Winning Putt: Golf Online Guide

Winning Putt Basics for Winning Putt: Golf Online

Winning Putt Basics


Learn the basics of Winning Putt in this short guide.

Introduction to Golf


In the game of golf, players strike a stationary ball with a club, aiming to hit the ball into holes on the course in as few hits, or strokes, as possible. A round of golf traditionally features 18 played holes on the course. Each course features varied terrain to increase the difficulty of play, including different levels of grass, and various obstacles including water and sand.


In golf, the object is to have as a low a score as possible. Score is measured in “strokes” or the number of times the club is swung to hit the ball. At the end of each hole, the players score is compared to the “par” of the hole. Par refers to the number of strokes it should take a player to finish the hole. Players earn one stroke per swing, and must take their shot over if the ball lands out of bounds or in the water.


To play golf, you’ll need a set of clubs, some golf balls, and a golf bag to carry all of them in.

Game Controls

In Winning Putt, a successful round of golf is best achieved when paying careful attention to the user interface, or UI.

1. Swing Meter

The Swing Meter is used first to determine how hard you intend to hit the golf ball, then how accurately you hit the ball. Clicking the shot button once will begin the swing, and send the meter swinging to the right. You must click the shot button again to set the power. Once the power is set, and the meter has reached the end, it will begin to come back to the left. Click shot button again as close to the center of the green zone, or sweet spot, on the meter as possible for the most accurate shot. Clicking too far away may result in a slight push, or pull, sending the ball a little to the left or right of your intended target. Clicking way too early or late will result in a hook, or slice, and send the ball reeling out of control.

2. Selected Club

The club you have selected to use for this shot appears here.

3. Ground Slope

The slope meter is displayed to the right of the swing meter, and can be used in conjunction with the guideline to help determine what path the ball will take when hit perfectly.

4. Guideline

Holding the right mouse button causes the guideline to appear. This line can be used to accurately determine what direction the ball will go in, if perfectly hit.

5. Wind Meter

At the top center of the screen the wind meter is displayed. The blue arrow shows the direction of the wind, and the current wind speed is displayed below that. This information can be used to help determine what effects the wind might have on the ball while it is in the air, and allow you to adjust your shot accordingly.

6. Mini Map

The mini map displays a bird’s eye view of the terrain surrounding the current hole. Water obstacles are displayed blue, bunkers, or sand traps as yellow, and trees can also be seen. Dark green areas designate the rough, lighter green areas designate the fairway, and the lightest green area is the putting green. The hole indicator can be seen to the right of the mini map, and once the ball lands on the putting green, the mini map will zoom in for a closer look at the green.
You can also access the GPS function of the mini map by pressing the tab key. This will display a target area displaying where on the course the ball will most likely land when hit at full strength.

7. Score

Your current score, and the score of any other players in the round, is displayed in the top left corner of the screen. The lower your score, the better you are doing! A score of “E” means even, or that you have scored even to the total par for each hole you have completed.
You may also view the hole by hole score on the scoreboard, by clicking on the scoreboard icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

8. Stamina and Mentality

Your current stamina and mentality pools are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Stamina and mentality are used up each swing, and consumed at a faster rate when using skills. If your stamina or mentality pools drop too low, it will become difficult to make shots as you plan them.
Make sure to check out the stats and skills sections for more information on Stamina, Mentality, and skill usage.

9. Items

Consumable items placed in your golf bag can be used here, in the slots below the swing meter. Items used here include special consumable golf balls, snacks, drinks, and special putting guides and GPS consumables. To use an item, simply right click on it. (Note: Special golf balls are used automatically, one per hole.)

10. Chat

Chat is displayed in the lower left portion of the screen. Simply click on the window to activate it, and type your message to send it. More advanced chat commands will be covered in a future section of the game guide.

11. Options and Mission Log Buttons

Located in the lower right corner of the screen, next to the scorecard button, clicking these buttons brings up the corresponding game menu

Characters and Classes

The first time you log into Winning Putt, you will create your character. You can choose between male and female characters and have the ability to customize many aspects of their appearance. Once you have finished customizing your characters appearance, you will choose a “class” for your character. Your character class helps to determine what your character does best when playing golf. If you want to be able to hit the ball harder and farther than anyone else, choose the Power Class. If you prefer to and be able to hit the ball right where you want it to go, then the Accuracy Class is for you.

Character Archetypes


The Power Class focuses on hitting the ball as far as possible and making it to the putting green in the fewest number of strokes. While they can hit the ball farther than the accuracy class, they are not as accurate, which can cause difficulties when precision is needed more than brute strength.


The Accuracy Class is all about finesse and hitting the ball right where you want it to go, every time. The trade-off for this is that members of this class do not have the world’s best driving distances. This can create difficulties when playing longer holes; however, creative players may be able to find shortcuts to save some strokes.


In Winning Putt, once you reach certain skill levels, as determined by your character’s statistics, you can unlock skills which you can use to help hit the ball farther, more accurately, or even get around certain obstacles.


A Character’s abilities in Winning Putt are determined in part by player skill, but also by their class choice and statistics. Statistics represent the skill characters possess in the game of golf. There are six different character statistics:

Stamina: Determines the size of the character’s Stamina Pool. The amount of Stamina used per shot is proportional to the amount of the Power statistic a character has. Having more Power will result in more Stamina being used. If your Stamina is reduced to 10% or less of its total pool size, you will be unable to swing past 90% strength.

Mentality: Determines the size of the character’s Mentality Pool. The amount of Mentality used per shot is proportional to the amount of the Accuracy statistic a character has. Having more Accuracy will increase the amount of Mentality used. If your Mentality is reduced to 10% or less of its total pool size, your swing bar will move much faster while putting.

Power: The higher a character’s Power Stat the farther you will be able hit the ball, and the farther the ball will roll once it lands. In addition to this, Power makes the swing bar move faster, increases the possible landing area of any given shot, and decreases the size of the “sweet spot” on the swing bar. The more Power a character has, the more Stamina will be used with each shot as well.

Accuracy: Having more of the Accuracy Stat reduces the distance a ball will travel once it lands, decreases the speed of the swing bar, reduces the possible landing area of any given shot. In addition to this Accuracy also increases the total size of the “sweet spot” on the swing bar. The more Accuracy a character has, the more Mentality will be used with each shot.

Rough: The Rough stat helps to reduces penalties when taking a shot from the rough.

Bunker: The Bunker stat helps to reduces penalties when taking a shot in a bunker or sand trap.

In addition to these character statistics, some gear, such as golf clubs, will have statistics of their own:

Swing: Increases the distance a ball can be hit with a club.

Forgiveness: Increases the size of the “sweet spot” on the swing bar.

Tempo: Lowers the speed of the swing bar, making it easier to hit the “sweet spot”.

Precision: Reduces the possible landing area of any given shot.


Gear in Winning Putt includes many different things. The clubs and balls you use, the clothes you wear, and the snacks in your golf bag are all considered gear. Let’s take a look at just some of the various kinds of gear you can find in Winning Putt:

Golf Clubs

All players start with a basic set of golf clubs. New clubs can be earned as rewards for completing certain missions, or purchased from club vendors on the island. As you play, your golf clubs will accrue wear and tear, which can be repaired by visiting the repair shop at the resort, or in extreme circumstances, on the golf course. However, be warned, repairing on the course is more expensive than at the shop. Failing to keep your clubs in good working order can result in more difficult gameplay.

Golf Bags

All players begin the game with a basic golf bag which has one slot to carry extra, non-essential equipment during a game. This equipment can take the form of special golf balls, snacks, drinks, or technology like a putting guide or advanced GPS system which can help to improve your game. As you progress, you will be able to purchase new golf bags which allow you to carry more specialized equipment on the course with you.

Golf Balls

Basic golf balls are provided and always available on the course for free. However, some golf balls can be purchased which are a color other than white. Other golf balls with added bonuses like special graphical effects, increased power or accuracy, and an added spin can be purchased. To use a specialized golf ball, you must have it equipped in your golf bag, in which case you will use one ball automatically per hole when playing a round of golf.
Colored Golf Balls have no effect on gameplay, but do change the color of the ball, helping you to stand out on the course.

2 pc. Golf Balls will increase the distance a ball can be hit.

3 pc. Golf Balls will reduce the distance a ball travels once it lands, increasing accuracy.

4 pc. Golf Balls will both increase distance and reduce the distance a ball travels once it lands, although it will do neither of these as well as a ball focused on doing only one or the other.

Food and Drink

Sometimes, you might find yourself needing a pick me up on the golf course or just need a second to refresh yourself. Having a snack or sports drink equipped in your golf bag allows you to take a second for a quick boost while you need it most on the course. Snacks can provide a burst of energy to increase your power for a shot, or revitalize your mind or stamina so you can use more skills during a round.


Specialized technology is also available to help improve your game. You can purchase an advanced GPS system which will provide you with more information about the terrain on a hole, or a special putting guide which helps tell precisely what line the ball will follow on the putting green. Equipping one of these items in your golf bag allows you to make use of this specialized technology while playing a round of golf.

Fitting and Enchanting

Like characters, golf clubs have stats. One way to improve your game is to visit the fitting/enchanting shop in the Square. With the right parts and the right amount of gold, you can customize your clubs to your exact needs and improve their statistics. This allows you to hit the ball farther, and more accurately than you can with an unfitted or stock club. Please be aware that enchanting is not guaranteed to work every time, and it is possible to lose enchantment strength should an enchant fail. Players may purchase Grade Protection Tools which may be used to prevent this from happening.


Not gear, but still an essential person to have with you on the golf course, a caddy carries a golfer’s bag for the golfer and helps to maintain their equipment during a round of golf. This is also true in Winning Putt. Everyone has access to a default caddie who will provide helpful information and advice during the round. However, you can also contract special caddies who may provide additional services, such as discounted club repairs, better terrain information, or even additional skill slots.


Winning Putt has many different golf courses with varying degrees of difficulty. You can play a round of golf on the gentle slopes of Helena or the windy beaches of Plumeria. You will unlock access to new courses as you gain fame, notoriety, and levels in Winning Putt.



The rough is the area immediately outside of the fairway. The grass here isn’t kept as well-trimmed as the grass on the fairway, and as such, it can be more difficult to make productive shots should your ball land in the rough.


Some holes feature small lakes or riverbeds which serve as obstacles on a hole. If your ball lands in the water, you will have to retake your shot, and your score will be increased accordingly.


Bunkers are shallow pits filled with sand, and often feature raised barriers. If your ball lands in a bunker, it will be harder to take your next shot, and you will need much more power to hit the ball as far as you would like.


Golf courses are beautiful grounds and often feature trees, bushes, and other plant life surrounding the playing field, or occasionally within the playing field. If there is a tree in your path, try hitting the ball through the tree’s branches or, if available, use a skill to hit around the tree.


In golf, even the wind can be an obstacle. High winds can blow a ball off course, making it more difficult to hit the ball accurately. Wind can even make it more difficult to hit the ball farther, or it can carry the ball farther than intended. Make sure to pay careful attention to the wind speed and direction when taking a shot on the golf course!


Winning Putt currently offers eight different courses, unlocked as you progress through level 18. Additionally, each course has several different difficulties, ranging from Very Easy all the way to Very Hard.


Memorial features Japanese style architecture and landscaping, and is quite the sight to see when the cherry blossoms bloom against the backdrop of magnificent mountains! This beginner’s course features flat terrain and wide fairways perfect for those just starting to learn the game of golf.


A beautiful course, Helena is exquisitely manicured and reminds many of a nice neighborhood park, complete with winding walkways and a small stream that flows beautifully throughout the course. This beginner’s course features some fairly fast green speeds, so it’s a great place to practice putting.

Breezy Hill

This romantic course lives up to its name. Strong breezes allow new golfers the opportunity to practice playing in windy conditions, while the gentle slopes on the course’s beautifully groomed meadows allow players to get used to striking the ball on hills. The course is dotted with beautiful windmills turning elegantly in the wind, and a lovely Victorian style castle set in the center of this beginner-friendly course.


Located at a tropical resort, Plumeria is the perfect place to lounge on the beach after a round of golf. However, the beautiful backdrop of the ocean and beaches come at the cost of high wind speeds on the course. This course is unlocked at level 14 and is considered moderately difficult.


Taking its name from the delicate flowers dotting the landscape, Edelweiss is located near the Swiss Alps. The rolling terrain on this course creates a challenging environment for any golfer to tackle. You can experience its beauty yourself at level 16.


Wildstone’s stark color contrasts of barren surrounding desert and luscious greens are a sight so beautiful you must see it for yourself. This is a difficult course due to the strong winds and large amounts of sand on the course. You can start playing on Wildstone at level 16.

Seven Angels

Based on a golf course in South Korea, Seven Angels takes its name from the seven beautiful waterfalls on the course. Set in the valley of a mountain range, this course is very challenging, and has rolling hills throughout the course which can make accurate hitting a challenge. This course is unlocked at level 18.


The Starglen Golf Course is set on a planet, far from Earth. Narrow cyan fairways dotted with sandy craters circle massive planetary excavation efforts beneath a twinkling alien sky. Small robotic drones tend to the grounds in the background alongside a bustling tram system and colonial expedition housing. This is one of the most challenging courses in the game to date requiring players to pick their lie carefully to avoid the many obstacles.

Game Types

Friendly Round

Friendly Rounds are just what they sound like, a nice friendly round of golf with you and friends you may wish to invite. The only thing at stake is bragging rights, making this a great way to work on your golf game while making new friends or spending time with old ones. Visit Barbara in the Square to begin a friendly round.

Betting Round

Betting rounds are a head to head type game where players place bets on the outcome of the game. You will gain access to betting rounds after reaching level 18, and can play against your fellow golfers, assuming you have the gold to back up your claims. Think you’ve got the stuff? Talk to Victoria in the Square!

Challenge Round

Available after reaching level 10 and passing your Junior Pro qualifying test, this type of game pits you head to head against another player’s score during a round of golf. There is a small fee to challenge another player’s record, but the rewards when you beat them more than make up for the risk. If you’re ready to take on the best that other players can muster, talk to Harry in the Square.

Practice Range

Looking to practice your tee off or putting skills? Talk to Lucy in the Square to head over to the practice range.

Ranked Round

Once you reach level 10, you can take your first qualifying test from Claire in the Square. Once you have passed this test, you can begin climbing the ranks of the Winning Putt Junior Pro league by playing ranked rounds. Ranked Rounds are played in seasons, and following each season there may be times where this type of gameplay is not available. At the end of each season, players will be mailed rewards based on their ranking at the end of the season!

Survival Time Attack

Unlocked at level 13, Survival Time Attack pits players against one another and the golf course in a frantic fast paced race to the hole. Players earn points in Survival Time Attack not only for how low their score is, but also how quickly they can complete a hole. Once one player has completed a hole, the rest of the players have 30-45 seconds (depending on game type selected) to complete the hole, or face being cut! If you do get cut, no worries, you can buy your way back into the game to make your comeback!


Ranked Rounds not competitive enough for you? No worries, once you reach level 20 and pass the Semi-Pro Qualifying test given by Claire, you can participate in occasional tournaments hosted by Winning Putt. To enter a tournament, just talk to Antonio. He’ll collect your entry fee and then you can hit the course to see if you have what it takes to beat the best of the best.


In Winning Putt, players earn both gold and experience in superb or poor performance.

Gold can be used to purchase items from one of the various in-game shops to customize your appearance, or purchase gear which may help your golf game. Experience automatically converts to levels, which will unlock different skills, courses, and additional gameplay modes. You earn both gold and experience naturally while on the course, regardless of how well you perform. You can also earn additional rewards by completing missions.


Gold can be used to train to boost base statistics, and to purchase new clothing and better gear to help you to improve your golf game.


Platinum is Winning Putt’s premium currency and must be purchased using a credit card, PayPal, or other accepted payment methods. Platinum can be used to purchase a number of premium goods in Winning Putt’s various shops.


Earned naturally just by playing the game, collect enough and you’ll gain a level. As you advance in levels, you’ll gain improved statistics, unlock new skills, gain access to additional modes of play, and more.

Leveling Up

Leveling up happens automatically when the necessary amount of experience is gained. When your level increases, you will automatically gain some increased stats and possibly unlock new features of the game (as outlined above). Once you reach level five, you will also gain one training point each time you level. Training can be accessed through the management UI, by hitting the management button (or pressing the ‘H’ key) while in the Square. Simply select the statistic you would like to increase, click the appropriate button, pay the training fees, and your character will begin working on increasing their stats accordingly. You may also use Platinum to eliminate this waiting time. Please note: Winning Putt is balanced to be played with player statistics at 2 Mentality/Stamina per point in Accuracy/Power. So a character with 14 Accuracy and 28 Power will play best with 28 Mentality and 56 Stamina pool sizes.