Counter-Strike: Source Guide

Your Comprehensive Guide to [Start] Mapping for Counterstrike: Source for Counter-Strike: Source

Your Comprehensive Guide to [Start] Mapping for Counterstrike: Source


Hey you. Yes, you. Let me ask you a question:


Are you a new mapper–untrained and looking for creative help/instruction in the ways of the intimidating Source SDK, or are you a seasoned mapper wanting to re-kindle that love for Hammer? Perhaps you’re somewhere inbetween?

Perfect, you came to the right place.

Getting Started

All great mappers know you have to start by getting the drive and the inspiration to map. But, how exactly does one do this? I’m glad you asked. Imagining that you are a person with a father in your life–it’s safe to say by this point that he’s old!

Finding Your Inspiration

This is great news, seeing as his age has a lot to do with your drive and inspiration. If he’s over 55, it wouldn’t be uncommon that he has these little blue pills stashed away somewhere in the house. Find these–they are pivotal to your success as a mapper:

Off On The Right Foot

After acquiring the pills, it’s time to get to work. Down one, two, or as many as you can to gain as much drive and inspiration as possible.

Even if you don’t know much about Hammer, familiarizing yourself with the program will now be much easier. So, take a seat at your computer chair, and give the Hammer layout a once-over–in fact, try to concentrate on the program.

Finding Your Center

Concentrating harder now becomes imparative to your success–do so and be committed.

A slight sensation should take you over, but fight it and keep your concentration.

Ready To Start

There! Right there! You have reached mapping nirvana and you are finally switched “on” to mapping-mode.

Pat On The Back

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with SDK–and have associated Hammer with good vibes–all the rest will come naturally. Oh, please, don’t thank me. So, without further ado–get to it! You definitely won’t be needing my help getting in the mapping mood anymore.

Concluding Wishes

Happy mapping!

Your success has never been closer (and probably never will be again).