Life is Feudal: MMO Guide

Your first day in game! (Building houses and your camp!) for Life is Feudal: MMO

Your first day in game! (Building houses and your camp!)


This guide is for new players that skipped almost everything on the tutorial island and talked to the ferryman right away! It will help you build tools and a house.

Day – 1

If you are reading this guide then you want to play the game but don’t know how right? Sweet! I am here to help you!!!

First off, im going to assume that you already talked to the ferryman at the giant glowing laser beam on the tutorial island and left to the main world.

Once you are in the world you will need to figure out where you have spawned. Press “M” to open your map and figure out where you are. Next just walk to where your friends are located.

Where should you meet up you might ask? Meet near some type of water, this gives you the option of fishing and also makes seeing eachother much easier. Next just find some trees and get make some tools!

Building tools:
You will need to search the ground for PLANT FIBER and also FLINT STONES by clicking on the ground tiles and selecting one or the other, set the (+1) to infinity by clikcing it so you do not have to open the menu up each time. Once you have what you need you can hit ESC. You will then need to craft a primitive axe by pressing “I” and then clicking the CRAFT ICON at the bottom middle of the window that pops up. Now you can click the tool you want and build it!

The axe gathers wood.
The spade gets dirt and clay and a few other things like tree stumps.
The sickle gets natural plants and a few other things I think, I have not used this much.
Knife can kill things and give more crafting choices.
Fishing rod lets you fish, no bait required.

Building a Campsite:
First you will need someone to start getting fish. Some fish give higher yields of fish when cooked and some do not. I belive salmon are the best, at least that I have seen in game. Second someone will start collecting branches and bark, when they deplete a tree of both, cut it down. Third someone will need to bust out the shovel and start leveling land.

Small leveling dirt guide here:
Get your spade and press “F3”. Find a level you like and make it into flat ground. Then just stand on the green square and level off the surrounding area by either raising the ground or lowering it. You will need to manage the dirt intake in your inventory so start lowering first and then swap to raising.

Building a Campsire cont:
After you have a small area you can place down a Campfire. Build this by clicking the tile and navigating a few tabs. You will also find the bark box here too, your first storage unit other than just dropping things on the ground. Now keep in mind the first house takes up 4×4 tiles, so leave that much room in your flat plots for a house.

Cooking the fish or meat if you have some:
Now that you have a campfire and bark box, have the builder player start moving the logs from the felled trees to the flat area. The Fisher/hunter player can now also move to the campfire and start cooking. They need sticks for fuel and for crafting the tasty fish/meat meals.

House building:
The builder should start to saw the logs into 5x BUILDING LOGS, 10x BOARDS, and pair them with x20 PLANT FIBER from the ground. All of this will let you build one house, progress! Now just have a player click on the house and claim it as theirs and they will now spawn at it if they die or use their new ability to pray and return to it. This teleport costs you all the items in your inventory though. So I would only use it sparingly. You keep equipped items when you teleport. Now you need to build as many houses as you have players!

This is the very basics of getting started and you may have a hard time depending on your start biome. I stared in snowy woods near water so I was set. It took me and two others about 6 serious hours to build three houses, level over 100 tiles of land, fish for 30 fish, kill one deer, dig a giant trench and mine, fell over 20 some trees, and power level our skills ranging from 0 -> 20 to someone going from 30 -> 57 .

Get some friends and get feudal!

I will keep updating this guide as I learn more and play more of the game. I wanted to put something up here since there is little on starting off in the MMO. Have fun!