Reflex Arena Guide

You should buy Reflex and here is why. for Reflex Arena

You should buy Reflex and here is why.


My quick overview.

My overview.

Hey Guys,

If you’re looking for a fun fast paced arena style shooter “Similar to quake” that you can sink 100+ hours into take a look at Reflex admittedly I have only played 60 hours but I can see myself putting 500 to 1000 more hours into the game.

Take a look if you like it send me a message and we can play together. If not Stop reading now!
Reflex suffers from lack of players so by buying the game and playing you will be contribution to the community and make it more enjoyable.

The game has lots of game modes CTF, FFA, TDM, 1V1, 2V2, and my favorite Race.
CTF: Capture the flag. Try and steal the enemy’s flag and return it to you base.
FFA: Free for all. Everyone against every one basically a mosh pit.
TDM: Team death match. Team vs Team.
Race: Get lots of speed and maneuver around/over/under obstacles fly across the world trying to get the best time.
The other 2 are self explanatory.

With in game modes you can set mutators which change the rules of the game or the physics/aesthetics. There are quite a few so I will just name a few.
Vampire: You get no health pickups damage other player to regain health.
Instagib: One shot kills. You only have access to the bolt rifle and melee.
Warm Up: You spawn with weapons, armor, and ammo throughout the game. You can still run out of ammo tho.

When you play any game mode besides race you have 8 weapons Starting with 1. Melee for close range combat. 2. Burst Gun basically the starting weapon in every match. 3. Shotgun Does medium damage at medium to long lage but close rage is where it shows it true colors and deals moderate to high amounts of damage. 4. Grenade Launcher can bounce off walls and floors has physics and is super satisfying to pineapple a enemy. 5. Plasma Gun deals low damage but has super fast fire rate and no cool down looks and acts like a chain gun. 6. Rocket Launcher Deals high damage with a direct hit and gives radial explosion damage if you’re in the area. Also handy for rocket jumps to clear high areas and move around while fighting. 7. Ion Cannon Does continuous damage and has no cool down can push player and is great for close range. 8. Bolt Rifle does high damage shoots a laser in a straight line is not affected by gravity for sniping over long ranges.

Keep in mind Reflex is a EARLY ACCESS GAME so it just started it life cycle support the game and let’s make it burn bright and long.

Thanks for reading! Consider the points above.