★ Priest (Harvester of Gaun) – Build Guide for Xoti.★ Role: Striker, Support✎ Team comp: can team up with any party, build first powerplay at level 7 when she start having buffs/debuffs to offer, second powerplay at level 13 when she starts getting her nuking powers.▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✖ Artwork by: Penett Penett
★ Showcase Video
✎ Leveling Progression
- Level 2: Interdiction
- Level 3: Holy Meditation & Shield Style
- Level 4: Suppress Affliction
- Level 5: Dire Blessing & Bull’s Will
- Level 6: Divine Mark
- Level 7: Devotions for the Faithful & Shining Beacon
- Level 8: Bear’s Fortitude
- Level 9: Champion’s Boon & Rapid Casting
- Level 10: Practiced Healer
- Level 11: Spiritual Ally & Quick Summoning
- Level 12: Scion of Flame
- Level 13: Storm of Holy Fire & Shields for the Faithful
- Level 14: Minor Avatar
- Level 15: Potent Empower
- Level 16: Spark of the Souls & Hand of Weal and Woe
- Level 17: Heart of the Storm
- Level 18: Accurate Empower
- Level 19: Magran’s Might & Prestige
- Level 20: Penetrating Empower
- Active: 4 Alchemy & all Acarana
- Passive: Religion
- Dagger – Club – Flail – Mace
✎ Equipment / Gear
- Mask of Grotto Deep (Head): +2 Intellect, +1 Power Level for Poison Abilities, Grants Toxic Coils.
- Charm of Bones (Neck): +2 Intellect, +5 Accuracy aganst Vessels & Grants Call of the Restless
- Aloth Leather Armor: +15% Area of Effect, +2 Burn/Corrode/Freeze/Shock Armor Rating, +5 All Defense against Transmutation / Evocation / Ilusions attacks, +2 Slash/Pierce Armor Rating.
- Ring of Overseeing: +10% Area of Effect
- Ring of Focused Flame: +10 Accuracy with Fire attacks
- Footprints of Ahu Taka: +2 Dexterity, +1 Cast with Level 2 Priest spells, +10% Healing done.
- Gwyn’s Bridal Garter (Belt): +1 Constitution, Resistance to Dexterity.
- Woedica’s Strangling Grasp (Hands): +2 Might, +3 Burn Armor Rating & Grants Garrote Choke
- Cloak of Greater Protection (Cape): +10 Fortitude, +10 Will, +10 Reflex
- Milx (Cat): +1 Intellect and +5% Hits to Crits for Abilities/Spells (Party-Wide)
- Main Weapon Set:
- Marux Amanth (Dagger): +10% chance to repeat attacks after 0.5s with Priest spells.
- Xoti’s Lantern (Small Shield): +2 All Restoration and Inspiration Power Levels.
- Ripple Sponge: +X Perception, +X Resolve, +X Intellect
- Scroll of Moderate Healing: +X AoE Great Health Restored
- Scroll of Minor Healing: +X AoE Good Health Restored
- Scroll of Moonwell: +X AoE Decent Health restored per 3s, +10 All Defenses
✎ Abilities Preview
- Xoti has amazing striking capability with plenty of potent buffs to strengthen and porect her allies while also giving her enemies hard times with powerful debuffs.
- Dagger Modal: +10 Deflection against Melee attacks to self.
- Minor Avatar: +40 Max Health, and all minor Inspirations: +5 Might, +5 Dexterity, +5 Constitution, +5 Perception, +5 Resolve, +5 Intellect. (High Priority)
- Devotions for the Faithful: +4 Might, +10 Accuracy to Allies and -4 Might, -10 Accuracy to Enemies. (High Priority)
- Dire Blessing: +5 Perception, +50% Grazes to Hits conversion. (High Priority)
- Holy Meditation: +5 Resolve, +Concentration per 6s. Useful to counter enemies that fond of using interrupting attacks. (Situational)
- Champion’s Boon +5 Resolve, +5 Might, +2 Penetration, +3 enemies Engaged to a single ally. You mostly just need the extra penetration, buff on self or on your main strikers to make sure their attacks go through tanky enemies. (Situational)
- Shields for the Faithful: +20 Deflection, useful to protect allies from heavy weapon-attackers. (Situational)
- Circle of Protection: +15 All Defenses to AoE friendly targets, but once you unlock VIII powers use Symbol of Eothas instead. (Situational)
- Restore: restore minor health to AoE friendly targets.
✎ As a Aracana Master: her healing scrolls are really good so it’s recommended to invest some into it by crafting or from vendors (often seen in magic shop/merchants or merchant ships)
- Scroll of Minor Healing: restore good amount of health to AoE friendly targets.
- Scroll of Moderate Healing: restore big amount of health to AoE friendly targets.
- Scroll of Moonwell: restore decent amount of health per 3s, +10 All Defenses to AoE friendly targets.
- Suppress Affliction: Hostile effects suspened for 10s to AoE friendly targets.
- Interdiction: -5 Might, -4 Penetration, making affected enemies attacks end up tickling you. Useful to shutdown heavy damage dealers. (Situational)
- Vile Thorns: -5 Constituion, -25% Healing received, dealing decent damage and soften enemies allow them to be mauled down quickly. (Situational)
- Toxic Coils (from Gloves): is a gap-closer that does Corrode AoE damage on arrival, and apply similar status like Vile Thorns. (Situational)
- Shining Beacon: -10 All Defenses to Foe AOE, deal good Burn damage per 3s. (High Priority)
- Divine Mark: deal strong single target Burn damage and -25 Deflection to enemy target, leaving them vulnerable to your attacks (Situational)
- Blessed Harvest: powerful single target attack, the lower the target health, the more damage you deal. (High Priority)
- Storm of Holy Fire: huge continuous aoe attack, raining down Holy Fire dealing damage to anyone in the area. (High Priority)
- Symbol of Eothas: deal powerful continuous Burn aoe attack, smiting enemies in the area and +15 All Defenses to allies in the area. (High Priority)
- Magran’s Might: continuously smash an enemy with Magran’s Hammer until their sin has been cleansed, often in death, dealing strong Crush or Burn damage and reduce their beneficial effects per strike. Useful to disable and focus down backline threat from afar. (High Priority)
- Spiritual Ally: summon extra-planar, pretty durable and it also has a good defensive/healing ability to use on allies which +5 Consitution, +2 Armor Rating, +10 Health per 3s. Once it done applying buffs, it also can deal average corrode aoe damage. The Summon is also useful to syngerize with certain offensive spells later on: Spark of Souls & Hand of Weal Woe. (Situational)
- Spark of Souls: grants allies an offensive aura that zap nearby enemies with Electricity, the more allies the better the damage potential, useful when your party is surrounded. (Situational)
Note that: only active summon is effectively considered as ally will have the Aura, and passive summons those who isn’t controllable won’t get Spark of Souls. Spiritual Ally fits the requirement, giving you more bodies to zap enemies out of existence.
- Hand of Weal and Woe: extremely high dps and amazing heal per tick, it’s recommended to place the beam on flanking friendly target as enemies often die to fast for the beam to finish it duration and reach it max potential. Useful against narrowed chokepoint. (Situational)
Spiritual Ally once again can cover the job nicely without putting your friends in a bad spot, simply place him behind enemy line and hook him the beam, then you can freely move him around to get the best out of the beam and watch enemies melt as your front-liners have their health restored just as quick.