.exe
  • Select PoP:TSoT and its install folder
  • insert your custom resolution (e.g. Width:1920 Height:1080)
  • click patch
  • close the uniws program
  • start the game
  • select your resolution in the options

In order to prevent a particially missing interface you have to change one command in the “hardware.ini”. You can find it at: Steam/Steamapps/common/Prince of Persia The Sands of Time




Fixing fog bug

When you first launch PoP:TSoT and you see a complete white screen, its a bug related to the fog.

So all you have to do is go to your install folder in: /steam/steamapps/common/Prince of Persia The Sands of Time/ and open up the “Hardware.ini”.

So you have to change the Values from:

ForceVSFog=0 InvertFogRange=1


ForceVSFog=1 InvertFogRange=0

Save the file and your done.
If you want you can make the file read-only, but it’s not neccessary.

Controller Setup

You have to know we make the controller work even tho you still have to navigate through menus with the mouse and keyboard.

Start the game and go to Options -> Controls : Doubleclick in the field and press/move the button/stick on your controller. After your done all actions should work from your controller.

You can find original button layout right here: PoP:TSoT controls[]

Xbox 360 controller layout in the next chapter

Xbox 360 Controller layout

Cause the Xbox 360 Controller got different buttons heres a way to actually display the right buttons in options and ingame.

You need to download the POPData.BF file and insert it in your PoP:TSoT folder at: Steam/Steamapps/common/Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

Shoutouts to spiken0 for this file (discussion link).

This is how it looks like in the menu and these are the controls i use:

Move Forward – L Stick
Move Left – L Stick
Move Backward – L Stick
Move Right – L Stick
Walktoggle – (not binded cause you don’t need it for controllers)
Jump – A
Special Action – RB
Sword Attack – X
Use Dagger – Y
Cancel – B
Rewind – LB
Camera Look – RT
Alternate View – LT
Reset Camera – RS
Camera Forward – R Stick
Camera Backward – R Stick
Camera Left – R Stick
Camera Right – R Stick

side note: just don’t put “Special Action” and “Rewind” on left(LT) and right trigger(RT). The result of it is that you can’t perform a special attack called mega-freeze cause one button is the positive axis and the other on the negative axis and they would cancel each other out.

BugFix – Prince not running diagonaly

There is still a bug in the game why the prince can’t run diagonal, so he’s only slowly walking. There are two ways of fixing this.

1. Recalibrating your controller


You have to know that this change is systemwide not only for PoP:TSoT. To calibrate the controller go to your system control panel -> hardware and sound -> devices and printer -> Xbox 360 controller for windows [rightclick] -> gamecontroller settings -> properties -> options -> calibrate
Instead of the Dpad you move the left stick while calibrating.
It might take some tries and the better the calibration the more smooth is the prince running in all directions.

If you need further instructions follow these steps.

2. XInput Plus fix

(seems not to work)

This method is changing only programwide and there are other programs you can use, too.

Originally posted by Anewhope:

You can fix it with xinput plus, by rescaling output values of your controller’s left stick from circle (Xinput) to square (directinput) so the game (which also works in directinput mode) … makes the prince run.

So to use Xinput Plus do the following steps:

  • Download XInput Plus[] (it’s the engl. version)
  • extract the file
  • run XInputPlus.exe
  • click Target Program and click on POP.exe or PrinceOfPersia.exe*
  • make sure to be on tab “left stick”
  • set Rect Correction to “1” or how you like it
  • click Apply

*install folder: Steam/Steamapps/common/Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

This method didn’t worked for me but i hope it works for you. So give me some feedback on this part.


I hope i can help alot of people enjoying that game again. Feel free to give me some feedback in the comments and rate my guide cause this is my first one.

If you got any other bug fixes or anything message me, cause i would expand that guide, too.

Have fun with the game, spinyB