Don’t Starve Guide

Wrecking Spider Dens: A Brief Guide for Don't Starve

Wrecking Spider Dens: A Brief Guide


A short, step-by-step guide on how to quickly and efficiently destroy spider dens of all sizes.


Spiders. Everyone hates them. Most likely the first enemy you encounter, they’re relatively massive monster things that try and kill you. But the worst part is their organisation. They, somehow, are smart enough to build legit bases- forts where they can spawn more spiders, tend to their queen and generally be an evil arachnid-based hive mind. So, what do we do?
We pwn them.
This guide will show you a quick, super-efficient way to take down spider dens of all sizes. All you need is any weapon and a hatred of spiders.

Gearing Up

As I mentioned earlier, this strategy requires virtually no equipment, barring a weapon and a little bit of knowledge on kiting, but let’s talk about those things anyway.

  • A weapon. Pretty self-explanitory: unless you’re going to be an all-out badass and try and take down a small fortress with your bare fists, you’re going to need a weapon. The only spiders you’ll be facing in this attack are the normal ones (more on that later), so pretty much any weapon is valid; an axe, a spear, a tentacle spike, etc.
  • Kiting. For those who don’t know, this is a skill, not an item. Kiting is the process of hitting an enemy, running away from them while they counterattack, then turning around and hitting them again. Just keep doing that until the enemy is dead, and you’ve successfully kited. It’s even possible to take down one, or even a hoarde of enemies without them landing a single hit! Luckily you won’t be taking on huge masses of spiders in this at any point (Again, more on this later), so basic kiting skills is all you really need.

If you really don’t trust yourself enough, you could always put on a log suit or something to help protect you, but it’s completely optional, as this tactic is very easy to master.

The Attack

Now for the fun part; taking out the den and all its inhabitants.

1. Walk up to the den. Basically, just walk over to the den, onto the webbing surrounding it. Depending on the spider den level, 1, 2 or 3 spiders respectively will pop out to investigate.

2. Wait for the war cry. Spiders do a little roar when they turn hostile towards players or other mobs. Allow the spiders to walk up to you. Do NOT exit the spider creep. Once they get close enough, they will turn hostile and do a war cry, meaning they will follow you beyond the creep.
Occasionally, they may attack you without uttering a war cry, but their attack is slow and easily dodgable. In any case, you have ample time to avoid being hit.

3. Exit the spider creep. This is crucial; the spider defence system hinges around the attacker being on the spider creep at the time of the attack. If a spider is attacked while on or near the creep, all spiders currently in or near the den will emerge and attack. Simply lead the spiders a little ways off the creep before attacking them to avoid the other spiders confronting you.

4. Pwn. Once you’re off the creep, just beat the crap out of the spiders chasing you. Since you’re not on the creep anymore, no more spiders will come out of the den to try and kill you. Make sure they’re all dead before continuing, and make sure to use kiting!

5. Repeat until all spiders are dead. After step 4, repeat the process until all spiders inhabiting the nest are dead. You can tell that you’ve killed them all if you approach the den and no spiders pop out.
This is a good time to mention that if you’re using this guide on a level 2 or 3 den, you will never encounter a spider warrior. In higher level dens, spiders aren’t set as warriors; rather, they have the potential to be them. Spiders only ever become warriors when they’re called to arms after you attack a spider on the creep, and if they’re just popping out to investigate, they’ll always be regular spiders.

6. Destroy the den. Now that all the spiders are dead, the den itself is ripe for the ass-beating. Simply walk up to it and raise hell; there’s nobody alive to stop you. Wreck the den, and reap the benefits of your acts of spider genocide!

The End

Thus concludes this brief guide on spider den destruction. I hope you find this guide helpful in your persuits of murdering spiders and doing science.

I apologise for the lack of information on spider queens, as i’ve never faced any myself.

This is my first guide, and i’d really appreciate you hitting the like button and getting my work known. We must arm the citizens of Steam with spider-murdering knowledge!

I bid you good day, fellow gentlemen of science, and good luck on not starving!